Dimension 53

Jöhn entered his 5th Dimension that he feels like; the world is turned into 3D, but his perspective, that really feels like then he is inside a computer graphics style. He was on the forest, like the Dimension 3 and when he came out, its night time, he saw the moon that was shattered, he was confused, and he saw a giant building next to the cliff. He saw a road that leads to the giant building, with a sign on it, and it says "The Beacon, Kingdom of Vale," Jöhn said, "I think this is not Earth."

When he followed the road, and he's arrived Beacon, Jöhn realized, that it was a big school, it said on the welcome board "A school home of the Hunter's and Huntresses." Jöhn said to himself "We're everybody go? I think they go back to sleep because it's night time." Then suddenly, the Dimensional Creatures pop up again, and a new Dark Creatures that only in this Dimension and Jöhn fight them. After he kills the Dimensional Creatures and Dark Creatures, they pop up again, they were so many that Jöhn can't handle them; he said: "You got to be kidding me." But then something happens, a rain of elements, shoot down from the sky that explode the Dimensional Creatures and the Dark Creatures. Then Jöhn saw 4 women landed on their feet, a blonde hair girl said: "Are you, alright little man?" Jöhn said "Little man? I'm 6 feet than you" A red-fade-black hair girl said "Yang watch out!" she looks back at the Dimensional Creatures and ready to attack her and she said "Aah!!" Then, a white girl stabs the Dimensional Creatures that attack Yang and it disappears, and then she said "Ruby, Yang, what are those monsters? I never seen that before," a black hair girl said "I don't know, this is new," Then the Dimensional Creatures going to attack the black girl and the white girl Yang said "Weiss, Blake lookout!" They said "Huh?". Meanwhile, Jöhn evolved his powers, his Sword has turn into a black blade vacuum, then he throws his Dimensional Sword by those creatures (who going to kill Weiss and Blake) to create a Gravitational Force and exploded to the air. Yang said "Wait, that's not dust, who are you? Little man," Jöhn introduces "The names Jöhn, and speaking of this, we have so many companies," and Jöhn and 4 girls are helping to fight. After the fight, the man and the lady arrived at the entranceway of the beacon, the lady said "What's going on here?" Ruby said "Mrs. Goodwitch," Mrs. Goodwitch said "Who are you? Young man," Jöhn nervous "Uhm…my na-" Then the man said "Glynda," Mrs Goodwitch said "Ozpin," Ozpin look Jöhn, that he saw his eyes are different from the other's, Ozpin said "Glynda, take the 4 girls back to their bed," Mrs. Goodwitch said "Okay team RWBY back to your bed," Ruby said "Oh come on, I want to train that night," Yang said "But Ruby, we have training tomorrow very early," Weiss said "Yeah Ruby, you look awful you need a beauty sleep," Ruby said "Hey!!" Blake said "Well it's true, we need to sleep really," Ruby said "Ugh…Fine" and they walk out and Ruby said "icantbelivethatwasveryinstrestingfight," Then that says "What?" Ruby said "Uhm… Nothing," then Ozpin said "You young man," then Jöhn said "Me?" Ozpin said, "Come with me."

Jöhn followed Ozpin to his office on the highest building, by using to get on top. When they arrived, Ozpin seated his desk and then the introduction. Ozpin said "So what is your name, young man?" then Jöhn introduced "My name is Jöhn, Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Ozpin said "Hello Jöhn, the name Professor Ozpin," Jöhn said "Nice to meet you too, Professor," the Ozpin asked "So where did you come from?" Jöhn said "I came from called Earth," Ozpin said "There is no name Earth in Remnant," Jöhn said "So this is Remnant huh pretty weird world," Ozpin said, "Woah×5 wait a minute where did actually came from?" Then Jöhn explain "Okay, I lived in another Dimension," Ozpin questioned "Dimension?" Then Jöhn explained everything. After the explanation of Dimension, Ozpin said "So curious, so your literary you lived in an another dimension, so that's why your eyes different than the others," Jöhn said "Exactly," then Ozpin said "So your mission is to find the one of the Dimensional Fragments in this world of Remnant, to stop those new monster that we encounter," Jöhn said "I called it Dimension Errors, and also those monsters, what are they?" Ozpin said "Those monsters you been encountered, they were Grimm, similar to yours, they are many variety of Grimm, such as Beowulf, Nevermore, and many more, and also, these guys never stop coming," Jöhn asked "I see; so this place, is for hunters and huntresses?" Ozpin said "Well it is, but you're not a hunter but you are well-skilled weapon like the others, and I think that you must train in this place," Jöhn said "Really?" Ozpin said "Yes, Welcome to Beacon," then Ozpin and Jöhn shake hands with each other. But suddenly, Ozpin and Jöhn heard an argument coming from the elevator then the elevator with a ding. When the elevator opened, Ozpin said "Well it is Qrow and winter never stop talking about-," Qrow said "Hey stop that Headmaster," Jöhn said, "You're the Headmaster?" Ozpin said "Well yeah," Jöhn said "Well that unexpected," Ozpin said "You have to go now," Jöhn said, "Why?" Ozpin said "I have to talk to them privately," Jöhn said "Okay I leave," then Jöhn entered the elevator and go down. Then Winter said "Headmaster of Beacon, who is that man with some different eyes?" Ozpin said "That man name Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Qrow said "Jaune?" Ozpin said "No Jöhn J-O-H-N," Qrow said "Oh Jöhn, that is a similar name," Winter said, "Where did he come from?" Ozpin said "He's not from our World" Qrow said, "Wait what you meant?" Ozpin "He from another Dimension," winter said, "Tell me more."

Meanwhile, Jöhn entered the elevator then heading to the ground floor. When the elevator hits the ground and opened it, Mrs. Goodwitch showed up right front of it, she said "Hello Jöhn," Jöhn said "How did know my name?" she said "Ozpin told me on the scroll," Jöhn said "Scroll?" With a confuse, the Glynda said "Oh right, you lived in another dimension," Jöhn said, "it's okay Mrs. Goodwitch, what is it?" Mrs. Goodwitch said "He said your look tired for your Journey and you need some rest," Jöhn said, "Yeah I was really tired, where I supposed to sleep?" Mrs. Goodwitch said, "Come with me." Jöhn followed Mrs Goodwitch to the dorm that where the hunter's and huntresses sleeps, at the end of the hallway, Mrs Goodwitch stop, and she using the special key to opened and it was a secret door revealed at the end of the hallway and Jöhn said in his mind "It's like Harry Potter," Mrs. Goodwitch said "This is your own room, and here's the key," Jöhn felt thank he said "Thank you, Mrs. Goodwitch," When Jöhn enter the room, Mrs., Goodwitch said "And Jöhn, Professor Ozpin want to see you tomorrow very early at the courtyard, can you do that?" Jöhn said "I'm always whatever be," Mrs. Goodwitch said "Wake up early, please," and she closed the door, then Jöhn feel sleepy, he went to bed and closed the lights for tomorrow, and mostly he closed his eyes.

When Jöhn went to sleep; his Journey of his dream continued, from the state of his mind. Last time he was climbing up to the top of the tower, but now he's on the floating islands, with some fantasy stylish world. When he explored the place, he saw the bridge hanging on another island to across-the-island. But suddenly, the island has moved far away to the distance, and the bridge has been broken in halves. Jöhn use the Teleportation Gun, but there is no pad to shoot. But then suddenly, his powers got evolved, his legs have been glowing under his feet, and he feels air inside of his body. When he tries to jump to another island, Jöhn closed this arms and legs, then he spread out, he pushed his body to boost to the other side of the island. Then Jöhn saw the Gate in the distance and the heading it by using his ability Air Dash of each island. When he arrived, the Gate's opened widely that he saw a light. When he entered the Gate's, Jöhn awaken.

When Jöhn wake up, he forgot that Mrs. Goodwitch have a meeting to Headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin to talk in the courtyard. So, he dressed his hoodie, wearing his shoes, opened the door, and running to the hallway then pass Weiss and Yang. Weiss said "Hey! No running in the Hallway!" Jöhn said "Sorry Miss, I have a run," then Yang saw Jöhn was running in the hallway, then she saw Ruby it's about to bump him then she said, "Mister, look out!" Then Jöhn looked back while he's running, he said "What?" Then Jöhn and Ruby bump of each other, Blake said: "Are you guys alright?" Ruby said "Yeah I'm okay," Then Jöhn said "Me too," Weiss said "Hey I know you," Jöhn said "Me?" Then she said "You're that guy that fight some weird monster and Grimm," Yang said "Yeah, who are you?" Jöhn said, "Oh sorry girls, I wanted to introduce to myself; my name is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, What's your name?" Ruby introduced "Oh my name is Ruby Rose," then Weiss said "Weiss Schneel the Heiress of the Schneel Dust Company," then Blake said "Blake Belladonna," and Yang said "and I'm Yang Xiao Long," Weiss questioned, "Why are you on the hurry?" Jöhn said "Oh no, I have to go," Then Jöhn stand up, and then Ruby said, "Where are you going?" He said "Professor Ozpin wanted me to meet me in the courtyard, very early," Yang said, "Wait for the Headmaster?" Blake said "Well same us, Professor Ozpin wanted to see us too" Jöhn said "Well, look at your time," Team RWBY look their time, then Yang said "Oh My Goodness, it is very late," Weiss said "We have to go fast," Blake said "Very Fast," then Ruby said "What about you Jöhn, are you coming?" Then Jöhn said "Well yeah, let's go, everyone," Then Jöhn and team RWBY are now running to meeting of the Headmaster.

While that is running, Ruby and Yang wanted a race to Professor Ozpin, then Weiss and Blake were accepting the challenge, Jöhn said "What are you girls doing?" Ruby said "We're racing," Yang said, "Are joining?" Jöhn questioned, "Are you sure?" Ruby said "Well… Yeah if you want to," Jöhn said "Oh you're on," Then Jöhn and Team RWBY are now racing running through from Beacon. Ruby use her red hood cloak to flying over the halls of beacon that leaving the petals behind, then Weiss use a summon giant and mounted that Jöhn impressed that this his first time to see a fancy summoned, then Blake jump the tree's outside then she uses her weapon as a rope to swing long gap of the trees, and Yang use her fist-shooter weapon as a rocket booster to fly over the building, but for Jöhn well, parkour. Jöhn was really slow, that team RWBY are really fast to reach Professor Ozpin, but Jöhn use his Vision, that he saw a Dimensional Glitch on the walls, Jöhn said "What the?" When he touched the Dimensional Glitch, the time got slow and when he saw his left arm, he has 10 minutes to wear off, then Jöhn start's running that he saw Everyone in beacon are really slow I mean literally slow, then Jöhn saw his left arm again, he has 5 minutes left to this wear off. 5 minutes later, Jöhn got outside in the courtyard then, he saw Professor Ozpin in the Distance looking at his watch, but the team RWBY are almost arrived, then Jöhn parkour some obstacles, outside of Beacon, then he uses Air Dash, and Jöhn won. Ozpin said "Well, you're early," Then Professor Ozpin and Jöhn look in the Distance and the Sun come up. Team RWBY is arrived, then Professor Ozpin said "Hello Girls," Ruby said, "Jöhn, how did you get here?" Jöhn said "Well secret," Yang said "But we saw you are left behind," Jöhn said "So?" Then team RWBY is confused, they think in thought like "Whatwaithowwhenwherewhatwha-huh?" then Jöhn talked to Professor Ozpin, he said "Professor Ozpin, why we are here?" Professor Ozpin said "So for you girls and guy this is a special day," Weiss said, "Wait what special day?" Professor Ozpin said "You 4 of you have to train Jöhn," Yang said, "Wait train Jöhn, Why?" Professor Ozpin "Because this is his first time to train in Beacon, and 4 of you girls, are much more advanced than Jöhn, well what do you say?" Blake said "*Sigh* Fine we will train Jöhn," Professor Ozpin said "Okay, If you excuse me, I have a meeting for today," Then Professor Ozpin heading to his office. Team RWBY train Jöhn about combat style like Parry, thrust, and advance combat, but he was too good at fighting.

Team RWBY saw Jöhn's eyes were different, then the Faunus (Half Animal Half Human), or Monsters, so Ruby questioned "So what happened your eyes? Can you see?" Jöhn answered "Well yes, 'cause my eyes were inverted because I do not belong here," then Weiss questioned "So…. Where did you come from?" Jöhn said "I came from another world or Dimension," Ruby said "Wait another world? Dimension; what is called?" Jöhn said "It's called Earth," Blake said, "Earth, it's that a rock type dust?" Jöhn said "No it's not a kind of Magic," Yang said, "So what is the world of Earth?" Jöhn answered, "Earth, is a planet that it is similar to your world called Remnant, right?" Team RWBY said "YeahRightAbsoutlyTotally," Jöhn continued "Well Earth, has no Hunter's and Huntresses," Weiss said "Wait what? Why?" Jöhn said "Because, Hunter's and Huntresses are already gone like 500 years ago," Yang said, "Well what about the Grimm's to your world?" Jöhn said "There are no Grimm's or Monsters in my world, it was nothing," Blake said, "They have weapons in your world?" Jöhn said "Yes it is, but it has a similarity of yours, It have guns, swords, and advance technology weapon, that it has different chemical," Ruby said "Different chemical, what it's called? " Jöhn said "It's called the Periodic table of Elements, it a scientific research, that use for weapons… you know what? Don't that far," Yang said "Pretty cool, I guess, I have 2 questions left, do they have vehicles in your world?, And also do they have Aura, Semblance, Faunus, and Dust?" Jöhn said, "Well, no. 1 they have vehicles that using called oil not (I will not talk about it later), and no. 2 they don't have Aura, Semblance, Faunus, and Dust, speaking of about Earth, what is Aura, Semblance, Faunus and Dust?" Weiss said, "Wait, you didn't know?" Jöhn said "No, because I am new here to this world," Yang said, "Well my friend, I will learn you about 4 things in Remnant."

Blake said " First, Aura, Semblance, and Dust are most important thing in Remnant, Aura is a manifestation power that live inside of the soul of the Hunter's and Huntresses, and also Semblance it's a natural power, it gives abilities to reflex our body, it can be used as magic from our bodies, and minds from evil, without a shield or something," Jöhn said "So it's like a wizard?" Weiss said "Exactly, and also Dust is a source of energy that it can be used as a Weapon, Airship, and many more," Jöhn said, "Woah×5 wait a sec, so the only useful resources in Remnant is Dust?" Yang said "Well Yeah, so do you have some resources of yours," Jöhn said, "Well it has 100 resources". Ruby said "So…. Do you have a ranged weapon?" Jöhn said "Range weapon?" Weiss said "Yeah, like Gun's" Jöhn said "Well I got this," He show the Alternitav Pistol that he obtained from Dimension 4, and then team RWBY reacted that he sees that kind of pistol in Remnant. Ruby said "OhmyGod ×3 that's a good-looking Pistol," then Weiss said "My Goodness, how the heck to create that design? That looks way far expensive," then Blake said "It's very well detailed," the Yang said, "Where did you get that Pistol?" Jöhn said "Back in Dimension 4, the king and queen of Mewni, Give me a gift that helps me through my Journey a weapon called, the Alternitav Pistol, the queen said the blacksmith of Mewni did not create that Pistol, but her great-grandma found in the temple, and keep it as a last resort of her kingdom but she forgot where the pistol is, so the queen found the pistol and she reads the letter to her great-grandma like 7 days ago," Yang said "Well… That's an interesting story, so does it work?" Jöhn said "I don't know, this Pistol has a round clip but it has 12 capacity of ammo," Weiss said "I have one this," Jöhn said, "You do?" Then Weiss throws her bullets, she said "Here," Jöhn questioned, "What's this?" Blake said "Bullets that contain Dust Inside on it," Weiss said "Each Dust has a colors, it depends the colors has an own element," Jöhn said on his mind "Sounds like FF for me," then he said "Alright I try," Jöhn inserted the Red Bullets (Red Dust: Fire) to his Pistol, then Ruby said "Try to shoot the tree," Jöhn questioned "It's okay that I will shoot the forest?" Yang said "Nah you be fine, this forest has a full of monster y'know," Jöhn said "Okay," then Jöhn aimed for the tree, he pulled the trigger, then the bullets coming out was very fast that they can't see, but the sound was very loud, louder than a normal Revolver nor Magnum that it can hear through the other side of the Beacon, and they were shocked, Yang said "Whoa, that was loud," Jöhn said "This is my first time to use it," Ruby said "Jöhn, look," the tree they Jöhn shoots, went suddenly burned to the air," Weiss said "Oh my goodness," Blake said "This is a very dangerous weapon," Jöhn said "Well I can use that as my back," Ruby said "Yeah, Yo can use it as 'when you're in trouble'," then everyone laughed.

Then a group of team called 'JPNR' are arrived, from the other side of the Beacon, then a blonde hair man said "Hey guys," Ruby said "Hey Jaune," then the black hair said, "Who is that man?" Weiss said "That man? Oh well, Ren… this is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, a new 'Temporary' Student," then the red hair girl said "Temporary Student?" Blake said "Yes Pyyrha, He was training with us, then he heading to his mission" then the pink hair girl said "Oh yeah…. What kind of mission?" Yang said "Nora well… His mission is to find his way home," Ren said, "So… he forgot his home in Remnant?" Ruby said "Well…. no, he's not from in Remnant," Jaune said, "Wait, what did you mean he's is not in Remnant?" Blake said "He's from another world," Nora said, "Wait what?" Then Jöhn join the conversation, he said "Hey guys," Yang said "Jöhn, Uhm… How's your training?" Jöhn said "Well I destroy some trees like 50 of them in the middle of the forest," Then they saw in the distance, Nora said, "Oh my Goodness, did you cut all of them?" Jöhn said, "Well yeah, wait a minute, are you guys are Team's?" Pyrrha said "Oh us? Yeah," Jöhn said, "So what your team's name?" Nora said with an expression "We are… *an introduction poses* Team JPNR," Jöhn impressed with a clap he said "Bravo! Bravo! That was amazing, so what are your names?" Then team JPNR introduce to their name's "Jaune Arc," "Nora Valkyrie," "Pyyrha Niko," "Lie Ren, so… what's your name?" Jöhn said "Me? My name is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Jaune said, "Wait a sec, do we have a similar name?" Jöhn said, "I don't know what your spelling name is?" Jaune said "It's J-A-U-N-E," Jöhn said "Well for me is J-O-H-N," Jaune said, "Whoa that's different than mine, Ruby why you are training with him?" Ruby said, "Well Professor Ozpin told us?" Ren said, "Why?" Yang said "Because, Jöhn has a different power," Jöhn said "Well it's true," Nora "So Jöhn didn't use Dust?" Weiss said "Well he used as a Range weapon," Jaune talk to Jöhn that he said, "Jöhn did you have Aura inside of your body?" Jöhn said "Well I feel weird, that my body starts glowing when I arrived this Dimension," Pyyrha questioned, "Why are your eyes are inverted?" Jöhn said "This is what happens when I go to another Dimension," Pyyhra said "Hmm… I see," then Pyyrha think Jöhn that going to taking a spar, then she said, "Do you want a spar?" Jöhn said "Spar? Wait do you mean fighting?" Ruby said, "Oh my God, you guy's going to fight?" Pyyhra said "Well yeah to show Jöhn's Strength," Jöhn said "Well Okay, I'm always going to fight you later," Pyyhra said "Oh you on, Well… A bet," Jöhn questioned "What bet?" Pyyhra answered "Who would win, Take to the most popular restaurant in the Kingdom of Vale, and the loser will pay the whole meal," he reacted "The whole meal?" She replied "The whole meal," Jöhn replied "Deal," then Jöhn and Pyyhra are shaking hands for a fight. Jaune said "Well… okay, Pyrrha we have to go now," Pyrrha said "Okay just a minute," she talks to Jöhn "So… do you have Scroll?" Jöhn said "Uhm yeah, but it's not a Scroll it called a Phone," Nora asked "Phone?" Jöhn said "It's a thing but different name than yours," Pyyhra said, "Really, what is it?" Then Jöhn show his Samsung phone, he said "This is my Phone, And It works very well when I go to the Different Dimension," Jaune said, "Wait, why your phone doesn't have a hologram?" Jöhn said "Uhm no, because my world, the technology was difficult to make and it was expensive," Ruby questioned "Expensive for what?" Jöhn answered "We'll Business," Weiss said "But our technology was cheap," Jöhn replied "I don't know it depends our Dimension," Nora said "Yeah I know right," Ren said "Pyrrha, can u pass your phone number to Jöhn?" Pyrrha said "Uhm… sure I'll try," Pyrrha try pass her scroll number digitally to Jöhn and It work, Jöhn said "Whoa, it worked," Then Jöhn said to himself in thought "I don't Alexander Malagtas have a communication to my phone, We'll… Who cares," Pyyhra said "We'll we have to now and also, I will text you if you're ready," Jöhn questioned "You got it" Pyrrha said "Nice," Jöhn said "Well Okay, Goodbye guys," Nora said "See ya," then team JPNR are leaves.

Team RWBY has to go somewhere else, then Blake said "Jöhn, our team has to go," Jöhn questioned, "Where are you going?" Weiss sigh and she replied "Ruby and Yang wanted to see Mr. Brawnwen," Jöhn said "Mr. Brawnwen?" Ruby said, "It's our Uncle!" In excitement, Yang was very smug that she said "He's even better than her sister," Weiss felt angry that said "Oh come on! My sister was worked in the Atlas Military Base, she better than your Drunk Uncle," Yang turned her eyes into red that she said, "What did say to our Uncle?" Jöhn realize went into a trash talk then something involved a fight but Jöhn stopped the situation that he said "Girls stop this instance," Yang asked, "Why?" Jöhn replied "Your both friend's, but friend's don't need to fight and broke it up," Weiss sigh that she said "He's right, Sorry about what I saying," Yang replied "I'm sorry too," Then they hugged out of each other. Ruby said, "I'm so glad that's over, so Jöhn do you want to come?" Jöhn said "Oh that's okay you can go," Weiss said "Are you sure? Because the Kingdom of Vale was pretty huge," Jöhn said "I will be alright, I can do this to myself," Yang said "Okay If you need us or your lost, call us," Yang pass the 'team RWBY call group' to Jöhn phone, then he said "Thanks" Ruby said "Okay, goodbye Jöhn," Jöhn said "Bye everyone," then team RWBY left. Jöhn said to himself "We'll then, time to explore this place," Jöhn explore the whole Kingdom of Vale, from the Dockside to Road's to Riverside to Building's to Forest to Mountain Ranges, Jöhn was amazed that the Kingdom huge that similar to his country.

By Noon, Jöhn heading back to Beacon to talk to the Headmaster, he entered the office lobby to talk Professor Ozpin, but his security guard said "Uhm… Mister Christogale, Professor Ozpin was in lunch, you can come back at 1 PM," Jöhn said, "Well Okay I going to sit here and wait". While was sitting and waiting in the lobby, Jöhn did bring the plastic bag that full of snacks and he ate all of them because he was hungry like for days. An hour later the security guard said "Mister Christogale, Professor Ozpin wanted to see you," Jöhn replied "Oh okay, and also, by the way, thanks Mister," the guard said "Anytime," He entered the elevator and go to the top of the building and he entered to Professor Ozpin's Office. When Jöhn entered the office, he saw Qrow and Winter talk to Ozpin in a serious conversation, then Ozpin saw Jöhn that he said "Oh hello Jöhn good to see you, come here," Jöhn approached him, he said "Good afternoon Professor," then Qrow and Winter going to talk Jöhn. Qrow said, "So your name is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale?" Jöhn replied, "Yes, it is, but how did you my name?" Winter said "Ozpin told us," Jöhn said, "Oh that why, so what are your names?" Qrow said "Oh sorry kid, let me introduce to myself, names Qrow Brawnwen," then Winter said "and my name is Winter Schneel of the Atlas Military," Jöhn said "It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Qrow and Ms. Schneel," Jöhn heard a similar word like 'Brawnwen' and 'Atlas Military' so he said "So you must be Ruby and Yang's Uncle, and you must be Weiss Sister, am I right?" Winter said "So you meet my Sister," then Qrow said "And my nephews, Good to know, you must be team up with RWBY," Jöhn said "Ruby? You're nephew?" Qrow said "No RWBY R-W-B-Y," Jöhn was confused that he said, "What kind of team was that?" Ozpin said "It's a group that allows the student can help together and it's a tradition for Hunters and Huntresses, but that's okay if you want to team up to five," Jöhn replied, "Oh so that's why be I forgot it yesterday or I don't know". Winter questioned "So Jöhn, it is true that you lived in another dimension?" He replied, "Well you said, it's true, but why?" Winter said "Ozpin told us that you have 'Magical' powers that use those creatures than Grimm's," then Qrow said "Yeah even your eyes have an inverted colors, like a demon or something," Jöhn replied "Really?" He said "I don't know, maybe your different person or something," Jöhn said "Oh alright, so you said Mrs. Schneel, I will going to explain everything about Dimension," Then Jöhn explained Dimension to Winter and Qrow. After the explanation, Ozpin said "Woah, that's a lot what you saying about your explanation," he sips his coffee on his mouth, then Winter questioned, "So your mission is to find the Dimensional Fragment's to return your own world?" Jöhn replied "Exactly, Mrs. Schneel," then Qrow questioned, "So what happens if you don't get the fragments?" He replied "Well your universe will be more danger, it could be a possibility has new monsters or some stuff," Winter said "This terrible we have to call the Military and-" then Ozpin interrupted he said "No Mrs Schneel, Jöhn said he can do this to himself," Jöhn said "Well it is Professor, but I have friend that can help me," Qrow said "But you don't any friends," Then he replied "It's okay, I can do this to myself," Winter asked "So it's like a secret?" Ozpin said "Well kind of," Qrow said "A very top secret." After talking for hours, Jöhn said "So by the way, what time is it? It been hours spent time with talking with you guys," Ozpin check his watch that he said "its 5:30 pm," Jöhn was thinking and he said "5:30? Oh no! I have to go now," Qrow said, "Where are you going?" He replied "I have to go to the 'meeting'," Winter asked "Meeting?" He replied "You know talking stuff with team JPNR," Qrow said, "Hold on kid, you know team JPNR?" He replied "It's a long story," then Ozpin said "Okay Mr. Christogale, just be careful out there in the night," Jöhn asked, "What is it?" Winter said "They numerous reports' every night that those dimensional creatures increase than in the day," Jöhn said "Really?" Winter said "Affirmative, so be careful out there," Jöhn said "I will, I will come back," Qrow said "Your better be," Ozpin said "See you later Mr. Christogale," Jöhn said "See you later, guys," then Jöhn leave the Office.

As he leave in the office, There's a second elevator was coming up to the Professor Ozpin's office, he's wearing a white tuxedo, with his staff, black shoes, fancy pants, and a black hat. As the elevator arrived with a ding and opened, they got shocked, Ozpin said "Roman Torchwick, how did you?" Roman said "Na-a-ah no questions," Roman has a squad of villain's surrounded in Professor Ozpin's Office, then Roman said, "I just wanted to talk,". When Jöhn exited the elevator, he leave Beacon, then he has a message from Pyyhra it said "Hey Jöhn if you don't probably don't know where is the arena is? Is located at the northern part of the kingdom, just pass through at the forest, and you will arrive in your destination," then Jöhn said to himself "Hmm… Mrs. Schneel said it's more dangerous when I go to the forest, so what the heck, I can handle myself… I guess," Jöhn felt worried so he decided to enter the forest. As he entered the forest, Jöhn felt lost that he fell paranoid, but not so much, as he find the path around the forest, he heard the bushes, and the leaves where rustle, but there is no wind, Jöhn summoned his sword, then it was Beowulf are popping out of nowhere, so Jöhn ready to fight. Jöhn evade the attack's so many times, then he use his weapon with contains Red Dust (Red: Fire), he aimed and shoot, that the Beowulf burned on fire, and they were disappeared, as the Beowulf were gone, the Dimension Creatures were popping out of nowhere, but this time, it has heavy armor and the other has guns, Jöhn use his pistol using a blue Dust (Blue: Blizzard) aimed to the Dimension Creatures has Guns Jöhn called them Sîper, but it was immune the damage, except they were froze, Jöhn going to attack the Heavy armor using his sword, but it useless, the armor was more tough that his cant send the damage to the enemy, so he use the yellow Dust (Yellow: Thunder) that the heavy armor was damaged and the protection was broken, so Jöhn has a chance to attack the Heavy Armour, but the Sîper shot Jöhn so he cover behind the rock, then he killed bunch of Heavy Armour then he going to kill some Sîper, so he use the green Dust (Green: Absorption) to shoot the Sîper to Absorb the Life to Jöhn, then use the white Dust (White: Tornado) to suck in the eye spinning around, then he use the Power from the sword, he use the Black Pillar to succ it more until it exploded. After the fight, Jöhn heard clapping and it was a woman voices hear in the distance, but Jöhn didn't see her, she said "Well well well, you are a very interesting man," then Jöhn said "Who are you? Show yourself, lady," then the lady show out in the bushes. She wears a similar dress similar to Ruby, but she was wearing a mask that Jöhn cannot see her face, and also she holds a sword because Jöhn didn't know her if she was a friend or a foe. Jöhn said, "Who are you?" She replied "let's say, I'm watching you while you fighting," then he replied "Why didn't you help me?" then she said "I don't know? Maybe you are better, worst, stronger, weaker because it depends on your own by the way," she looks back and walk away. As she walks away, Jöhn asked "Wait, miss, where I can find the way out?" she replied "Wind blows from the north, that when you navigate by yourself," he replied "Thanks…. miss?" And she was disappeared in the air, Jöhn fell the wind like very cold actually, that he said "Wind from the north, must be the arena came from," so he followed the wind. As he follows the wind, he's now finally out the forest, he saw the arena that Pyyhra text him, so he headed.

As he arrived the arena, he saw team JPNR was at the lobby waiting for him, as he entered the lobby the team JPNR saw Jöhn, then Nora said "Jöhn you came," he replied "Yep it is," Pyyhra asked, "Jöhn why are you so late?" He said "Sorry guys, I got lost through the forest," then Jaune said, "Through the forest?" He replied "Well it is," Ren asked "So you got in danger? Like Grimm and Dimension Creature's you called?" He replied "Yeah I fight them, lucky for me, thank to Weiss, I can fight easier by using her Dust Bullet's that are pretty easy to kill them," Nora said "Oh right, Weiss give the bullet's you," Then Jöhn asked "So… have you seen a person with a mask?" Then Jaune reacted and asked him "Wait you saw them?" He replied "Well yeah, but just 1, but- are you guys okay?" then team JPNR got felt worried, Ren said "What you saw, is the Tribe came from another Kingdom," Jöhn asked "Another Kingdom?" Pyyhra said "You see Jöhn, this world was divided into 4 Kingdoms, Vale, Atlas, Mistral, and Vacuo," he replied "So there's only 4 Kingdom? Well In my world, they have over a hundred states/countries all around the world," Nora with an expression that she said "More than a hundred? That's crazy," Ren was interested, he said "Hmm… must be tribe's," Jöhn asked, "Oh yeah so what is Tribes of your world?" Jaune explained "It's like a little community of our world that contact the councilor of the Kingdom," he asked, "So who are the tribe that wearing mask that you guys worried?" Jaune said "They were the Raven Tribe," he asked "Raven Tribe, so they were dangerous?" Ren said "Like I told you, the Raven Tribe came from the another Kingdom but they can be everywhere, So be careful those guys," Jöhn said "Ok I understand, that I will self-aware to myself," Nora with an expression, she said "Don't worried about that, Pyyhra I thought you going to have a fight with Jöhn," Pyyhra replied "Oh yeah, Jöhn are you ready to go?" He replied "Oh wait, I will organize my stuff first," as he organized his stuff, and refilling the dust, Jöhn was ready to fight with Pyyhra. They heading to the Garden; that is where the centered of the arena held in, as they stop, Jaune, Nora, and Ren jump out the Garden and sitting on audition seat's, then the Garden began to change, it changes into 4 region, Grassland, Taiga, Forest, and Desert, Jöhn was confused he asked "Uhm… what is going on?" Pyyhra pull out her weapon using her Spear and her Shield, she replied "Don't you know, the game it's about to start, you ready?" He summons his sword and he replied "Ready whatever be," While they were ready to fight, Jaune, Nora, and Ren were very cheerful to Pyyhra, and Jöhn, they said "Go Pyyhra!!! Go Jöhn!!!!" Then an unexpected announcement was counting the fight it said "Pyyhra Nikos and Jöhn Bhrams Christogale; are you ready? 3…2…1… fight," And the fights start.

Pyyhra jumped higher then she throws out her Spear she said "Take that!!" With a boost of a dust to make it faster, the Jöhn evade the spear, he said "Woah," then Jöhn use his pistol he aimed, and shoot her but Pyyhra use her shield to block the Dust, as she landed, she picked her spear and attack Jöhn, Jöhn deffend her attack then he teleported to the back and attack Pyyhra, then Pyyhra move out his attack then her spear was transformed into a rifle then she aimed Jöhn," but suddenly, when Jöhn was in Taiga, his feet stuck in between the rock that he cannot escape, Pyyhra was lucky, she switch to yellow dust to shocked Jöhn and shoot at him, then Jöhn defend himself by crossing his arm, then suddenly, as the yellow dust exploded, Jöhn didn't shocked, they saw, he has a Big Aura all around at him (Well force-field if you say it), they were shocked, they never seen a Big Aura, for many years in their world, as for that, Jöhn was free by the explosion then Jöhn make the moved, Pyyhra's rifle returned into a spear, and she defends his attacks, then Jöhn fell something different, his sword was shacking and the blade was getting brighter, as he one slash her defense, it exploded, Pyyhra fling out the Garden so she lost, the Announcer said "Pyyhra Nikos was moved out the battle, Jöhn Bhrams Christogale wins."

After the fight, Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Jöhn approach to Pyyhra to see if she's okay, as they arrived, Pyyhra got up then Nora said: "Pyyhra are you okay?" She replied "Yeah I'm okay," then Nora asked "What was that Jöhn? You almost hit her," he replied "Look, I'm sorry for what I have done, and I am so sorry Pyyhra," she replied "Well… that's okay, but what was that? Your weapon is getting strange," Jöhn said "Sorry, I didn't use it too much, because that's new to me," Ren was very curious that he said "I must say, you really have different power, than us," Jöhn replied "Well it is, so yeah I win," then he asked "So Pyyhra I win, so we can go to the best restaurant in the whole kingdom," then she replied "Sure, let's go guys," team JPNR also Jöhn leave the Arena and then heading to the city.

They head to the best restaurant in the whole kingdom, called The Spiral, then Jöhn said "Hold on, that name was similar in my world," Jaune asked, "You do?" He replied "So let me guess, it's a buffet," Nora with a happy expression she said "Your right," as she opened the door, she said "Welcome my friend, to Paradise!!!" Then as they entered the restaurant, this is a complete food buffet from all around in Remnant, like Meals, Desert, Culture Food, and many more, and also they have very skilled Chefs from another kingdom. Ren asked "Jaune, were going to reserved our seats," Jaune replied "Sure, But I have to go to Bathroom, after that you guy going to get some food," then Jöhn, Pyyhra, Nora, and Ren heading to the seat, than they have a conversation. Pyyhra asked, "So Jöhn, why your last name 'Christogale' was very rare?" Ren added "Yeah, it's very unique," He said "So the name Christogale was a meaning to my family because I don't what it is? Maybe the Generation of my family has a different Last name like Låud, Terakota, Ven-Deux, Schnee-Hesdålbven-," Nora cut his conversation she asked, "Hold on, you said Schneel?" He replied "Uhm… yes but no, you see, my cousin's family Schnee-Hesdålbven, is a German-Scadivadian name but the word 'Schneel' don't have the L-word, so don't need worry of Weiss about it," Pyyhra asked, "Did you miss your family?" He replied "Yeah I miss them," then Jöhn was in tears, Ren asked, "Are you crying?" He said "No, there's a cutting onion on the plate," Ren, Pyyhra, and Nora looking the table that they saw a cutting onions on the plate, then they everyone laugh. As for that, Jaune join the conversation he asked: "Hey guys, so do you want to get some food?" Jöhn stand up, he said "Surely, cone on guys," then they having a buffet and then they were stuffed and they having a conversation.

While they were having a conversation, team RWBY walked in the restaurant and they saw team JPNR and Jöhn having a conversation, then Nora saw team RWBY, she said "Ruby! Weiss! Blake! And Yang!" And she waved, team RWBY joined the conversation, then Yang said "Hey Guys are finishing your buffet?" Jaune replied "Nah, we're stuffed," Weiss asked, "Why is Jöhn doing here?" Nora said "What? Doesn't he want a conversation with us?" He added, "Yeah Weiss did I something wrong?" Weiss answered "No It isn't I feel like uncomfortable of yourself," Pyyhra asked "His face?" Blake said "She talk about the dress," They looked Jöhn's Dress, that team JPNR, Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Jöhn went in a confused, then Ren said "Wait what? What wrong about his dress?" Weiss said "Well he looked like simple and plain and he doesn't have an armor even once it even more hurtful," Ruby asked to Weiss, she said "But he's not hurt, in many time's" Yang explained "Because it has marking on his limbs, head, and eyes?" Jöhn replied "Well it is, also I can see everything but not really," Pyyhra said "So I see," then she stands up, she said "Well we have to now," Ren said "Oh right," team JPNR and Jöhn stand up, then he said "We heading back to Beacon for our assignment," then he asked "So are guys going to eat here?" Yang replied, "No we're fine, we just here to see you guy, so who winning?" Pyyhra was sighing of sadness; she said "It was… Jöhn win the round in the arena," Ruby was happy with her eyes sparkle, she said, "OMG, Jöhn win?" Weiss asked "But how? You're the greatest combat of the team, but why?" Pyyhra said "Well Jöhn was very different, he can teleport, he can summon his sword anytime, also he can see everything but not really," Blake said "I see, so let's go together," Jaune asked, "Alright, so Jöhn are you come?" He replied "Sure," so team RWBY, JPNR, and Jöhn, walks out of the restaurant, and explored the city.

While they were talking and exploring the city, they saw some robot soldiers who were guarding must be a General coming from the other Kingdom, and a little girl who looks follow him, in the same sidewalk. Jöhn asked "Uhm… Hey guys who are those strangers?" Jaune replied "That's Mr. Ironwood, General of the Atlas Military," Jöhn replied "Oh, so who's this-" Ruby reacted and she shouts "PENNY!!!" Penny look back then she said "Ruby," she ran, jump, and hug Ruby and they fall to the ground Ruby said "Hey Penny," she replied "Hi Ruby," then they stand up. Ironwood approach alongside with his soldier, then he asked "Penny you robot, what are you doing?" She replied "Sorry General, it's just I miss them," then Jöhn heard a word that he said "Robot?" Ren was nervous laughing, then he said "Well yeah, she's a robot," Jöhn exclaimed "What!?" When Penny and General Ironwood heard his voice and looked at him, they saw his eyes, and General Ironwood said "Salem! Penny on combat," she replied "Yes sir," Penny raised her sword, and General Ironwood bring out his Revolver, the robots were aimed to Jöhn, and they turn to combat. Jöhn, team RWBY, JPNR were shocked, that Team RWBY and JPNR try to protect Jöhn, and stop in combat, Jaune asked to General Ironwood, and Penny, he said "Woah Woah Woah, what are you guys doing?" General Ironwood replied "What? It's Salem," Jöhn asked "Salem?" Weiss said "General Ironwood, Jöhn is a he," he asked, "he?" As he looked Jöhn's face, he confirmed, and then he said "hmm… Penny, soldiers, back to normal at ease," she replied "Sir Yes sir," and they return back to normal. Penny said "I am so sorry for this situation," Jöhn replied "it's okay, it happens all the time," then General Ironwood asked, "So you must be Jöhn Bhrams Christogale?" He replied, "Wait how did you- Oh, Professor Ozpin told you, so you're searching me for?" Ironwood replied "A Dimensional/Realm Immigrant," Everyone got shocked and confuse, then Blake asked, "Wait what?" Ruby asked, "What did you mean Realm Immigrant?" Penny said "It's a Top Secret, the 4 Kingdoms of Remnant, sign the contract, that some good 'entities' from another realm and the only 'entity' is Jöhn," Yang said "So Humans, Faunus, and the Top Secret called 'Entity' are the only races in this world?" He replied "Affirmative," Ren got interest "I see so this is a top-secret," Then Penny replied "Yep, so this is a secret so don't tell the others, except you guys," Weiss, Blake, and Nora asked, "Why?" Penny replied "you know, Jöhn's friend?' Jaune replied "Oh well Jöhn was really good at fighting," then for Weiss "Well he's the worst looking-" then Jöhn said "Hey," then Yang interrupted with her eyebrows down "Weiss," she replied "What? Oh sorry," and Ruby said "And also he really cares about us," then Nora said "Actually your right, I think Jöhn was a rookie clumsy guy," Jöhn express "Oh come on," then they everyone laugh except General Ironwood. While they were laughing, General Ironwood excuse Jöhn with an "Ahem," then they everyone stop, then Jöhn asked, "What is it, General Ironwood?" He replied "According to my mission, you (Mr. Christogale) want to see Professor Ozpin to his office," Jöhn asked, "Wait Professor Ozpin called me?" Penny replied "Well yeah, it said it was Emergency," Jöhn reacts "Emergency? I have to go now" Yang asked "Go where?" He replied "To the Professor, it was an emergency right?" General Ironwood replied "Well it is, Mr. Christogale, I think the professor really needs you," He replied "Thank you General Ironwood, see ya guys" then Jöhn leaving.

While Jöhn was running and heading to the Beacon, Ruby jump down the building right front of him then she said "Jöhn wait!" He stopped and he asked, "Woah, What is it?" She asked "Are you sure you have to this alone? Because it will be much more difficult if you do this?" He replied, "I don't know Ruby, maybe if you want to come with me?" Ruby asked "Ours and JPNR team?" He replied " Yeah If you want to," then Ruby feel worried "I don't Jöhn, maybe Mrs Goodwitch," Ruby thinking "Okay let's do this," Jöhn was happy "That's a spirit, but fire where is-" Yang tapping Jöhn's Shoulder at the back then she said "Hey," Jöhn was scared so he jump back away from her and he fell, he said "Woah, what the heck Yang, you scared the crap out of me," Yang and Ruby laugh hysterically that their breath got hard until she said "Oh- oh- I see you faces he said €]," then Ruby got more hysterically laugh that she fell to ground, then Penny, Blake, Weiss, and team JPNR showed up, and Ruby stop. Jöhn asked, "Oh you are here?" Nora raised her one eyebrow up "Well duh, we follow you ever since," Jöhn understands it "Okay that's why," then Pyyhra asked Ruby "So Ruby, did he accept to coming with us?" Ruby replied "Well Yeah he is," Jöhn added "Well it's true, Penny asked, "Okay Mr. Christogale, what are your orders?" He replied "Let's go to Professor Ozpin, let's see what his emergency requests," and they head to the Beacon's Headmaster.

They arrived in Beacon, entered the elevator, and they arrived at Professor Ozpin's Office. When they arrived, they saw Professor Ozpin, Qrow, and Winter went knocked out, and the outside of the glass was shattered, they got shock, Ruby, and Yang said "Uncle Qrow!!!" then Weiss said "Sister!!!" and then Nora, Pyyhra, Jaune, Ren, and Jöhn said "Professor Ozpin!!!!" on the same time. They help to get up but it was in pain, Pyyhra asked "Professor Ozpin what happened?" then Nora added "Yeah because you look, was in pain and intact, what happened to you guys?" he replied "We're being invaded through my Office," they shocked then Weiss said "Wait you guys got invaded? Who was he or she," then Qrow got up, he replied "It was Roman," Ruby got shocked "Roman Torchwick," then Yang got furious "Aghh! Roman, that sand on the beach try to hit my Uncle and the Professor," then Penny added "and Mrs. Schneel," then Weiss response "Thank you, Penny,," then Winter said "No it's not, we got sleep when Professor Ozpin call General Ironwood to inform Jöhn," Jöhn understand it "Oh so that's why, Professor Ozpin called me," then Jaune asked "But why Roman Torchwick put you to sleep?" Qrow response "It's not him," Nora asked, "What did you mean it's not him?" Then Winter replied "He has a friend, his semblance was different, different than the others, like he came from another world," Then Jöhn got react and he asked "Another world? What is he looks like?" Qrow replied "he looks like wearing distinct clothes," then Jöhn was thinking "Distinct clothes, the man," Ruby asked, "Wait you knew?" He replied "Yeah he's the one who going to destroy every dimension," Blake asked, "Are you sure he's the one?" He replied "Yes, he's the one, but I will gather more information about him, I will find him out," Penny said, "I know you will Johnny, you know you going to catch him right?" He replied "Yeah your right Penny, I really do going to catch him," then Jöhn asked Professor Ozpin "Professor Ozpin, why I am here?" Then Ozpin going to sit on his desk while he was talking "You see Jöhn, you the only who has the ability to unlock the secrets of every dimension," then Weiss confess "Him why?" Qrow replied "Because he's the one who stop the plans of that man, who have an irresponsible and messing or fun every dimension, so could have a special quest for him" Winter said "Lucky for him, you guys come along with him, if not Jöhn will can't handle his quest," Ruby said "Oh because we will take care of him," Pyyhra asked "Are you sure?" She replied "Yes I am sure," Blake asked Ozpin "So Professor Ozpin, what is his special quest?" Ozpin response "Yesterday, Mrs. Goodwitch was searching a specific scroll; not the scroll that you holding it, when she found and open the scroll, she saw was a weird language that cannot be described, so I call Qrow, Winter, and all Teachers around in Beacon" then Qrow do the talking "As we analyzed it, It says-" Then Winter pull out her sword pointing at him they got shocked except Ozpin was fell relax on his desk "Don't you dare, say it," Qrow replied "Ok I won't," then Winter put her sword back, then Winter do talking "Anyways, we're cannot describe it," Jöhn asked "But why you guys didn't help me in the first place?" Qrow replied "We got so tired, that's we got forgot to call you," Jöhn replied "I understand, I always do that," Nora said, "Wow really?" He replied "Hmm… sometimes; but don't talk about it," Nora said "Ok you asked of it," He replied "I know Nora," then Ren asked, "So can we take a look?" Ozpin replied "Oh sure," Ozpin passed the scroll, and they let them see while Jöhn is having a conversation to Ozpin, Qrow, and Winter, Pyyhra asked, "Woah what language is this?" Weiss replied "I don't know, it has a valic letters but it has different words," Blake said "But some words has some very deep and strong pronunciation," Ren asked, "Can you guys try and read this?" Nora replied "Let me try," then the scroll pass it over to Nora and she read the title, then Nora was starting reading "Ok, *Ahem* Eng U-neng Re-port-uh ni Sa-ne-ton-eo Ri-pal," then they everyone laugh. Then Jöhn heard those words, he approaches and he asked them "Is that the language that I heard?" Yang asked, "Wait you knew?!" He replied "Well it is, that language I used back when I was a kid," they thinking that knowing that Jöhn knowing the language, Jaune response "Ok, if you insist," then Jaune pass the scroll to Jöhn. When open the scroll, he found out the language is his home but his problem was it will take days to convert his language into English (valic). Then something happens, everything went dark inside the office, it has a strange wind circling around it, his head was glowing, which those marking on his head, that means Jöhn was evolved, Ozpin, Qrow, Winter, Penny team RWBY, JPNR, and even Glynda, and Ironwood are arrive the office we're shocked that never seen before, it went out flash, that they covered their eyes then the glow was already faded, and then the light back on in the office. Everyone got shocked, and then General Ironwood said "WHAT. THE. HECK. WAS. THAT?" Jöhn asked "What is it? There's something wrong?" Glynda said "Your head was glowing," Jöhn replied, "Wait really?" He checks on his head by his hand "Woah I didn't notice that" Yang asked, "Did something happened with you?" He replied "Let me try," as he read the scroll he can finally translate his language to English so easy and he responded "Oh my Gah," Ruby said, "Wait is it?" He replied, "Guy's listen to this,". Jöhn is going to read the scroll.

The First Report of Sanatonio Ripal, September 16, 1905

This is my first document ever recorded in the lost history,

You may know in the title, my name is Sanatonio Alexadio Dela Ripal y Constantino, I was the 'first' discovered this place, causing of which some traveling time, and space; but with some multi-universe (or should I say multi-verse or some crap) called 'Dimensions'.

I have been shocked that I never seen many universe before, I just thought maybe I will going to make my own theory called 'The Multi-verse Theory' (of my definition), it means that every person, object, particle, and life or anything with one move can be change, this mean that can be altered the decision by just 'one moment'.

Some alternatives are good, and the others were bad; it depends on what the future holds (by you or can be everyone).

I found this Dimensional Machine since I was 25, I according to this machine; this must be over 9 trillion years ago? I don't know, I just saw some scattered ruins we're very very old as crap like seen before; it's like those civilization we're the first then the Sumerians itself.

I wanted to show the machine to the public, government, and the rest of the world; But I couldn't. The reason why, the future will cause bad things, so I keep my document as secret, so I decided to explore every dimension and discover some true element's in every world.

After he reads the scroll, they got shock that they realized, it was a lost document of the first discovery of the theory of the multi-verse. Then Ruby comment "Wait a minute, so there's another Dimensional Traveller, wandering around the multi-verse? That is AMAZING!!!"; "Dimensional Traveller?" Yang asked, "Yes it is" she replied "that was I called them," then Glynda explained "I see, so there's more Dimensional Traveller than him," "I don't understand?" Jöhn was confused "Maybe, I'm not the only one who traveled to another dimension," General Ironwood snatch the scroll, opened it and he looks back at the scroll, it was handwritten but this time it was in Valic/English, and he reads "Hmm… it said here…

I will continue writing more documents with my friend to help me analyzed more minerals, elements, animals, and people that how use to, and understanding of each dimension

For now, I will go to make a secret society that the outside world will not figure it out.

After he reads "Well that is unexpected," "So…." Weiss replied, "Sanatonio Ripal was the first ever person to travel with his 'friends' as a secret society, right?" Then Qrow said, "Yeah, I wonder what happen to him?" Penny said, "Maybe he's dead?" Then Jaune asked "Dead?" She replied, "You know his old or something tragic?" Pyyhra was interest "Hmm… seems about it," Nora "So where is the machine or temple?" Then she replied "We don't know, maybe this is will be important of his Journey," then they got hopeless.

Then James Ironwood checks the paper if there's something different. While he was checking the paper, Winter asked "Uhm what are you doing?" He replied "There's something way off," Jöhn asked "What did you mean General" General Ironwood said "This paper, it has a pattern on it," Ruby asked, "Like what?" Then James said "Come over here, have you ever seen this," Glynda asked "What is it? We just saw a back of the paper with a handwritten on it, and that's it" then James replied "No, there's a strange pattern, it has invisible dots that you can touch it," then they everyone touch it and they feel the dot, then Ozpin said "You're right General, but what is it?" He replied "I don't know? We never have seen that kind of pattern of our language, characters, or ciphers," then Yang said "Maybe Jöhn knows it," then Penny asked Jöhn "Mr. Christogale, did you know this strange pattern?" When he touches the pattern, he said "Hmm…. Hm….. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............…." They got weirded out that they never seen his side attitude like this, then Blake said "Uh��� Are you okay?" He replied, "What is it?" Blake said, "Whatever, so did you know this?" He replied "Well I think this is Braille Characters," Qrow said "Braille Characters?" "Is a unique character," Jöhn explains it "It allows the blind people to read," "Wait a minute?" Weiss asked, "How the heck blind people can read if their eyes can't see?" Jöhn answered "By touching it," then they realize "Ohhhhhhhhhh,". Ruby asked, "So what is it saying?" Jöhn replied "It said here, The World is still on war, fought at each other at center of the continent, until to this day, the Great Kingdom Divide to Quart to find the light of their own people, physical, spiritual, and wisdom. Someday they will unite of each and end of all this endless war. This is a Quote of Albus Tylusiyo…. Huh…. interesting," "That's it?" Yang increases her temper she said, "That's what we looking for?" Ozpin said to Yang "Xiao Long, calm down please," She replied "Sry," then Jöhn said "This quotation, that's something sublimation message," Pyyhra replied "What did you mean?," Then Jöhn said "Look at this the Great Kingdom Divide to Quart, it means the-" the Rent got it that he said "The four Kingdom of Remnant," Jöhn replied "That's it, and the Temple that must be located at the center of the 4 kingdoms," then they everyone thinking then Jaune realize "I know, that" Nora asked "What is it? You know the location?" He replied "Yes is Vytal Island," Then Penny got it "Oh yeah this is where they negotiate the 4 kingdoms when they declared peace and the origins of huntsman," Ruby react with a gasp then she said "OMG! This is where the festival was held in" Jöhn asked "The Festival?" Blake explains "The Vytal Festival, this were all the people from every kingdom come to one place," then Jöhn gets it "Oh ok, I get it now,". Jöhn asked, "So anyway, where is the Vytal Island?" Winter replied "It is located at the North of the Kingdom of Vale, it was a historical island to remember the great generation of the world of Remnant," Then Jöhn asked "So, when we go to the island?," Qrow "Ozpin, tomorrow?" He replied "Tomorrow,"

The next day, Jöhn woke up early in the morning, he was brushing his teeth (Jöhn bought in Dimension 43), Taking a bath, Wearing his clothes, and he was going to goodbye his temporary room (According to Alexander Malagtas: Jöhn clothes cannot get wet, dirty, or stinky, so he doesn't need to worry about it, and also it will remain smell good if you know what I mean). When he got out of his room, he heading to the entrance of the Academy, where Ozpin, Qrow, and Winter were waiting. While Jöhn was the first, he saw 2 teachers talking with Winter, Qrow, and Ozpin; When he arrived, he said "Professor Ozpin, Mr. Brawnwen, Mrs. Schneel" Qrow replied "Oh hey Jöhn, your early as I thought," he replied "Well it's my routine," Winter said "Like I did, back at the Militia," Qrow replied with a sexy voice "Like I did :)" She replied "Oh shut it |:(," [Qrow: B)], then Jöhn asked Ozpin "So Professor, who you talking to?" He replied "Oh Professor let me introduce to Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Teacher 1 said "Oh hello Jöhn, my name is Professor Peter Port," then Jöhn shake Peter's Hands, then Teacher Two was shaking his hands very fast, and he said "Bartholomew Oobleck, nice to meet you," Jöhn response "Your fast," he replied "I am fast," then Jöhn asked "So you must be the Professor of team RWBY and team JPNR, right?" Peter said "Yes we were, But we were in the different classes. I, I was teach them about Grimm's and Weapons," then Ooblek "And for me, about Races and Biological to teach them," Jöhn said "Oh I see," and then team RWBY, JPNR, and Penny have arrived then Penny said "Jöhn your here," he replied "Well yeah," Yang said "So are we ready to Rollin?" He replied "Sure," then Jöhn said to Ozpin "Professor were ready," He replied "Good, everyone come here, I know this is a long journey ahead for you guys, you have a great time all of you my students, you have reach the potential of being responsible as a huntsman, and also I will give you this," Ozpin give the students (including Jöhn), the lifetime pass of the Vytal Festival, then Ruby was extremely happy and so the other's, then Ozpin called Jöhn "Jöhn, I will give this strange weapon, and this strange relic as a protection of yourself and your friends," the weapon given was a rifle that it has the mechanism like a machine gun and also it has contained any kind of bullets like 9mm, 40ca, 7.5mm, 5.7mm, etc. Then Jöhn replied "Thank you Professor, and also what with this relic," Qrow said "Oh, this relic can produce dust, but it has a cool down," he asked, "Oh I see, so those two they were created?" Winter said "Well no, we found the two objects at the beach of the Vytal Island and contained at the Beacon," Jöhn said "Oh I see, anyways this is a goodbye," Qrow said "Well yeah, I hope you will come back to the festival," Winter said "The Festival just few Months away, If you want to fight at the arena," Jöhn said "I will, and also it's so nice to meet you Professor Peter, Professor Oobleck," Peter said "I know this is your Journey," then Ooblek said "We will talk more if you talk," Jöhn replied "Hahaha anyways goodbye," then Nora called Jöhn "Jöhn let's go," he replied "Ok Nora, let Rollin," then they start the Journey.

Then the Journey start, they travel the kingdom across the continent, by passing through the landscape, entering to the deepest forest, crossing rivers, lakes, and seas, then they fought the creatures that they blocked their way, and they arrived to the one destination the Vytal Island. They explore the island to find something suspicious, and they having a camp by days and nights for rest sometimes they were having fun, by eating smores and drinks (Yeah). While they were searching around the island, Nora shouts "HEY GUYS!!!! COME HERE!!!" Jöhn asked, "Really where?" She replied "Just Follow my Voice," Jöhn, Jaune, Pyyhra, Ren, Penny, and team RWBY is heading to meet Nora. Once they have arrived, Nora said "Oh you guys are," Yang said, "What is it, Nora?" Nora said "I think I found the entrance of the Temple," "Where is it?" Weiss asked, then she replied "Let see… right here we stand on a platform," then they look down. Blake said "Your right it is," Then Ruby heading to the center that she saw two marks then she said "Hey Guys come over here," they heading to center and they found two keyhole's that is similar to the Dimension 35. Jöhn uses the strange picklock tool, then the X-RAY shows up to show the machine, years, and pistons then Jöhn said to himself "An Elevator… Interesting," They got reacted, Ruby asked, "Whoa, what the heck was that?!" Jöhn replied "It's called an X-RAY," Weiss said "X-RAY?" He replied "it's a type of a holographic, but it see-through," she replied "Oh okay," then Blake asked, "So what are you doing?" He replied "I'm trying to activate the entrance but this machine is too complicated than the last time," Yang said "Complicated, I see," Penny asked, "So you almost finished?" Jöhn replied "Hold on," when Jöhn slowly the picklocks slowly clockwise and counter-clockwise, the lock hears a snap that means it is activated. Then the platform was raised down unexpectedly really fast.

They were shouting really loud until they reach the center of the Remnant. When it got to stop the platform, Ruby was laughing "Let's do it again," then Jaune replied "No, maybe I'm gonna-" he ran to the back of the platform and the puke. Anyways, while them heading to the temple, the temple where a giant crystal ball that connects to each layer of Remnant. When they got entry to the temple, Roman Torchwick and the strange man are here in the temple, then Ruby said "Torchwick!!" Roman replied "Oh hello Ruby, you must be bringing your friends to coming to this place," then he look Jöhn "So you must be, Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, "he asked," How you knew my name?" Roman replied "Well let me see… My friend knows your name, and also your last name is unique, it's very fascinating" Yang went mad and she said "Shut up matches you don't have an army, you were just a figure of conman, and with your buddy taking the power source," then Penny said "Yeah talk to that woman," Then the Strange man talks "Oh did you mean army?" The Stranger snaps the finger and then the Dimension Errors are summoned at the inside of the temple and they start in combat. While they were fighting, Ruby defeat Roman that he fell to the ground, and he drop the strange shard that is the key to another dimension, and he away. Then Jöhn fighting the strange man, he defeated him, and then he said "Who are you?" Then Strange man teleport to the back kicked Jöhn, and he fell to the ground, he said "Oh Jöhn your so clumsy as I thought, I wish I will going to kill you but, maybe you will getting more stronger and until you will defeat me. I am waiting," then he open the portal when he about to leave, he said "And also, the names Manilve Rixal, remember it," then he enter the portal as he leaves. Team RWBY, JPNR, and Penny help Jöhn, Penny asked "Are you okay?" He replied "Yeah, I'm fine," Pyyhra said "Good, and also that Man who attacking you, was really messed up," He said "IKR, he's about going to kill me, but it's not," then he asked, "So what happen to Roman?" Blake said "He got away, also he drop this," she show the shard to Jöhn, and then he said "The Dimensional Shard," he took it shard, he place at the machine, and the portal appeared. Then Jöhn said "Well I think this a goodbye," Penny asked, "You sure?" He replied "Yeah, maybe…. when I get back this Dimension, I will going to fight with you guys," Then Ren said "Hm.. you wish," then they everyone laughed. Then, when Jöhn entering the portal, he said "Anyways, bye everyone!!!" Then they everyone wave to Jöhn that they said "Bye Jöhn," As the portal closed, Pyyhra said, "Jöhn here!!!" She throws a mail to Jöhn, he asked "what is this?" She replied "You see" and the portal closed. When he opened the mail it was a physical picture that shot that they having fun with their friend and he added to his Journal. He added on his Journal of the Dimension, and he named it "The Remnant of Weishan-Blanc Yotuvir" because it has a little message is Abbreviated. And also, he updates his Journal that the stranger was revealing his name and his name is 'Manilve Rixal'.