That Person

Liu Dong hurried towards the meeting location. When he neared the scene, he heard some verbal abuse, but it didn't sound like the fight had started. The princes were competitive, but they still had some sense left and didn't go all out.

Liu Dong approached this budding maelstrom and swept his eyes over the scene.

First Prince Ming Jiayi and Fourth Prince Ming Gui were at the center. Behind Ming Jiayi stood his men, protecting a disheveled figure. They were all surrounded by Ming Gui's men.

"Hand over that bastard," Ming Gui said.

"Hmph!" Ming Jiayi snorted, "First confess your sins."

"Didn't I tell you already? I haven't done anything," Ming Gui said. "Now, hand him over."

"If you haven't done anything, why are you in such a hurry to kill him?" Ming Jiayi sneered. "Are you perhaps trying to hide something?"

"Nonsense," Ming Gui roared. He was so angry he even failed to maintain proper decorum of a prince. "That bastard tried to kill me!"

"L-lies!" The accused gasped in indignation. "T-they were t-the ones who… who wiped out m-my… " As he spoke, he coughed up some blood.

Ming Jiayi saw the man's struggles and narrowed his eyes. "Look at him," he sneered at Ming Gui. "With such grievous internal injuries, he can barely speak without coughing blood. And you say this person assassinated you? A prince? What a joke!"

Ming Gui clenched his fist in frustration. He glanced at the bastard and saw a corner of his mouth curve into a sneer. The bastard was mocking him.

"Damn!" Ming Gui almost exploded in anger.

Ming Jiayi saw Ming Gui on the verge of losing control and signaled his men. They readied their weapons and tightly protected the injured man.

"Brother Jiayi, please think about it," Ming Gui saw Ming Jiayi hell-bent on opposing him and decided to persuade one last time. "Is it worth worsening our relationship for a mere soldier?"

"Since it's just a mere soldier, then how about Brother Gui be magnanimous and forgive his life?" Ming Jiayi sneered.

Ming Jiayi was no fool. He had some doubts about this injured soldier. However, his trusted aide had already confirmed that this person didn't possess any spiritual qi. Between Ming Gui and the wounded soldier, he was more inclined to believe the soldier's words. The assassination was likely a ruse by Ming Gui to get rid of the witness.

If nothing else, he had to protect this person until he confirmed the Second Prince's side of the story. As long as he acquired evidence of Ming Gui's wrongdoing, he could suppress him and elevate his own status. Thinking about it, Ming Jiayi became excited.

Ming Jiayi and Ming Gui glared at each other. Neither of them wanted to take a step back. As sparks seemed to fly between them, Liu Dong arrived.

"Your Highnesses," Liu Dong greeted the two princes. When the two turned their glares to him, Liu Dong's smile froze. But since he had already come, he had to try his best. "Cough! Let's not be impulsive. Please calm down."

"Don't overstep your bounds."

"This is not something you can meddle in."

The two princes snorted at Liu Dong with obvious reluctance, then ignored him.

Liu Dong groaned. At this level, it was often a matter of keeping up appearances. None of the princes wanted to lose face by stepping down first, especially in front of their men.

Under different circumstances, he would be helpless, but whether fortunately or unfortunately, he had something that could compel the princes to maintain peace.

"Your Highnesses, we really don't have time for this," Liu Dong spared no time in revealing the arrival of the disaster star. "The Crown Prince has entered the region of the Third Prince, accompanied by the Long Clan's Princess."

The two princes were still in a state of militancy and didn't quite register Liu Dong's words.

"So what if it's the Crown Prince? Even if it's the Long Clan's Princess, no one can—" Ming Gui in particular was really aggressive. But as he spoke, he stalled, aware that he had spoken an unwelcome name. He looked at Liu Dong with an incredulous expression, "Ming Ren and Long Xueyi. They are here?"

Ming Jiayi also looked at Liu Dong with a startled expression.

Liu Dong sneered inwardly, seeing their alarmed expression. However, with a stern expression he explained the situation, "The two of them entered the region under the watch of the Third Prince. However, the Third Prince doesn't dare act on his own, so he has requested everyone's help."

"Ming Ren and Long Xueyi," Ming Jiayi grimaced and looked at Ming Gui, who was also looking at him with a somber face.

Given the severity of the situation, the two of them had no choice but to put aside their differences and cooperate.

"This is too early," Ming Gui frowned.

"It doesn't matter." Ming Jiayi had a different opinion. "Aren't our preparations mostly done anyways? We simply need to move our plan forward."

"You mean?" Ming Gui vaguely guessed what Ming Jiayi was hinting at, but he wanted to be sure.

"Since Ming Ren is already here, let's deal with him first. Although the order isn't right, the result shouldn't be any different."

"What about Long Xueyi?" Ming Gui said. "We can't touch her."

Ming Jiayi paused on hearing Long Xueyi's name. There were very few individuals whom they didn't dare antagonize, however Long Xueyi happened to be one of them.

"I don't believe her friendship with Ming Ren runs so deep," Ming Jiayi said slowly. "Let's hope she leaves on her own, that would be the best."

Ming Gui was bothered by the lack of confidence in Ming Jiayi's reply, but he couldn't complain. Long Xueyi's behavior had always been unpredictable. Her not meddling in their affair was already the best they could hope for.

Seeing Ming Gui had no more objections, Ming Jiayi looked at Liu Dong, "We will need your help."

"As per our agreement, we won't interfere with the matters of the royalty," Liu Dong immediately said.

"Hmph! We weren't asking you to," Ming Jiayi snorted. "However, you promised to deal with the guard."

"The guard isn't there," Liu Dong said, shrugging.

"Are you sure?" Ming Jiayi sneered. "If she wants to stay hidden, none of us can find her."

"This… " Liu Dong wanted to argue, but couldn't find a reason. He thought he could sit back and watch an entertaining show, but apparently it was too much to ask for.

"We need you to call 'that person'," Ming Jiayi looked at Liu Dong with a gaze full of hidden meaning. "Only he can handle her."

When Ming Jiayi mentioned 'that person', an eerie silence descended on everyone.

Liu Dong took a deep breath before replying, "Alright."

"Also, contact the other princes and ask them to be ready," Ming Jiayi said. "It's time to act."

Liu Dong and the two Princes were ready to set off when Ming Jiayi remembered something.

"Right, what about him?" Ming Jiayi pointed at the injured soldier.

Ming Gui also looked at the soldier and his face darkened. He had almost forgotten about this guy.

Liu Dong looked at the injured soldier and frowned. He disliked the role of mediator, but only he could play that part.

"I will hand him over to the Second Prince," Liu Dong said. He looked at Ming Gui. "Your Highness, if you have any issues with this person, you should take them up to the Second Prince after all of this is over."

"Whatever," Ming Gui grumbled in dissatisfaction. However, given the gravity of the current situation and with Ming Jiayi watching by, he reluctantly agreed to Liu Dong's proposal.

While Ming Gui was sullen, Ming Jiayi was elated. With this, he had knocked Ming Gui down a notch, while making the Second Prince owe him a favor. This was like hitting two birds with one stone. Who wouldn't be happy?

Ming Jiayi and Ming Gui left with their men, leaving behind Liu Dong and the injured soldier.

"Phew," Liu Dong sighed. The trouble was averted. He looked at the soldier who was bewildered by the turn of events and muttered a curse. In the end, he still had to take care of this excess baggage.

"You, follow me," Liu Dong snorted in disdain at the injured soldier.

"I…" the soldier coughed blood and looked at Liu Dong with a pitiful expression. "I… can't move."

Liu Dong met the soldier's begging eyes, but instead of feeling pity, he felt a surge of hatred well up inside him. With some difficulty, he suppressed his urge to rush forward and kick the guy.

"Hmph! What a pain." Liu Dong raised his ring finger and rummaged through the ring's contents. He selected a cheap healing pill, ready to take it out. "Here, take—"

It was at this time.

The soldier moved suddenly, closing the distance of more than a dozen feet in an instant. Any other time, this distance would have been enough for a cultivator to react against any sneak attack. However, Liu Dong was busy probing his ring with his divine sense. Although it was something that usually took only a couple seconds, it was fatal.

Liu Dong never expected the seemingly incapacitated soldier to spring forward like a coiled serpent. The soldier was in front of him with his hand raised before he had even finished probing his ring.

Liu Dong hastily retracted his divine sense, but it was already late. He attempted to dodge the incoming strike by stepping back, but he stumbled and lost his footing. Believing cultivators to be superior to mortals, he had neglected physical training. And today, he had to pay the price.

"Aargh!" Liu Dong could only scream with shock and indignation as the hand hit his temple.


Then, his vision went black.