
"Bullshit!" Mu Chen, who had finished dressing, came beside Liu Fengying and roared. "This little fox is mine. If you want one, go find another."

"You are a suspect." Mu Changshou said. "It is only right for your property to be confiscated."

"It's just your accusation." Mu Chen said. Then he looked at the other Mu Family members who had been quiet. "Do you guys also think I am some imposter?" But even after questioning them directly, none of the other Mu Family members came forward to express their stance.

"Tch! A bunch of idiots who are led by the nose!" Mu Chen was a bit disappointed but shrugged it off. "The fox stays with me."

"Miss Liu?" Mu Changshou didn't argue with Mu Chen and instead looked at Liu Fengying.

Liu Fengying looked at the little fox that was sleeping peacefully in Mu Chen's arms. She hadn't observed it carefully since she was busy keeping an eye on Mu Changshou and Qin Huang. But with Mu Chen so close by, she couldn't help but take a good look at it and her eyes brightened.

"The fox is not mine." Liu Fengying shook her head. "I can't decide it's ownership."

"Miss Liu, think again. It's not me who wants the fox." Mu Changshou said. "Right, Brother Huang?"

"I have taken a liking for that fox," Qin Huang said. "Hurry and hand it over, stop wasting our time."

"So you admit you were accusing me just to get your hands on the fox?" Mu Chen said. At first, he was still unsure if Mu Changshou's target was just him. But it looked like the fox was his target as well. Mu Chen petted the fox in his arms. Was it really special?

Mu Changshou didn't agree or deny Mu Chen's accusation. Instead, it was Qin Huang who spoke. "If you are really from the Mu Family," Qin Huang said, "you should hand over the fox. You won't harm the relationship between your Mu Family and Ming Dynasty for a fox, would you?"

"Sister Rong," Liu Fengying said, "I had heard the rumors about the guys from your Ming Dynasty acting arrogant, but I thought they were exaggerated. It looks like the rumors were true."

"Martial Brother Qin, please be mindful of your conduct." Su Rong said. "You alone don't represent the Ming Dynasty."

"Martial Sister Su, don't stick your nose in other people's business!" Qin Huang said.

"Bastard! How dare you speak to Sister Rong like that?" Yi Hanying yelled at Qin Huang. "Just because your uncle became an envoy, you think you are a bigshot?"

"Who are you?" Qin Huang said, "Do I even know you?"

"You!" Yi Hanying clenched her fists and her jaws, her body trembling in rage. It looked like she could attack at any moment.

"Martial Brother Qin." Su Rong said while pulling Yi Hanying back. "Haven't you besmirched the reputation of our Ming Dynasty enough already? Can't you stop for once?"

"Hmph!" Qin Huang said. He looked at Mu Chen. "Hand over the fox. It won't be good for you if I have to snatch it."

Mu Chen frowned and looked at Mu Changshou and Qin Huang. If possible, he didn't want to tear their faces completely. But now Mu Changshou had orchestrated a confrontation between him and Qin Huang.

"If you want the fox, come and get it." Mu Chen sighed and cleared his mind of distracting thoughts. Things had already progressed to this point, there was no point in overthinking things.

"Sister Rong, can you others hold back Qin Huang and rest?" Liu Fengying said.

"Sister Fengying. We are outnumbered." Su Rong said nervously but nodded.

"You just need to hold back the people from your Ming Dynasty. As for the rest, leave them to me." Liu Fengying said. She looked at Mu Changshou. "The title of number one genius will change hands today." Her hair fluttered and spiritual qi surged forcing Mu Chen and to take a step back.

She broke through? Mu Chen was pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Liu, are you sure?" Mu Changshou narrowed his eyes as his spiritual qi surged. He wasn't deterred by Liu Fengying's challenge. Next to him, Qin Huang and others also got ready to fight.

"Spread out." Liu Fengying said. "Liu Ru, cover Mu Chen."

Su Rong and others distanced themselves from each other. Liu Ru stood by Mu Chen's side.

The line of fire that Liu Fengying had cast was already flickering. The last vestiges of fire dwindled…

"It's very lively here, isn't it?" A loud and clear voice interrupted the battle and several figures descended. The battlefield which was originally divided into two was now split into three, forming a triangle. Liu Fengying and Mu Changshou, who were about to attack, paused, no longer eager to fight and focused on the newcomer.

The speaker was a tall guy. Next to him was a person who looked similar to him, but was adorned in gaudy jewelry.

"Why did you stop?" Fang Tian sighed in disappointment, "I was looking forward to it."

"Fang Tian." Mu Changshou and Liu Fengying spoke almost at the same time.

"Mu Changshou, Miss Liu." Fang Tian said. "I didn't expect you two to fight. I thought the relationship between the Mu Family and Liu Clan wasn't bad?"

"Big Brother...isn't that Mu Chen? How is he here?" Fang Tianyi said, pointing in Mu Chen's direction.

Fang Tian looked at Mu Chen. He looked at the little fox, then at Liu Fengying and Mu Changshou.

"I see!" Fang Tian said. "Since you are fighting for the fox, how about I join in as well?"

"Fang Tian, aren't you too full of yourself?" Mu Chen said. "This fox is mine."

"Is it now?" Fang Tian said. "It doesn't even have a collar. Or maybe you can show me its token?"

According to the Ming Dynasty's rules, all tamed beasts had to be registered. They would be tagged or branded and the owner would have to keep the token with him. In addition, the beast would be worn a collar, so other cultivators would not mistake them for a wild monster beast and kill it on sight.

"Since it's not yet registered, it's just a wild monster beast. It belongs to whoever can keep it." Fang Tian said, "Any more objections?"

Mu Chen was vexed but could only accept the facts grudgingly. Besides, they were in the Dark Forest, they didn't have to follow the Ming Dynasty's rules.

"I am just helping Brother Huang." Mu Changshou shrugged.

"The fox is mine." Qin Huang said. "Anyone who stands in the way will be the enemy of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Hmph!" Liu Fengying didn't even bother to reply.

"So how are we going to decide the ownership of the monster beast?" Fang Tian smiled, looking at Mu Changshou and Liu Fengying. He didn't put Qin Huang's threat to heart.

Mu Changshou, Liu Fengying, and Fang Tian looked at each other. Even if two of them fought among each other and decided a winner, the winner would be at a disadvantage against the remaining opponent.

Mu Chen felt depressed. Mu Changshou and Qin Huang were already a problem enough. Liu Fengying had become a Spirit Condensation Cultivator, but so were Fang Tian and Mu Changshou. And they had been in that realm for over a year now. So their cultivation was more profound. They were already outnumbered as things were. Now, Fang Tian also wanted a piece of the cake. Moreover, unlike Mu Changshou, Fang Tian didn't need an excuse. He and the fox had just met, but their road ahead was already full of troubles.

"Fengying," Mu Chen whispered. "Weren't you talking about some treasure?"

"Fang Tian." Liu Fengying said. "Are you giving up on the treasure?"

"Treasure?" Fang Tian shook his head. "Even if we go there, it won't make any difference."

"Speak for yourself." Qin Huang sneered. "You just lack the confidence."

"I lack confidence? Did you think the fluctuations were limited to the forest?" Fang Tian said. "We were outside when we sensed them. Every cultivator in the Falling Stones City is probably headed in that direction. The fluctuations were so great—even the ancestors must be alarmed…"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked. Although Mu Chen didn't sense the fluctuations, he knew it must be something incredible.

"So you see? This little monster beast is instead much more desirable." Fang Tian said.

Silence dominated the entire assembly after Fang Tian's explanation.

Liu Fengying looked at Mu Chen with some worry. A fight was inevitable. Since everyone was at odds with each other, it would end up in a fight where they attacked everyone else. It would be complete chaos.

"Brother Changshou," Qin Huang said. "The treasure is no longer an option―I must have the fox at all cost!"

"Brother Huang, I will do my best to help. Just…" Mu Changshou communicated his intent using his divine sense. Qin Huang frowned a bit then nodded.

"Little Brother," Fang Tian said, "It's time for you to shine..."

"Mu Chen." Liu Fengying transmitted her voice into Mu Chen's ear. "I will create a distraction. You should take the opportunity and escape with the fox. I don't know how you made it this far without a single injury―but since you can do that, it should not be an issue to get out of the forest?"

Mu Chen gave a short nod. It was barely perceptible, but it took the weight off Liu Fengying's shoulder. Mu Chen looked around. Mu Changshou and Qin Huang seemed to have finished communicating.

Fang Tian also seemed to have finished giving instructions to his people.

Mu Chen felt the gazes of Qin Huang and Fang Tianyi lock onto him. He didn't even need to guess what they were planning.

Next to him, Liu Fengying seemed to have finished communicating with Liu Ru, Su Rong, and others.

Mu Chen slipped the little fox into his robe, freeing his hands. Since he had the fox, Qin Huang and Fang Tianyi couldn't come too strong or they might accidentally hurt the fox.

Mu Chen sensed the palpable tension in his surroundings. It kept rising.

Any moment now.

Mu Chen tensed his body, ready to make a getaway at a moment's notice. Although running away while Liu Fengying and the girls covered his back wasn't manly, it was the best choice.

"Ah!" An excited voice rang out breaking the rhythm of the battle. "Haha! Brother Li, It's Brother Chen." Several more figures landed. The already small clearing became even more crowded.

Mu Changshou and Fang Tian's faces turned ugly, but Mu Chen's face brightened. He moved forward to greet, but Liu Fengying raised her hand to block him, looking at him with concern.

"It's okay." Mu Chen mouthed. "You can trust them."

"Xia Ping, Li Kun!" Mu Chen said.

"Haha Brother Chen, well met! When Brother Ping said he met you in the forest, I didn't believe it at first." Li Kun said as he patted Mu Chen's shoulder. "What's happening here?" He asked, looking around.

"Ah! Brother Chen," Xia Ping said before Mu Chen had an opportunity to speak. "Let me introduce you to Brother Gao Ren. Brother Ren, this is Brother Chen we told you about."

"Brother Chen, I heard a lot about you from Brother Li and Brother Xia." Gao Ren said. "But I didn't expect to meet you here. Looks like the rumors are not reliable after all."

Mu Chen smiled in response.

"How did you get such a big belly?" Xia Ping said looking at the bulge at Mu Chen's midriff.

Mu Chen's face twitched. "It's thanks to you."

"Me?" Xia Ping was confused.

Mu Chen pulled the little fox out of his robes. The fox had become cozy and was reluctant to come out as it dug its tiny claws into the fabric.

"Ah!" When Xia Ping saw the fox, he was shocked. ""

"I see." When Li Kun saw the fox, he immediately understood. "It looks like we came at the right time." He said, looking at Fang Tian and Mu Changshou's sour expression.

"Ah! Brother Chen, can I touch it?" Xia Ping moved his hand to touch the fox. But the fox gave a low growl and slipped into Mu Chen's robes again.

"Brother Chen. What did you do?" Xia Ping asked, depressed. "How come is it so attached to you?"

"I just fed it some blood essences." Mu Chen shrugged. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"It's surprising it would become so attached to you." Xia Ping said in admiration.

"Maybe it's just my charm." Mu Chen said.

"What's the use of charm if it only gets you into trouble?" Liu Fengying said, somewhat annoyed. "If you are done greeting each other, maybe you want to do something about our current situation?"

"Hahaha. Miss Liu is frank as ever..." Li Kun said. Then he looked at Fang Tian, "Fang Tian, didn't you want to challenge me to a duel? I am free now."

"Although Brother Li is free now, I do not have the luxury." Fang Tian sighed. "Let's go!" Fang Tian turned to leave.

"But Big Brother!" Fang Tianyi protested as he glared at Mu Chen and Xia Ping.

"Little brother, you need to understand when to retreat." Fang Tian said. With Li Kun, Xia Ping, and Gao Ren standing on Mu Chen's side, there was no way to snatch the fox.

With Fang Tian and his group leaving the scene, only Mu Changshou, Qin Huang, and their group remained.

"Let's go, Brother Huang." Mu Changshou said.

"Brother Changshou." Qin Huang was very reluctant. "Do we have to leave just like this?"

"There is no other choice." Mu Changshou said. "There are too many people protecting the waste. But there will be an opportunity later…"