The Fall

A crowd had gathered in front of Mu Chen's residence. Mu Chen heard the murmuring of the people who were gossiping amongst themselves, but it was difficult to understand what they were talking about.

"Why haven't you evacuated the residence yet?! It has already been three days since the notice was issued! The deadline is over!" Mu Chen heard someone speak in a loud voice. It was the voice of Law Enforcement Elder, Mu Wan.

"I won't go! Big Brother said not to go out until he came back!" A high-pitched and girlish sound voiced over the babble of the crowd.

"Mu Chen? Hmph! It doesn't matter if he comes back or not. This residence is no longer yours..."

"Grandpa Wu, Grandma Jie...stay here for a while." Mu Chen handed over the luggage he was carrying to Grandpa Wu. "Make way! What is happening here?!" Mu Chen shouted as he squeezed his way through the crowd.

Mu Chen reached the entrance of his residence and found that it was indeed Elder Mu Wan, along with some of the other Law Enforcement Hall members.

Mu Ningxue and Zhou Mei were standing at the entrance of their residence facing them.

"Big Brother!" Mu Ningxue screamed and rushed towards Mu Chen and hugged him. "Big Brother! They are bullying us again!"

Mu Chen hugged his little sister back and patted her back to reassure her. "What's happening? Why are you being forced out?" He asked Zhou Mei who had also come forward after seeing him. Although Zhou Mei seemed to have been relieved on seeing him safe, Mu Chen could tell she was also worried.

"What is happening? Are you dumb?" Elder Mu Wan spoke before Zhou Mei had barely opened her mouth.

"Elder Mu! I respect you as an Elder, however, that doesn't give you the liberty to insult me!" Mu Chen said, his voice cold. He broke off his hug with Mu Ningxue and had her stand by his side and faced Elder Mu Wan.

Elder Mu Wan was taken aback for a while. He didn't expect Mu Chen would have the guts to talk back to him in the public. But then he quickly relaxed and instead sneered. "Let me see if you can continue to talk like that after seeing this!"

Mu Chen frowned as he watched Elder Mu Wan remove a roll of parchment from his spatial ring. A bad feeling rose within his chest. Next to him, both Zhou Mei and Ningxue became tense. Ningxue even began to fidget.

Elder Mu Wan unraveled the parchment. He glanced at Mu Chen with an expression full of victory, before looking at the contents written on the parchment. Soon he began reading its contents.

"Mu Chen, son of Mu Qing and Shui Jing, the twentieth generation scion of the Mu Family has been demoted to being a reserve member of the family due to his non-participation in the Family's tournament, twice in a row. According to the Family's stipulation, he and his immediate family are no longer qualified to reside in the inner sanctum of the estate, and must evacuate it within the next three days, from the date when this decree was signed..." Elder Mu Wan said, his voice loud and clear as if he was worried the people around might miss it.

Mu Chen was stunned. He was demoted? The family tournament was already over? Mu Chen wanted answers, however, Elder Mu Wan wasn't finished yet.

"...Furthermore, due to his inability to cultivate, Mu Chen has been declared as an outcast by the Mu Family." Elder Mu Wan dropped another bomb. "As an outcast, he will no longer be provided with cultivation resources or supported financially by the Family, nor can he use the Family's name or influence. However, he may still choose to work for the Family and earn his living…"

He was now an outcast? Mu Chen couldn't help but clench his fist in frustration. He was not even given an opportunity to protect his status and was already an outcast!

"...This judgment has been approved and signed by the Council of Elders…" Elder Mu Wan continued to read the names of the signatories. Out of the thirteen members, over half of them had signed the edict.

Mu Chen had always known that this day would come. He thought he was prepared. But when it really came, he still felt hurt. He was angry and unreconciled. Unconsciously, his hand moved towards his sword. Next to him, Zhou Mei was alarmed and immediately grabbed his hand, thinking Mu Chen finally snapped. She wanted to stop him from taking any extreme measures.

Mu Chen looked at Zhou Mei and shook his head, who released his hand. His left hand traced the scabbard of his sword. Feeling the familiar sword by his side, Mu Chen took a deep breath to calm himself and extended his other hand.

Elder Mu Wan smirked as he handed over the piece of parchment to him. The parchment was light, but it exuded a strange sense of heaviness. The letters were written in gold, indicating it was the highest level of order-only the Patriarch himself could veto it. Mu Chen's eyes hovered over its contents as he confirmed the authenticity of what Elder Mu Wan had said. It was exactly the same, word for word.

Mu Chen once again looked at Zhou Mei who was standing at his side. Although she was worried, she was also determined. If Mu Chen was forced to leave the family, she would follow him. Mu Chen didn't have to worry about her. Then his gaze fell on Ningxue who was being held by Zhou Mei. She had turned incredibly quiet since Elder Mu Wan had started to recite the edict. Mu Chen saw her eyes had already turned a bit watery and suddenly felt his heart clench.

"I refuse to accept this decision!" Mu Chen said as he tightened his grip causing the parchment to crumple a bit.

"The decision has been finalized. It would be in your best interest to accept it and move. You don't want us to resort to using force." Elder Mu Wan warned as he eyed Mu Chen's hand which was still on his sword. The other two enforcers who had arrived with him immediately entered a battle-ready stance.

"I...want to make an appeal." Mu Chen said as he forcibly kept his voice low.

"Appeal? Based on what?" Elder Mu Wan said.

"I wasn't informed about the change in time. So you can't blame me for not arriving in time, and revoke my status using that as a basis." Mu Chen argued, his brain working fast as he tried to find a loophole he could exploit.

"A message was transmitted to your token, notifying the change in schedule." Elder Mu Wan shook his head.

"That doesn't count. You should be well aware that I lost my divine sense. So transmitting a message to my token is no different from not sending one at all." Mu Chen continued.

Elder Mu Wan frowned for a bit. Then immediately said, "Someone was also sent to inform you."

"No one informed me!" Mu Chen insisted as he shook his head. He had captured the slight change in Elder Mu Wan's expression and had his hopes raised.

"Who knows? Maybe you were hiding just to avoid meeting the messenger?" Elder Mu Wan sneered.

"Elder Mu Wan, are you saying that I had somehow predicted the change in schedule and went into hiding to avoid seeing the messenger?" Mu Chen looked at Elder Mu Wan "Don't you think it is ridiculous? Besides, why would I need to hide, when I could have won in the tournament?"

"..." Elder Mu Wan was speechless. He wanted to argue, but the truth was he himself wasn't sure if a messenger was even sent.

"Since you didn't inform me about the change in schedule, you can not blame me for not attending the competition." This was all Mu Chen could think of to delay the current crisis.

Elder Mu Wan stared at Mu Chen for a long while. "Very well. I will relay your request for an appeal to the higher-ups. For now, you continue to reside here. But don't think you will be able to stay here for long. The Family's resources should not be wasted on someone like you." Elder Mu Wan's final sentence was said in a voice much louder than the rest.

Mu Chen watched as Elder Mu Wan turned and left the scene. The other law enforcement members who had come also followed him back. Then he looked at the Mu Family members who had gathered around and had been watching the situation unfold like some stage show, and couldn't help but sigh. He could see the derision within their eyes. Everyone was related by blood, but how was this any different from being strangers?

"Are you okay?" Zhou Mei whispered to Mu Chen. She had seen how badly Mu Chen was injured. She didn't think Mu Chen could have recovered so soon. But with Ningxue around she couldn't be specific.

"Big Brother! Does this mean we don't have to leave?" Ningxue also asked.

"I'm fine...head back first." Mu Chen said to Zhou Mei and Ningxue. "We will talk inside."

Mu Chen first sent Zhou Mei and Ningxue back into their residence. The crowd had already begun dispersing, leaving behind an old man and an equally old woman.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly at the old couple. "Sorry...I didn't expect the situation to take such a turn. Maybe, you would have to go back before long." Mu Chen said, feeling apologetic. He had made the old couple close down their stall and come live with them. But now, he wasn't sure if he could maintain ownership of his own residence. Once he lost his status, they would be forced to move into their old residence in the outer region. Unfortunately, it wasn't big enough to accommodate everyone, especially once their parents returned.

"It's alright! Don't blame yourself for the things that are not in your control!" Grandpa Wu patted Mu Chen's shoulder.

"Yes, don't let it bother you!" Grandma Jie added."Now, let's go see that little brat!"

"Hahaha! You are right!" Grandpa Wu said in excitement. "Let's go!"

Grandpa Wu was full of spirit as he marched towards the residence, with Grandma Jie in tow.

Mu Chen could only shrug as he grabbed the luggage that was left behind. He felt the roles had been flipped and he was demoted from the host to guest instead, as he followed the old couple who looked like they were visiting their old home.

The old couple entered the residence first. Mu Chen was a little behind.

"Big Br—Kyaaaaaaaa!! Grandpa! Grandma!" Mu Chen heard an ear-splitting scream before he was even half-way through the entrance.

"Grandpa! Grandma! When did you come?! I missed you so much!" Ningxue was hugging Grandpa Wu and Grandma Jie in turns.

"Haha! We missed our little munchkin too and decided to tag along…" Grandpa Wu said as he pulled Ningxue's cheeks.

"Grandma has prepared lots of sweets for her little darling…" Grandma Jie said.

Ningxue's eyes brightened the moment she heard the word 'sweets'. She weaseled out of Grandpa Wu's grasp and hugged Grandma Jie. "I knew Grandma loves me the most!" Her words caused Grandpa Wu's face to twitch.

"Brat! Grandpa also helped to prepare them." Grandpa Wu said awkwardly.

"Xue'er, why don't you show Grandpa and Grandma our residence?" Mu Chen said.

"So we are not going to leave?" Ningxue asked.

"Don't worry about that! We are not going anywhere…at least for a while." Mu Chen could only whisper the last part to himself.

"Grandma! Grandpa! let me show you our residence!" Ningxue became even more excited after Mu Chen's assurance.

Mu Chen and Zhou Mei watched as Ningxue pulled Grandpa Wu and Grandma Jie along to show them their residence. The Big Brother and Big Sister were left behind forgotten.

"Well, at least she is still lively." Mu Chen said.

"Are you really okay?" Zhou Mei neared Mu Chen and grabbed his hand to check his pulse. She frowned because she could tell Mu Chen had completely recovered from all his injuries. There was also a vague sense that he had changed somehow, but she couldn't pinpoint it. "How di—"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm fine." Mu Chen pulled Zhou Mei into a hug. "I am sorry I had you worried." Mu Chen said as he pecked her on her lips.

"I—Mmm!" Zhou Mei tried to say something but her lips were sealed. It was only after a long while, that she was able to speak.

"What do we do next?" Zhou Mei asked. Since Mu Chen didn't want to explain, she decided not to pursue the topic for now.

"I will try and drag the decision as far as I can." Mu Chen shrugged. He himself wasn't sure of what course of action to take now. "I hope Ningxue can mature a bit and utilize every bit of time."

"She is still young." Zhou Mei said. "You can't expect her to mature overnight."

"It's good to be so young." Mu Chen sighed. "Anyway, why was the Family competition rescheduled to an earlier date?"

"The Patriarch did it to entertain the Envoy." Zhou Mei said with some resentment.

"The Envoy?" Mu Chen recalled that the Envoy was also going to stay at the Mu Family. He didn't think the Patriarch's decision would cause him to miss the competition.

"Let's go in as well—"


Mu Chen was about to speak when the entrance bell chimed.

"Mu Chen! You have been ordered by the Patriarch to meet him in the Elder Hall!" A voice rang.

"So soon?" Mu Chen exclaimed. "Mei'er, you go and meet Grandpa and Grandma. I will go see if I can do something…" He thought they would take at least a day or two to process his appeal, giving him some time to plan his next move.

"Be careful!" Zhou Mei said. She still found it difficult to believe he was completely healed.

"Don't worry! It's not like I am going for some duel–..." Mu Chen began to say, but suddenly froze. "Right! Mei'er, do you still remember the position where you found me?" Mu Chen asked.

Zhou Mei thought for a while and gave a nod.

"Good! Now listen carefully and do as I say…" Mu Chen moved closer towards Zhou Mei and whispered into her ear.