Golden Sun City

"Wow! So big!!"


"Whoa! Look at that!"

"So dazzling!"

"Yeah! There's so much gold!"

Everyone had gathered on the deck of the ship. After over a month of travel, they had reached the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the Golden Sun City. Even as they approached the city, its distinctive feature had already caught everyone's attention. Mu Chen and others had heard the rumors about the city, but they had thought they were exaggerated. But on seeing the city, they realized―the rumors weren't the least bit exaggerated.

The city was several times larger than the Falling Stones City, except there was no place for the poor and destitute. Even the outermost residences were upscale and lavish, towering several floors. And wherever one looked, you could see that the buildings were not just artistic, they had been built without damaging the landscape. Many of the key buildings were decorated with gold. Especially, at the core of the city, gold had been used like dirt. The Ming Dynasty's palace had its roofs gilded with gold, the walls plated with gold, even the pavements had engravings filled with gold. When the sun's light shone on the palace, it made the gold that was everywhere glitter, giving it a golden hue. From a distance, the golden hue resembled a dome, giving the illusion that a sun had fallen.

Their ship continued to glide along the periphery of the city until it arrived at a location where there were several tall towers. Over hundreds of ships, large and small, were moored to towers. Occasionally, a ship could be seen leaving the tower. Their ship arrived at one of the towers. Claws emerged from within the tower at sides, and latched onto the sides of the ship, securing it in place. Soon a bridge extended from within the tower and connected with the ship.

"Everyone," Chen Ning's voice commanded everyone's attention, "we have arrived! There are still a few days for the opening of the secret realm. You can find a place to stay in the city—if you can afford it. Follow the rules and keep your token with you all the time. If you lose it, you will forfeit your chance to enter the realm...My task to bring you here is complete. I have to make a report...." Chen Ning said. Soon after he finished giving the instructions, his figure flickered and disappeared.

Chen Ning's disappearance elicited an uproar among everyone present on the deck.

"Wait! What did he mean? Find a place if you can afford it?" Some guy on the deck piqued.

"Huh? Did he say that? Are they not going to provide lodgings?" Another guy said.

"Ugh! I don't think they mentioned anything about that."

"Damn it! Just how much money do we need to spend for a night in the city?"

"A lot, probably."

"N―no way! I―I don't have much money! Doesn't it mean I will have to live on the street?"

"Live on the street? Didn't you read the rules? If you do that, you will get whipped and thrown into jail."

"This is ridiculous! How can they not make arrangements for us?" A few guys began complaining and the entire deck was filled with heated discussion.

"Hahaha! Brother Changshou, do you hear these beggars?" A voice filled with rambunctious vigor and disdain cut through the rabble. The owner was none other than Qin Huang, who was hanging onto Mu Changshou's shoulder with one of his arms. Behind them were a few other youngsters from the Ming Dynasty, Mu Family, and several other youngsters.

"You―" Some of the guys wanted to argue, but swallowed their words once they recognized Qin Huang. Everyone became quiet.

"You what?" Qin Huang sneered. "Brother Changshou, why do these beggars feel so entitled?"

"Brother Huang, don't you know?" Mu Changshou smiled. "If you throw a dog a bone―it will also want meat!"

"Ahahaha! Indeed." Qin Huang slapped his thigh. "Why didn't I think of it?!"

"Brother Huang," Mu Changshou shook his head, "let's not waste our time with these dogs. How about you show us your city?"

"Sure, why not?" Qin Huang smiled. "Since Brother Changshou spared no effort as our host, how can I fall behind?" Then not sparing the cowed group of young cultivators a second glance, Qin Huang led Mu Changshou and their party off the ship.

The deck of the ship had fallen silent. Most of the youngsters felt humiliated, but they didn't dare express their resentment. They were just cultivators with ordinary backgrounds. Many of them were just rogue cultivators, they didn't have any influence. The talented amongst them had been solicited and already joined one clique or another that had formed during the duration of travel.

"What are you wasting time standing here for? Don't you get it?" A calm voice floated into everyone's ear, breaking the silence. Everyone looked at the person speaking, who turned out to be a tall guy. Next to him was a teenager adorned in jewelry that looked dull in comparison to the halo of the city.

"The Ming Dynasty has no obligation to take care of you. They are already doing you a favor by bringing you here and allowing you to enter the secret realm. Instead of being satisfied with that, you have the nerve to demand more?" Fang Tian sighed, shaking his head. "It's no wonder, nobody wants you—you don't even know where you stand." Fang Tian sneered, then left with Fang Tianyi and their group.

"What to do now?"

"I think I will just find some work first…"

"Yeah, me too…"

One by one, the motley group of rogue cultivators dispersed.

"Mu Changshou and Fang Tian have been busy during the trip." Mu Chen mumbled after watching them leave. "You sure you don't want to compete with them?" Mu Chen asked others. Liu Fengying, Li Kun, and Xia Ping had also recruited a few cultivators in their group. However, they weren't as aggressive as Mu Changshou or Fang Tian. The number of people they had enlisted together couldn't compare to those gathered by Mu Changshou or Fang Tian.

"Doesn't make much difference to me." Liu Fengying shrugged. She was mostly interested in female cultivators, but the number of female cultivators was already pitiful to begin with. And among them, only a few attracted her attention.

"They are going to end up as cannon fodder, anyway." Li Kun shrugged. "There is no need to compete in that."

"I―I am not that good with large groups." Xia Ping murmured. Li Kun patted on Xia Ping's back in consolation.

"Guys," Gao Ren said, "We should leave as well."

"Yes, Sister Fenying, Sister Mei!" Su Rong said, pulling Liu Fengying and Zhou Mei with her. "Let me show you our city. There are so many things to see!"

"Sister Rong, w―wait for us!" Ye Lanlan cried and hurried after them. Liu Ru, Yi Hanying followed after them along with a few other girls.

"Brother Chen, looks like we got left behind." Li Kun remarked, "Women are so fickle."

"Speak for yourself." Mu Chen raised his brows, "I'm not the one who got ignored."

"Brother Chen," Li Kun choked, "that's harsh."

"Even Xia Ping has made more progress than you." Mu Chen pointed at Xia Ping.

"Ah? What progress?" Xia Ping was surprised.

Li Kun glanced at Xia Ping who was oblivious and became depressed.

"Hahaha! Brother Li, cheer up!" Gao Ren said. "Junior Sister Rong is very reserved. Even if she likes you, she might not show it."

"You should try to talk to her more." Mu Chen said, "If you don't even try to talk to her, how would you get closer?"

"Alright." Li Kun's eyes flashed with determination.

Mu Chen, Li Kun, Xia Ping, and Gao Ren left the ship and headed into the city. Unfortunately, by the time they had climbed down the tower, Su Rong and Liu Fengying's group was nowhere to be seen. Li Kun's mood became low once again.

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future," Mu Chen patted Li Kun's shoulder in encouragement.

"You are right!" Li Kun sighed, "Brother Chen, Brother Ren, you guys have to help me."

"Of course." Gao Ren said.

"Do you even need to ask?" Mu Chen said. "But there is no point in sweating over it now. Let's go tour the city first. I am itching to stretch my legs."

As the only person familiar with the city in their group, the responsibility to guide them fell on Gao Ren.

"The city is divided into three. The central region includes the palace and some of the peripheral areas―it's the original Golden Sun City. Later the city expanded as more cultivators came and the middle region was formed. When the city continued to expand, the outermost region formed and administration of the city had to be reorganized..." Gao Ren explained as they strolled. "The large-scale trading and transportation of goods were moved to the outer district, but the residential and recreational establishments were retained on nobles and people's insistence. So the middle region is very popular among the nobles, upper-class, and the bourgeois...Because the city is too big, you are allowed to use movement techniques. But flying is prohibited unless you are an official or a noble..." Gao Ren said he led them toward the center of the city. "Also keep in mind that the nobles and officials have the privilege of using martial or magic techniques as long as they have a valid reason. So in case you run into one, especially a noble―make sure you don't annoy them."

"What if they annoy us first?" Mu Chen asked.

"You can only pray that it doesn't happen..." Gao Ren shook his head, "Nobles here enjoy a very special privilege."

"So we aren't even allowed to fight back?" Li Kun asked, feeling stifled. "This is unfair."

"Is there anything that is truly fair in this world?" Gao Ren sighed.

"Why are the nobles so privileged?" Mu Chen said.

"You see all this gold?" Gao Ren pointed at their surroundings.

"There is indeed a lot of gold." Li Kun nodded as they walked on the pavement.

"To build the city, the Ming Royal Family had to procure and refine tonnes and tonnes of gold―the size of a mountain." Gao Ren said, "Without the help of nobles, the Ming Royal Family would never have been able to accumulate enough of it to finish the city."

"T―the size of a mountain?" Xia Ping cried out. Li Kun and Mu Chen were also stunned. None of them could imagine such a huge amount of refined gold had been utilized in the construction of a city.

"But even if the nobles helped gather so much gold, it doesn't justify such a privilege?" Mu Chen said. Gold was a rare metal and difficult to find, but it wasn't worth much to cultivators. It was inert and could conduct spiritual qi with very high efficiency, however it was too soft and malleable to be of practical use in battle. Hence due to cultivators' lack of interest in gold, it had instead gained popularity among the mortals. Its luxurious golden color and shine made it very suitable for use in jewelry. "This gold," Mu Chen looked at various designs and patterns everywhere, "it's not just for show?"

"Indeed." Gao Ren smiled, "Although the gold inscriptions look like beautiful designs and works of art, they are formations and are linked together to a bigger formation. They can be activated individually or in combination. Using the formation, the Ming Royal Family can subdue any dissent with just a flip of a palm. If the complete formation is activated―even a Forming Embryo ancestor is just a trapped fly."

Mu Chen and others gasped. No wonder the nobles were given such a privilege. They had contributed to the construction of the city's absolute formation.

"By the way," Gao Ren looked at Li Kun and winked, "Junior Sister Rong is from the Su noble family. You know what it means?"

"Why am I so unlucky?" Li Kun groaned, and pulled his hair, causing it to spike even more. Mu Chen and Gao Ren laughed, while Xia Ping was a bit confused.

"What about Qin Huang?" Mu Chen asked, "Is he from a noble family too?"

"Yes." Gao Ren nodded, "His mother has a high status in the Qin family. Especially after Sir Chen became an official, his status within the family soared." Gao Ren stopped walking. "How about we go for a drink?"

They had arrived in front of a tall building. Mu Chen looked at the plaque and saw that it read Drunken Moon. Although it was afternoon, the stream of people was never-ending. Most of the people leaving seemed to wobble and looked tipsy.

"Sure, my throat's parched." Li Kun was first to agree. Perhaps, he wanted to drown his difficulties under the effect of alcohol or so, Mu Chen thought.

"Me too." Xia Ping said.

"Brother Ren, isn't it too early to drink?" Mu Chen frowned.

"Brother Chen, how can you say that when you have been chugging wine from your pouch?!" Gao Ren glared at Mu Chen.

Mu Chen could only shrug and follow Gao Ren, Li Kun, and Xia Ping into the building.