The Law Enforcement Elder

"Law Enforcement Hall Elder Mu Wan requesting entry on account of official duty." An impatient sound echoed throughout the residence.

Mu Chen gawked when the visitor announced his identity and purpose. It seemed like someone was indeed trying hard to make his life difficult.

Mu Chen sighed. Then chuckled at his own reaction. He seemed to have already sighed many times today. What was with today's day? Maybe he should consult his horoscope?

Mu Chen wondered as he grabbed his sword and walked leisurely towards the entrance gate.

Taking his sword everywhere along had already become a habit for him, especially during this past year. Having his sword with him gave him a strange sense of control and confidence.

When Mu Chen reached the gate, he saw the diminutive figure of Elder Mu Wan standing outside with an impatient attitude.

When Mu Chen undid the restriction, Elder Mu Wan walked in without even waiting for Mu Chen's to speak.

"Hmph. Why are you so slow? I have been waiting for so long!" Elder Mu Wan grunted.

Mu Chen had deliberately been slow. Although he walked very slowly, he still had reached the gate in a few minutes. So he waited in the corridor for a few more minutes. This was just to gain himself more time to think and to just annoy the Elder a bit so that he may make some mistake and slip up. However, he didn't dare to test the patience of Elder Mu Wan too much. After all, Elder Mu Wan was a Dividing Earth realm expert. Someone like him could easily slap Mu Chen to death.

"Sorry about that Elder Wan. I was busy cultivating and almost didn't hear the bell. Please come in." Mu Chen was very polite.

Elder Mu Wan's mouth twitched. Who didn't know that Mu Chen was crippled? What was the point of him cultivating? But with Mu Chen being so polite, he couldn't vent his anger on him.

"Hmph! Where is Mu Ningxue? I am here to take her to the Law Enforcement Hall for trial. Bring her to me."

Mu Chen inwardly sneered. As expected, trouble came to the door. He was curious as to what excuse they had come up with.

"Ningxue? Trial? May I know the grounds for accusations?" Mu Chen still maintained his polite attitude.

"Mu Ningxue caused a big commotion in the square today. She insulted her peers. The ruckus caused by her even disturbed the cultivation of few Elders. So I will be bringing her back to the Law Enforcement Hall where she will receive her punishment." Elder Mu Wan was very pretentious as he described Ningxue's crime.

Mu Chen frowned. Weren't these accusations...too weak? When he heard it was a Law Enforcement Elder who had come personally, he expected that Ningxue would be pinned by some heavy crimes. Causing a commotion that disturbed Elders' cultivation? What kind of bullshit accusation was this?

"Elder Mu Wan. Could you be mistaken? Even if Ningxue caused a ruckus it shouldn't be enough to affect Elders cultivation? All the Elders' residences are quite a distance away from the square. Moreover, their residences should be protected by formations. It's impossible that their cultivation be disturbed unless the formations are directly under attack..."

Elder Wan frowned. He didn't expect Mu Chen to oppose him. He sneered and the aura of a Dividing Earth expert spread throughout the estate.

Mu Chen immediately felt a suffocating pressure engulf him. It was as if he was forced to carry a weight of thousands of kilos, forcing him downwards. Mu Chen instinctively resisted the pressure as he struggled to keep his body straight.

"Brat! How dare you question me? Do you take the work of Law Enforcement Hall as some joke? Call Mu Ningxue out or you will also be facing a trial for obstruction." Elder Mu Wan said as he continued to slowly increase the pressure.

Mu Chen didn't expect Elder Mu Wan to be so aggressive. A cold gleam flashed through his eyes. Mu Chen abruptly stopped resisting the pressure.

"!" Elder Mu Wan cried out. The sudden disappearance of resistance caught Elder Mu Wan off guard. He hurriedly retracted his aura. However, it was already late.

"Cough...cough." Mu Chen was already sprawled on all fours. His internal organs were shocked and he spat some blood.

"Ha...ha...Elder Mu could you attack me?" Mu Chen gasped as he stood up. His mouth was filled with blood.

"Nonsense. It was you…" Elder Mu Wan panicked.

"As a Law Enforcement Elder, aren't you ashamed of using such despicable means? Even if I can't cultivate, I am still a Core Member of the Mu Family." Mu Chen said as he wiped away the blood with his sleeve.

Elder Mu Wan's face turned pale. He was just trying to pressure Mu Chen. He didn't mean to injure him. But he didn't think Mu Chen would be so reckless.

But Elder Mu Wan soon calmed himself. Although Mu Chen had evidence of him being harmed, it was not necessarily enough to convict him. He didn't directly attack Mu Chen. Furthermore, he was still on official duty.

"You are wrong! It was you who first hindered me from completing my official duty. When performing my duties, I have the authority to use force to clear the obstructions. You think you can entrap me like this?" Elder Mu Wan was very smug as he retorted back. As long as he maintained his statement, he won't be in too much trouble. Although he lost his cool in the beginning, he had managed to regain his calm. Now he resented Mu Chen even more for scaring him, even if it was only for a few moments.

Mu Chen was somewhat disappointed. He wanted to use this trick to force Elder Mu Wan into revealing the identity of people who were scheming behind. But his move failed.

"Elder Mu Wan, you are accusing me of a crime I didn't commit. And I have never once obstructed you from performing your duties."

Even if he had really tried to entrap Elder Mu Wan, Mu Chen wouldn't be stupid enough to say it out loud. He knew all Law Enforcement Elders had a recording jade engraved with formations that could capture surrounding images and voices, for collecting evidence. This was why he had always been polite.

"You keep delaying my time, by asking irrelevant questions. And you haven't called out Mu Ningxue yet. This is obstruction of my duty. I will give you one last chance. Be obedient and call out your sister. Or I will do it myself!" Elder Mu Wan started being aggressive once again.

"Irrelevant questions? Elder Mu Wan, as a family member, I have the right to understand and clarity the circumstances under which Ningxue was accused...However, since you think I am wasting your time, I will say it directly...Ningxue won't be coming with you. As for her crime, I will punish her as I see fit. Please return and notify the Law Enforcement Hall."

Fart! He would never let them bring Ningxue out of his sight. Ningxue was still naive. Once they got her alone, who knows what sort of tricks they will use to make her confess? She might even confess to things she didn't commit, without understanding their severity.

"Do you even understand what you are saying? You think you are above the regulations of the Family?" Elder Mu Wan mocked. He felt both angry and funny at the same time seeing Mu Chen resist. He suspected if he accidentally injured Mu Chen's brain and turned him silly.

"Elder Mu Wan. It's you who doesn't understand what I am saying. Ningxue is still a child. As her elder brother and the only adult currently in the household, I am responsible for her safety as well as discipline. Unless it's a capital crime, I have the right and authority to decide her punishment."

Elder Mu Wan was stunned and became speechless for a long time. Indeed, there was such a regulation in the Family. But he never thought Mu Chen would be so familiar with the laws and regulations of Family. Aside from the Law Enforcement Hall, most members, especially the young, didn't bother understanding the rules and regulations of the Family in depth.

If he still insisted on bringing Mu Ningxue with him now, he would be overstepping his bounds. There was no more point in trying to force the issue.

"Elder Mu Wan, please return. The longer you stay, the more face you will lose." Since he failed to entrap him, Mu Chen was no longer in the mood to engage in a debate with Elder Mu Wan.

Elder Mu Wan was frustrated. But he managed to control his temper.

"Brat, you are lucky this time."

With those parting words, Elder Mu Wan turned around and walked away. When he had received the instructions for this task, he thought it would be a simple one. Never did he imagine, he would fail to complete such a simple task.

Outside the residence, Elder Mu Wan hesitated for a while, before taking out a communication jade.