
Inside the private booth, a very shy Fengying was sitting next to Mu Chen. Unlike Mu Chen, Liu Fengying was inexperienced and was soon overwhelmed and became breathless. In her confusion, she ended up accidentally biting Mu Chen's lips causing him to break off the kiss. Due to her embarrassment, she almost fell off Mu Chen's lap. So, Mu Chen had her sit by his side again with his arm around her.

To be honest, the real reason he had Fengying sit by his side again, was because his legs were starting to feel sore. Although the feeling was nice, Fengying had already been sitting on his lap for quite some time now and his thighs had become numb. Of course, he will never tell her this.

"You don't need to be so embarrassed. It's normal to make mistakes when you are doing something new...at least you didn't bump your teeth into mine." Mu Chen consoled her as he recalled the first time he and Zhou Mei kissed each other.

"Re...really?" Fengying asked as she felt her embarrassment lower a bit.

"Of course...do I need to lie about something like this? Anyway, you will get better with some practice." Mu Chen said as he shot a heated gaze at Fengying. Indeed, the feeling was very enjoyable but because their kiss was interrupted, it left much to desire.

Fengying's face turned beet red and lowered her head under Mu Chen's heated gaze.

Mu Chen chuckled. Was this the same girl who just moments ago was eager to have babies with him? But she was now so shy even when it was just some kissing.

"Cough...anyway what was your message about?" Mu Chen decided to stop teasing Fengying for now and focus on the topic that had bugged him since their meeting.

"Oh!" Fengying was startled. "I...how did I forget something like this!"

"What's going on in the city? Is it something important?" Mu Chen was very curious.

"Important? Of course, it's very important!! No way...I can not believe I forgot something like that!" Fengying became even more agitated as she looked at him in excitement. There was a whirlpool of emotions reflected within her eyes. There was hope, excitement and even nervousness.

"Why are you looking at me like that? What does it have to do with me?" Mu Chen was bewildered as he couldn't make heads or tails of the situation.

Fengying took a few deep breaths to calm herself before finally speaking. "A few days ago, the Royal Family issued an announcement…Apparently, the Royal Family has discovered a secret realm. However, the realm has an age restriction. So they are looking for talented cultivators under the age of twenty…after selection, a limited number of candidates will be allowed to enter the realm. Not only will the candidates be able to enter the realm, but they will also be given an opportunity to join the Ming Dynasty depending on their performance after coming out..."

A secret realm?

Mu Chen had heard of them. Often the secret realms were small worlds or sealed spaces opened by some powerful cultivators for residence. When the expert ascended they would be left behind. Some would destroy the small world but many would deliberately leave it behind for their descendants who would later occupy it. Most wouldn't care about what happened to the abode, since it didn't matter to them anymore, and would just leave them as be.

Such abandoned worlds would develop their own rules over time, with their own ecosystem. These were called secret realms. These secret realms were a veritable source of resources for cultivators because only an expert who had reached the peak of cultivation could open such a space. The accumulation of such an expert couldn't be judged by common sense. Moreover, there was a chance that the expert left his inheritance within.

The only problem was, it was very hard to find the entrance of such a secret realm. Even if you found the location, you might not be able to break through the restriction.

But what did this have to do with him? Mu Chen wondered. He wasn't even a cultivator anymore. But he didn't disturb Fengying's explanation.

"...The envoy of the Ming Dynasty will be arriving today for selecting a batch of candidates. So all the sects and families in the city are already gathering outside the city with their young geniuses, to welcome the envoy." Fengying finished her speech as she looked expectantly at Mu Chen.

"This...doesn't seem to have anything to do with me?" Mu Chen asked, somewhat puzzled.

Fengying looked at Mu Chen with a look full of disbelief.

"You...don't you see? They are only looking for cultivators below the age of twenty-five! But they didn't mention a minimum requirement for cultivation base! If you could enter the secret realm, maybe you could find a Heaven and Earth treasure that could treat your condition..." Fengying said in excitement.

Mu Chen felt as if he was jolted by a bolt of lightning. He suddenly felt very awake.

Yes! Who said he could only use some pill to treat his spirit root? Heaven and Earth treasure could not only increase one's cultivation base, they could also improve the cultivator's talent. The reason they could improve a cultivator's talent was because they directly influenced a cultivators spirit root. So such a treasure could definitely heal and promote his spirit root. This was even better than using a pill.

For a secret realm that had yet to be explored, there was a high chance that there was such a panacea inside it. In fact, it was almost guaranteed.

Although Mu Chen decided to pursue the pinnacle of sword after he lost his ability to cultivate, it didn't mean he didn't yearn for it. After all, who could resist the temptation of long life? Only, in the future his priorities will change. He will continue to refine his sword techniques unlike in the past.

Mu Chen was so excited, he jumped out of his seat and stood up.

"...I sent you a message so you and Sister Mei could come as well. But I didn't think my message wasn't even deli–ahhh~!"

Fengying was speaking with indignation. But she was suddenly pulled by Mu Chen into a hug. If not for the lack of space, he would have swirled her around. That, however, didn't stop him from kissing her.

Fengying didn't expect she would get kissed by Mu Chen so soon again, but didn't resist and wrapped her arms around him.

Once again, Mu Chen started to passionately kiss Fengying, who had learnt her lesson this time and didn't forget to breathe, so they could continue kissing for a long period of time.

Mu Chen was just guiding Fengying through the finer forms of kissing...


The door of their booth was forced open.

Mu Chen and Fengying were startled. Fengying was very embarrassed and immediately slipped out of Mu Chen's grasp distancing herself and began to fix her appearance in haste. Mu Chen on the other hand glared at the newcomer in annoyance.

The newcomer was a youth around the same age as Mu Chen. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes had turned wide open and he looked in daze. That expression confirmed he had seen the intimate scene between Mu Chen and Fengying. But the shocked expression soon changed into an angry one.

"Mu...Chen! What are you doing here?" The youth grumbled with his jaws clenched grinding his teeth.

Mu Chen was now even more annoyed. He was the one whose sweet moment was disturbed, yet this guy acted like he was the victim here.

"Liu Dong...don't you know it's basic courtesy to knock on the door before entering? It's not a good habit, you know? If by accident you entered the room when your parents were...ahem...won't you be ashamed to face them in future?" Mu Chen ridiculed.

"You bastard! You stay away from my Fe...my cousin! You don't deserve her! You trash!" Hearing Mu Chen's taunt, Liu Dong was further incensed. Although Mu Chen was using his parents as an example, he was hinting that his and Fengying's relationship may progress to that point. Liu Dong couldn't help but imagine the scene of Mu Chen and Fengying making love. Worse, based on what he had just seen, the possibility of that happening seemed very real.

"I don't deserve her? So who does then? You? You call me trash but you haven't made any progress since we last met. You are worse than trash." Mu Chen mocked.

Liu Fengying wasn't someone who was just beautiful. She was also a cultivation genius and she had a good background. So it was given that she had many pursuers, both outside and inside the Liu Family, such as Fang Tianyi and Liu Dong.

In the past, Mu Chen never really cared about this since his and Fengying's relationship was ambiguous. But just a little while ago, both of them had taken a leap forward in their relationship. She was already his woman.

Just now, in his anger Liu Dong had let slip his true feelings. What irked Mu Chen the most was not that Liu Dong was pursuing Fengying, rather that he seemed to have already been thinking of her as his possession. This made Mu Chen very displeased. He felt this was a very dangerous mentality and he wanted to curb it quickly. Unlike outsiders, Liu Dong had it much easier to get closer to Fengying since they were family. Mu Chen decided he will castrate this bastard if he got an opportunity.

"Liu Dong! How dare you disturb us?" Liu Fengying, who had just finished rearranging her clothing, yelled.

Liu Fengying was weak against Mu Chen's teasing. However, this didn't mean she was a shy girl. In fact, she had a somewhat fiery temperament due to her innate attribute of fire. She could be quite aggressive, especially when she became angry.

Her intimate moment with Mu Chen spied on and ruined. Moreover, Liu Dong also insulted Mu Chen, which was intolerable. She was very angry.

Motes of fiery red lights began to condense in the air and the temperature inside the booth began to rapidly rise.

"Sis..sister Fengying! Mistake! It was a mistake...I just came to call you...and accidentally hit the door in a hurry...please forgive me!!" Liu Dong turned pale and stumbled backwards as he saw Liu Fengying preparing to attack him. He was just a Foundation Establishment cultivator, there was no way he could counter a magical technique from Spirit Gathering Peak cultivator.

Seeing Liu Fengying prepare to attack, Mu Chen's eyes brightened. Did the opportunity arrive so soon?

The red light got even brighter. But just as Liu Fengying was about to attack, it was immediately extinguished. Liu Dong took the opportunity to immediately escape the booth.

Surprised, Mu Chen turned to look at Liu Fengying. Her attack looked horrible, Mu Chen could tell she wasn't going to actually kill Liu Dong. She was angry, but she hadn't lost her rationality. However, he didn't believe she was just scaring him either.

But Liu Fengying was instead looking through the open door, her face somewhat grim. Mu Chen followed her gaze and there were more people that had arrived outside their private box.

Mu Chen immediately understood what had happened. Liu Fengying didn't withdraw her attack, it was suppressed. Liu Fengying was already at the peak of Spirit Gathering. Only someone who was at least a great realm higher could suppress her, so the opponent was at least Spirit Condensation realm.

Because of his position, Mu Chen couldn't see the people who were standing outside the booth. He could only tell there were more than a single person. He was just about to move next to Liu Fengying so that he could get a better look, he heard someone speak.

"What a surprise! To think Miss Liu is unbridled enough to use her magic arts within the city! How preposterous! Has the backbone of the Liu Family grown so hard that they can ignore the rules set by the Ming Dynasty?"

The voice was filled with arrogance and it belonged to someone Mu Chen was familiar with.