Red Flower

All of the private booths had special formations that would isolate the sound and prevent probing by using divine sense. Sounds from within the booth were completely isolated. However, sounds from outside were only dampened. This was to provide a balance in terms of quietness and awareness for the people inside. The restaurant didn't want it's customers disturbed by random noises, however leaving them completely oblivious to the surrounding happenings was also not desirable in case of an emergency.

Some of the restaurant staff had already arrived, but they didn't interfere. Because this was a dispute between cultivators, they were not qualified to interfere. If by mistake they offended the family involved, they might end up dying, just for being a busybody.

More and more people started gathering and started gossiping amongst themselves. Liu Fengying was rather well known within the cultivator circle of the city and many immediately recognized her. Liu Fengying became somewhat nervous since the matter might become beyond control if not handled properly.

Mu Chen gave her a reassuring look as he glanced around at the onlookers. As one would expect, many of them were from established families or sects just based on their attire. The restaurant was one of the best in the city, so this was normal. The number of outsiders seemed to be much larger than usual this time. It should be because the Envoy was arriving today.

Mu Chen surveyed the crowd. There were several familiar faces among them. However, they did not greet Mu Chen. Mu Chen also didn't bother with them. He just wanted to see if Mu Yukong's backer would jump out to protect him. For Mu Yukong to refer to him as 'Big Brother', he must be pretty high status in the Family. Unfortunately, among the several Mu Family members present, Mu Chen didn't see anyone with status high enough to warrant his attention.

"Not here?" Mu Chen muttered to himself. Mu Chen once again looked at Mu Yukong, who had fainted. Mu Chen kicked him awake.

Mu Yukong groaned as he regained his consciousness.

"Hey, I don't see your 'Big Brother'...Did he get scared? Were you just bragging?" Mu Chen was sarcastic.

" bastard...You will not get...cough...away...with this...Big..Brother...will take revenge...for me...even...your women…"

"Stupid!" Mu Chen kicked Mu Yukong hard in his kneecap. There was a sound of kneecap shattering, followed by a loud pitiful squeal. "I was being merciful because we were once close...did you think I will continue to go easy on you because of that?"

Mu Chen let Mu Yukong scream for a while.

"Now...where was I? you know why I kicked you?" Mu Chen asked.

"Cough...why?" Mu Yukong gasped.

"Did you become an idiot? Do you need to ask something so obvious?" Mu Chen ridiculed.

"You…!" Mu Chen's reply made Mu Yukong almost spurt blood.

Mu Chen smirked, "I will only ask once. Are there any more recordings?"

"No...there...aren't any more!" Mu Yukong hurriedly replied. But Mu Chen saw that Mu Yukong flicker imperceptibly towards his companions.

Mu Chen stepped Mu Yukong's other intact leg. "Think again! Maybe your 'Big Brother' will be generous enough to help you fix a leg or two, but can he help you fix every bone of your body? What do you think he will do?" Mu Chen said.

Mu Yukong trembled. His family jewels were already beyond redemption. Just this broken leg will take several months to restore. If several more were broken, there would be no way to heal and recover without any expensive pills. Although he revered his 'Big Brother', he wasn't delusional to the point where he couldn't see the truth. If Mu Chen really did like he said, his Big Brother would likely discard him instead of wasting so much money on him.

" you dare to do it? The Elders will punish you!" Mu Yukong still put up a last-ditch effort.

"Elders? What about them? You think they will care about fights between younger generations? Besides I am still a core member, as for you…" Mu Chen sneered. He was also irritated at the Elders. He wasn't informed about such an important event. Even Liu Fengying's letter had been intercepted. Obviously, someone at the top level had used their influence against him. "At most I will be punished with solitary confinement for a few months, but you? Do you want to be bedridden for years?"

Mu Chen glared at Mu Yukong, who felt as if he was a mouse being stared at by a hawk. Finally.

"Give it…" Mu Yukong relented. He just wanted to quickly get back to Mu Family for treatment. Even if there was very little chance his family jewels could be saved, he had to try. Who knew if some Elder had a solution?

Upon hearing Mu Yukong's command, two of his companions each threw out a piece of recording jade in Mu Chen's direction. Mu Chen grabbed them without any expression.

"Is that all?" Mu Chen asked Mu Yuknong once again, making him panic.

"I swear! Those are all!" Mu Yukong pleaded.

"Hmm...I don't believe you!" Mu Chen narrowed his eyes as he increased pressure on Mu Yukong's leg.

"I swear! I swear! Those were the last!" Mu Yukong cried out. He looked like he could cry any time.

"Oh! I was just kidding, there is no need to be so scared. You see, I am a kind person. I don't like to hurt people…" Mu Chen said as he lifted his foot off Mu Yukong.

Hearing Mu Chen's words, several of the people including Liu Fengying who were watching the drama, had black lines on their forehead.

Mu Yukong however felt relaxed. But as soon as his nerves relaxed he fainted once again.

"Take him away." Mu Chen said to Mu Yukong's companions. They all looked at each other, none of them was willing to take a step forward.

"Hurry!" Mu Chen said in impatience.

Finally, two of them came forward and lifted Mu Yukong and took him away. The rest of them also followed those two.

At this point, the manager of the restaurant stepped in.

"Respected guests! We apologise for the disturbance. Please return to your booths and enjoy your meal. As compensation, the desserts will be on the house. We hope our patrons will continue to endorse our restaurant. Thank you for your understanding!" The restaurant manager bowed deeply and apologized in a humble manner.

Since the drama was already over, one by one, the people returned to their private booths. The staff also returned to their respective chores. After everyone disappeared, the manager turned towards Mu Chen and Liu Fengying, who had yet to move.

"Miss Liu, Mr. you need something?" The manager was very nervous as he asked.

"You are smart! You should be able to guess what I want?" Mu Chen was the one to speak.

"Mr. Mu, I don't know what you are talking about." The manager pretended to be calm and ignorant and instead looked at Liu Fengying with a pleading look.

"Mu Chen! Let's go back..." Liu Fengying also felt there was no need to push things too far. But Mu Chen wasn't just willing to just let the matter go.

"Were Liu Dong and Mu Yukong in the same booth?" Mu Chen found it strange that Mu Yukong was present and ready just in time to record Liu Fengying's attack. It was too coincidental.

"Mr. Mu, this...I am sorry but it's against our policy to gossip about our guests." The manager said.

"So now it's against your policy, is it? Isn't it also against your policy to inform others about the booth your guests are in?"

If someone wanted to meet the person, the staff would first inform the guest about the identity of the visitor and seek their consent. Only then would the visitor be guided to where the guest was. Liu Dong barged in the booth without any hesitation. So someone from the staff must have informed Liu Dong.

"We...I...Mr Liu is also from a Liu family!" The manager argued.

"But he didn't have an invitation, did he? And his status is much lower than Fengying's...Manager Su, leaking private information about your guest, especially of someone as distinguished as the Young Lady of the Liu Clan...even if it was to someone from the same family, do you think you would be able to evade the responsibility?" Mu Chen said.

Manager Su started to perspire due to nervousness. Although Mu Chen was being aggressive, Manager Su knew his status was all but just a title now. So Manager Su didn't have to cater to his requests. So he glanced at Liu Fenying pitifully.

However, Liu Fengying's face had turned cold this time. She had already understood what Mu Chen was implying.

"I would like to know the answer as well, Manger Su. I remember, I requested not to be disturbed." Liu Fengying said.

"Manager Su, if you cooperate, I can convince Fengying not to pursue this matter…" Mu Chen offered a compromise.

Manager Su realized he had no way out. Although he was someone from the Su family, he didn't dare to put on airs in front of Liu Fengying. Although he was a cultivator, he had exhausted his potential a long time ago. So he could only do some odd jobs for the family, such as managing this restaurant. If he didn't handle this matter properly, the Su Family would rather discard him instead of offending the Liu Clan.

"Mr. Mu, Miss Liu...please understand, I am only trying to maintain the reputation of the restaurant." Manager Mu finally spilled the beans.

The one who leaked Liu Fengying's details was a waitress, the one who had served them. Mu Chen wasn't interested in punishing the staff member who had informed Liu Dong. She was just some small fry. But he could leverage the fact that one of the staff was collaborating against the guests, to coerce Manager Su to reveal some information to confirm his guess.

"...Mr. Liu Dong and Mr. Mu Yukong often dine together. There will be other members of the Mu and Liu Family. They will also often entertain cultivators from poor backgrounds. They were already feasting within one of the booths before you came..."

After sending off Manager Su, Mu Chen and Liu Fengying once again snuck back into their box. This time, Liu Fengying didn't forget to properly lock the door.

Mu Chen had a lot of catching up to do. During the several months when he was reclusive, a lot of things seemed to have happened.

Inside the box, Liu Fengying snuggled next to Mu Chen. The food had already become cold. Both of them no longer had the appetite to eat either way.

"What are you thinking?" Liu Fengying whispered after Mu Chen didn't speak for a long time.

"A lot seems to have changed in a few months…" Mu Chen sighed, "How long has Mu Yukong been harassing you?"

"He has been trying to make me join his Big Brother's side every time he saw me, but that only a few times...and he was polite. Not trying to use underhanded tricks like today…but I didn't imagine the one time he became forceful, he would lose his family jewels." Liu Fengying giggled.

"I thought he was harassing you for a long time...either way he deserved it." Mu Chen shrugged.

"Deserved it? Did he do something else to offend you?" Liu Fengying became curious.

"There's indeed something else...but...nevermind! What about this 'Big Brother'? Do you know who it is?" Mu Chen wanted to know who this 'Big Brother' was. He had a few guesses. But if Liu Fengying could tell him it would save his time.

"I never bothered to ask!" Liu Fengying said.

"That guy wanted you as his woman, didn't you want to know who he was?" Mu Chen chided. If he had known this earlier, he would have asked Mu Yukong.

"A lot of guys want me as their woman, do I have to know the names of all of them? This Miss doesn't have such a lame hobby." Liu Fengying retorted.

"Fair enough!" Mu Chen felt he couldn't argue against it. Then he looked at Liu Fengying and grinned.

"Why are you grinning like a fool?" Liu Fengying asked.

"Hey! I just realized...I am also one of those guys now..." Mu Chen brought his face closer to Liu Fengying's and whispered into her ear. "Will this Miss bother to remember my name?"

"Ahem...don't worry." Liu Fengying blushed but replied in a bossy tone. "This Miss will grant you that special privilege."

"But I think that's not enough. Maybe I should do something so that this Miss will never forget me…" Mu Chen lightly pecked on her cheek with his lips. His hands had already begun to roam across Liu Fengying's body causing her to blush.

"Like...what?" Liu Fengying gulped. She felt her body had been set on fire.

"Why don't I just show it to you?" Mu Chen whispered and lifted Liu Fengying and brought her to the sofa at the back of the compartment.

Liu Fengying's face began to blush furiously as she realized Mu Chen's intention. Her face had turned beet red and her breath turned fiery in anticipation. Mu Chen caressed her hair comparing it with her current face wondering which was redder, as he gently laid her on the sofa.

Soon the curtains fell and the lights burned. Although the food on the table got colder, the temperature within the room reached a boiling point.

A red flower bloomed.