
"Ready your bows!" The guard captain shouted. Although his voice was loud and clear, Mu Chen sensed the tinge of uneasiness hidden within. Hearing their Captain's call, the guards, who were lined up on the wall, loaded their bows with arrows and stood facing the incoming beast tide.


The guards raised their bows.


Shua! Shau! Shau!

A volley of hundred arrows cut through the air in the direction of the incoming beasts. They flew overhead the cultivators that were trying to escape the beasts. Several of the beasts tumbled, disrupting the movement of the beasts close behind. Following the first volley, several more followed. Several more of the beasts fell.

The cultivators who were being chased took the opportunity to pull distance. Under the cover of arrows, dozens of cultivators scurried through the gate into the city.

"Pull the lever!" The Captain shouted. One of the guards that were near the gate pulled the lever beside him.


The gears tumbled and thick metal rods erupted from the ground towards the sky. One of the beasts that had chased the cultivators was skewered and split into two on the spear-shaped protrusions.

"S-saved!" The cultivator who had survived a narrow escape crumpled on the ground, exhausted. Others also sprawled on the ground, sighing in relief.

"Close the main gate." The captain ordered his men. Several men got in position and pushed the heavy double doors into the position, then slid a bar of metal into the brackets.

"Hmph!" The Captain approached the cultivators whose appearance was the same as any stray dog. "It's not over yet! Recover fast and help fortify the defense. Since you have the guts to annoy the catastrophe, bear responsibility for it."

"We―we didn't do anything." One cultivator said.

"Yeah!" Another said. "We didn't even get to see the treasure!"

"It's not our fault. We―"

"Whatever." The Captain shook his head. "I don't have the time to listen to your excuses." Although the guards managed to kill a few beasts, it couldn't change the outcome. "Everyone! Keep attacking. Don't let the beasts climb the wall." The Captain commanded the guards on the wall.

The growling and the roaring of the beasts continued to grow, as more and more beasts arrived in front of the city walls. Several beasts tried to scale the wall, but they could only reach halfway. The surface of the wall was smooth and hard. The claws of the beasts could easily penetrate the flesh but failed to grasp a hold on the wall, leaving behind a trail of grooves. Few beasts managed to cling to the wall, but they were immediately shot down by the archers on the wall walk.

Fortunately, most of the public had already moved towards the City Hall at the center of the city. With the high walls of the city, the general populace couldn't see the situation outside―the guttural noises made by the monster beasts were alone enough to scare the average person.

" many beasts are there in the forest?" Gao Ren couldn't help but ask. It was a sea of beasts. No matter where they looked, they could see monster beasts. Big and small, with fur or scales―they came in all shapes and sizes. If anything was common between them―it was their ferocious and unanimous desire to enter the city.

"We don't know." Xia Ping shook his head. The beasts pitted themselves against the wall without care. Their claws broke and bled, as they attempted to dig at the wall. Pits and scars riddled the wall and their number gradually grew.

"Do they not even care about their own life?" Su Rong asked, aghast. Even when their claws had been damaged, the beasts didn't stop assaulting the wall. Instead, they rammed their heads straight into it. Their skulls cracked and several of the beasts died, only to be replaced by others. The dead bodies of the beasts were instead becoming a stair for the rest.

"They are crazed." Mu Chen said. "All of them." Even the smallest of the animals had a sense of self-preservation. But the beasts in front of them―their eyes were filled with madness.

"Captain!!" A guard shouted. "We are running out of arrows!"

"Idiots!" The captain cursed. "What the hell do you think this is? Target practice? Didn't I tell you to only aim at the beasts climbing the walls?"

"T―there are just too many of them climbing." The guard stammered.

"Damn it!" The Captain stomped his foot. "At this rate, the beasts will enter the city. Why is there no sign of the formation starting?"

"Just try and hold them off till the formation is activated!" The Captain roared over the clamor of the beasts. "You!" The Captain ordered one of the guards. "Quick! Go and check the situation at the City Lord's manor and report it back."

"Y—yes!" The guy ran in the direction of the city center. But before he had crossed a dozen feet, another guard had come running in their direction. He was the one the Captain had sent to notify the city lord a while ago.

"Captain!" The guard who had just arrived screamed. "We are doomed! We are all going to die!" His scream attracted everyone's attention.

"Shut up!" The captain approached the guard and slapped him hard. "Did you lose your mind? What bullshit are you spewing?"

"Captain! I am not lying!" The guard covered his cheek with his palm and sobbed. "The city lord won't respond to the summons. He is in closed-door cultivation and has isolated himself."

"What?!" The captain said.

"I―I asked the maids in the manor." The guard continued. "The city lord has been in seclusion for over two months now. He must be in the midst of a breakthrough."

"A breakthrough? He couldn't have picked a worse time!" The captain groaned. "Where's the key to the formation? Did he leave it behind?"

"He―he didn't." The guard choked.

"@#$&*!!" The captain cursed. "Didn't you wake him up? Activating the formation is more important than his breakthrough!"

"We―we tried." The guard cried. "There were other captains present, but we couldn't break through the restriction on his room."


Everyone was stunned. Despite the roaring of the beasts, Mu Chen felt he heard everyone's throat jump as the realization hit―they couldn't rely on the formation.

"This is bad." Li Kun said.

"Bad?" Xia Ping said. "It's a nightmare!"

"Sister Fengying." Liu Ru said. "What do we do now?"

Liu Fengying's face had turned ugly.

"I―I am sorry, everyone. I didn't know." Liu Fengying said. "If you hadn't listened to me, maybe we could still have had a chance to escape." Everyone had rushed to the city here putting their hopes on the formation. Once it became active, the number of beasts won't matter. They could have stayed behind the formation until the reinforcements arrived. But the promised turtle shell suddenly turned out to be an eggshell.

"It's not your fault." Mu Chen grabbed Liu Fengying's hand to console her.

"Yes, Sister Fengying." Su Rong said, "Don't be so harsh on yourself." Ye Lanlan and Yi Hanying also nodded.

"Yes, Miss Liu." Li Kun said "Don't blame yourself. We too had the same thought." Others nodded.

"Thank you, everyone!" Liu Fengying said, reverting to her usual self. "But we still need to think of a solution to our predicament. The city lord is Dividing Realm peak expert. Even if we combine all our strength, we will not be able to break the formation he set up."

Everyone's faces turned grim. There were only a thousand guards in the city, including the captains. But around two-thirds of the city directly faced the forest. The south gate, where Mu Chen and others were at, was the closest to the forest. Only the north gate didn't face the direction of the forest, so the defense could be a bit lax there for the time being. However, even then, there were only around three hundred guards protecting their side, since other sides had to be protected. Worse, the majority of the guards were just spirit gathering. The rest of them were not even true cultivators.

Although the captain of the guards had recognized them as cultivators, he hadn't dared to request their group for help. Liu Fengying, Xia Ping, and Li Kun's status were enough of a deterrent. Gao Ren and others from the Ming Dynasty had even more of a noble status. One of the watchtowers had been occupied by their group, and the captain had tacitly approved it.

"Dividing Earth realm peak?" Gao Ren paused a bit and said. "I have a spirit grade barrier-breaking talisman with me." Gao Ren said. "We can use it to destroy the restriction on the City Lord's room?"

Everyone's eyes brightened. Special purpose talisman's were uncommon in their region, especially higher grade ones. With the help of the talisman, they could destroy the formation on the city lord's dwelling and wake him up. Then, as long as the formation became active, everyone's safety could be assured.

"This could work. But even if we wake up the city lord now, it will take a while for the formation to start. Who will defend against the beasts before the formation is activated? If they run amok in the city, who knows how many lives will be lost?" Li Kun said.

"But there are too few of us." Liu Fengying frowned. "Young Masters Li and Xia, have you been able to get in touch with members from your sect in the city?" Compared to clans or Families, the network of sects was more widespread since there were fewer restrictions to join a sect.

"We sent several messages but we haven't received any reply. They may be having issues receiving our sound transmission. Or they went to the forest like everyone else." Li Kun said, Xia Ping nodded in agreement.

Liu Fengying sighed, then her eyes fell on the group of cultivators that had been resting. The captain had his attention focused on the beasts. Taking advantage of his inattention, some were trying to sneak away.

"Hmph! Those cowards! So shameless!" Liu Fengying scoffed. "Their lives were just saved because of the captain, and now instead of returning the favor, they are running away!"

Mu Chen, Li Kun, and others also noticed the cultivators sneaking off. Since they heard that the formation couldn't be started, they were no longer willing to stay here anymore.

"Do they think they can survive if they run away now? Once the beasts enter the city, what are they going to do?" Gao Ren asked.

"As long as there is enough bait―they can continue to hide." Mu Chen sighed.

"Bait?" Ye Lanlan was puzzled. But everyone else sighed.

"Despicable!" Yi Hanying cursed. "Sister Rong, let's go teach those guys a lesson!"

"We don't have time to waste on those guys." Su Rong shook her head.

"But it will be good if we could enlist their support. If nobody helped with defense, the city will be ravaged before the formation is activated." Li Kun said.

"We have to do something...." Liu Fengying frowned. "Right! Liu Ru, go and explain the situation to them. Tell them not to panic. That we have a way to start the formation, but it will take a bit of time.

Offer them pills for recovery and healing. See if they will be willing to stay and defend. Those who are willing to stay will get a reward after this ordeal is over. As for deserters? Hmph! They will be dealt with later."

"This is a good idea!" Li Kun said. "It would be better if we announce the reward under the names of all our influences." These cultivators that had escaped the chase of the beasts were mostly outsiders that had come for the selection. So they had little affection for the city or its inhabitants. Without any incentive, it was unlikely they would risk their lives.

"Yes!" Liu Fengying and Xia Ping also nodded.

"But even then, the number of cultivators is still too few." Li Kun frowned.

"What about the Heavenly Treasure Pavillion?" Mu Chen said. "Aren't their guards very strong? Can't they help?"

"The Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?" Liu Fengying shook her head. "It will be hard to convince them."

"The city is in crisis, will they just sit by and watch?" Mu Chen said.

"The Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has its own formation that can protect them against the beasts. Would they risk their people for protecting the city?" Liu Fengying said.

"Even if they don't fight against the beasts, they can at least provide asylum? Doesn't the Ming Dynasty have ties with the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?" Mu Chen asked Gao Ren and Su Rong. "What if someone from the Ming Dynasty asks them for help?"

"About this," Su Rong shook her head. "I don't know the details."

"Yes, Brother Chen." Gao Ren said. "The relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Pavilion is not as simple as it looks on the surface."

"But it's worth a try." Su Rong said.

Everyone discussed together and the division of tasks was quickly decided.

Liu Ru went together with Yi Hanying and Xia Ping, to convince the outsiders. Liu Ru would represent the Liu Clan, Xia Ping would represent Ten Thousand Beast Sect and The Purple Clouds Manor on Li Kun's behalf. Although Yi Hanying couldn't represent the Ming Dynasty, her presence alone would be enough.

Liu Fengying, Su Rong, and Ye Lanlan headed towards the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to seek their help.

Meanwhile, Mu Chen rushed towards the city lord's manor along with Gao Ren and Li Kun.