Dimension 72

In the Summer of 2014, after Bill Cypher's death, Dipper and Mabel returned back to Gravity Falls, Oregon for visit for a whole another summer. When they arrived, they stayed with Soos from the Mystery Shack, but Stanford and Stanley they not coming, because they not yet arrived until dawn. They stay for a little while, and then Dipper feel something weird about the place, the wind head east instead of west, and the clouds went dark as always, and then lightning appears. They shocked, when they looked outside of the window, a large tornado appears in the front of the shack about 50 meters away (54.68066491689 yards away). The whole town went evacuated already, but Dipper, Mabel, and Soos, were stuck in the shack because the tree blocked the door, and even the backdoor, so they don't have a choice, is to hide in the secret basement that Stanford use as. When they entered the basement, the ferocious wind is now calm, and Dipper, Mabel, and Soos where confused, when they go outside of the basement, the tree that blocked the door was gone. Dipper almost out of his mind but Soos calmed down, Mabel went outside that she saw a path they, but Dipper thinks that is the tornado trail, so followed. As they arrived at to end of the trail of the tornado, they was him. He went in consciousness, so Dipper, Mabel and Soos, bring him to the shack, and he rest.

While he was conscious, his dream journey continued. He is in the somewhat of a mountain range that made out of gears and pistons with a steam smoke coming out. The vegitation were different is like made out a minerals like coal, iron, gold, silver, copper, bronze, diamond, and gems; and the soil is made out of dust, and gravels. We he walk around, he saw the gate that something that heading to the other side, he saw the path that it was very easy to get across the range, so he make a run for it. But suddenly, the mountains changing, the gears moved to the place one another, the easiest path became a harder path, they just spaced out into a chasm that so far that it can't reach to the other side even if he use the air boost it won't be reachable. When he looked around the chasm he saw pipes that sticking out from the walls, but Jöhn was bad at balance that he failed at gym class, so it was a possible death. And then, Jöhn feel dizzy at first, his foot glowed from a Blue color into a neon Violet; he don't know, so he decided to test drive the evolve skill. Jöhn jumped the chasm trying to land on the pipes, and it attached and it behaved like a slide, he scream happily, and jump to the other pipes until he reaches the other side of the chasm. The other chasms are different from the first, some in-between chasm have enemies so he slide the pipes, and blast like a cannonball; and some chasms were very difficult to reach like teleportation, parkours, flips and many more; until he finally reached at the end of the mountain. When he entered the gate, he saw a bright light, I mean very bright- that he is awakened.

Jöhn woke up in the bed that he has no idea how did he get here, he is in that somewhat a house in the attic, a bedroom with two beds on the side, right front of the triangular window. He jumped down the bed, exits the room, and closed the door quietly. As he turned around, he saw a pig which is blocked the stairway heading downstairs, but the pig is sleeping, so he pushed away the pig and heading on his way. When he goes downstairs, nobody lives in the house (he thinks) and then he heard outside of the house. When he looked outside, he saw two kids and a man tied up by the Dimension Errors, that he is shocked. He goes outside, summoned his sword, he says "Hey!" And the battle starts.

The Nûlls charge to John, he dodge it, he switched his sword (Diavetica) into an axe, (he named the axe 'Adsévan') he slammed all of the Nûlls disintegrated, but the swing was very slow, but he attack was very strong that even some shield can pass through it, he saw the Dïgrs and Maze Dwellers which they were armored enemies, so he use it for timing-based combat, he switched his sword back, to use his executive combo the 'Hurricyphoon' he summoned a very large tornado that sucked all of the D.E. and they all disintegrated in the air.

After the fight, he free two kids and the man, the boy said "Thanks mister, I didn't know you're the one who summoned the whole tornado in this town," Jöhn replied "The big dark tornado, I didn't not summoned it, I got hit by the tree by the storm, and by the way thank you for saving me," then the girl said "No problem, and also what's up with your weird eyes?" Then the '?' T-shirt Man said "Yeah, I think you must be from another planet or another dimension or something," then Jöhn asked, "Wait how did you know?" The boy said "Let me guess, you do not belong here, second you have a appearances of a human body very perfectly, and your eyes it seems kind of a humanoid alien or something," he replied "Actually your right, let me introduce to myself, my name is J��hn Bhrams Christogale, I am a human being, not an alien, I been hopping dimension by dimension by finding my way home, because it was very difficult where I go," The girl said "Woah really?" He replied "Yep, and also what is your name?" The boy said "Well let me introduce to ourselves, I am Dipper Pines *Dipper handshake Jöhn*, this is Mabel, and this is Soos the manager of the Mystery Shack," Jöhn said, "Oh so that is your business tourist attraction?" Soos said "Well yeah, it's the best place in the whole town. Every year, the Mystery Shack is the most mysterious museum in the whole state, even it's been recognized by the government," Jöhn said, "Wow that was pretty cool; By the way, since I got hit by the storm, where the heck am I?" Mabel said "Well you live in Gravity Falls," Jöhn said, "Gravity Falls, what country is this?" Soos said "U.S.A." then he asked, "States?" Dipper replied "Oregon," Then Jöhn looked the scenery "Huh so this is Oregon, a lot of trees are coming around," then Mabel asked, "Wait a minute, how did you know the Oregon?" Soos said "Yeah, is like you know the States of the America, the Continental, the entire world, or possibly the entire universe," Jöhn said "We'll you guys don't understand, what is the concept of the dimension is," they woke, and then Dipper went interested he said "Tell me more," and he explained everything. After he explains, Mabel said, "So our world is in danger?" He replied "Yeah, and I need your help to find the dimension machine and the dimension fragment, they were the very important things to find," Mabel said "Okay but by the way- what? So there is a dimension that has gummy worms, glitters, and unicorns?" He replied "Possibly from Primain or Alternitav," Dipper said "I don't understand, there is two type of dimension? This is awesome, I can't wait for gruncle Ford to blow his mind," Then Soos said, "Is there you can time travel to the past or something?" Jöhn said "Actually, they stay on the current time, but they think like they from in 16th or 17th century," then Dipper asked "So what is the real date?" he replied "Well, the real-time is February 15, 2014, my dimensional date," Mabel said "What? but we live on June 3, 2014, you guys are way back from our time" he said "Well it is the current date of your dimension, but the international date is my dimension," Dipper asked, "Well how did you get that information?" He replied "I found this document called The Second Report of Sanatonio Ripal, at the back, there's a Braille script," Soos asked, "What is a Braille?" Dipper explains "It is a kind of a reading, but is for the blind people," Soos guess it "By touching?" Dipper said "Yep it is," Mabel said, "So what it is saying?" Jöhn said "So it said here,"

People don't believe that the time is like 2080, 1437, or 300 ad. But the real-time is my home dimension, and it's true. Because my home dimension is the center of time. Some dimension we're very slow, and some dimension were very fast, depends what they living. Although, I been wandering around the entire multi-universe, that every alternate's and every prime's has their own path and own time. Which is the concept of Dimensions is now much deeper as it goes.

Dipper said "Woah, so it is getting complex, and where did you get those documents? They looked very old and different shape," then Soos said "Yeah it's like hurts my eyes," Jöhn said "Oh this? This is the document of Sanatonio Ripal, it was created since 1905, and the others must be scattered around the multiverse," then Mabel said, "But why Mr. or Mrs. Ripal likes blind reader?" He replied "I don't know, maybe he or she hiding that never known to the public," Mabel said, "Okay I see,". Then Dipper asked, "So anyway, you said our world is in danger?" Jöhn replied "Well yeah, you almost killed by those Dimension Errors, so yeah," then Soos asked, "So where we could find the Dimension Fragment?" He replied "Maybe this universe or the alternate universe, it must around here somewhere," Then they were thinking. Then Mabel has an idea "How about we can asked Gruncle Ford? He knows all the universe and time," Jöhn asked, "Who's Gruncle Ford?" Dipper said "Our grand-uncle, he went to the alternate universe but he is stuck for the very long time, by our other uncle, Gruncle Stan," Jöhn said, "Are they both brothers?" So replied "Well yeah, and did you know what?" Jöhn said "What?" Soos whisper Jöhn's ears "Stan and Ford are twins, and also Dipper and Mabel is twins too," Jöhn shocked that he said "Wait you both twins?" Mabel replied "Well yeah, because I am the alpha twin,"Dipper said "Oh come on," then he asked "And Gruncles?" Dipper replied "Well they were both twins," he reacted "Wow, this is my first time to meet the twins from another dimension," Soos said "Really?" He replied "Yeah, also by the way. When Gruncle Stan and Ford came?" Mabel said "Actually they said, they will come here tomorrow," John replied "Oh well that's awesome," Dipper said "Oh boy, can't wait when Gruncle Ford," then Soos said "Hey guys, the sun setting down, let's go back before the monsters lurking in the night," Dipper said "Oh right, Jöhn I will show you, that Gruncle Ford has been working for a very long time," He replied "Well okay," then Mabel said "Woah ×3 Dipper, maybe we can show Gruncle Stan works, after we go to his Secret Finding Place," he accepted "Okay," and they entered inside the Mystery Shack.

When they enter the Mystery Shack, the place was like a Museum of Monsters and Arts, which is unique, and then Dipper and Mabel doing an introduction "Welcome visitors to the Mystery Shack, the place of Supernatural and Abnormalities Nature in this house," then Dipper said "Follow us Mr. Christogale, we will show you the monsters in Gravity Falls," then Jöhn following Dipper and Mabel. Mabel shows the first monster "Here we are the most famous hybrid monster in Gravity Falls 'The Grizzdree!," Then Dipper said "This creature has a body of the bear around 7ft. (21.336 dm) tall, the head of the dear, and the neck is made out feathers which has wings on the side 5 inch. (12.7 cm) spans, and also this model was created by my sister Mabel," Then she said "Yep Its made it out of wax with my Sweat, Tears, and Blood that I accidentally by mixing on it," Jöhn said "Gross… But okay," then she said "Alright on to next one," they show the next monster is called "The Cornicorn," Dipper said "This creature is a unicorn but the appearances is made out of corn," then Mabel said "Well this bad boy can shoot popcorn out of the horn," Then Soos said "Well it is technical difficulty, sorry Jöhn," he replied "Oh it's okay, I can imagine that" Then Mabel said "Well okay, but make sure Wables don't eat the corn," Jöhn asked "Wables? The pig?" Dipper said "So you met him," he replied "Well yeah, he just sleeps at the outside of your room," Mabel said, "Isn't it cute?" He replied "I know right, it's really cute," Dipper said "I see so Jöhn, do you want to show our last Monster Showcase," then Jöhn asked, "What about the other monster to show us?" He replied "Well he hate to show his 'masterpiece' only the visitor to pay and looked his works," then Jöhn said "Oh; well let's get over with," then they showed their last Showcase covered behind the curtains but this time is different, Dipper introduction "Behold, this is one of the mysterious scripts of all Gravity Falls no Man or Supernatural beings can't understand," Soos rolled up the curtains, "The Stanford Manuscript," then Mabel said "Wait a second, though we called Pines Manuscript," Then Soos said "Sorry Mabel, the name was already taken, by some Spanish Islander's in Asia," She replied "Dang it," then Jöhn said "So what it saying?" Dipper replied "We don't know, all we know the letter are Latinised, and some others were not related by the Orient's" then Jöhn asked, "Can I see it?" He replied "We'll sure, but be careful those papers, they were pretty old it might scratch a little bit," When he looked the papers, he realized that he said "Wait a minute, this is the lost document of Sanatonio Ripal" then Soos said "If this is the lost document, why he writes every non-sense little that we don't understand neither the Orient's," He replied "I don't know, maybe he's/she's hiding or something," Mabel said "I don't Jöhn, maybe those documents were a lie or something like that," Jöhn raised his eyebrows, then Dipper said "So what kind of language or writing did he/she use?" Jöhn replied "I think that's Baybayin," Soos asked, "So are going to translate really fast?" He replied "I think I can, I have the ability to translate every language in every dimension, but this it can't be translated," Dipper said, "So what are we going to do?" Jöhn said "Don't worry, I have the Baybayin translation in my, but they were many variety of Baybayin so it takes very long time, but first I have to go to sleep," Mabel said "Yeah your right, Wables was waiting outside of our room, alright time to sleep," then Dipper said "So anyways Jöhn where you going sleep?" He replied "I don't know, you guys decide where I am going to sleep," then Soos said "You can sleep in my room, which it has a cool gadgets, figurines, and long pillow, which Youdontwanttoguessit," Jöhn reacted and talk slowly "Okay?" Then Mabel said "Dipper is time," he replied "Oh yeah…" as they climb up to the stairs, Dipper tells him "…. Jöhn, when you enter the room, Do not rubbing your feet on the rug," he asked, "Why?" Dipper response "Just don't do it," Then they head back to their room. Jöhn enter his room, he said "Well welcome to my Man Cave, this your bed on the floor, and if you have a devastating nightmares, I will be next to you," Jöhn shocked that he know what he means "I think I fine by myself," Soos said "Oh, well goodnight Jöhn," Soon went to bed and sleep, and Jöhn went to sleep quietly.

On the next day, Jöhn woke up early like around 3 am in the morning, he realized it is already sunrise in their place, he was shocked that they lived called the solstice, he thinks some dimensions that he travels doesn't experienced it, but he can use to it. He was heading to the kitchen to check the fridge looking for food, is because Janna's Food Bag is empty during his journey. When he check the fridge, all the food are empty except a jug of milk, which is half full, then picked it up, and he put on the glass of milk, and he was sitting on the kitchen table while he was drinking. While he was drinking, he began to worry which when he is thinking about, as a missing person, a crazy man, or possibly death. He is beginning to remember about his past, about his Aunt, his Uncle, and his whole family, only the names but not the appearance, he was always comfort is because he misses home, he was always checking the message in the inbox on the that how his Aunt always messaging, is because she's always texting like "How's your day" "Did you forget your homework? Don't worry I got you" and "I love you Jöhn, keep up the good work" then he is beginning to sleep to the kitchen table, and sleep until 6 am (when he set the alarm on it). Jöhn woke up on the table in the kitchen, right in front of him there's a 2 identical old man sitting, with a frown looking face. Jöhn is shocked, he thinks that those two are going to beat him outside, or they will something doing worse, and he is very sweating on his forehead. The left old man putting his hand on the table very softly, Jöhn looked at his hands that he realized that he has six-fingers, then he (six-fingers man) asked "Alright young man, why are here?" Jöhn replied to the old man "Uhm, Dipper and Mabel stayed me here for the night," then right old man (grumpy man) said "I don't believe you, I will put you outside and punch with my gold knuckles," then the six-fingers man said "Woah ×3 you can't beat him, just look at him," the grumpy man looked Jöhn eyes that they saw very curious, then Soos came to rescue, he said "Mr. Pines, stop!" The grumpy man said "Which pines?" "You Stanley Pines," then Jöhn said "Stanley… Wait, Gruncle Stan?" The six-finger man said "Wait a minute, you call him Gruncle? And also, how did you know our names?" He replied "Oh yeah, and you must be Gruncle Ford, Dipper and Mabel did say it that you guys are twins," they were shocked then Gruncle Stan put out his Golden Knuckles then he said, "Alright that's it, who are you?" Jöhn raised his hands like he was arrested. Dipper and Mabel head down to the kitchen what they saw, Gruncle Stan grab Jöhn raised up to the air, and he is about to get punched while Ford and Soos try to stop him, but then Mabel and Dipper said "Gruncle Stan!!!" Stanley and Ford looked at them, then Stan drop Jöhn to the ground and he said "Kids!!!" Stan hugged Dipper and Mabel, while Jöhn help him up with Soos and Ford, he asked "You're okay?" She replied "How am I supposed to say okay? You almost killed him for saving our lives," then Stan turn to look Jöhn he said "Wait what? Soos, do you believe him?" He replied "Actually, he is," then Ford asked, "Explain to me?" Jöhn replied, "I hope you like long stories." After he explain everything, Ford was really interesting and curious about the concept of Dimensions, while Stanley well… Kind of a ignore but in a good way. Ford said "So you live in another world, that we're more alternate than our alternate's? I don't understand," Jöhn said "Well it's complicated when it's comes to Primain and Alternitav concepts of Dimensions," Ford went feel happy and triumphant "This is revolutionary, Jöhn you are more intelligence than our greatest scientist," then Stanley said "I don't care what you are saying, all I want is kill some baddies and claim awards, as always," then Jöhn said "Actually, there's a prime dimension that has literally everything, like the stars is made out of Platinum, The Planets are made out Golds, Diamonds, Iron, Copper, Etc. And even the Humans can survived by capable of air, water, and life," but Stanley still did not believe him; Ford asked, "Anyways, what are you looking for?" He said "I need to find the dimensional fragment, and the transportation which is a gateway to another universe," Ford replied "I see… I will go to check my research and the anomalies in my lab," Ford stand up, and he's about to leave the kitchen, but then Stan reacted "What?! Oh come on brother, do you have to do this?!" Ford replied "Well yeah, this boy must be a problem for his life, finding his way home," Stan looks stubborn at Ford and he stands "Really? We came here to see our kids, and you just finding the files for this guy? Even though he doesn't belong to our property," Then Ford said "Stanley look, be patient we will go have some fun of this vacation, we have 104 days to spend our lives, and if you excuse me brother, why would you talk Jöhn? He must be very interesting about his life," Stan said "*pfff…* If you say so," Stan sitting on the chair and looked Jöhn directly. Jöhn is sweating is because Gruncle Stan looks angry at his eyes, with his arms crossed very tight, then he asked some questions "So from your world, where did you came from?" He replied nervously "Uhm… I live in my hometown in the Philippines," then Stan reacted "The Philippines? Wow that's we're my best friend lived?" Jöhn asked "Really?" He said "Nah he died by the car crash since we were drunk…" he sighs "… Those were the good days," Jöhn asked, "So what happened?" Stan replied "Well I got deported, those Philippines Security Customs they were pain in the back, even I have so many fake passport, they won't let me entering your country," Jöhn reacted "Wow, I have no idea why did they know you," then Stanley said "Well no worries. But hey, at least you're not one of them," Jöhn was about to stand he said "But anyways, I will go to see you brother, if he found something," Stan said "Well it's okay, I'm just a hard head, I go to check the kids if there's something what they up to, and also his lab was behind on the soda machine," Jöhn said "Right, see ya," and Jöhn heading to the laboratory.

He opened the soda machine, which is a secret door leading to the basement just like Ice King's (Simon's) basement, he head down and saw Ford searching many stacks of files that he stored. Then the highest stacked files fell and hit Ford's head; he said "Ahh!" And he covered with a pile of files. Jöhn shocked "Mr. Ford!" Jöhn start digging the pile of files and he found him, Jöhn asked "Are you okay?" Ford replied, "I'm fine…" Then he get frustrated "…Darn it, it will be easy if I have the Journals on my hands," Jöhn asked "The Journals?" He replied "Which are the easy files and very compiles, but I cannot find anywhere, all of this is just Mr. Doritos replace into a cipher, which I cannot understand for every symbols or characters, even the translator machine can't work," Jöhn asked, "Like a dead language?" He replied "Well it is," Then he asked again "Can I take look?" Ford replied "Oh sure as long you understand," When he takes a look at the writing, Jöhn's forehead markings began to glow, and he gets the writing it is. He said "Oh I know that one," Stan said, "You do?" Then Jöhn explains everything "Well yeah, this is a language that traces back to 10,000 B.C. when the aliens crash from landing in the land of Gravity Falls. The aliens contact to the people by making their universal language called the Ostregasbvo. Most of the natives use the language for communicates with each other, but some navigator, colonist, or some outsiders destroyed the language for pair no reason," Ford was shocked "Wow… You've have lot brain cells, is like you're better than me," He replied "Well I'm not a kind of a genius, I'm just an ordinary person with some extraordinary powers that bends my life," Ford said, "Right, so anyway what it is saying?" When he looked the characters, they changed into Latinized English, and all the files of research turn back to normal," Ford said "Jöhn you fixed it," Jöhn was confused "Wait what? I didn't do anything, maybe all the files revert back to normal," then Ford went suspicious "Hmm maybe, those papers are "glitches," and you have the power to fix it to our dimension. Interesting," then Jöhn asked "So anyways, are still going to find every file in your lab?" Ford replied "Oh yeah, but it takes some time to find it, I will call you when I found it," Jöhn response "Oh okay, and by the way when you found it, can you translate this file?" Jöhn show Sanatonio Secret Report which is written in Baybayin with the second page translator, Jöhn asked "I need to translate to your universal translator machine," Ford said "Well alright, but it take some time to translate it, but the untranslated paper, and the translator sample to the machine, by the way, it looks like a Xerox copy machine, with some, simplify design but not complicated, got it?" He replied "Got it," he open the scanner, put the untranslated paper on the glass scanner, then he put the translator sample on the paper insert and it began to start processing without pressing any button, then Jöhn said "Well the translator machine is still working in process, I will go to see Dipper and Mabel what they up to," Ford said "Well is your choice," he replied "Well see ya," Ford response "Anytime," and Jöhn leave the lab.

He heading outside the Mystery Shack to see Dipper and Mabel but also Soos and Stan are here, but also a new girl around at the age like 16 or 17 wearing plaid polo, with a hat, and jeans. Then Jöhn arrived he said, "Hey everybody, what you guys up to?" Then Mabel welcomed him "Oh Jöhn, so where's Gruncle Ford?" He replied "Well he's decided to be busy under your store, I'm sorry but he just need a little more time of researching," Stan said "Well you better be," then the plaid girl said, "Oh hello, who this young man, what's your name?" Then Jöhn introduces "Oh the names Jöhn… Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," then she introduce herself "I'm Wendy, by the way, are you having an eye tattoo with custom pattern, it's very interesting," Jöhn said "Eye tattoo? What's that?" she replied "Well a very popular body modified in the states, which your eye will inject-" the Soos interrupted "Okay let's not talk about that," then Wendy said, "What are you talking about?" Then Dipper said "Wendy, we already seen one…" then Mabel continued "… and disgusting, even it's on TV," then Wendy said "What are you mean it's disgusting? Eye tattoo are very cool and expensive to make; even your friend Jöhn's both eyes inked on it, with a custom markings? That makes double expensive," then Stanley said "Actually he's not eye tattooed," Wendy replied "What? Well, it is eye contact?" Then Soos said "Nope," Then she asked again "Eye transplant?" Then Mabel replied "First no, second gross," then she asked "So what is it?," Dipper said "Well don't freak out, He's from another dimension, which is why him can affected to our world," Wendy said "Another dimension, but why he was here?" But then suddenly a group of D.E.'s are now pop out nowhere, and they were surrounded, then Stan asked "What the- who are these people?" Soos said "These are not people, Mr. Pines" then Dipper said "Those are dimension Errors," then Wendy asked "Dimension what?" Jöhn said "Let's talk for another time," then Mabel said "And by the way, these guys are creepy than Dipper's fantasy," then Dipper said "Hey!" Mabel laughs "What? It's funny," and the fight begins.

Stan began to charge the Nûlls, then they slash with the claws, Stan evades then he punched in the face with the gold knuckles. Soos use his trusty old wrench, whacking the Sîpers and the Østers, but he just hit many time, and slow down. Then Dipper react "Soos!" He uses his Makeshift Shrink Ray to make his hand bigger, and punch them in a brute way. While Mabel and Wendy team up, Mabel using her grappling hook, grabbing Wendy on a tied up rope, then she spins very hard, release her and attack the Dïgrs and Aqualröj with her axe like a Lumberjack, while Jöhn use his hammer to smash every group of Enemies. But then there's a new type of Dimension Errors, they were 4 of them they were cylinder with multiple eyes all around it, the top is a kind of an antenna, and at the bottom which is kind of a turbine look identical but they have individual main elements (Water, Earth, Fire, and Air) depending to their color eyes, at they began to attack them. Jöhn and his friends evade their projectile attacks; they began to split, Jöhn, Dipper, and Soos covered behind the rocks, while Wendy, Stanley, and Mabel are climbed up to the Roof and covered at behind at the top of the 'Mystery Shack' sign. When Jöhn is peeking out of the rock, he had the plan. Jöhn said "Mabel, Can you tied them up with your grappling hook," she replied "With pleasure," she tied them up very tightly, then he said "Alright guys, let's get them," but then Wendy asked, "It is kind of dangerous, when we touch them?" Dipper said "Possibly," Soos said "Whatever did he said, go for it," then they rush when Stanley said "You are messing to the wrong business fool," and they were finished with a slash. After the fight, Jöhn said "Wow that's intense," Stanley said "I know right, they were trying to literate destroying us, with a pair no reason," Wendy said "Is this all Bill Cypher's army, If it's true I will smack his eye and stuck inside in the banner, like he did this to me," Dipper said "It's not and I will tell you everything," then Mabel change the subject "So anyways, are we set to go fishing at the lake," Jöhn asked "Fishing?" Dipper said "You should try it; it's very cool," he replied "Really? Wow, this my first time to asked a real thing," Stanley said "Well get ready it would be lots of fun," Soos said "Come on guys, get on my truck," Wendy said "I got shotgun," Dipper said "Oh no you don't," then Stanley called Jöhn "Hey buddy, do you need a ride?" He replied "Oh sure," he ride Stanley's car with Mabel at the back, and they were heading to the lake.

While they were driving, Stanley asked with a friendly approach "So anyways Jöhn, why did you stay here? Is there any reason why you go every dimension, rather than focus on your mission?" he answers "Is because I wanted to see every new experience in my life…" He leans out of the window looks up in the sky "… It's weird, that you guys live here, and I'm live an another universe," then Mabel said "So you love to go every dimension, which has a different perspective, rather than the same page that you lived," he responded "Exactly…" he lean back in "… but couldn't stay much longer," then Stanley said "So basically, you're just like a tourist," he replied "Well it's was more than just a tourist. Maybe a Journalist," Stanley said "Well you just sound like my Brother," then he added more "But I'm very focused about Science, Math, Music, Art, and some of my favorite Comics/Manga," then Stanley heard it "Wait a minute, did you like Comics?" he replied "Yeah," Stanley said "Wow you just sound like me." Then Mabel's phone ringing, it was Dipper which just wanted to face chat at each other, she accepted. Mabel and Dipper are now connected by face cam, he asked "Hey Mabel, where's Jöhn?" she replied, "He's at the front seat; talking with Gruncle Stan, which it turns out they were having a really good conversation at each other, why is it, bro?" Dipper said "Well Wendy want to him," then Mabel called Jöhn, "Hey Jöhn," he asked "Yeah?" "Wendy wanted to talk to you," Mabel pass her phone to Jöhn, then Wendy join the conversation "So you're live in another dimension, right?" He replied "Yeah," "Oh okay, but I have the question, what it's like to like to live your dimension? I'm just curious," Wendy asked, and then John replied "Hmmm…. Where did I start? Well, I was life in Olongapo City, Philippines, I was being dealt with many things that being done," then Soos asked, "What kind of deals?" "Well, I was…" as the conversation fade out, it transition to the lake were their cars are about to park.

As they got out, they continued their conversation, and then Wendy said "… So, you help your friend name, Micheal Cervantes, by punching the heck out of the bullies?" he replied "Yep," Dipper said "I mean wow, you did it during your 7th grade, that so brave," he said "Thank you," Mabel said "No, for real; you just like Grucle Stan," "Really?" he asked, and then Soos said "Yeah, like his other stories, Mr. Pines always fight them to protect his brother at all time," then Stanley said "But anyways, aside from that let's get some fishing," then they said "Yeah!". While they were in the docks, they look around but Mabel said: "Wait a minute, where is the boat?" Stanley replied "Hmmm… It must be here somewhere," Stanley reaching out his hand around the docks, but then Soos said "What are you talking about Mr. Pines? We saw nothing around the docks," Wendy said "He's right, he just joking with us, come on guys were going," When they about leave, but Stanley stop them "Wait x3 don't leave, it's here somewhere," then Jöhn said "Are you sure Stan?" then he said " Look, If you want to help me, find my boat, I set it up in the morning," then Wendy sigh "Fine, come on guys help him," then they help him. While they were searching, Stanley said "Jöhn, go search around the piers, my brother did something to do about the boat," he replied "Got it," then he heads to the piers. Jöhn walk around the piers which all of the boat that they docked were gone. But when he looks above, he saw 10 seagulls sitting on a non-object which he saw nothing; he's confused. When he about to touch it, he feels cold, rough, and metal when he bangs the object. Then he steps back, and he realized "Wait a minute, it's that- I have to tell the others," then he head back to the docks. Meanwhile, while they were searching, Dipper asked "So what he did to the boat?" he replied "Something he put a 'Camouflage' on our boat? I don't know. Your uncle having many creative, and weird invention throughout his life," Mabel said "Wait a second, you said 'Camouflage' wait- what?" then Wendy said "A 'Camouflage', that's really cool, but hey Your brother was better than yours," Then Stanley said "Hey what gives, at least I built this ship, to commemorate my brother to sacrifice me," Soos said "He's right, and he has point Wendy," then she's replied "Okay," then Jöhn arrived "Guys, you have no idea what I found," then Wendy said "Really, you found it?" he replied "Come on guys follow me," then Soos said "Okay, whatever you said dude," then they followed him. They arrived at the piers, and they found Stan's boat, then he said "Finally, he put pull out his pocket, that he put; that what it looks like, a car keys remote but it was magnet. When he attached it, they hear a car beeping sound, and the camouflage worn off and it reveals the 'Stan o' War II', they were shocked and impressed, then Stanley asked "What did you think guy?" Mabel said "What did we think? This. Is. AWESOME!!!" then Stan pull out the bridge to the ship, then he heading to the helm "So, do you want to ride?" then Soos said "Would I? This is bigger than my boat, Mr. Pines. I'm in," then they ride the ship, take it off, and start fishing.

Dipper asked "Jöhn, can you fishing to those guys?" He replied "I don't know, I didn't have any experience with" Then Wendy said "Hey don't be shy, here we show you," Wendy gave Jöhn a fishing rod to learning, and Soos give him a lesson, "Okay Dude, all you have to do, is to swing the rod vertical just like that, and swing very hard until the floater will land very far away," then Jöhn asked "So… now what?" He replied "And then we wait," While they were waiting, Mabel asked Jöhn "So anyways, when you will go, are you supposed to come back with anytime that hang out," he replied "Maybe, but I will still continue to my Journey, I don't know what will happen to me, but if I will come back, I will really appreciate for you guys," then Dipper said "Wow I mean thanks man," then he replied "You're welcome," and then something happened, Jöhn's rod was shaking and the reel was pulling away, Jöhn hold the rod then he said "Guys help me," then Wendy said "This might be a big one," They pulling out and Jöhn reeling up to the boat, and what the found, a 1000 kilogram fish, and they reacted it, Mabel said "Woah it's that a fish?" Soos said "Of course it is, it's a Salmon," then Stanley heard it "A salmon," He head down and he reacted "Wow this will have a lot money," but then Dipper confused "Wait a minute, that Salmon was belonged to the river," Then Wendy said "Your right, that Salmon wasn't there at the Lake, even though the lake didn't connect to the river, and nearest river was a mile away," then Stanley ignore "I don't know, what you guys talking about, were taking it." After they were fishing, Stanley called "Hey Jöhn, get over here," he looks at them, with a body language 'Go for it' he heading to the helm then he asked, "So what is it, Mr. Pines?" He replied "I need you to sail through between those pointy rocks," Jöhn reacted "Wait, you let me sail?" He responded "Yep, and by the way, the sea is yours," Stanley step aside from the wheel, and John let his wheel to hold, and he set sail. The sail heading to those 2 pointy rocks, but Jöhn prevent those rocks, and heading through it, then Stanley said "Wow kid, you're a natural," he replied "Thank you," Then Dipper said "Hey I didn't know, you drive the ship," then replied "I didn't, that something I feel familiarize myself with this mechanics," While they look around Mabel saw something that it looks like a ship, Mabel said "Gruncle Stan! There's a wired ship, heading toward us," Stanley said "A ship?" He looks through his navy telescope, that what he saw a broken ship with glitches out of the chunk, and also it shooting Cannon's. Stanley reacted "Everyone get down," They covered themselves, and Stanley activates the barrier all around the ship, but suddenly Stanley got hit at his left shoulder by an unknown fragment material. They reacted at the same time, "Stan! / Mr. Pines! / Gruncle Stan!" then Mabel and Dipper go to Gruncle Stan, and she said "Gruncle Stan! Are you okay?" he replied "I'm okay…" he can't stand up "… I can't drive the boat," then Dipper said ���Maybe Soos, will ride the boat," then Soos "It's alright dude's I can help you out the situation," but then Stanley said "No you can't, this boat is very special you can't navigate, and controls the boat," Wendy asked "What did you mean, this boat is special?" he replied "It has a gun mechanic at the left side, it acquires have heavy big body, like Soos," then he said "Dude, really?" then Stanley gives mercy "Come on Soos, trust the old man that you take care of it," then Soos stands straight, and his hat turn backward "I will serve with my gratitude Mr. Pines, I won't let you down," then Wendy said "Hey man I don't have any skills to sail the ship," then he said "No you're not, you will use my harpoon gun at the right side," then she replied "Got it Mr. Pines," Wendy and Soos ride both bun at their sides, then Stanley talk to Jöhn, Dipper and Mabel, he said "Kids, you have to be a lookout, because Jöhn can't see around the fog, and you Jöhn you said and remember, don't sink us," he replied "Got it," Jöhn, Dipper, and Mabel heading to the Helm, Jöhn holds the wheel, Dipper and Mabel were look out aside with him, Dipper said "You're ready?" He replied "Yeah," then Mabel said "This goanna be fun, and the battleship begins.

Their boat head towards, then Jöhn turn right then he said "Alright Soos, show it what it has done," He replied "Oh it's on dude," he activate the machine gun, and it shoots rapidly as the enemy boat hit, but then enemies turn sending the glitches cannons right at their faces, but then Stanley said "Dipper, there's a button right at front of you," Dipper saw the Red Button (How Convenient) then he said "Is this the one-" "Just do it!" Stanley demand with an emergency request. When he presses the button, summons a big projectile wall, that it blocks the ship, and then it disappeared when the Enemies at a reload state, the Jöhn turn a sharp left (around 180º) then he said "Okay Wendy, Show them what we got," she replied "With pleasure," she shoots a dozen's of harpoon at it destroy many parts of the enemies ship, then the enemies attack turn, the Wendy said "Mabel guard," "On it," she replied and she press it, and summons the projectile wall. Then something happened, the ship can't move any direction, and then Stanley said "Jöhn this is the chance to charge them, press the button at the center of the wheel, and ram it when you aim it," he replied "Got it," when he manages the aim, he presses the button, the propeller began to boost immediately around 200kms (124.274mps) then he said "Hold on," then he rammed it, destroying the enemies ship in half, and then it disintegrated in the air.

After the attack, they were docked their boat, and then Soos and Jöhn bring him to the car, then Soos said "Jöhn, can you drive a car," he replied "I don't know, If I can do," then Wendy said "Of course he can drive; Dipper, Mabel, go to your Uncle," they replied "Right/ Got it," then Wendy said to him "And also Jöhn…" he asked "Yeah?" then she replied "… Please don't crash them," she throws Stanley's car keys. But as she leaves, "Soos and I will go to the Convenient Store to buy some medicine; take Mr. Pines head back to the Mystery Shack," then he asked "But the Mystery Shack is very far away," then Dipper said "Don't worry they have shortcuts around Gravity Falls," then he asked "How?" Mabel replied "Just take a drive, and we will guide," then he said "Got it…" as he ride Stanley's car, and start up the engine, he said "…We will meet up in the House," then Soos said "Okay, see you on the other side," then they start driving on their separate ways. While Jöhn take on the road, Dipper said "Jöhn turn left," then what he said "This trail, are you sure," then Mabel said "Yeah we been pass through a lot," he take a left, but what he saw a cliff which is dead end, then he asked "Are you sure?" then said "Yes, just straight ahead," as he go forward, he thinks we were going to die; but suddenly it didn't, it passes through the wall and they enter an Alternate Dimension. When they enter, the world was flipped like a mirror, all of the text where flipped, all of the people were absent, and Stan's car which is on the right-hand drive, the atmosphere still the same, Jöhn is confused "What the- what is going on? Where are we" Dipper replied "Welcome to the Mirror World, which the world is flipped but the time it stops," then the Driving continued? While they were driving, Mabel said "So Jöhn, this Mirror World, is this consider to be an Alternitav Dimension?" he replied "Yes it is," then Mabel have a joke "Did you know why the chicken didn't go to wrong side?" then they said "I don't know, why?" she answered "Is because the chicken always right," then they laughed then Stanley said "Nice one," then Jöhn, Dipper, and Mabel they said ���Mr. Pines/ Gruncle Stan," then he replied "It's okay, I just need to rest," than Stanley's sleep. They were almost to the Mystery Shack he said "By the way how's your Uncle's doing?" Dipper replied "The bleeding is still stopped, but wounds didn't heal," then he replied "I see, we're here," they were arrived the Mystery Shack, and then Jöhn asked, "So anyway, where's the exit?" Dipper said "As I remember, the exit is right there at the tree, on the left side, at the welcome board," As he heading to the left side of the welcome board, he saw 3 trees but he didn't know which one? Then he asked, "Okay which is the one, who is the exit this empty place?" Mabel replied "It's right on the middle one, which I painted on a spray can draw on a happy face in this world," he said "Got it," he heading to happy face tree, and they returned in the real world.

While they were in the real world, Jöhn turn off the car, He bring Stanley to the house, while Mabel heading to the basement to called Ford, and then Dipper escort Jöhn to their house. They were entered the house, Jöhn put Stanley at the couch to rest, while Dipper put a pillow at his head, then Ford arrives with Mabel. Ford asked Jöhn "What happened back there?" He replied 'We were just fishing for a whole day but then, some unknown ship were attacking us, and hit his left shoulder," Then Ford said "This is bad," they hear Soos truck which they have arrived so quickly, Wendy came in, she said "How's Mr. Pines," "He still bleeding," Ford replied, then Soos came in, he said "Don't worry, I bought bandages,' then Jöhn said "Nice," they wrap it up at Stanley's wounds. After they were finished, Ford said "Brother, you need rest 'til dawn," he replied "Rest is one of my favorite hobbies though. By the way, you guys are very caring for me, especially you Dipper, Mabel, Jöhn," then he said "Anytime, Mr. Pines," then Stanley replied "No, called me Stan for now on," he yawned and he sleeps. After the situation Ford asked "Jöhn I found some new information, since you arrived," then Soos said "But first, it's getting late," then Wendy said "He's right, my father still worried about me," then Jöhn said "Go with them, tomorrow we will meet up again," then she said "Well okay, see ya guys," and Wendy went home. They were preparing to sleep, then Dipper and Mabel called him "Hey Jöhn, can we talk privately in our room?" he replied "Uh sure," he entered to Dipper and Mabel's room, then he closed the door, he asked 'So what is it?" Dipper replied "I know you lived in another world but there's a question that I didn't talk about it," he said "Sure what is it?" then Dipper looked at Mabel, she nodded, then he asked "It's possible that it can create a new world?" he replied "What did you mean," Mabel said "You know, time travel," Jöhn asked "So, what's time travel is any connection of that?" Dipper replied [while Mabel bring out the chalkboard, and draws it as a presentation (But some drawings of Mabel still present, if she's not doing anything)] "So according to Savoirpedia 'Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience. Time is often referred to as a fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions.' This means we lived in a 3d world which is our life move forward, backward, left, right, up, and down. But it said '4th Dimension' what does it mean?" he replied "There are many kinds of definition of Dimensions, it referred as shape & size, other it will call Multiverse, but it depends what statement," then Mabel said "But if the 4th Dimension he said it can bend time, does it means it created a route?" He replied "Yes it does but some Alternitav Dimensions are very rare to visit, but I didn't worry about it," then Dippers said "So anyways, thanks man," Jöhn handshake style to Dipper and Mabel then he replied "Anytime," then Mabel said "Sleep well," he response "I will," as he leave the room, he headed downstairs to go Soos room, and lie down at the bedroll, then Soos asked "So how's the kids?" he replied "They were pretty cool, I guess," then Soos said "But hey at least you have fun with them," then he replied "So anyways, good night Soos," then he replied "Goodnight, dude," and they were asleep.

Jöhn is having a deep sleep, that he entered a dream, but this time it's different, his dream was getting more and more weird, that he entered what kind of a pine forest which is all around it; it is very different than his other dreams. It is daytime and he didn't know where he was? He's standing in the path of stones and grass, it is very misty and cold, and he can't see anything, and is very cloudy, so he decided to walk on the path. As he goes far on the path, he began to saw some rectangular pillars like buildings which has some unidentified writing system (He doesn't know what kind of language it is, so he continued to follow the path). As he reach at end of the path, he saw a cabin that it feels kind of an unpleasant eerie around of it. As he entered the door, the inside was really empty, with no furniture, no decorations, and it just one room, except a light switch. As he opened the light, he saw a little girl crying at the right corner, he's shocked; then when he looked at the left, he saw the left wall that has days of scratch on it, he was confused in his mind he just talking to himself "How long did she survived this lonely cabin in the middle of the forest? I should talk to her, No, maybe she was dangerous like the rest- I don't know, but I have to talk to her," so he did. As he approaches to the crying girl, he crouched, and then she talks while he was covered her face, "Please don't hurt me," then he said "Hey x3, I don't want to hurt you," then she asked "W-what are you…" she sniff "… are you kind of an execution, a monster, death itself?" then he asked "What? No, I'm not kind of an executioner, monster, or death…" then he asked "… What happened to you?" then she denied "I can't, if you said it, you going to hurt me," she's still covered her face, then Jöhn said "I not going to hurt you; I promise, I will never hurt you anybody have many broken life for many years," then she asked "Are you sure?" he said "I'm sure, but first, can you show your face to me," then the girl asked "Are you promise are you not to run or scared?" "I would never do that such a thing," he replied. As she lowered her arm, she reveal her face, it reveals her face has seven eyes all-around even worse, it has many eyes at her limbs, her nose, mouth, ears, and her original two eyes sill present at the original position, Jöhn was really shock and he was very fearful, because this is the first time to see an actual unique and extraordinary person. Then she asked "Are you scared," he still reacted "No," she asked again "Well… it is disturbing?" then he replied "No you're not; you're… amazing," then she asked "Really?" he said "Yes, I never seen a person, has a unique body like that," then she asked "You really mean it?" then he said "Yes," then she's filled with warmth, that the girl is sniffing and she's about to give a hug to Jöhn very tightly, she said "Thank you," her eyes went it tears that makes his clothes makes it wet, he said in calmly "Okay stop crying, you make my clothes wet," then she stops crying "Sorry, this is my first time, to meet a strange which is a good person," he asked "Really?" she said "Yeah…" then the girl change the subject "… So what is your name?" he replied "Me? Oh, name's Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," she said "It's so very nice to meet you Mr. Jöhn, my name is Akaida Køskyoschadaya," he was shocked that he said "Wow,". While they were in the conversation, he told her what happened to her life, then Akaida tell her story "Well I was always born like this, they think I'm a spawn of a demon, but the elder of the village said to my father if you do not kill her, you and your family are going to- going to-" she's about to cry, then Jöhn comfort her "It's okay, I'm here," he was giving a head pat to her, then she said "Thank you," then he asked "So how did you raised and survived like this?" she replied "My aunt and my uncle bring me here, and raised me here in this cabin, they said you have stayed here, is because if they found me, we will be dead," then he said "So where are they?" she replied "They died a week ago, by the accident, but I can't survive to my own," then he said "You know what, you have be a little bit of courage," then she said "Really?" "Yeah, my family died in the accident, but I found my chance, My Uncle, and my Aunt, they were always at my side, and they were always comforting me, just like your Aunt and your Uncle, even when I missed them, that will always remember me in my heart," then she said "You know what…" then blows her nose with the tissue "… I have been brave, from those my life impossible, there will no possible in my life," then he said "That's the spirit," He hears noises in his head that he feels he has having an headache, then she asked "Are you okay?" he replied "I'm fine, but I have to go," then she asked "Go where?" Jöhn replied "The place where I belong, I'm sorry," when he heading outside of the cabin, Akaida head outside then she said "When you will come back?" he replied "I don't know, but I promise I will be return, and I be there at you side," then they pinky finger at each other, she said "Promise?" "Promise," as he let go the pinky promise, he had back to the trail that where he came from, and when he woke up.

As he woke up, he is back now in the Mystery Shack, then Soos waking him up, he said "Dude, are you okay?" He replied "I'm alright, what? Did I think I am having nightmares?" Soos said, "I don't know man…" Then Soos change the subject "… Oh, by the way, Mr. Ford wanted to you," he said "Really?" "Yep," Soos said, Jöhn sigh then he stand up, Soos head back to the bed when he was yawn, and Jöhn heading to the kitchen. He heading to the kitchen to meet Ford, when he's arrived "Morning Mr. Ford," "Morning…" Ford replied Jöhn sit down, then he was making 2 coffee as a routine but then he said "… Coffee?" Jöhn replied "No thank you, I am not very on at coffee's," then Ford said "Really?" He replied "Yeah," then Ford impressed "Wow, you're the only one in this world," he said "I know right," then Ford said, "How about a hot Cocoa?" He replied "Surely," then Ford making Cocoa and he give to Jöhn, then he said "Thank you," "Anytime," then Ford sit at the table and they were enjoying drinking. While they were drinking, Jöhn asked "So Mr. Ford what did you want to talk me to?" He replied "As I scattered my papers while you were gone, then the translator machine was finished as it printed," Jöhn asked, "So what it is saying?" He replied "Okay, before I read it, I have a few questions," he said, "Okay what is it?" Ford asked, "Did you believe, existence?" He replied "Sure why not," Then Ford said "Alright here we go…

The Third Report of Sanatonio Ripal, July 3, 1918

We were at Dimension 581, our team trying to make more experiments since the metal was synthesis from our Dimension of the Metal, and the other Dimension of metal, they began to have a curiosity about their lives.

We make a temporary lab in the middle of the forest, to make more synthesis that possibly connect ours and the other ones. We success created Chemicals have over 500+ elements, and compounds in just 3 days, is because the synthesis were easy to combine without any Equations, and Complex Formulas that we created.

Then our team to begin to more possible way, so they decided to make Genetic modified a human mixture with our world and their world. So the team decided to go to the City to volunteer. They been there for 300 days, but our team was not aged or growing their hair.

Then there a woman around 30 years old, she said she and her husband don't have a child for 9 years and even this dimension was no orphanage, so the team decided to take her, and his husband to make her a baby. The team asked they were sure if their baby will something wrong in the end, then she said yes even with her husband too.

So my team began to start experiment, they extracted the liquids from their reproductive part, mixed it up to the reproductive container capsule, then they put a liquid chemical that synthesis an animal and plant, So they put it in, and then it happened. The baby was born around in 10 minutes when they open the capsule, the result it's a girl, the woman, and her husband were happy to them, as the team that we check. We realize the girl's limbs they have eyes were present (and it has 7 seven eyes at her face), but the nose, mouth, ears, and normal eyes were normal in their original position.

Then the team asked if is she what she was? They said yes that she wanted to have a baby to her life, then her husband giving a thank you to them. Then the team warns them, if they were found out that you have the baby were different than the others, they will kill you and us, then I added to say that you have keep as a promise to your family, and they accepted it.

I asked them before they leave, so I asked "So what is her name," she replied "I don't know, this is my first time doing this, to give an own name," then her husband said "My Love, our child was unique to the other, what do you name it?" Then she said "How about Akaida, Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," then I was shocked "Wow that's unique," then she said "Thank you, today I will take her home with us," then he said "By the way, thank you Mr. Ripal," then I said "Anytime," when they leave.

End of report

Then Ford said "… So what do you think, it is Disturbing?" Then Jöhn was shocked that he said "I think I saw her," then Ford said "Really?" He said "Yeah, I only visited my dream," then Ford asked, "Wait a minute, did you mean you talk to her inside in your dream?" Then he replied "I don't know, all I know that she was alone and scared, but I put a brave motivation out of her," Then Ford said "Fascinating, your dreams were connected to her," he said "I see, so I have an ability to sleep to go to the another dimension?" then Ford said "Possibly, but your form was temporary in an amount of time, but dreams, where is just a temporary imagery," the Jöhn sigh "I wish I wanted to meet her," then he said "You will, there higher chance to get that dream you visit," and then they were drinking. While they were drinking, Ford said "Oh yeah I almost forgot. After I finish reading your secret report, I think I found this, I found this paper which is different than the other, that what got," Ford pass a single paper that has a single drawing to Jöhn; when he analyzes, he realized "This is the machine, that's the one what I looking for, where is it location?" Then Ford said "I don't know, when I looked at the back, what I saw is some kind of a small dots that what I touching it," then when he checked at the back, he said "I think that's Braille characters," then he said "Ok okay so what is it said," he takes a sip of the coffee, then he start touching the characters "Hmm… It said here…

What's the cliff which faces humanity, that whom the others who kill race, and what it leaves the mark who tells from the book.

… Hmm, a riddle," then when Ford is thinking then he gets it "I know where it is?" Then he asked "Oh okay, but first we first we will finish our drinks," then Ford said "Got it," while they were drinking, Soos, Dipper, and Mabel came in the kitchen then Dipper said "Oh Gruncle Ford, and Jöhn? What are you guys doing here?" then Mabel said "Yeah; by the way, you guys are very early in the morning," then Ford "Oh hey kids, and Soos," then Soos said "Morning Ford, and Jöhn, you look seem very energetic," then he replied "Thank you, and also how's Stan?" then Dipper said "He's fine, but he still rest for today," then he said "I see," when Ford finish his Coffee, he said "Okay guys, are you're ready?" then Dipper asked "Ready for what?" he said "Today will take Jöhn head back to his Jouney," then he said "Yeah I been having fun around here," then Mabel said "You do?" he replied "Yes It's been a fun to stay here with you guys," then Soos said "You're welcome dude," then when Ford stand up "Okay guys, are you ready to take Jöhn to go back to his Journey?" then Mabel said "Aww, do we?" then Ford said "Oh wait, before we do…" Ford uses his latest invention the 'Food Gun' (which it summons any food that what are their favorites), as he pull trigger at the table, it summons any favorite breakfast "… We will have a last meal, with Jöhn," then Soos asked "What about Mr. Pines?" then he replied "Stanley? Well, he will catch it up," then they enjoyed their last meal.

They were heading to the famous Gravity Falls Cliff (Which is a cliff, that face at the town, with a cut a shape of a Ufo), they head to the bridge at the top of the cliff, they head down using's Mabel's Grappling Gun, which they bring them down to the west side of the cut-cliff. At the end of the cut-cliff, whet reach a door which is made out of a wood, which is carved perfectly, and it's not broken over many years, Ford try to open the door nor destroyed it, then he said "Jöhn, can you do picklock?" he replied "Oh wait, I got it," he pulled out his Dimensional pick-lock tool (Which he obtained in Dimension 35). As many attempts, he finally opened the door, which is lead heading downstairs, it is windy and cold, then Dipper said "Your read Jöhn," he replied "I'm ready whatever be," and they head to downstairs. They arrive at the Temple, they were amazed that Ford is fascinated by this place; he will gather more information about the dimensions, time, and reality, by those writing on the walls, while Dipper and Mabel explore around the Temple, and Soos help Ford as an assistant. While Jöhn was idle for a little time, he approach to Ford then he asked "Oh Jöhn, I'm sorry I been distracted by those hieroglyphs that they write over many years, I been amazed," then he said "It's okay, take your time," then they Heading to Dipper and Mabel then he said "Well this is our last rest," then she said "Yeah I wish you will returned," Jöhn replied "Hopefully,' then lastly Soos said "Jöhn, I have bad news, Wendy will not come, is because she was out of town, to visit their family, sorry about that," then he replied "It's okay text her 'Hey Wendy I will be gone, for now, Good luck to your family'," then Soos said "Got it," then John heading to the portal room. When they arrived at the portal room, Manilve Rixal showed up he said "Really Rixal? How many times you will try to kill every dimension you conquered?" the Ford asked "Who's that?" then Manilve said "Oh sorry about that, this boy Jöhn trying to warn me. Allow to me to introduce to them, the names Manilve Rixal, I'm just a traveler like Jöhn who wandered many dimension," then Dipper said "Liar, you were just a person who trick us?" then he asked "How did you know," Mabel said "Jöhn told us that you are just a con man, with no any living that I don't know where did you come from, I was like 'girl you have problems'," Soos said "And also you are very evily, at you personality," then Manilve asked "Wait how did you know?" then Ford said "Soos watch a lot of Anime, so don't worry about that," then Rixal exposed ":| Oopsie Poopsie," then he summons an unknown creature which is a triangle shaped monster, with an eye on it, and it has illusion arms, then Rixal leaves the dimension, then Jöhn trying to halt Rixal from leaving "Hey!" then Ford called him "Jöhn, is that Bill Cypher (from the conversion in 'last meal')?" then Dipper said "I don't get it, Bill Cypher was never existed," Mabel said "That's right we killed him right from the bat," then Soos said "Maybe is just a monster, who looks like a Bill, and who makes artificially by the guy's name Rizal? I don't know," then Ford said "Bill or not Bill, but he has the Dimensional Fragment at the eyes of the creature…" then Ford asked him "… Jöhn are you ready?" he brings out his weapon, then everyone follows him, and he said "I'm ready whatever be," then Soos said "Let's get him," and battle starts.

The creature summons it illusion arm to their targets, Ford summon his barrier to Shield Dipper Mabel Soos and Jöhn, then he said "Dipper punch it!" "You got it," as he use the artificial shrink ray to make his hand large, then he punched the creature in the eye, the creature hurt his eyes, then Soos said "Get him!�� they jumped out and attacking the creature, then Mabel grappling hook hoot at the ceiling then Mabel said "Jöhn, grab my hand," he grab her hand, then when they raised up to the ceiling, Jöhn dropped down and he dive attack to the eye, while Mabel kick the eye after his attack. Then Soos said "Jöhn, gets ready," he teamed up to Soos that he place down a portable catapult (Which he invented with Old Man McGucket) Jöhn rides on it, and he flings up in the air, and slam the creature. Then the creature attacks again, they did dodge it, suddenly Dipper hit him, then Mabel reacted "Dipper!" she rushed to him, but the creature block the war, then when she looked at the creatures eyes, it charging into a beam of light, but then Jöhn use his barrier to shield it, he can't hold much longer and, then he said "Mr. Ford can you distract him?" he said "Sure, I will use my plasma gun, why?" Jöhn said "Just keep distracting," then Ford shoot the creature at the back, then the Creature stops, the beam and began to chase, while they were on the chase, He use his Krøskjander Pistol aimed and teleport to the back of the creature, when he was on the back, he climb up and when he's at the top of the creature, he jumped at the front of the creature, and stab the creatures eye, and grabs the Dimensional Fragment at the Iris, and the Creatures screams, meanwhile, Mabel and Soos recovering Dipper by using a type of a healing potion which Ford created the formula. He jumps down and the Creature was very angry, The creature uses all of the powers that that grabs, Ford, Mabel, Dipper, Soos, and Jöhn, which they cannot escape. As the creature began to make his final blow, Stanley came in and he punches the creature with his brass knuckle, the creature went down, and they were free, Ford said "You're here," then Stan said "Thank you, but first we have to deal this guy," then Ford said "Sound looks good to me," then Mabel said "Gruncle Stan! You're here," he replied ���Kiddo, how's Dippers going?" then Dipper asked "Wait a sec, how did you find us," he replied "Jöhn left the note for me when you guys are gone," then he said "Yep I did. Alright, let's finish this, once and for all," then they replied "Got it!" and they rush to the creature, with Stanley. Dipper and Mabel went to team attack at each other, Mabel use her grappling gun to Dipper, and fling him to use his shrink ray to size up his hand and smash to the creature, then Stanford and Stanley turn. The attack of the creature first, but then Ford place the projectile barrier, then he use his portal gun (from the Time Police) he shot the first portal at the bottom then a second portal at the top, then he said "Stanley, Drop It," Stanley jumped down and punched at the top of the creature which is stunned. Then now their chance, Soos set up again the portable catapult, then Jöhn rides on it, it flings Soos catapult, but suddenly the Creature regain consciousness, the Creature summons his illusion of arm, to target Jöhn," then Stan said "Kid look out!" he evade, dodge and n flips while mid-air, when he is near to the enemy, he use his Alternitav Pistol use the Blue Dust (Ice) and shoot the creature that began to frozen, and lastly the final sham, and then suddenly the creature began to glitch out to the existence.

After the fight, Ford said "Okay Jöhn now you have Dimensional Fragment, now's the time to go back to your Journey," he replied "Right," they heading to the portal alter, then when he placed it, the fragment began to float and heading back the pieces together, and the temple began to glow all over the place. Then the portal appears, that what they saw a place like desert with pillar of unknowns, but it is a place where between worlds were connected to each other, then Jöhn said "Well, I hope we will have some fun," then Stanley said "You too kid," then Mabel asked "But when you will come back?" he replied "I don't know, maybe I will have a chance, hoping we will have some fun," then Ford said "Oh yes Jöhn, before you go I will going to give you this," Ford give a present which is a long rod at the single tip with a small blade shaped like a diamond, he asked "A spear?" Dipper said "Not a 'a spear'," then Soos said "Oh yeah, this Spear was created by unknown blacksmith, which this weapon is legendary-" then Ford said "This spear is special, it creates and manipulates water kind powers, which is very incompatible by any entities in this dimension, but you can," as he held the spear, he manipulates water, but his energy feel went draining very slowly so he should be risky (just like Earth-power Hammer that he used from the previous Journey), he said "Where did you get this?" Soos replied "Dipper found it at the bottom of the UFO," then he thanked everyone and the spear disappeared when he unequipped, he stand in the portal that he said "See you in many years," then they goodbye to Jöhn as he entered in the portal.

In the end, Jöhn is having fun in his life, that he wished to hangout to them like a family, so he names in the dimension "Familléu et Corozónia con Pinalida danés Graviga" is because he feels like home, so he steps forward and his Journey to his home.