Prologue (Dimension 1)

There was a little boy name Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, who lived on a farm near the City of Olongapo. His family was very poor, his father was a farmer, his mother was a housewife, and His two older siblings are already graduated but they don't have Job's to make some money that can support his Family, and Jöhn was in Home-school.

His family went away for a few days for his siblings to find a Job, but Jöhn stayed in the house alongside with his Aunt. In the next few days later, one-morning Jöhn woke up and headed to the living room he saw his Aunt crying because his Family was had an accident and they died. Jöhn was shocked and became depressed because of the tragedy that happened to his family.

In the next few weeks Jöhn has moved out, he sold their farm, and their house to have savings for his college, and now he lived in Olongapo City, living with his Aunt and his Uncle's house, and with his savings, he's back in his learning in School.

A few years later (Jöhn was a teenager), The Principal announced a School Field Trip to the Famous Cave in Sagada. Jöhn was excited to go; he packed his clothes and supplies, because it was a long trip to go, alongside with his friend Micheal (That he met since Grade 7).

A few days later, it was late in the evening like 10:00 pm, the bus has arrived and all the students have been sitting, Jöhn sat on the front seat next to the window alongside with his friend, when he looked out of the window, his Aunt and his Uncle wave Jöhn goodbye. When the bus started to move Jöhn waved them back to his New Family. Jöhn cried, Then Micheal said, "Are you crying?" He replied, "No it was nothing". And thus the story begins.