That's how life is . It never goes the way we think it would . People changes , things changes . Sometimes the worse happens to you to make you realize what's the best , to let you know who will be standing with you even if a tsunami is coming to hit you .
Everything happens in your life for a reason . We don't hold the pen which writes our story . All we can do is to make the best out of what is being written. Our life can seem so messed up at times so do our thoughts .But there is always a way , a better way than giving up.
After I got out from the hospital I had to wander the courts for sometime proving I am my parent's own child. After a considerate amount of time , I got what I belonged to me . Of course I didn't had the potential to look after it so I handed it to someone who really can - to Joonie . After his college degrees , he is the one who is running the company right now . I knew it would be the best when it is in his hands. I can trust him with that .
Olivia was in the background but now as a different person . I went to my dream college and graduated with distinctions . In fact I uploaded some cover songs on soundcloud already . I got a few offers which I'm pondering on at the moment . And I'm having a lot of support from Olivia , who is insisting me to do a solo project of my own .
Out of the blue , one day , Joonie got down on one knee before me with a ring . So I am currently focusing on our of wedding plans . We don't wanna rush anything , but I don't wanna slow it down too. I am hoping to see a Joon Jr soon .
I'm enjoying my life right now. It feels like I have a lot more than what I miss . When god takes away something from you , he will replace it with something similar or something better . Until then all you have to do is hope . Trust me you will always have the right person in your life at the right time.
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