Dimension 10

The in-between worlds is literary made out of nothingness, all around in this place made out of shades of black and white, and there's is no law of physics, no matter, no time, and no possible equation; you can walk on the solid ground with no elements on it, and it's taking forever like days, years, decades, centuries, or possibly a millennia. In conclusion, the in-between worlds are very confusing as hell, but someday they will reach the next destination but as for now, this the last part of the story.

Jöhn and Akaida were walking in-between world, he said "Huh that's strange…" Akaida asked "What is it?" he replied "This is like my farthest walking I've ever done," then she said "Really?" then he said "Well yeah, or maybe I was little lost track in time," then suddenly a really strong earthquake shaking the ground. Akaida said "Jöhn, what happened?" he replied "I have no idea; this is new," the ground began to shift into a group of giant pillars which one of the pillars lifted Akaida to the top and she said "Aaahhh!!!" until the group of pillars stopped growing and there are now at the same height of the pillars, then Jöhn asked "Akaida, are you alright!?" she replied "Uhm yeah…" when she looks at the distance she said "… Jöhn, check this out," she pointed right front of her, he asked "What is it?" she replied "There's a weird symbol like it looks like one of your eyes," then he said "Really? But I can't see at the bottom, I'm climbing up," he climbed up to the top of the pillar, and what he saw, a giant symbol which the center it has a big red dot glowing, and its surrounding is a black circuit labyrinth style which is like a rays of the sun. Jöhn said "Okay this is weird," then she said "I don't Jöhn since I come here I was feeling very comfortable about it," Jöhn said "Yeah," then she asked, "Are we going to investigate this place?" He asked "I don't know, all around in this 'in-between space' began into a giant of endless of pillars, and I have no idea why cause of it?" then Akaida suggested "How about called Alexander, maybe he must be know everything about the dimension," he replied "You're right, let's jump down," as they landed at the ground, they saw the ground into a grass, and it has a pine trees all around it, and also the sky from grey into a light blue color, and also with a sun and clouds too. Jöhn and Akaida began to feel very confusing they like 'what in the world is going on?', Akaida said "Jöhn, I'm scared, [QnQ]" then Jöhn said "Don't worry about that, this is the first time that this 'in-between world' began have an abnormality on it," then the fog came in and it began to thicc like the Minecraft render distance of 2, and they can't see anything at the distance. Akaida was in fear that she hugging Jöhn very tightly like "Uuuaaahhh!!! [ºДº]" then Jöhn comforting Akaida "Hey x3, don't be afraid…" Jöhn pulled out the lantern and lit it up (Which Hilda gave that Lantern to him, which the lantern is magic, that I mean literary) "… See I'm here, and also I never seen your being scared of this fog," then Akaida sigh "I- I don't know…" then Jöhn said "Hmmm…" then the fog began to disappear to the thin air, and the artificial sun began to set down, then Jöhn said "We should stay here in the night; luckily I bring some sleeping bags around here," Jöhn pulls out the Adsévan Axe to chop the artificial pine trees to make some firewood. Akaida was waiting for Jöhn to chop the trees, then she stands up and approach him "Uhm… Jöhn?" He said while he's chopping some trees "Yeah?" She replied "Can you teach me how to fight them," Jöhn chop the logs and lit up with the Red Dust into a campfire then he asked "What do you mean? I saw you were bashing them," she sits down, same with him; she said "Well it's not… you see… you saw me I was fighting them like a profession in your perspective; but in the reality, I was attacking just one, and I was scared to self-defense to myself; so you help me to team up and that' it," Jöhn said "Wait am I on hallucinating or some crap back in this dimension?" She replied "Kind off…" then he said "I have no idea… Man, dimensions are really weird and confusing at the same time," then Akaida beg him "So please, help me to protect myself," then Jöhn remembers that he's going to teach Akaida how to fight back in his 9th Journey then he said "Sure tomorrow but as for now, you want smores?" Akaida asked, "What's that?" He replied "It's a campfire snack, made out of cracker, marshmallow, and chocolate bar," then Akaida said "Well It sound tasty for me," Jöhn said "It is, Now grab that stick," Akaida pick the stick right next to her "Poke the marshmallow on the stick and heat on the campfire, make sure don't make too much burned it out for so long" then she said "Got it," then they having some fun for camping.

The next day, Jöhn and Akaida were just walking on the artificial forest like it feels like a real forest, they encountered a big ravine I mean really big, Jöhn use his vision and his mind to analysed the size of the ravine the results is about 1000000 kilometers long and 1000 kilometres wide (621371.192 miles long and 621.371 miles wide) it's like 400 times bigger than the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and the depths of the ravine is still unknown, because Jöhn can't see the very bottom of the ravine but what he saw is just clouds and fog. Jöhn said "This is so big and look, the walls of the ravine are voxels style and it has little floating islands like a broken logs that flows down at the river," then Akaida asked said "Your right but…" then they hear lightning and thunder from the fog at the bottom of the ravine "… this place feels pretty eerie?" He replied "Yeah, but hey at least we will not turn around in this ravine, we will be walking like forever," Akaida said "You are right Jöhn," he jumped and dashes to the nearest floating island, he said "You're up," Akaida step a little back, then she said "Can you move aside, please?" he replied "Sure," then she began to run towards to him, and she jumps very long, and she use the grappling hook and landed right next to him, she said "I made it," he smiles and suddenly the Dimension Errors came in, but this time is very different, they sort of glitch out their physical bodies, he summoned his weapon "Akaida, I will teach you the real fight and defend yourself, got it?" Akaida pulled out her scythe she replied "Got it! ÒwÓ" and the fight begin.

Jöhn first fight with those creatures, then he asked "Do you know how to use the scythe?" she replied "I don't know? I only attack like a pickaxe or something like that," Jöhn summon the barrier for block the enemies attack "Hold the grips at your right side of the blade," She holds on the proper stance of the scythe "Like this?" then Jöhn's barrier began to break down "Good, now all you what you do, just swing," she asked "Swing?" then Jöhn said "Yes Swing; swing to the left," then Jöhn's barrier broke which he's pushed back by the creatures, and then the Dimension Errors are targeting her, she's in shocked then Jöhn said "Akaida do it," she charged her weapon and swing that; she destroyed the Dimension Errors and began to disintegrate, then he said "You did it!" Akaida smiles but suddenly, the Maze Dwellers jumped and targeting at her, "Akaida!" Jöhn said. He teleported using the Krøskjander Pistol and he protected using the projector shield and she said "Jöhn," he asked "Can you team up?" she replied "Sure!" Akaida transform her scythe into a Spear, then Jöhn transform his weapon from Diavetica Sword into the Triädacta Spear, he pushed out the Maze Dweller and then they spin around at their backs, forming like a helicopter and the Maze Dweller and disintegrated.

After the fight, Akaida said "Hey Jöhn," he asked "Yeah?" She replied "It's just me or this weapon feels familiar," He said, "What do you mean?" She replied "Because I remember now," he said "Really? Can you… remember what happened?" then she said "I remember we walk around the weird dimension we walk around to and we… fight the creature, You, Me, Hilda, and the Librarian- hey I remember," then he said "Hmm… I have a question for you," Akaida said "What is it?" he said "Since you were dragged, what happened to you before we were came?" then she replied "I remember I was waking up in the forest, in this what you called the Alternitav Dimension I stumble upon a guy that's not a Hooded Figure that what you encountered, but it turns out is a she," then he said "A she?" Akaida said "And she was different, and I think she's lived from another dimension in a technical way," then Jöhn said "Really? But first, let's move out," then she said "Got it," and they proceed to hop every island while Akaida and him in a conversation. Jöhn said, "So what happened?" Akaida replied "I talk to her, she's said that 'she is from the another dimension' but it's not, she was made out of hologram that communicate to the other 'world' she said, and I asked 'What do you mean 'worlds' if you lived in a another dimension' and we talk about an hour trying to who we are, until she asked 'what is dimension?' but suddenly the hologram communication began to weaker and faded away, then I asked 'were should we meet?' and she replied 'In our town,' when she about to say her location, the communication is gone," then Jöhn said "Did you tell her name?" She replied "Nope," then he asked, "But what happened when you began to blur your memories?" When they reached and landed on the other side of the ravine she replied "I don't know; but what I know, after the conversation has been disappeared, I think someone spray me at my face and I feel hallucinated at first and I feel in a deep sleep," then Jöhn said "I see… your memory remembers at first until the effects begin, to can't remember what happened until you familiarized it," then Akaida said "Something like a drug?" he replied "Yep, and I know exactly what happened back there," she asked "Who?" then Jöhn replied "The hooded guy sabotage your conversation, he has the ability to manipulate reality to disrupts the communication to you," then Akaida asked "But why he spray at me," he replied "I don't know, maybe just a style," when they proceed walking "By the way, the Hooded Guy you mentioned? That's the one who trying to destroy the multiverse," Akaida asked, "What is the name?" He replied "Manilve Rixal, the mysterious one," Akaida asked, "But why?" Jöhn explained everything about him while they were walking. After he explains it Akaida said "So he's up to something," then he said "I… don't know, but what I know he just trying to destroying dimensions and losing all life that is existed," then she said "Maybe… he just playing mind tricks about you," then he said "You're right- but as for now, don't let Manilve holds you to your hand, he's a manipulated one," Akaida asked, "How do you know he's a manipulator?" Jöhn replied "Well for starters like you, your mind feels hazy and daydream that you can't focus according in my Journal," Akaida said "Where did you get all of that," He replied "I been wandering around in each dimension to gather more information like Sanatonio did, he/she always leave documents and their equipment's leaven behind," She asked "Did you took the equipment's?" He replied "Well… no, what do you think I am a thief? I will never do that in my life," Akaida tease him "So you're a good boy eh? He He (⩌⩊⩌)" He said "Stop that," Akaida said "What is the Jöhn? (⩌⩊⩌) do you have a problem?" then he said "I was thinking about the same thing," then they laugh. They finally got out the artificial pine forest and what they saw, big grassland with rarely with trees, right front of them is the same big symbol-like structure that they saw in the first place; as they approach the structure, it begins to spins the outside of the red dot and change from labyrinth-like into a rays-like and the red dot transforms into a giant door measuredly about 500 meters high (1640.42 feet high), Akaida said "Well this is looks awesome, let's go check it out," but Jöhn said "I don't know, but I feel something like about to happening right now," Akaida said "It's just a door, but your right," as they approach the door, it began to open itself and what they saw, is the endless void of fantasy; I mean a literary fantasy in space with earth-like colored sky, with floating sea creatures wandering around the place, building were floating everywhere from here to the endless in the distance; this is the place where you can imaging everything that you could ever imagine what you will think of. As they entered the place, Jöhn and Akaida were surprised and amazed at the place, she said "Woah! [∩(.・o・.)∩] I never seen this place, it's so beautiful," Then a blue whale rose up to the sky right front of them with a blue whale calling to the sky, he said "Yeah it's like one of my… favorite… childhood, yu know?" Jöhn and Akaida giggle.

When they look around the platform, Akaida said "Uhm… Jöhn?" he asked "Yeah what is it?" then she said "The Door's gone," then he looked back and the door disappeared "Oh no, I guess will be stuck for now," Akaida sigh "Come on really?" then he said "Yep it is," her face into a pout face (⩌_⩌) . Jöhn walk to the edge and take a deep breath of a fresh air "This place looks like a big ocean but in a sky, this is awesome," then Akaida said "Hey Jöhn," he asked "What is it?" she replied "What about this floating tower, we should check it out if there's any human beings out there," then he said "You're right, but how we will cross to the other side, there's no nearest floating platform we come to?" then she said "Maybe we check around again, if see there's any details around here, I guess…" and they search around the place again. They search around again 'cause it's so difficult to look around in every detail (he can't use his supervision in the in-between spaces); until Jöhn found the path, he said "Akaida, I think I found it," she asked, "Really where?" Jöhn said, "See that floating rubbish in the sky?" Akaida said "Yeah why?" then he explain "Look at your feet…" Akaida look down "… There's a stone floor were we standing," then she said, "And?" Then he pointed up the floating objects "And look all the floating rock right front of us," As she analyzed and she realized that she said, "This is a bridge, but why it is broken?" Jöhn replied "I have no idea, but we need to get across to get to the other side," Then Akaida looks the side of the island then she found something "Jöhn! I think I found it," he asked, "What is it?" She reaches the object and picks up and she said "I think it's a hook," then he said "Hmmm… that tool looks very interesting," then she passed the tool to him then he asked "What is it?" she replied "I don't know, this tool makes my body feel weak that all of my strength and my energy drains out when I touch it… you should keep it," then Jöhn asked, "Are you fine after you give it to me?" Akaida said "Actually yeah, and I don't know what happened," as he inspects the tool he said, "This is the tool has the same feeling as the Trïadacta Spear, I wonder why?" Then she said, "Maybe it's an anomaly?" Jöhn replied "I don't know," then Akaida asked "Well… would you check it out how it works?" He replied "I'll try," and he standing on a stone floor. When he equips the hook, he saw a glow from those floating bridges by those pieces; when he throws the hook, it attach very quickly like a magnet, and it also leaves the trail of pixelated rope; then he pulled it, and the pieces of the bridge back to its original position, then Akaida said "Hey it created the bridge," then Jöhn said "I know right; come on, let's fix this," as he pulled more and pieces back together, the dimension creature were pooping out of nowhere, Akaida said "Uhm… Jöhn?" he replied "What is it?" they saw the creature thinking they were ready for a fight, then Jöhn said "Akaida, bring out your scythe," she asked "Why?" then he said "This is going to be nasty," so they fight them, and fixing the bridge until they reach to the other side. After they finished the bridge and defeated the creatures of dimension, and reach the floating looking skyscraper, Akaida said "Whoa this is a very tough fight, I think… I think we… were the best…" Jöhn feels suspicious that he thinks Akaida doesn't feel right, then he asked "Akaida, are you fine?" she began to feel dizziness "I'm fine don't mention that--" Then Akaida collapse to the ground.

Jöhn is running to her and helped up he said "Akaida!" He checks her forehead and it's very hot "She got a flu,"; he trying to wake her up but it didn't work, then a mysterious girl wearing a hoodie with a British accent "Uhm… Hello?" he stands up "Lady, Please help her," then she approach to Akaida and she checking her up "What happened?" He replied "She got sick, I don't know what happened since we got here," then she asked "Where did you guys come from?" he replied "We live in another dimension, trying way back home and hers," when the Hooded Lady stand "I see… Come to my place, and bring her to me," Jöhn response "Thank you," then she said "No problem," Jöhn lifted and carries Akaida, and he follows to her home. Why they were walking, Jöhn asked "So how far is your home?" the Hooded Lady replied "Were almost there, just a little bit more steps to go," then Akaida open her eyes then she said "Father? (≖д≖)" he replied "I'm not your father, and it's weird," then she said "It's getting worse, as I expected; were here," her home is a small tent built at the top of the building then he said "How we supposed to fit in," then she said "Come in, this is not any ordinary tent," she brings the longest rod and fit inside of the small tent, Jöhn was shocked and Akaida said "Whoa (◯Δ◯∥) that's some magic tent you got here hee hee ( ̄ω ̄)," Jöhn said "Magic tent?" as he entered the small tent, he realized the tent wasn't small at all; it's huge and it scaled about 30 meters high and 180 meters wide (98.4252 feet high and 590.551 feet wide), and temperature is perfect about 26 °C (83 °F) like a tropical cold breeze night. The Hooded Lady making the medicine at her kitchen; as she looked back at him "Oh right, put her at my bed to take rest," Jöhn put Akaida at her bed, then the Hooded Lady came in and she put some medicine oil, and then she put it on Akaida's forehead; Akaida from uncomfortable into a satisfaction with her expression ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ. Then she said "There this should cure the ill," as she heads back to the kitchen zone (Yes there are no walls, it's a tent), Jöhn asked "Uhm… miss?" she smiled "Yeah?" He replied "You never introduce to us, since my friend got sick and you help us," she said, "Oh yeah, I'm sorry let me introduce to myself, okay?" As he heard that line, he felt nostalgia, and familiar until; her voice was very similar to a perfect match as the same person; as he look at her, she lowered hoodie then she said "My name is Evelian Kasalastan, nice meet you," she smiled. Jöhn was shock, when he looks at Evelian's face; it's a same face of his sister died in the car crash, Jöhn went in tears and he can't breathe like he's about to cry, then Eve's approach at him then she said "Hey, are you alright?" he said "Sis… Sister… *breathe in*" then she asked "Uhm… are you alright?" he said "No, it's… I never seen my sister's face for a very long time," She said "Where's your sis- oh, I am so sorry," then he said "It's okay, I been so much hurt for the past years, still the pain inside of me," then Evelian approach him and she's given a comfort hug to Jöhn very tight "It's okay, I know what you feel, and I'm sorry for your losses," and he hugs him back.

After this situation, they were in a conversation at the table drinking Lait chaud (Hot Milk) then she said "I can't believe your sister and I have the same face, like I mean exactly the same right?" then he said "Yeah it is, *sip the milk* I'm sorry I began to sober. I never seen my sister's face for a very long time but… you reminded of my sister; I mean, you have the same characteristic as my sister but it's weird at the same time," then Eve said "I know right, we met 2 hours ago with an awkward introduction, but it's hard to accept the past what been there is hurt, I think you have to move on," then he said "I know I will try my best," then they both sips a milk. Then Jöhn asked "So… do you live here, or somewhere place?" then she replied "I lived at my home town on the other side of the Sprägas," he asked "Sprägas?" then she explained "Sprägas, they were floating rectangular islands that made out of stone, minerals, and nature itself. My hometown and this Sprägas *Pointed the nearest island* they were connected by the bridge, but it's been disconnected for the past few weeks, and I don't know what happened but I been isolated and I can't communicate the other side. But one day, I saw you fixing the bridge and fight those baddies with your friend; what was that tool you using?" he replied "Oh, It's this," he summoned the hook; then Evelian's reaction is priceless that she said "Okay by far, this is the best-looking tool I ever seen," then he said "Cause it's fancy?" she replied "Yeah it is, fancy as heck *sips milk* by the way, it's getting late, you need some sleep 'cause you look tired, what do you say?" then Jöhn said "Okay…" he stands up "… by the way, thank you Evelian," Eve said "Sure, call me Eve for now on; Go get some sleep, I already set the couch for you; you can rest whatever you want if you're ready," then Jöhn said "Thanks, well… goodnight," then she said "You too," he heading to the couch, lie down and he is now sleeping (transition: time-lapse to sunrise).

Akaida woke up in her bed which she was cured from the effect, she saw Jöhn was sleeping on the couch; as she stands up, she look around until she saw Evelian was making breakfast, she saw the food was very exotic looking not typical and appealing looking food they ever got. Evelian looked back then she saw her, she said "Oh you finally awake, and your sickness gone," Akaida stand up, and she asked "Who are you?" she replied "Oh me? Let me introduce to myself, name Evelian Kasalastan," then she replied "Nice to meet you Mrs. Kasalastan," then she said "Please, call me Eve for short," When Akaida looked around her place she asked, "Where am I?" Evelian replied "Well… you're in my tent. You can't remember anything during your sickness," Akaida said "I have sickness, how?" she explained "Well… in this realm, your body can't capable of your life, you may cause dizziness, nausea, and hallucination that will possibly die if you can't hold it…" Akaida gasp, and then she continued "… Lucky for you, I found you guys when I finished finding some plants and head back home, and I bring you guys here to my tent. I put some medicine that permanently the effects that protect your immune system in this realm," Then she said "Thank you, but I remember last night is saying stuff to him. By the way, where's Jöhn I never see him since I get dizzy," Evelian replied "Oh him? Your brother was asleep on the couch, he needs some rest," and then Akaida said "Well he's not my brother," then she said "I been heard you speaking while you were sleep said 'brother' many a lot," then she said "What no… Well… Erm… *Akaida sits down on the couch,* He's my friend," then Evelian said, "I see…" Eve sits down set to her, and then she asked "Where's your family? I heard they were worried about you," then she replied "I don't have one, my family died because of me," then Evelian asked "Why? Because you're mistakes?" then she said "No it's not, is everything. I was created in the lab; mom and dad don't have a child once, so they created from their genes. But it turns out, the result was a failure causing these eyes in my body spread over my arms, legs, and my face it was disturbing, but my parents accept it. Then the day comes…" she began to cry. Then Evelian hugs her that she said "Don't worry I feel the same thing; I lost my family once, I was a loner and despair, but I can fight myself in this world because I am not alone, there always beside for me," Akaida stops crying and she hugs her back "Thank you," then Jöhn awake from the couch and he asked "Akaida, Evelian there's something wrong?" then Akaida explained everything what happened. After the situation happened, Akaida cleaning her scythe was dirty, with a cloth then Evelian asked him on the couch "How do you know she's created from the lab?" He explained "I told her from the fire camp, Akaida asked me she was created in the lab, and I told her the whole truth. She began to cry, and I don't know what it feels like; is like a truth of hurt and that heavy guilty, I felt about it, so I comfort her as it goes, and she accepts it as the only friend who stays by her side," then Evelian said "So that's why you kept as a secret for a long time," then he said "Yeah it is. In the end, we will move on and don't think our past we through, I think we were okay person, for now," then Akaida approach them "Hey guys, I never been so hungry for a long time," then Evelian stands up "Oh right, your breakfast is ready, don't make you belly hollow you might die in this world," they heading to the kitchen he said "These food looks exotic," then she asked "Exotic? What's exotic?" then he said "Nothing, just a word meaning 'unique'," then Evelian gets it (No, it isn't), and they sit down and enjoyed their breakfast.

After they finished breakfast, Akaida help Evelian washing the dishes, while Jöhn was tidy the place up, they sorted help her cleaning the house, because when they have arrived at the first place, her tent was a mess and it's hard to organized her stuff; after they finished cleaning the house, he went outside for a breeze air looking the distance watching those bird and the fishes float around the air, whit the clouds are moving itself very slow, and the Sprägas where just sits there without any moving; he sits down on a cold grass to cool him off he pulled out his notebook and his pen to start draws and writes in this event, than Akaida came; she asked "What you doing?" he replied "Oh this…" Akaida sits down next to him "… Wait, I told you when we lived Hilda and his friends behind, and I show to you," then she said "That's not what I meant," then he said "You still have the memory blurred," then Akaida felt guilty about him, so she asked "Can I recalled what you were doing?" Jöhn replied "Sure, I wrote this notebook for in-case of emergency," she said "What kind of in-case of emergency?" he replied "For not remembered anything for it," then he added "I been traveled like 16,000,000,000,000 years that I counted my fingers; I lost track in time, and my physical can't change but still stuck as 16-year-old boy," then she asked "Do remember your childhood, and your current time before you entered the dimension?" then he said "Well yeah, it's still permanently in my mind, because of this power," then she asked "What kind of powers you received," then Jöhn said "This? It alternates my human body, not just being very strong, and not just very powerful, it manages this power to find the equal," Akaida asked, "Like a fair fight?" Jöhn replied "Yep a fight like a gentleman," then Akaida give Lait chaud (Hot Milk) to him and he takes a sip, then Jöhn finished his work "Here *he show his work to Akaida* how is it?" Akaida said "This is the most beautiful drawing and writing I've ever seen, is perfect I can be starring this for 10 years," then Jöhn said "Woah that's far," then Evelian came outside and saw them, she said, "Oh my, what are you guys doing here?" Jöhn replied "Hey Eve, we just sitting here and watch the view," then Akaida look at her face that she looks tired and lack of sleep, so she said "You should sit here, it's beautiful like honeycomb feel about it ( ̄ω ̄)," Evelian said "Hmm… I don't know, I been working every day since I been lost track of time," Jöhn said "Don't worried about it, sit here and watch the view," when she sits right next Jöhn and Akaida, she takes a deep breath and the breezed right blow to their faces, then she said "*Sigh* this is the life," and they sat here for hours. While they were watching the landscape, the going down then Akaida said "Uhm… Evelian?" she said "Yeah?" Akaida asked "How do you know is us, were fixing the bridge," Evelian replied "Like I told you, I saw you guys at the top of the Sprägas," then Akaida added "Yeah but, I don't see any pieces bridges that floating around in this place," then Evelian said "Oh yeah I almost forget, the bridge is made out of wood, which it fell down to the void," then Jöhn said "Well, this hook won't reach like that, and it's impossible to make a bridge; there is no tress around in this Sprägas, only grass and plants in this place," Akaida said "Your right, how we supposed to get to the other side?" then Evelian got an idea she stands up "I got it. Come to my tent, I think I know something," Jöhn and Akaida stand up, then he look at her and they were both raise their shoulders and arms [¯\_(ツ)_/¯] so they follow her.

As they entered Evelian's tent, Jöhn saw Eve climbing her tall bookshelf around 310 centimeters (10.1706 feet) which she doesn't have a ladder in her tent, so she use the compartments to climb up, she climb at the top of the shelf and grab what sort a big scroll which is a map. Suddenly, when she grabs the map, failed grabbing the compartment, and fell down; Akaida react "Oh no she's falling, Jöhn use the teleportation gun?" but Jöhn said "I can't use the Krøskjander Pistol, it's been restricted in this world," then Akaida said "Well do something," As Evelian almost fell to the ground, Jöhn ran and grab her at the right time, and they roll and hit the wall of the kitchen. Then Jöhn asked "Are you alright," then Evelian blushed "Yeah I'm fine; but first get off me, You doing a romantic lie down," he stands up and scratching his head with an awkward smile "Oh sorry about that," he stands up and scratching his head with awkward smile. Evelian said "As what I said, there is a way," then Akaida said "Really how?" she replied "I show you," heading to the table, she places it, and scrolled out the map; then Jöhn and Akaida approached to the table he asked "So what is it?" Evelian explained "This is the map of Voxel Valley, it's a another world [Alternitav] which is at the bottom of Sprägas, they were very common," then Jöhn asked "So it's like a cave?" then she replied "Yes, but this is the dangerous cave we been through; my father and I created this map so just-in-case if we getting lost; After he died, he gave to me and become a cave explorer but I can't do it alone," then she said "Why?" Evelian explained "I was beginning to feel isolation and anxiety; without my side, I feel unprotected," then Jöhn said "Don't worry about that, you got us; do you think you can handle alone wandering around the spooky place? No, because when we work together, you will never be alone, and we will stay beside of you," Akaida said "He's right, and we were friends; I know we met last day, but this is the time you can trust us," then Evelian "Trusting you? But my friends were very worried about me," then Jöhn said "Don't worry about that; but this time, we can be friends until in the very," then Jöhn gave Evelian a smile and she hugs them she said, "Thank you." After the hugging, Akaida looks the map she said "Evelian, the drawings you guys created, It looks like a labyrinth, but much bigger," then she said "Oh yeah, these are not just any typical labyrinth you going to see this in your whole life; so anyways, are we ready to head down? By the way, I already packing my stuff after this conversation," then Jöhn said "Whoa your fast; okay sorry… I think we're ready to head down to the ground," then Akaida is worried, she said "Are you sure? She said is dangerous," Jöhn said "Don't worry about that, we can handle it those bad guys; as we defeat them last time, right?" then she said "Mmm… Okay, let's beat those monsters," he nodded. Then he said "Evelian, were ready," then she said "Great, well I'm going to say goodbye to my tent, maybe you go head outside of the tent, is dangerous when I'm going to use it," while Jöhn and Akaida are waiting outside, Evelian's tent began to shrink and it turns into a cube; Evelian picks up "Okay, let's go," then they react which Akaida said "Wow (・о・) that's amazing," then Jöhn said "I know right, come on let's go to bottom of the world," then heading to the base level of the Sprägas. When they arrived at the base level, Akaida asked: "So how we going to entered Voxel Valley?" Evelian replied "The only entrance to the Voxel Valley is from the Door marks in this Sprägas but …" she pulled out and put her glasses on "I know it has to be here somewhere; It should be right-" Then J��hn said "Here?" Evelian pulled out her glasses "Oh you found it," when she approaches the Door mark, Akaida asked, "So how you will open this to the other side?" Evelian replied "See for yourself, she pulled out a strange key and inserted on the keyhole, suddenly the marks began to disappeared and it turns from a door frame sized into a big circular hole about the radius of 5 meters (16.4042 feet), "So shall we?" Evelian said, and there are now entered the Voxel Valley.

It was gigantic, but it was dark like the ocean's deep blue sea 'the twilight zone' but this is just a night; when it comes to the day, the tone changed from cold and gloomy to a fresh and warmth aesthetic like autumn feels; Akaida said "Wow, this is beautiful," then Jöhn asked "Wait, I thought this place supposed to be dangerous," Evelian replied "It does, it has an complex traps, puzzles, and mostly the Maze Dwellers and those annoying spider monkeys," then Jöhn asked "You mean the Costologorigân?" then she said "Yes, the ones you called them, are the pain in the back sometimes; but anyways be careful around here," Akaida said "Sure we can handle it," then they proceed walking the voxel valley. While they were walking, Jöhn said "You know, this place was very similar from the maze back of my 3rd Journey," Akaida said "Really?" Jöhn said "Yeah, its feel so nostalgic to see this place again, but this time is very different of those path; also we use the yarns to leave the tracks behind," then Evelian said "So you didn't use a map to navigate, but instead you use the yarn; because, this was your only resources to go through, very nice," Jöhn smiled "Thanks I was thinking smart for that," then suddenly the Maze Dwellers and the Schulkruråjs appeared right front of them, and they have their hive spawn attach to the walls, then Evelian said "Oh no there here, and I don't have a weapon" Jöhn pulled out his sword right front of her "Don't worry Eve, we'll protect you from these bad guys," and Akaida right next to him and pulled out her scythe "Yeah, Let's go Jöhn, let's deal these monsters who we are," and the battle begins.

The Maze Dwellers began to dig down in the ground, then Jöhn said "Dodge!" the Maze Dwellers dig up to the ground, but they dodged it but they split their way; the Maze Dweller confront Akaida right front of her, then the Maze Dweller going to crush her and she was in fear, but then Akaida run towards and grab her from the Maze Dwellers attack, then Jöhn jumped at stab the Maze Dwellers back using the Diavetica Sword, he asked "You're okay?" Evelian nodded; then the Costologorigân going to aimed Akaida and Evelian, then Jöhn said "Akaida take this," she throws the [bullet] white dust at her "What this OwO?" he replied "It's called dust," Akaida asked "What's dust?" then he said "You see," he smiled; then she asked "So… How am I going to use it?" he replied "Put the dust [bullet] at the tip of the scythe," she put the dust and it inserted it, she asked "Now what?" then he said "Now use you your thing," then she asked "My freestyle?" He said "Exactly!" as the Costologorigân spit their acid, Akaida use the dust; she use her scythe spinning like a marching baton; as she spins the scythe, the shell [bullets] of the dust began to broke and it release a barrier all around them, Akaida asked "It's that magic?" Jöhn replied "Technically yes, but actually no," then it ricochet the Schulkruråjs acid then Evelian said, "That was amazing; you still use the power in this world?" Jöhn said "Well yes, but right now the dust needed to recharge," Jöhn throws the bag of dust to Akaida he said "Here, Akaida," she replied "Wow, how many are there?" then he said "It's an dust bag, it will refill about a minute," Evelian said "Like a bottomless bag?" he replied "Yep," Jöhn said to her "Eve, this battle zone is dangerous here, you need to cover while the battle is over," then she replied "Okay Jöhn," she went hide behind the rock, and the battle continues. Jöhn rushed and climbed up to the walls to destroy the Schulkruråjs, they tried to spit acid at him but he dodges it, he draws the Diavetica Sword at his left wrist, and slashed across the enemies and destroyed in the air, and then Akaida said "Jöhn look out!" he looked back and the Maze Dweller slams a big cracked the wall with the hand, but he dodges it and jumps off the wall, then he dives in and slam attack the enemies, then Jöhn said "Your turn Akaida!" then she said "Allow me…;" She lowered the grip and the stem to the snath transform into a spear, and she went dragoon-style attacks on them, then she use the dust as AoE-style magic, which the Maze Dweller disintegrate; as they destroy more the enemies, the hive went spawns faster, then Evelian said "Akaida, Jöhn you have to destroy the hive to stops prevent from spawning," then Akaida asked "How we supposed to destroy it?" Jöhn replied "I got it," then she worried "Are you sure? We never try it before?" then he said "Don't worry about that, the technique is… unstable," then Akaida sigh "You know what… let's do this," then he precedes the technique, he calls it "Time for the big meal!" Jöhn and Akaida went team up their attacks, while Evelian peeked out and what she saw, Jöhn and Akaida bounded their attacks, and destroys the Maze Dwellers and the Schulkruråjs, then their finishing move; Akaida said: "Prepare the grand reception!" They throw Jöhn's sword and Akaida's scythe and it becomes a neutron star (which is stronger than black hole) it sucks all the Maze Dwellers and the Schulkruråjs from top to bottom and the hive spawns too, and it blows up.

After the explosion, Jöhn and Akaida stands up that they were fine, Evelian comes out and she asked "What the heck was that?" Akaida replied "The binding move, Jöhn taught me that," then Evelian said to him "Jöhn, that move was very dangerous," he replied, "I know, that technique comes from my mind, and I don't know why?" Evelian said "I see… so you just discover your own move?" Jöhn said "I guess, maybe that move came from my power," She asked, "You're power?" Jöhn explains "You didn't remember? I have developed powers that manipulate my life; but I will be on risk to use it" Eve asked "What happened of use too much power," He replied "I become weak, for a temporary time," Evelian said "Oh okay I remember now. Anyways, the exit to the town is just 30 km (18.6411 miles) away," Akaida said "But Evelian the suns going down," then she said "Great how we suppose sleep through the night, this place is creepy down here," when they look around the walls, Akaida look up, she pointed up "Maybe the top of the maze?" they looked up and he said "Yeah we should sleep there, but…" then Jöhn asked Evelian "… is there any living things at the top of the maze?" Evelian replied "I don't know, I never been at the top of the maze, I'm curious what it looks like?" then Jöhn pull-out the Kröskjander Pistol and Akaida's scythe, he said "Well we go top," then she said "Are you sure about it?" then he said "Trust me, this going to be a fun ride," Jöhn aiming up to the sky ready to fire, while Akaida flips her scythe and shoots the grappling hook to the top of the maze, she said "Hop on Mrs. Kasalastan," when she grab the snath, Jöhn shoot first and teleport to the top, while Akaida pulled up to the top of the maze, and what they saw is the flats, they were grass and bushes everywhere, Evelian said "Wow, it's beautiful up there," then Akaida asked "It is, Jöhn do you still have your phone?" Jöhn replied "Well I have," then she asked "Uhm… Jöhn?" he said "Yeah?" she replied "What is this thing?" he explained "Oh this? This is a phone, a device to communicate all around the world," Evelian said "Oh that's neat, so why are you using it?" he replied "Take a snap on the camera," Evelian asked "What's camera?" Akaida replied, "You see…" Jöhn open his phone, heading to the camera, switched to front-facing cam, and he said "Say smile to the camera," Jöhn smiled, Akaida smiled (^_^), and Eve smiled with a blushed; after snapping the Jöhn said "We should stay here for night," then they set up the camp. After they finished the tent, Jöhn was putting the water in the hanging pot using the Triädacta spear, then he use the she asked "Why you make the impossible things wanted to complete it?" he explained "Some people say 'it's impossible to make the things harder than you thought', I say the impossible it's just the word that make you think is hard, so that why there's nothing is impossible in this multiverse," Eve said "So you being a realism," he replied "Yes it is, but it's hard to explain realism, it's more than just a fantasy; and it's complex, but not much complex than this worlds," Evelian said "I know," then he said "Anyways, go help Akaida find some ingredient, the food is just plain water and chicken," she stands up and she went to Akaida.

While she walked around the brushland, she saw Akaida focusing picking some ingredients; as she approached her, she asked "Hey Kid," she replied "Oh Mrs. Kasalastan, I didn't see you there," she asked "Do you want to help?" she replied "Sure," then Evelian help her. While they were helping, Akaida said "It's quiet out here you know," Evelian said "Hmm?" Akaida said "I mean me and Jöhn were just having fun throughout the days, and I'm always thinking about him a lot," Evelian said "Hey… you always like him? Akaida said to Evelian "What? No… I mean… uh… *sigh* I don't know…" she stops working and sits down on the grass; When Evelian sits next to her she said "I mean, Jöhn and I were different from each other but in my mind, he looks like a brother to me," Evelian said "But he always leaves, since you were kid," Akaida said "He is; but he will always give me advice to make some friends; even the odds were common to the society; as I wait he returned and we always stay together for a while," when Evelian felt down, she sigh "You know, I don't have a sibling, not even once but I will going to tell a story about a little girl in the well," Akaida look at Evelian, then she said "Really? I wanted to tell a story" the Evelian said "Yeah, but this not the time to discuss here," when Evelian stands up, she said "Oh come on Mrs. Kasalastan, I wanted to tell your story," Evelian replied "Not here; let's go back the ingredients to him, then I tell," she replied "Okay," then they head back to the camp.

Meanwhile, Jöhn was waiting Evelian and Akaida to pick up some ingredients, the fire went weak so he's stood up, and finding and picking some dead bushes. While he was picking some dead bushes, Jöhn hears a wind; blows from the south, when he look from the direction, he saw a tornado right come after him; when he rushes to the camp, the wind blows his force to the tornado and it enters. When he got entered the tornado, he's in the eyewall; it was very strong winds like a big red spot on the planet Jupiter, it was very stormy and rainy, and all what he sees is lightning and thunderstorms until a voice came in like a monster feared them "Jöhn! You're mistaken that you brought up to world, you make them downfall to the ground, now everyone will make you drags you to the ground," as the winds became to calm, and it stops… quietly… then Jöhn begins to fall down to the ground; while he was falling, he heard people's moaning, shouting, and calling his name that he got scared like he's started about to sobbing; he closed his body to protect himself he said "Please… stop it… the people I make them is my fault to do it; I can change to be a good person… and I'm sorry," then it calms down. Jöhn stops crying and opened his body, he saw that he just floats around an empty void that nobody's here, he look around and it's literary nothing around here, Jöhn said "Is this is my punishment or, this just my subconscious mind… I don't know. I don't know even myself who am I? Maybe I'm just a person who traveled around the dimension just being a stranger to everyone, and I was left behind. I don't know what will happen to me, these past memories they were my mistakes, and I have to fix it to the real world, I have to move on, but doesn't mean I will change. I'm ready, no matters what happened to me, I have to get back up, and I have to move on; I won't give up who tried to take me down, because this is me, and this is who I am," when he says the word, giant light like a very bright star right front of him, he heard his name "Jöhn? Jöhn wake up," when he swims to the light he said "It's time to tell the story," and he wakes up.

Evelian said "Jöhn you're awake," Jöhn was asleep on the log, but when he gets up, he asked, "Ugh, what happened?" Akaida replied, "You just lie down on the grass, you were very sweaty and scared; are you having a nightmare?" He replied "Hmm… Kind of…" Evelian asked, "So what is like?" He tried to remember what happened, but he said "I think I've forgotten now," Akaida sigh "Really?" Jöhn said "Hmm… I think so, but never mind about that," Evelian said "Oh yeah Jöhn, we bring some ingredients but it's not enough around here," then he said "It's okay I cook; you guys rest here and wait," Akaida and Evelian said "Well okay," then he starts cooking. He finished cooking like a literary couple of seconds, and he said "Voilà Caldereta De Pollet," they react was surprised and amazed, that Akaida said "OwO what's this? A mixture of French, Spanish, and your home cuisine?" he replied "Yep it is…" then he asked Evelian "… Eve, what do you think," they saw Evelian was in shock that she said "Oh my goodness, this is the first time I see the most beautiful looking food in the world," then Akaida said "Why would you give it a try?" when she about to taste the food, she's in over-satisfied "This is it, this is the flavor that what I looking for; it's so freaking good," she went in tears, Jöhn and Akaida were happy about her eating first Dimensional Food, and they continued their meal. After they finished their meal, Akaida asked Evelian "Mrs. Kasalastan, what about the story," she asked "The story?" she said "You know, the little girl and the well," then Jöhn heard it, he asked her "The little girl and the well, that's sounds interesting; what's that?" then she said "I tell you…

Once upon a time, there's a little girl who lives a farm that she is the most-hardworking girl, and also she's very respective and very responsive to their parents. One day, her father told her to fetch pale of water to the well, but she said is so far away; then her mother said it's okay we don't have neighbors around this plot of land, then she agreed.

She headed to the forest where the well is, she follows the path that made of mixed raw materials of concrete until the path divide into 3 paths, on the left is a path of clay where it has lush temperance forest that feels safe, On the right is a path of sand where it has pine trees but has an fog that filled of curiosity with a strong sense of an enigma, and the middle a path of graver where it leads to the enchanted forest, where nobody ever saw the place that field of fantasy…

Then Evelian asked, "So which one you want to take?" Jöhn and Akaida were thinking that which one to choose the path, then she said first "How about the Enchanted Forest," then she asked her "Are you sure?" Akaida replied "Uhm… yeah?" then Evelian said "If you choose it, there is no turning back," then she thinks again; Jöhn's turned he said "How about the pine trees," She asked "Are sure this is the one? If you choose it, the curiosity and enigma will come for your satisfaction," then Jöhn thinks again. Evelian gives a tip to them "You can discuss you two when you guys thinking," Akaida said "Right, thanks," and a conversation between Jöhn and Akaida. Jöhn said "So there 3 paths that lead somewhere, but those two which we wanted to go," then she said "Yeah but, those paths are like our favorites," then Jöhn said "You're right but, is this supposed to be a story about the little girl?" then she said "Maybe an interactive story," then Jöhn get it's "Oh I get it now; Okay…" as Jöhn going to tell the answer, then Akaida asked "Wait, what is your decision?" he replied "You see…" then he tells the answer "I choose the left path," Evelian explain "Why?" he replied "Because the left path was nothing but a temperance forest, with no magic all around it, just a real-life," then Evelian said "Well we proceed your path…"

She chooses the left path. As she walks the path of clay, the forest was feeling normal with bird chirping, the squirrels picking some nuts to their tree, and the cow eating some grass over the fence, then she found the well. She picked it up, and she head home safety.

And that's the end of the story of the Little Girl and the Well.

Evelian asked, "So what do you guys think?" Jöhn replied "Wait, that's it?" she said "Yep that the end of the story," then Akaida asked "Evelian, what happened if we choose those two-path?" she replied "It's a secret, don't tell that question about that," Then Jöhn said "By the way, that's some very interactive story you got," she replied "Thank you," then he asked "But seriously, what is the other paths?" then Evelian explained "I told you, don't ask questions what happened to the other paths, that's the rule." Jöhn sigh "Okay it's getting late, we have to go sleep," Akaida yawns "You're right, anyways good dreams Jöhn," when Akaida heading to the tent, Only Jöhn and Evelian were sitting on the campfire. While they were sitting on the campfire, Evelian asked "Have you been suffered so much?" Jöhn replied "No why?" Evelian said "Because you have lost your family, most of the kids bully you so much, except your friends. But why you survived so much even your friends absence to your life?" he replied "I think the important thing survive of my own; the main general is not to give up to my own, and move on," Evelian said "I see, so that's why you feel positive to your life," then he said "But some time still hurt inside that cannot be removed," Evelian yawns "I see… thank you," He said "Anytime," Evelian stands up, she said "Go get some sleep, we have to heading to the town," He said "Right, anyway goodnight," Evelian smiled and heading back to the tent; Jöhn take out the fire, then he closed the pot, and picked it up; then he said "Right, how am I fit inside this big food? Hmm…" then something falling from the sky, and hit Jöhn head and bounce off like a crayon, he said "Ouch, what was that?" he looks down and saw a blue and red transparent bullet dust on the ground; he picks up those 2 bullets, he said "Hmm… I never seen this dust in my 5th Dimension, I wonder what is this, maybe I will test the post just insure," when he inserted the Blue Transparent dust to the Alternitav Pistol, he aims the pot; he shoots it, and the pot became smaller. He said "Woah it shrinks?" he check the mysterious bullet, he saw each of the bullets has a writing at the side of it; it is written in Baybayin Script which the translations are Red Transparent: Grow, and Blue Transparent: Shrink; the a description which lower on the label which it says…

The blue transparent only affects the normal one, while the red one is for the cure of the shrink effect and it did not work to grow larger.

Then he said "Wait I can't become giants by shooting myself? Well, that's sucks, at least I can bring this pot for the travels," he picked up, put it in his bag, head back to the tent, and he's asleep calmly peacefully.

The next day around 5:00 am, Jöhn woke up first that he exited the tent for some fresh air, he saw the sky was still dark, so he decide to sit on the edge of the maze wall, and wait until the sunrise; Around 5:50 am, Akaida woke up from her bed and look around the place; Akaida still sleeping on the bed, but she saw Jöhn wasn't here on his bed, she jumps out of the bed, she said "Jöhn?" she feels cold breeze from the entryway unclose "He seems to go out," she came out of the tent, and she saw Jöhn was sitting on the edge of the maze wall drinking his coffee and drawing with his journal; when she approached him, Jöhn looked back and he saw her, she asked "Hey Jöhn, how you doing?" He replied "I was sitting, waiting the suns comes up. While I waiting, I was drinking coffee to relax and this *show his journal*," he smiles, then Akaida sit down next to him but then she sighs that he asked "What is it? Is there's something wrong?" Akaida said "Jöhn, there's something I should tell you for a very long time, for the past few years," Jöhn replied, "Sure what is it?" Akaida said "Jöhn, can you be my sis-" then Evelian came out, touching Jöhn's shoulder "Hey Jöhn and Akaida," he said "Evelian good morning," she sits right next to Akaida that she said "Yeah, I was awake since Akaida head outside of the tent, I saw you guys sitting on the ledge talking some stuff at the kitchen window; you must be very cold at the night so I bring some Hot Chocvag," she passed the red-like tea to Akaida and Jöhn, then she asked "Uhm… what is it?" she explained "It's Chocvag, it's a kind of a mixture of Lait Chaud (Hot Milk) and Gastralgosvuraiga (Red Matcha)," Jöhn looked at the tea which is bubbling like a frappe that she said "Well guys, bottoms up," when they drink, Akaida said "Oh my goodness, these we really good," then she replied "Thanks, my father made this every cold night through my life…" she sigh "… I miss the times like this," they take a sip. Then Jöhn asked "By the way Akaida, what you going saying to me?" she said "No it's nothing, it's just my thought leaking through my mouth," then he said "Oh okay…" then the suns rising up. Akaida said "It's beautiful," then she said "Yep one of the kind," then Jöhn something caught up on his mind "Oh yeah, we should take a selfie," Evelian asked "Sure," he pulled out his phone, open the camera, he switch the camera to front, then he said "Okay, smile on the screen," then Akaida asked "Uhm, is it safe?" he replied "It's not, now smile," Everyone smiled on the front camera, and take a snap. After the snap the picture, Evelian stand up, she said "Okay, time to get back on track," then follows Jöhn "Right," when they get back to the tent, Akaida calls him "Jöhn?" he asked "What is it Akaida?" she said "Let me see the picture?" he replied "Sure…" he opened to the gallery to the latest one, he said "… Here," she looked the picture, she said "It's beautiful, Are you sure you going to keep this picture when you got home?" he replied "Yeah I will, besides we were just friends who live from another universe, but keeps remembers for a long time," Akaida fell down "Yeah it is…" Jöhn head pat Akaida's head "Come on don't be sad, I'm promised when the day comes, I will stay beside you for a long time," then Akaida smiled. When Jöhn sees her face "Now that's the spirit, come on let's pack some stuff, we don't like in a hurry," she replied "Right ÒωÓ," They pack them up, and heading to the exit to the town.

They spend hours to across the Voxel Valley; Evelian said "It change mazes every day, but I memorized it every 365 days of this map," then he said "Wow, you're really mastering all about that," she replied "Thank you," for many looping, across, or take a break across the mazes, they finally arrived to the tower that leads up to the town which is at the exact center of the Voxel Valley; they entered the Tower.

The Tower was massive, the style, the pattern, and the design is a mixture of an Asian-Middle East-European architect; the stairs made out of wood, it's a spiral one, and it has the longest staircase in the whole multi-verse, Jöhn asked "Uhm… I forgot how tall the tower is?" Evelian replied "I believe this tower is around 60,000+ km (37282+ miles) height," Jöhn and Akaida doubt about it, he said "Are you serious?" she replied, "Yep; this stairs going to take about 3-5 days to reach to the top,". Akaida said "These steps will destroy legs like hiking the highest mountain to the space," then Evelian said "Don't worry about that, it's just exercise; at least this realm can't change your physical appearance," Akaida asked "Like stopping aging? She replied "Yep," she reacted "Wow O.O," Evelian nodded "Mmmhmm, come on let's climb," as they going to climb up to the top, Jöhn turned his head at the wall (were the stair starts), he saw an odd pattern which is very glitched than the other patterns, Jöhn said to them "Evelian, what is this pattern?" Evelian head down and saw the pattern, she said "Whoa, I never seen this pattern before," Akaida said "I don't know Jöhn, this look dangerous about it," Jöhn said "I have to find out," Evelian said "Be careful…" as he reach and touch the glitched pattern, the stairs become glitched out, and became fragments floating around it, in a blink of an eye. Jöhn, Akaida, and Evelian looked at the broken stairs; she said "Great, the stairs has been torn off, we never heading to the top," as he analyzed the floating stairs, he starting to realized there something interesting about it, he said "Wait Evelian, there's something tricky about it," she said "What is it?" he said "Follow me," they head to the center of the tower and he said "Look up," they looked up, they saw the broken floating stairs transform into an illusion, Akaida reacted "It's a slide (*・▽・*)" then Evelian said "Wait what?! How? It's so tricky to see this magic imagery" then he said to her "It's no magic, it's called Pareidolia," Akaida asked, "What's that?" Jöhn explained "Is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns in a random stimulus. This often leads to people assigning human characteristics to objects," Akaida asked "So it literary created an illusion?" he replied "Yep." She amazed about it "That is amazing," then Evelian asked "So how do get up here?" then he said "Look at the platform we stand," they looked down, Akaida asked "What do you mean?" he replied "We have to jump at the same time," Evelian asked "Are you sure about that?" he replied "I think that's my instinct," Evelian and Akaida trusted him. As they jumped at the same time, the gravity became float, Akaida said "Whoa, where float like in space," then he said "Were not done yet," suddenly, the gravitational force goes up into an upside-down world, and Akaida said "Land on the slide," they landed it, and slide down very fast; they scream, they blissful, they scared, like a roller coaster but much more extreme and dangerous, sometime Akaida was very joyful about it "Weeeee (‐^▽^‐)," she giggled; until they hit the ceiling and landed to the ground, and the gravity's back to normal.

Evelian gets up "Ouch my head," Jöhn gets up "Ouch my back hurts." But Akaida very happy after the ride "That was awesome, let's do that again," Jöhn fixing his back "Yeah, it reminds me since I was a kid, but this is one is kind of extreme about it," Akaida said "Yeah, children playground are very dangerous," Evelian said "Hmmm true. Anyways, were now at the top of the tower," they look around the place that he said "Wow this more bigger than the tower that we saw," Akaida said "Yeah, the design is decent but yet beautiful," Evelian said "Yeah, this is where we spent draws maps with my father," he asked "Does know your people, know this place?" she replied "Well not really, only my father, my mother, and I keep here as a secret place," then Jöhn said "This place should be as the shelter, it can fit many people around here," Evelian said "Yeah but nobody listen to me, but it's okay," he asked "I see, so how do we get out of here?" Evelian replied "See this big rock at the centre of this tower, this will take to my town; so we can get out of this place," Jöhn said "Yeah I'm going to miss this messy maze," Evelian said "It's okay, we can come back to this place," Akaida said "Right, it's time to go back," as they approach to the rock, a mysterious hooded gut just appeared right front of the rock, he asked "So, you guys going to escape this place?" Jöhn and Akaida gasp that they bring out their weapon he said "You again?" he pulled out his hoodie and he said "Yep you guessed it," Akaida asked "What are you doing here?" he said "I told you, I set it up," Jöhn said "What?" Evelian asked "Uhm… who is he exactly?" Jöhn explained "Manilve Rixal, that guy is dangerous; he destroyed many dimensions, killing thousands of innocent people that I can't save them, but now he's in the in-between worlds," Evelian said "You monster!" he laughed "Yeah I am…" then Manilve talks to him "… Jöhn, the reason why am I here in this realm? Because this realm is the center of everything," Jöhn asked "Centre of everything?" Manilve said to him "Yes, this is not your typical maze or some crap you talking about, this the station that travels every dimension I want to go, and this rock is the control panel; this control panel is the same equal of your power, I can drain this control panel to destroy you," he asked "Why me?" Manilve said "' Cause you have the power of reality; you're reality is stronger than our reality, it depends what universe is," Akaida said "So that's why I have powers," he asked "But why?," Manilve said "I live in a fantasy for so long, that I wanted to make simple as is," Evelian saw Manilve hands reaching the stone, Evelian react that she said "Wait no!" Manilve touched the rock that he absorbs the power of space and time power then Manilve said "With this control panel [rock], I can control space and time like you." He starts glowing indigo around his aura, and Manilve starts floating to the air, Akaida asked him "Uhm… is this the bad time?" Jöhn said "Yep," Manilve voice went lower that he laughs hysterically "Haaa… the half piece of the power is mine now; Now give me your last piece so the reality can be equalized like the" Jöhn said "How about go screw yourself," Manilve asked, "What did you say?" Jöhn said "Yes screw yourself; you're collecting powers and destroying the universe because you're being greedy, and pride than the enigma of heaven? No, you are jealous. You're jealous of every universe that has more powers than any man can handle. You invade the universe and collect their reality so you become invincible as a god, and you destroyed it with no reason, and literary destroyed the rules of nature by your own hands. Why you keep destroyed everyone you hate? I know I have a power that you wanted, but my inside is still weak. I know I'm a weak guy and they are strong, and I love them, I love my enemies…" he pulled out his pocket to see the picture of his old family, he look at Akaida, and Evelian that they nodded at him, "… Manilve Rixal; please, stop this madness, it's too late at your end of times, you can change who you are that you want to be, you're not bad guy back then, you're were a man with a special heart inside of you and you feel it deep inside of your ignorance shell," Manilve touch his heart that what he feels. But suddenly, he pulls out his sword and stabs his heart, Jöhn, Akaida, and Evelian reacted that what they saw, he said "It's too late, I am bad, this is who I am,"

Manilve flies down, as he going to stab Jöhn, but then Akaida guards Manilve attacks with her scythe, she flings Manilve to the ceiling, then he said "A scythe? *laugh* that's cute," Manilve summon many weapons all around him, then Jöhn said to her "Evelian hide behind the pillar. If we lose, I wanted to trigger this," Jöhn gave to Evelian, she said "A detonator?" he said "I found it at the maze, it's already set up at the specific area [tower], just to make sure run away, but not yet," Evelian asked "Are you sure this is you end?" he said "I don't know if my journey is about to end? But just-in-case when the book cover is now closed," she nodded "I will," head behind the pillar, Jöhn head back to the battle with Akaida, she said "So are you ready? ÒwÓ" he said "I'm ready," and the battle begins. Manilve throws spears at them, but they dodge it, and they were running on their different side; Jöhn run up on the walls, he switched his sword in a spear, while Akaida use Gray-dust [wind] bullets to boost up to the air, then her scythe transforms into a spear, then Jöhn said "Let's do this," she nodded, and they use the special attack that, they knockback Manilve to the wall, then he gets angry; We went on berserk mode, that they dodge many times at their risk but then, they counter-attack at the them and then Manilve is very furious about it. He went beast mode to attack Jöhn and Akaida; Jöhn successfully escape the attack, but suddenly Akaida didn't escape the attack, and she got stab at her torso. Evelian calls her name "AKAIDA!!!" Jöhn was shocked what he see, Manilve throws Akaida closer to the edge; Evelian runs to her, and use her Magical Med Kit to stops her bleeding, and cover with bandage; Manilve laughed hysterically "You're close friend began to disintegrate by my will; give it up Jöhn, give me your power so I can remove the disintegration," Jöhn stands up, he pulled out his sword, grips the handle very hard, and his eyebrows lowered down and then ran to him. Manilve shoots many spears, but then Jöhn dodges and blocks spears at him, that Manilve said "It can't be, how you we fast?" Jöhn said "I know how, I have power to defeat evil, but I'm still weak inside of me; I finally realized I have the power inside of me, is love…" he jumps to wall, and runs "… care…" he jumps and kicks Manilve back "… bonding…" Manilve shoots 500 rail guns at him, but he teleports using the Kröskjander Pistol right in front of him "… reminds…" he switches to the Adsévan Axe and swings like a golf course "… inspiration…" he switches to Khäosiatva daggers to slice and burn to his body "… optimistic…" he switches to Alternitav Pistol to shoot at him using all of the Element of Dust bullets "… determination…" he switches to the Triädacta Spear, that he stab Manilve 1000 times, and with a blast "… comfort…" he switches to Maiklbay Riffle and uses all of the bullet types he uses "… friends…" Jöhn uses his Alternitav Pistol to use the Gray-dust to boost and he switches into the Diavetica Sword "… family," and he slashed Manilve torso, in half. Jöhn panting out of his breath, then Manilve's body began to disintegrated "I was so scared, I am weak…" Jöhn approach Manilve "… I can't do it on my own, the world is all against me, I was so scared to be weak," Jöhn said to him "It's okay to be weak; every weak person become strong, and the strong person become weak, but a weak people can help a weak person; together, they become strong. Strong becomes power, and use the power, for good, just like you," As he become disappeared "I wish I could turn back to time, and fix my mistake," he said "Yeah you will…" as his last breath, he's now disappeared to the air. Jöhn stand up and heading to Akaida.

Jöhn approach Evelian to check Akaida wounds bandage it, he asked "Is Akaida wounds were healed," she replied, "I think it is. Quickly, bring her up, we going to my town," he said "Right," he lifted Akaida and then, Evelian use the stone and opened the portal, and she said "Let's go Jöhn," he replied "Right," and they entered the town. When they entered the town, he saw the place is huge; it has skyscrapers everywhere, has a society all around in this Sprägas (Floating Islands), and the best of all, cars are floating in the air in the small distance of the ground, and they drive on the left side of the road. Then she said "Right, let's call my friend," he asked "You're friend?" she said "Yes my friend, she work at the hospital, make sure be nice to her," he said "Okay, so how you communicate?" she replied "Uhm this Fône Boothé," she pointed; the Fône Boothé looks very identical of the Telephone Booth from the United Kingdom, but just the name changes; and then Evelian proceed the calling of her friend. After the calling, her friend arrived driving the ambulance; she got out, and she said "So what's the emergency?" she replied "My friend of mine, got stab in the Voxel Valley, and you have heal her right now," her friend reacted "What? Ah- Okay this is code red, come on we have to go to the hospital," then Jöhn said to Eve's best friend "Uhm… she's bleeding critically," then Eve's best friend said "Okay, I have to do the surgeon, friend you can help me for the equipment, and you my friend…" he introduces "… Jöhn… Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," she said "… Okay, Jöhn, you drive to the hospital, it's only on the other side of the Sprägas, and do you get it?" Jöhn replied "Got it," Evelian and her friend bring Akaida bring to the back of the ambulance, while Jöhn going to drive the ambulance, with no experience of the opposite traffic. His first reaction getting inside the ambulance, he notice the steering wheel is on the right side of the car he said "You got to be kidding me," so he jump down of the passenger seat, and jump in of the driver's seat. The pedals, the steering wheel, and ignition were the same on their position, except the turns, the wipers, and the gear shift was opposite of this side, so he has to adapt it. When he drive for the first time on the left side traffic, he was very nervous and confused that he's turning to the right side of the road sometimes, but he evade the on-going cars/trucks, that Evelian and her friend terrified while they doing a surgeon on Akaida's wounds; her friend said "What are you doing?" he replied "I don't know, this is my first time driving this right-side car on the left-side traffic," her friend asked "Where is he come from?" she replied "He's from another dimension," she asked "What?!?" Evelian said "You never playe— Sorry, it's a long story," and they arrived at the hospital.

Akaida woke up in an infirmary that doesn't know where she was, Evelian came in, and saw her, she said "Akaida, you're okay," she hugs Akaida very tightly; she asked, "What happened?" Evelian explained "Jöhn defeat Manilve, and he's gone forever," she said "I see… where am I?" she replied "You're in a hospital, at my hometown, since Jöhn opened to activate the control panel, and opened it," she nodded "Where's Jöhn?" Evelian replied, "I think he's on the balcony, waiting for you." Jöhn leaning the balcony to watch the sunset, then Akaida came "Hey Jöhn," he looks back "Akaida…" he hugs Akaida "… I thought I lost you," Akaida said "Yeah it's just a scratch," then Evelian came and then, they have a conversation. They talk, they laugh for a very long time, until the suns goes down; Jöhn sits down to watch the sunset that he said "I can't believe is over," then Akaida said "Yeah it is" Evelian asked "But what about the other dimensions?" he replied "I think I will fix it first, they we were head home, I think this will be a long but- it's for the best" then Evelian said "I agree…" then her friend came and she said "Evelian," she asked "What is it, friend?" she replied "It's time," Evelian said to them "The portal is ready," Akaida asked "Wait, time to go?" he replied "To the portal," she asked "What portal?" Evelian explained "The portal leads to much farther than you walking here in this in-between world you will find the exit that leads somewhere," her friend said "People like us, we cannot enter the portal, except you two are very extraordinary I ever seen in my entire life," Akaida said "Thank you," then Evelian said "Anyways, are you ready?" He replied "I am, let's go Akaida," Akaida said "Sure," they stand up and heading to the temple.

They arrived at the temple, and the portal still open like a teleportation warp to the farthest places they ever been, Jöhn said "Well I guess this is a goodbye," Evelian asked, "Are you sure we will see you guys again?" Akaida said "We will, Jöhn and I will return one last time, after fixing the multi-verse, we promise we will give you souvenir and exploring you giant city, promised? ^w^�� she replied "I promised…" she smiled then Evelian said to him "Jöhn, take care of her," he nodded "I will," as they standing front of the portal, Jöhn reach around Akaida's shoulder, he asked "Ready venture to the unknown is?" she replied "Yeah, I think I'm ready bro," and they entered the portal.