The Avengers (Pt.4)

My new fic (Altered Mind) is finally up on Webnovel !!!

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For 10+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

" And my new MHA Fanfic (Altered Mind)"

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Enjoy ;)


" Call Jean and tell her to get to Manhattan as soon as possible. Do the same with Kitty and the X-men. Tell them to suit up and get to New York. The invasion is happening there. " I said.

" Right away Master Doug. Any further instructions?" Sophie said.

" Activate protocol ' No man' s land ' and send in ' The God Eater'." I said.

I then gave a call to Callisto, " Where are you right now?" I asked, once she picked up the phone.

"I'm at the company, Boss. Why?" She asks, confused.

"Callisto. Listen closely. New York is going to be attacked. The centre of attack will be Stark Tower. So make sure the the kids and any non-combatants stay inside. Headquarters is the safest place right now." I said.

Callisto asks nervously , "Boss, Are you sure? Shouldn't we get out? "

"The place is heavily warded and has Shields made out of vibranium, Callisto. Just do as I say, and don't let Madrox out of your sight. Oh, and send Shang-Chi, tell him to suit up and meet me at Stark Tower. "

" Okay Boss, I'll get the kids down to the bunkers, and meet you... " She said.

" No, I need you and Madrox to keep an eye out on things, protect the kids and the civilians. The place isn't warded against humans. "

I cut the call and speak up, "Diana. Start hacking every piece of technology in New York. I want every device to be mine to control in 5 minutes."

I see Cap, Widow, Banner and Hawkeye on their way to the hangar.

I join them, and we head towards one of the Jets.

A young pilot sees us and stands in our way, he says, "You are not authorized to be here.."

Cap looks at him and shakes his head and says, "Son... Just don't."

The pilot, once he gets a good look at Cap's disappointed look, just moves out of the way and we enter the jet.

Barton takes over the controls of the Jet and starts it up.

I see Iron Man flying away from the Helicarrier and we take off to follow him.

I get notified by Diana that all the devices in Manhattan were in her control.

Once the jet is stable, I turn to Steve and Natasha.

"Cap, I need you to warn Manhattan of the attack?" I said.

Steve gets startled, but nods. I prepare the camera, and say out loud, "Diana, do it."

Diana takes control of every Billboard, TV and computer in Manhattan.

I signal Steve to start speaking.

"People of New York. My name is Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. We've been lead to believe, that there's going to be an imminent attack within the hour" Steve starts.

" The epicentre of this attack is going to be Stark Tower. Tony Stark has been notified, as have a few people. Listen to them and start evacuating the city. If you can find shelter underground, or manage to get out of the city, then do so"

I turn off the camera and say, "Diana. Play the message on a loop"

" This should help, but I don't think everybody's going to listen. I contacted my team and they should meet us there soon." I said.

" You have a team?" Nat asks.

" Shield's is not the only one, capable of putting together a team. " I answer.

" Things are going to get dangerous out there, are you sure they can handle it. " Steve asks.

" They're far stronger than anything, you've ever seen Cap. You guys may have a God on your side and maybe even a Hulk, but mine has something far stronger. " I said.

They both give each other a look, and then Nat turns to me and says.

" What is it? " Nat asks.

" Not an it. She. " I said.

" She? " Banner asks.

I turn to him and say, " A Phoenix. "

It takes us 30 minutes after making the announcement to reach Manhattan.

As soon as we get close enough to Manhattan, we see a blue light shine from the top of Stark Tower, leading to a hole in the sky.

The Chitauri soldiers were coming out in hoards through the portal, seemingly endless.

"Ah... Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve said.

Banner then gets up and walks to the plane's ramp and presses a button. The plane starts opening up from the back, but Banner doesn't stop.

" What are you doing!" Steve shouts.

" That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." He said, before suddenly jumping out of the plane.

Banner's body stared to swell and stretch and as he was falling.

He crashed into the ground, and seconds later, a loud roar breaks through the chaos.

The Chituari soldiers get blasted back by the massive shockwave.

Some dead, while others convulsing on the ground their bodies half crushed.

Hulk starts mowing through them, like they were made out of paper. Bludgeoning them to death with his fists.

The hulk smiles and leaps, soaring high up into the nearest building, he runs up the wall hits several Chituari soldiers, snapping them in half.

He then dives towards a building on the other side of the street, throwing the dead Chituari soldiers towards other soldiers .

The Chituari soldiers try and fire at him, but he backhands them, and seizes them and with raw power, throws them down. In his most powerful leap yet.

We all watch this scene from, the plane when we suddenly hear Tony's voice through the comms.

" Glad you brought the big guy, but did he really just jump out of a plane." He said.

Barton manoeuvres the jet towards Stark Tower, "Stark we're heading North-East." Nat said.

"What, did you stop for a drive through?" Stark's sarcastic voice answers her.

Barton does as Stark said and moves the jet closer towards Stark Tower.

We see Iron Man fly from in front of us with a swarm of Chitauri tailing him.

Nat takes control of the machine gun and blasts them apart.

She continues blasting Chitauri soldiers and looks around for more targets.

Barton looks out the left window and sees Thor and Loki fighting on the roof of Stark Tower.

He says, "Nat?"

Nat nods and replies, "See them." She aims the machine gun at Loki.

Before she can fire at Loki, he fires a blast from his staff at us which hits us at the left side, destroying one engine.

Barton takes control of the other engine, but we spin, and end up crashing the wings into a few buildings.

Barton slowly maneuvers the plane and crash lands into the street.

I look around the jet and see that everyone was okay.

I was unaffected, Cap held on to the top of the jet while Nat and Barton were wearing seatbelts.

We get ourselves out of the jet and take a look around the city.

It was absolute Chaos, there were still people on the road, some of the small buildings were destroyed, bigger buildings had their windows broken, rubble lay on the ground, there were even some bodies.

We suddenly stop and turn our heads above to look towards the portal.

A huge Leviathan was flying towards the Earth from the portal.

It gave a loud roar and started descending downward.

It gets down low to the ground, breaking a few statues with its wings, and Chitauri soldiers blast out of it and into the buildings when it goes from over our heads.

Steve's voice says in all our ears, through the earpiece, "Hey, Stark, are you seeing this?"

"I'm seeing. Still working on believing. Where the hell is Banner?" Stark said.

"We lost him, after the plane crashed. " Steve said.

"What do you mean lost him! He's Green for god's sake. Just keep me posted, and let me know when you have a visual on him." Stark says.

Our group runs behind upside down cabs.

"We've got civilians trapped over there." Barton says, pointing towards a building.

We look up and see Loki taking his band of aliens down the street, they start firing at the street, causing a chain of explosions, smashing cars and hurling people as they go.

It goes off in one final conflagration. Terrified people, running from Loki, looking over their shoulders, coming straight at us.

Cap Looks down at the bridge, where a few people were stuck.

"Those people need assistance down there." Steve said.

Before anyone could move, I cast a rune, which distrubts their telepathic connection to the mothership.

They suddenly drop to the ground as if their strings had been cut off.

My spidey sense goes off and I turn to see some Chitauri soldiers land near us and fire.

I create a small portal, and redirect the blasts at them.

Nat starts firing her guns at some Chituari soldiers, while I see a few others get struck by arrows.

I duck under a shot aimed at my head and create a small portal behind the one, that fired it.

I dodge another shot and pierce it's heart with enlarged claw through its chest.

I turn behind to see Cap running towards the stuck people. So, I continue killing Chitauri left and right.

I turn to Nat and see her killing soldiers too.

More Chitauri soldiers join their brethren and surround us.

" Master, they're here."

' Finally'

A portal suddenly opens beside me, and out of it. I see several people coming out of it, Phoenix, ShadowCat, Shang-Chi and Storm.

Jean was in her burgundy trench coat and had a hood to hide her bright red hair.

A large symbol of the Phionex could be seen on her back, and she also wore a half-mask to hide her features.

The black under suit and the trench coat were made out of a vibranium/kevlar mesh.

It was completely bulletproof and could stop high caliber bullets and absorb high energy blasts.

She walked slowly towards me, and I was instantly at a lost for words.

For me, It's been years, since I've last seen her, and she looked even more stunning than I remembered .

The Symbiote responded to my unconscious thoughts and my mask came down.

I looked towards Jean.

" Jean I..."


" Ow!!?"

" That's for not calling me as soon you got back." She said.

She then lowered her face mask, and grabbed me by the neck, and planted a fierce but passionate kiss on me.

We kept deeply kissing each others lips until we were out of breath a few seconds later, and looked into each other's eyes.

It was almost as good, if not better than the first time, we ever kissed.

She put her mask back on, and said.

" And that's for being gone for over a year. "

" If you're going to kiss me like that every time I'm gone. Then maybe I should start doing it more." I joked.

" We're in the middle of a war, lovebirds. Focus! "

Nat shouted, as she was dodging energy blasts.

A Chituari soldier was about to take a shot, at Natasha, but before he could. Jean blasted him with a powerful psychic blast, and tore him to shreds.

" Don't worry about it, we're focused." Jean said.

Natasha then looked towards me and said, " So she's the Phoenix?"

I gave her a nod. She then gave Jean a once over and smirked, " I like her."

Natasha then dodged an incoming blast, and in the blink of an eye, shot three Chituari in the head.

Jean smirked back and said. " The feeling is mutual."

Kitty was standing behind Jean, and I could see her her coming towards me.

She was wearing a white suit with black stripes, which included vibranium clawed fingers, a helmet with protruding cat like ears, and yellow tinted eye lenses.

Hers was made out the same materials, I used to make Jean's and Shang-Chi's suits.

It was also bulletproof and could stop high caliber bullets and absorb high energy blasts.

" ShadowCat" I said.

" Where's Colossus and Wolverine? You said they'd be here." She asked.

" They should be here any moment now." I said, sensing a spatial fluctuation.

" You weren't kidding back then, I guess I owe you ten bucks." Shang-Chi said.

" Keep it. How do you like the new suit?" I asked.

" It's good, a bit tight in the crot..."

I interrupted him and said" Glad you liked it buddy,"

I then turned to Storm, who had an amused look on her face" Glad to see you here, didn't think you'd come. "

" I had to, Phoenix and ShadowCat were going, and since I couldn't stop them, I decided to join them. Look about the others, I tried to talk.. " She said.

" It's alright, you're more than enough. To be honest I didn't think he'd send them, I just hoped he'd see reason, and realise now is best time to show the world our value. " I said.

I was interrupted by a large pillar of light, that suddenly materialized in the middle of the street, two figures came walking out of the light, one noticeably larger than the other.

A deep voices bellowed out and said.

" Comrades we have arrived."

( Chapter End)


For 10+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

" And my new MHA Fanfic (Altered Mind)"

Check out my pat-reon/𝗔𝗻𝘂𝗯𝗶𝘀𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘇.