Dimension 127

Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi were walking the In-Between dimensions for 3 hours. While they were walking, Sakaragi asked about her "So Akaida where did you come from?" Akaida replied "Me? I came from Jöhn's dream," she reacted "You're joking?" Jöhn said "She's is… she's came from my mind; like my dream form," then she said "Wow, Is like your fantasy became reality," Jöhn said "Uhuh… Dreams come true," and then suddenly Jöhn's phone ringing on his phone. They stopped then Akaida asked "Uhm… what's that?" he pulled it out his pocket and he said "Oh, my phone went online," Sakaragi asked "Phone, what's a phone?" Akaida explained "Is a communication device that use for calling, text and many other things," she asked "Does it work?" Akaida replied "Well it use the battery and the transmitter at the same time," she said "Oh okay I see," then Jöhn answered it with an 'Unknown Number' which he doesn't know who might it be. As he answered it, he put his phone to his ear and he asked "Hello who is it?" then a familiar voice came in "Jöhn? Jöhn are you here?" Jöhn's reacted "Alexander?" Alex said "Jöhn! My friend how's it going?" he replied "Well I'm fine, you?" then Alex said "I am very well, how are you?" Jöhn said "Well I'm fine, we been walking the in-between dimension, like 5 hours," Alex said "5 hours hmm… that long way to go," He said "Yeah I know," then Akaida asked "Jöhn? Who you been talking to?" he replied "Oh yeah don't see but you can hear their voice," Alex said "I have an idea, go to video mode," he said "Okay?" he press video mode and then, Jöhn and Alexander see each other face to face which Alex said "Better?" he said "Woah, the video quality went 4K for some reason," Alex said "For some reason, I will about that later but first, who is those 2 girls behind you" then they introduced.

Akaida said first "Hello my name is Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," then Sakaragi said "And I'm Sakaragi Ochtsuita, and it's nice to meet you friend of Jöhn's friend," she bows right front of him, then he said "Well, It is nice to meet you both you by the way, the names Alexander Malagtas, lives in another dimension and also; how in the world did they across the dimension barrier?" Jöhn replied "So Akaida lives in my mind/dream and I have to get her home to the existed dimension which I created myself, while here lives my dimension but she ended up as mutation" Alex said "Really? How?" then he said "It's very long story but first, how my video quality did went so high like 4K and my signal bar went very high and it don't depleted. I don't know understand but how do you do that? Alex said "Well… but first, do you remember our communication is very limited to our destination?" he said "Yeah? Wait it is has improved?" Alex said "HELL YEAH BABY!!! The communication dimension limit from 9.99 to ∞, check the signal statistic number on your phone," Jöhn look at his signal strength number in 9999.99 yt (Yottabyte) which he's shocked "How?" Alex laughed "Long story short, I been studied Algebra, Physics, and Calculus in 3 years. But then, what I learned about the Dimensions using the 3 subjects, the math is gone unexpected. For example 2+2=4-1 that's 3 quick math's right?" He said "Yeah?" then Alex precede the example "In Dimensions by math is 2+2=6-1 which is the final answer is -5," Akaida said "Wait what? It's that random?" Alex said "No it's legit, I "borrowed" some other super computer from the super-power countries to build this Ultra-Super Computer to connect the Dimension Machine to handle the power," Sakaragi said "Does your electricity bill will go high to sell your all of your personal belongings and your insurance?" Alex said "What? No, Instead using the electricity (which is literary end my life), I using the local energy core which is located at the bottom of the dimension machine, this core is over 9000000000 volts, and it won't drain because by the infinity inside of it," then Jöhn said "So that's why the signal is too high here, thank you Alex," he replied "You're welcome," then he asked "By the way, Why did you call me in the first place?" then Alexander said which almost forget to mentioned "Oh yeah, the reason why I called you guys, you passed the boundary of the dimension sector," Akaida asked "Dimension sector?" Alex explained "A region, each regions has their distinct style of the in-between dimension, for example Khartun has 3d pillars and chromatic color pallets, Animeishon has 2d plate but an illusion of a 3d with the Janipahon color pallets and Vidyogaemz use photorealism which is very not understandable to look it and the color pallet is natural," they look around the in-between dimension which Sakaragi said "Huh? This region looks kinds reminds me of home," Alex asked "Where do you lived?" she replied "I lived in Japan?" Jöhn is thinking then he realized "Wait you mean—," Alexander said "Yep, welcome to the second sector, good luck guys," Akaida said "Your leaving," he said "Yeah I have to go back to work so we will talk sometimes," Jöhn said "Oh Anyways goodbye," he wave at them "Goodbye," and Alex end of the call.

Jöhn, Akaida and Sakariga entered the dimension, where the world is all anime-styled. They landed to the middle of the road then Jöhn felt something different which he said "Huh, this place looks kind of familiar," Akaida asked "What do you mean?" he explained "I watch some eastern animation, and one of them is very cliché that I ever watch," Sakaragi said "Are you sure? Because this place reminds of my home but in the future," Jöhn said "Hmm… we need to find out; come on, let's go the city which I can't understand," he pointed the city sign which is in kanji, when Akaida reads it, she said "It said Musutafu, Japan," Jöhn said "So that's why we will go there, let's go," and they heading to the city. Musutafu is a city which is located somewhere near Tokyo. It's a place where all of the people have an ability called quirks. Quirks were basically super powers it depends of the genes of each persons (Don't get confused between the dimensional and quirks they are no connection between the two. Dimensional is using alternative power with many different ways, and it's very mysterious and very complex). While they were walking to the city, the people looking at them that they have mixed feeling about it, the guys said "Woah I never seen those girl before," "Especially that spider girl which her quirk is very sexy to be honest," then some shop keeper said "These guys were foreigners," "Are you sure?" "Hmm… I don't know, but this multi-eyed girl looks cute though," and the school girls said "Look at him, he's look handsome," "Hmm… I don't know maybe he must be the leader of this group," "Yeah I know right," and they keep murmuring. Then Akaida asked "Uhm… why they look at us?" Sakaragi replied "I don't know… these people were just suspicious to us," Jöhn said "Yeah this is not safe, but don't worry about it, were unique and that's what make proud of it," Sakaragi said "Nice speech," he said "Thank you," then something happened. They hear an explosion which the people were shocked of it, then the police came in he said "What's going on?" the other police came in and she said "The School of the heroes has been under attacked, we need to call someone," he replied "Right… *opens his phone* huh? No signal? How we supposed to call them?" then Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi rushed in which the police saw them "Hey where do you think you going?" he replied "Don't worry ma'am, we got this," they run to the school which she said "Hey wait--," then the police man said "Don't worry about them, I think they were heroes," with a smile.

When they were on the road, they saw school which is interesting that the school is an H-shaped building, which Sakaragi said "Look guys, the building on smoke which I got a feeling this is bad," Jöhn said "So that's we're we going, by the way can you fight?" she replied "Hmm… I don't know, I only know about martial arts, but I have extra-limbs… Yeah I can get used to it," Akaida smiled "Now you're talking," they stop running which they saw the creatures which they were back Akaida said "Jöhn, dimension errors," Jöhn sigh "Really there here? How many will clean that up by Manilve," Sakaragi asked "Who's Manilve?" Akaida replied "We will talk about that," and the battle begins. They charge to the battle, Jöhn use the Alternitav Pistol, reload the blizzard dust and shoot the Nûlls, while it's leave a trail of ice from the bullet, Jöhn rides it on that trail, jump off the end of the trail, and performing an overhead slash which the dimension errors blast out the area with a greater damage. Akaida use her scythe to slice the Sîpers, and then she's going to perform a technique. She's looking and focusing the creatures which as her target. As they closer to her, she jumped and then she spins and falling very fast horizontally at 45° down angle, she charged her scythe into a moon light blade and she shouted "MOON HARVESTER!" which it cause a wide a range of multiple cuts surrounded her by area which the Nûlls and the Sîpers disintegrate. As she land on her feet, and she rush on. While Sakaragi dodges dimension errors attacks. She's trying to defend herself, but the suddenly the Maze Dweller attack her behind, knocking it back and hit to the wall. Akaida saw it "Sakaragi!" Jöhn said "Don't worry I got her," he pulled out his Khäosiatva Blades, and he's start spinning into a flames of tornado, burning the dimension errors to disintegrate. Jöhn approach Sakaragi "Are you alright?" she replied "I'm fine," when she saw Jöhn back a dimension error which is a sword-type which it's going to stab Jöhn. She reacts "Look out!" which it stabs him at his stomach causing him bleed, which she triggered her power. When she swings her other/extra right arm, her hands transformed into pixel-unedifying-dimensional hands which when she hit it, it causes a blast and began to disintegrate by a very strong swing, when Sakaragi look at him, Jöhn's body can recovered in a matter of seconds; when he stand up which she said "Are your wounds heal?" he replied and shocked at the same time "Yeah I'm fine, where did that came from?" she said "I don't know? When you got stab, I'm shocked and scared at the same time, then something happened. My mind triggered to destroyed my target and at the same time it went loosed my sanity… I'm scared," Jöhn approach her which he put his both hand to her shoulder, which he "No x3; don't say like that, your negative thoughts can ruined your life, and it's not good. Think something positive, and start thing thinking the future and not the past, did you understand?" she replied and she smiled "Okay," Jöhn said "And by the way, where did that power come from?" she replied "I don't know… Manilve something done for me," When she check her other/extra right arm, the pixel began to disappeared, and it reveals a tattoo which is similar to Jöhn's tattoo but it's not all over the limbs, and it's located at the back of her palm. Jöhn said "Huh, I guess these extra limbs has powers than your main (normal) arms," Sakaragi said "Yeah weird…" then Akaida said "Would you guys help me here…" Jöhn and Sakaragi look at Akaida "… I kept fighting like 10 minutes, please I'm being suffered ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚," he said "Oh right sorry…" he look Sakaragi's main (normal) hands "… your normal hands is okay?" she replied "Don't worry about it, I can take care of it," Jöhn reacted "Just be careful" she nodded, they heading to the entrance area of the school and the fight continues. Jöhn use the Kröskjander Pistol and teleports to the Sîpers and the Østrers which it makes a huge impact like a bowling ball, then he use the Triädacta Spear to slice the Flÿers and a new type of dimension error (the sword-type) Machãnjovuĉsash slice it like a Spartan style. Akaida switch her scythe into a spear-like Japanese weapon, then she slice the Nûlls like she's dance fluidly like a parade baton, then she's about to proceed the technique, she jumped so high that she spins vertically which she charged her scythe into a star light blade, then and she shout "SUN HARVESTER!" which she parry and summons 3 pillar of light right front of her and she destroyed the Aquaröj and Calystrågas by her path. Sakaragi evasions were very fast, flexible and very hard to hit her, but she ended up to being tired, slow, and sluggish. Then when the Dïgrs come out of the ground below her, she jumped about 76.2 cm (30 inch) then she use her other/extra arm to punch the Dïgrs out of her face, then Maze Dweller came and punch. She dodges it like a feather, then she run through the arm like a spider and kicked the Maze Dwellers face which is the result of decapitation, and both of them were disintegrate. After the fight, they heading to the center of the school.

Here at the center of the school, some student were fighting the dimension creatures; the green-hair man punches the Nûlls in a mile away, he said "What kind of creature are they?" the yellow-hair man with a grenade on his hand continued punching the dimension error like a massacre "What am think I am? Punk!" then the green-hair girl said "Don't listen to him right now, we have big and bad situation right here, *ribbit*" then a plum-hair man said "Your right, but I also love you," he whispers which the red hair-man heard that "Your very gross," the white/hair man said "I agreed, your mess up," the plum-hair man said "Hey!" then the tall man with glasses said "Wait a sec, have you seen her?" the pink-alien like girl said "Who?" then a girl scream which she was capture by the Flÿers she said "Guys this is not cool! Some weird birds get and the bring me to the sky, help me!" they were shock which the audio jack-girl said "Don't worry Uraraka, we can get you!" when they going to rescue her by the Flÿers pushed down the student down to the ground with a single flap everyone fell to the ground, the pony tail girl said "What kind of strong force was that?" the invisible girl said "I have no idea? This is some next level of quirks anomalies," tall man with glasses man said "You're right we need a plan quick before she's taken away," they nodded, except the yellow-hair man he won't listen. When the red-hair man look to look out, he saw something "Uhm class… who are those guys?" the audio-jack girl said "What do you mea- what the…" then they saw Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi, the green-hair girl said "*ribbit* where these guys come from," plum hair boy said "I have absolutely no idea," Jöhn pulled out his Kröskjander Pistol, aiming the capture girl, teleports it, and exploded by force (like a bowling ball). Jöhn catch her (Uraraka) he said "Akaida round' em up!" she said "With pleasure," she gathered the Flÿers and tight it up into one space using a grappling hook at the bottom handle of the scythe, then Akaida said "Sakaragi, punch the juice," she climb up the wall and jump of it with her other/extra hand charged into a pixel on, and smashed the Flÿers to the ground like a meteor and they all disintegrate, and they were all shock.

After the fight, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi landed on their feet, the girl got rescued, he put her down and she said "Thank you for saving me mister," he smiled "You're welcome," he smiled, then the student approach them, which the tall man with glasses said "Woah, I never seen a quirk like this before," then the red hair guy said "Hmm… you're right; too bad, the U.A. Staffs and Teachers see this happened were heading to the very 'important-and-exclusive-only-staff-convention' that they talk about, except the nurses and the chef," the-pink-like-alien girl said "I know right, anyways who are you guys?" then the yellow guy crossing with his arm he said "Yeah, we don't trust any strangers around here, either you guys are heroes or villains," Sakaragi said "Well… were not, and we don't like any trouble around here," then the red/white hair guy said "Hmm… sound promising, anyways what bring you here?" Jöhn replied "Well… it's a long story, we been travel many place like from the temples of the unknown to the forest of mystery," Akaida said "And we been so tired what we were traveled," Sakaragi said "You're right, it's been for you guys," they were in shock, which the green guy said "Wow, that's so cool you been travel many places. Anyways what's your name?" they introduce "name's Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," "Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," "Sakaragi Ochtsuita," they got reacted by their names. The green guy approached to them "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi It's nice to meet all of you, names Midoriya, Izuku (green hair guy) and these guys are my class, 1-A," then they introducing one by one. Uraraka asked "So where did you came from?" Jöhn said "Well it's complicated," Shoto (red/white hair guy) said "What do you mean?" Akaida said "You see, we do not belong here in this planet, which is farther than that," Katsuki (yellow hair guy) said "Wait, are you aliens? If you're real, I will blow up into pieces proof if you're not human," with a serious face; Sakaragi replied "What no! We're humans technically; but you must understand who we are," Minoru (plum hair kid) said "How can we trust you?" Sakaragi said "Just trust us," Kyoka (audio jack girl) said "So what you guys," Jöhn said "We're humans in an alternate universe; a.k.a dimensions," and they got reacted. Mina (pink-alien like girl) said "Are you for real?" Jöhn said "Well yeah, we been traveled many dimensions to find our way back," Momo (pony tail girl) said "So that's why you guys are different to us, what is like being in dimensions?" Akaida said "Oh boy it's a long explanation you must understand," then they explained the concept of dimensions, and powers and not their mission. After the explanation, everyone got react which Tenya (tall man with glasses) said "Wow, that is more than that," Sakaragi said "Well it is, and it's very off-topic rather this knowledge base here in your dimension," Kyoka asked "So you guys are not quirk, like us?" Akaida replied "Yeah, we were just bunch human beings, which ended up traveling through other dimensions," Tsuyu (green hair girl) asked "Why you're physical is not normal?" Jöhn replied "It's a long story, but first this school, what it is called?" Izuku said "Oh this place? You're in U. A. High School, the #1 ranked High Schools of heroics…" Kyoka said "… or you supposed to say 'the top Hero Academy in Japan," Jöhn said "Hero Academy? Wait… is you guys are some super hero or something?" Toru (the invisible girl) said "Well yes but actually no," Akaida asked "What do you mean?" Tenya said "You see, were still students in this school, but we will became heroes after the graduation," Eijiro (red hair guy) said "But its takes forever," with a sigh face, Tsuyu said "Ahh don't worry about it *ribbit* still… the school still a wreckage by those unknown creatures," Jöhn said "You mean the dimension errors," Shoto said "Is that what you call them?" Jöhn said "Yeah, they were creatures that they consumed every dimension that they visited to," Sakaragi said "They're like a virus which it cannot be stopped and it's pretty difficult to do," Akaida said "Unless they got the solution, to kill them right?" they nodded. Katsuki said "So, this creatures you called, I can literary destroyed these things?" Jöhn said "Well… yeah, they were pretty lifeless you know, and why are you smiling?" he relief "Because, is very satisfied to see them fade away," Akaida said "Wow…" then outside of the U.A. High, there's a group of people which they entered the area which they were look like adult's then a white small humanoid-size mouse which he has a scar on his right eye and he said "Okay, what's is going on here?" Tenya said "Principal Nezu?" The staff of the school are here.

Izuku said "Eraserhead-sensei? Midnight-sensei? All Might? You're guys all here?" Eraserhead said "Well yeah, after that convention we been to, we tried to call the school but the connection is disconnected a lot, so we decided to head back as an emergency," Minoru said "Oh okay I see…" look around and Midnight asked "What happened to the school? Is the villains makes trouble again?" Izuku explained "Well it's complicated than that," Meanwhile, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi were having a conversation to deal the U.A. High staff, Akaida said "Are you about that Jöhn? 'Cause these guys are the staffs and teachers of the school" he replied "I don't know, but they were kind of scary to me like… back in the old days," Sakaragi said "You may, just like my sensei back in my high school days back in my homeland," Jöhn said "Yeah I know right it's seem very relatable," they grinned each other, then Akaida said "Uhmm… I don't have an experience to have a teacher to be scary," Sakaragi said "You may, but you must be lucky to be a homeschooled," Akaida said "Well I am," they laughed to each other, then All Might saw Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi were talking at the back, he asked "Who are these 3 people at the back?" Katsuki said "These guys? Never see them, should I kick them out?" Eraserhead said "No don't kick them out, but who are they," Momo said "These are the people who save us, and destroyed all those creatures," Midnight said "These guys?" Eijiro said "Well they said they lived in another 'dimension'," Nezu said "Interesting… let me talk to them," the staff approach to Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi. Sakaragi said "Guys the staffs," Jöhn said "Oh okay, let's greet them," Akaida said "Yep OwO," Nezu said "So you must be the 3 who save the school," Jöhn said "Yep it is, Sorry for destroying you school" Eraserhead replied "It's okay it will fix immediately at the end of the day…" then he asked "So do you have names?" they introduced "Yes, names Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," "Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," "Sakaragi Ochtsuita," Midnight said "Oh my, very interesting names, especially you multi-eyed girl," Akaida replied "Thank You :3," All Might asked "So you guys live in another dimensions?" Sakaragi said "Well yeah, Jöhn, Akaida and I traveling other dimension, but for me is my first time with them," Nezu said "I see… well then, students!" They said "Yes?" he replied "Go back to your dorms, we will discuss it tomorrow," Shoto asked "Why what is it?" Nezu explained "I will talk to them first; you guys take a rest for now, Eraserhead-sensei will escort you guys" Mina said "Thank you, principal Nezu," Eraserhead said "Okay enough chit-chat, you guys head back to dorm now," Tenya said "Got it sensei," then the students heading back to the dorm. As they leaves, Nezu said "We'll then, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi, come to my office," when he look Akaida and Sakaragi, they noted and he said "Sure, why not," then Nezu said "You too All Might, and Midnight," she said "Okay you're the boss," while him he's nodded and smiled, and they heading to the principal office.

As they arrived at the office, Principal Nezu sit on his chair at his desk; Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi sit right front of Nezu, while Midnight and All Might were at the back of the principal's chair; and then Nezu start asked question. Nezu asked "So you guys must came from another dimension, am I right?" Jöhn said "We'll yeah, we'll technically is much more complicated than that," Midnight asked "How much?" Akaida said "Very but, *yawn* we been so tired a lot, Sakaragi you explained" she said "Sorry about her, she been so tired so long so she needs sleep," Nezu said "It's okay she can sleep on the couch," Akaida replied "Thank you Principal Nezu," she heading to the couch, sitting on and sleep; then Nezu said "go on…" then they explained everything what happened. After they explained, Nezu said "I see… so you guys came from another dimensions?" Sakaragi explained "For my understanding Principal Nezu, we been traveling many dimensions for pair no reason," Midnight asked "So you're basically stuck?" She replied "Yes, both of us," All Might asked "What about her?" Jöhn said "Her? Well she is but she's came from my dream, and she's not existed before it created," Midnight said "Created? Like you create an existence of dimension which it doesn't exist?" Jöhn said "Yes and I have absolutely no idea why, is pretty explanatory," Nezu asked "I see… but why you guys have different physical features?" Jöhn explained "We'll for my understanding principal, my physical body has dimensional powers which it came from the machine and I don't know why it happened, and it's not related your powers of yours; it's much more than that. My friend back in another dimension, he told me that I am the only one can manipulate time and space, and I don't know how to use it," Midnight said "So you like a god or something?" he replied "Hmm… kind of, but I don't know what is my capable of," then Nezu asked Sakaragi "What about you Sakaragi, why do have extra limbs unlike Jöhn and Akaida?" she explained "We'll the start of it, it's a very long story," she tells her story. After they heard her story, Midnight said "Wow, that was very tragic," Sakaragi said "Thank you," she smiled, then All Might approach Jöhn and Sakaragi which he put on his hand on their shoulder which he said "You guys are very special," Jöhn and Sakaragi said "Huh?" Nezu asked "Why they were special?" he explained "Don't you get it, these guys must be in-pain traveling many dimensions and they were pure natural when it comes to self-defense and offense," Nezu said "I see… we'll lucky for you guys, here we can teach you how to properly fight here on U.A. High," Sakaragi said "Wait really? But were not students here," Midnight said "Eh, We will give you as a temporary student which how long you can stay until you found the dimensional transport," Jöhn said "Hmm… sounds like back in my 5th Dimension visited… but okay is a deal," Nezu said "Well take a handshake," Jöhn and Sakaragi handshake the Principal and he said "Welcome to U.A. High temporary students," Sakaragi said "Okay Principal Nezu," after they handshake, Akaida wake up and she said "*yawn* What happened?" then Nezu said "Midnight, why won't show Jöhn, Sakaragi and Akaida to their dorm," Midnight said "Sure…" she smiled "… Jöhn, Sakaragi and of course Akaida follow me," they exited the principal office.

While they were walking, Akaida asked "Jöhn, Sakaragi what's going on?" he explained "We became students Akaida," she shocked "What? We don't have much money to learn in school especially me, I'm just a homeschool girl," Sakaragi said "Don't worry about it, we're just temporary and free," Akaida said "Oh sorry… I just being awkward… sorry (*゚ー゚)," then Midnight said "Don't say sorry to us its okay, we accept your apology here in this school. This place is very special for heroes like us to be better than what we learn, just like you guys," Jöhn said "Us? Like we're heroes?" Midnight said "We'll yeah, you save the person who destroyed the all life in every dimension, and you have long journey ahead for you," Sakaragi said "Wow, that was a very inspiring word to you Midnight-sensei," she replied "Thank you, Ah were here," when they opened the dorm, it's a medium size room with a window right front of them, a bunk bed at the left corner, a single bed at the right corner, and a study desk right next at the single bed. Midnight explained "Principal Nezu said this is the only dorm in all U.A. High, here are your keys make sure don't lose it, and enjoyed your sleep" Jöhn said "Thank you Mrs. Midnight," she replied "Anytime," and then she leaves. When they entered the dorm, Akaida said "I go to the top," Sakaragi said "So bottom it is, What about you?" Jöhn replied "I go the single bed," then Jöhn asked Sakaragi "Hey, Is your hand okay?" she replied "Well, yeah but I'm using this hand for many things, for uses and fighting. But these extra hands have power which where it came from, are not capable for my own. I wanted my hands to do it, and to defend for myself," Jöhn said "I see…" then he pulled out his pocket and he gave a thing. Sakaragi said "Is that-" Jöhn said "Gloves, you can protected your normal hands tour combat, and the Chromium Knuckles; I found this weapon in my 10th Dimension Journey and this thing were the same as my sword; It's not fit for my fighting, you may use it for your self-defense," Sakaragi said "Thank you," she smiled and hugs him, then Akaida said "Nice, anyways it's getting you know," Jöhn said "Oh right, thanks for reminded us," they heading their individual beds, then Akaida said "Good night guys," Jöhn and Sakaragi said "Good night," and they go back to sleep.

The next morning, Akaida and Sakaragi trying to wake up Jöhn but he's still sleepy, Akaida said "He's not awake," Sakaragi said "Let me try…" when she pull out her hand, she slap Jöhn's face so hard that he transcended space and time, and he woke up in pain which Sakaragi sigh "Just like good times." Jöhn said "What the heck Sakaragi, why did you hit me?" She replied "We're late," with an angry face, Jöhn looking at phone to check the time and he said "It's 5 am in the morning," Sakaragi said "We'll an early bird must be on time," Akaida said "She's right, you know," then Jöhn sigh which Sakaragi said "And by the way, Principal Nezu want to meet at 6 am," Jöhn asked "When he did said that?" Akaida replied "He left with his note under the door," Jöhn read it which it said "Meet me here at the field, 6 in the morning, don't be late. –Principal Nezu," Everyone dressed up, lock the room, and heading to the field. When they arrived to the field, they saw Principal Nezu standing on the field waiting, looking with his watch. Then he look up and they them which he's said "Well x3 on it is," when they approach him Jöhn asked "Okay Principal Nezu, why we were here?" He replied "The reason why I bring you guys here in the field, is because if you're proven that you guys are came from another dimension," Akaida said "But we we're but, why not believe us?" He said "I'm believe but, first we will you knock you out," Sakaragi said "Knock you out…?" then she saw Izuku behind Jöhn's back which she react "… Jöhn look out!" he said "Huh?" he look back, saw Izuku about to punch him, He blocked using his barrier and causing Izuku to fly by hitting his barrier, Jöhn said "Izuku? What are you doing here?" he got up and he said "What are you talking about? This is part our training," Akaida said "What I thought you guys are in class," Izuku said "We we're, this is a special training," Sakaragi asked "What kind of training is it?" Izuku said "Working together against you guys," Jöhn said "Wait… principal Nezu, is that-" he said "Yep, welcome to your special training, defeat the students of class 1-A which you might you met them," Akaida asked "Wait seriously?" Izuku said "Yeah it is and get ready; the whole class will come very quickly," then Sakaragi asked "Jöhn? Are you're ready?" Jöhn replied "Hmm… you know what? Yeah let's do this," Akaida went worried "Are you sure about that? Because I'm very fragile all around my bone," Sakaragi said "Don't worry about it, We can deal with them, no matter what," then Akaida smiled and Jöhn said to Principal Nezu "Sir we're ready," which he said "Okay, let's the special training begins!" and the whole class 1-A stormed to them. The student went start charging to them, Jöhn pulled out his sword, Akaida take out her scythe and Sakaragi wear her chromium knuckles, then Jöhn said "Remember don't kill them, this is part of the special training, got it?" Akaida and Sakaragi response "Sure," and the training begin.

Shoto summon his ice trail, slides on it and then, he summon his flame on his left hand to Jöhn; he dodge Shoto attacks "Woah!" but then, he rebound it to the target. He evade Shoto's attacks by dodging, rolling and flips all around it. When he step back, he step something sticky on his foot, it was Minoru's sticky plum hair which Jöhn's stuck, then Minoru said while he's bleeding on his forehead "Bakugo! Smash him!" Katsuki jump high which he about to aim him, then he thrust down to make a punch at him, he shout "I got you now!" Jöhn use the projector shield causing block Katsuki explosion attacks, then he teleports behind Katsuki which Minoru shocked "What? He teleported?" when Katsuki look back, Jöhn throw his sword to him and it release a huge impact of force which Katsuki blocks it, rolls to the ground, and landed on the feet, then Shoto said ��Incredible power," Katsuki said "Now this is getting serious," meanwhile, Akaida pull out her scythe but she cannot use her blade, so she transformed her scythe into a staff, Uraraka use her telekinesis power to lift and throw the boulders but she dodge it, then Tenya use his force and punch to Akaida, she blocks it but it knockback her, then she use her claw to grab Tenya and slam him to the ground; when she landed on the ground, Tsuyu use her tongue which she grabs Akaida's weapon, which throws it to other side; when she reach for her weapon, but Tenya block her way; Tenya swing his fist but Akaida is very quickly to dodge his attacks which Uraraka react "She's so quickly," when she passed Tenya which he said "What?" she grabs her weapon and summon her fire all around her, which Uraraka, Tenya and Tsuyu step back which Tsuyu said "Wow, that incredible move," Tenya said "Yes Indeed," Then Sakaragi pulled he chromium knuckles and she's ready to fight. Momo summons the weapons variety to target her, but she dodges flips and jumps so quickly that even her legs can't touch it, then Mina jumps higher that Sakaragi and trying to kick her in the head, Sakaragi blocks her kicks with her normal arm but it damaged she confused and she saw Mina's feet releasing liquid corrosive acid, she landed so quickly; then Toru grab Sakaragi which she's cannot escape, then she said "Girl's now!" when Momo and Mina going to charge her, Sakaragi close her eyes and use her special ability, which she's no-clip to escape Toru's grasp for a second, Toru react "What the-" then Sakaragi use her special arm slammed to the ground which it cause shockwave which the ground not damage and very strong forced impact which flings Momo, Mina and Toru out of the area; when they got up Momo said "Very interesting," and they continued fighting.

While they were fighting, Nezu was watching Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi moves which they were very different than any quirks he saw. Then All Might, Eraserhead and Midnight arrived at the field which they saw them and Eraser asked "Uhm… why they were fighting?" He replied "To show them who really are," while they were watching Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi their attacks, defense, using magic, science, and their hidden powers against them. Midnight said "These moves are very interesting to fight, and mesmerizing," then All Might said "It is and look, they were all work together than any student that what they learned," Eraserhead said "What's even more crazy? That guy has a lot of code-switching weapons from rage of a small knife into heavy ones, and he has capable of 3 types of powers," Nezu said "I see…" After an hours of fighting the students, Nezu come out and he said "Okay special practice is over, you guys need a take break for a rest of day," Izuku asked "Wait really?" he replied "Yes you may go," Tenya said "Thank you, sir," when they about to leave, Eijiro said "Well good guy," then Jöhn said "Yeah, see you later," he's tired while Akaida and Sakaragi were lying down to the ground. Then staff's approach them; Nezu said "We'll you guys seems very tired for your practice," Jöhn got up and he said "We'll we are, and… we were kind of tired right now," All Might smile "Sounds you like you need a take a break, we will see you this field at sunset," Sakaragi asked "Why?" Midnight said "You see…" and the staff leaves except Eraserhead which he asked "So have you guys been explored around the U.A. High?" Jöhn replied "No we didn't explore around your school," Eraserhead "Well lucky for you, I give you a tour around it," Akaida asked "Wait really?" Eraserhead replied "Well yeah, Principal Nezu told me to explore this place, be careful to get lost," they replied "Got it," and they proceed to explore. When they explored around school, the place it's very huge with multiple building size dorms, and the main building is like the buildings from the capital, and the field is very extremely huge like a campus; It's lunch time, when they entered the cafeteria, students are full on the tables, wearing their school uniforms, then Eraserhead stops and he said "We'll this is the end of the tour, now go buy some food here in this cafeteria," Akaida said "But these students wear their uniform, and we wear distinctly," Eraserhead said "Oh yeah I almost forgot, you guys are partial-students- Principal Nezu told me to… It's okay, you're in a cafeteria; you can buy whatever you want," Sakaragi said "Oh okay, thank you," then he said "So any ways tchau," and then Eraserhead leaves.

Jöhn and Sakaragi were buying food at the Cafeteria, which what they saw we're very different and exotic look, while Akaida was sitting on the table. After them picking up the food, Jöhn and Sakaragi go back their table and they saw Akaida hanging out with Izuku, Uraraka, Minoru, Tsuyu, Momo, and Tenya. When they approach the table, they saw Jöhn and Sakaragi, he asked "Uhm… what are you guys doing?" Izuku said "Oh hey, we were just asking," then Jöhn and Sakaragi sit down and she asked "So what is it?" Momo said "We we're asked why do you guys came here but, Akaida is very shy to answer us," Akaida said "I'm sorry, I just very shy with Jöhn and Sakaragi, because I never met you guys," Tsuyu said "It's okay; here this school, we can be friends anytime," Tenya said "Except some student are very disrespect and need to be discipline," Uraraka nodded "You're right Tenya it need that and oh yeah, why you guys came here?" Minoru said "Yeah, I wanted hear yours and theirs journeys," Jöhn said "We'll its very complicated you know-" Sakaragi said "And very confusing," Akaida "Well, not much really, right?" Jöhn and Sakaragi nodded and agreed, and they tell their journeys. After they tell their journeys, Izuku said "Wow, that's a roller coaster ride you been through," Jöhn said "Thanks but to be honest, the past is already the past, and we will find something to move on," Uraraka was thinking and she said "Your right, I agreed you saying that by being you," Jöhn replied "Thanks". Then Akaida asked "So guys, what you going to do this day?" Tsuyu asked "Oh right, have ever explored outside of the school?" Sakaragi said "Yeah but we just got here in this school yesterday," Momo said "But you explored fully in this school by Eraserhead-sensei?" Sakaragi said "Yes," Jöhn asked "So what is it?" Tenya said "There's a largest mall in this city which is new, right outside in Musutafu," Jöhn asked "Really what is it called?" Izuku replied "It's called Gurandomukuzai Mall which is a Supermall and it's a largest mall in the whole country," Uraraka said "I thought is the largest mall in the whole city," Izuku said "It's country, and it's said on the article," Izuku shows his phone to show the description, then Tsuyu said "Okay nerd, *ribbit*" Izuku smiled. Then Minoru said "So are we going?" Sakaragi said "Sure we're going although it's the grand opening, right?" Momo said "Well it is, so what do you say Jöhn?" he replied "Well I mean… we have free of ourselves right?" they replied "Yep," then he said "Well were going," they stand up and heading to the mall.

When they arrived at the mall (which is the grand opening), Akaida was very amazed and excited to go, Tsuyu asked "Why are you excited?" she replied "I don't know, this is my first time to see the grand opening which I felt exited," Momo said "Hmm… you being very special girl," Akaida leans at her, and smile "Thank you," Sakaragi said "So where's the start of the opening?" Tenya said "I believe, after their speech and… the big scissors will cut the ribbon and… it's opened," Minoru said "Oh boy, let's see what they stored into," and they entered the mall. They spent a lot of time wandering around the mall, from clothing to arcade machines to watching movies to buying some stuffs. As they going out, a woman screaming heard from the back; as they saw behind it, they saw dimension errors popping out of nowhere, Minoru said "What they there here?" Uraraka said "This is bad, this is a very newly opened store," Momo said "Yeah we been here like literary 30 minutes since we got here," Izuku said "What are you waiting for? This is time shine to be heroes," then Jöhn said "Your right Izuku we deal with these," Sakaragi said "But be careful of these attacks," Tenya asked "Why? Are they dangerous?" Akaida said "Very dangerous, once you slice they will start disintegrate you," Tenya said "How do you know?" Jöhn said "My friend of her father, he died once…" Izuku "Well… we're ready," Jöhn said "Let's do this," and they rush in to the battle. Jöhn scanned the all of the monsters and they saw the flying glitched snake-like creature has returned and it's kidnapping people with quirks, J��hn said "It's them," Sakaragi asked "Who?" Akaida said "Those teleporting snake creature are the hardest to kill them," She asked "Really, what you called them?" He replied "Lo͞osəfər, the fallen creatures," and they pulled out their weapons and their companions powers and they are ready to fight.

The Lo͞osəfərs start rush on the team, Jöhn dodges many times and he slices the Lo͞osəfərs like a hotdog. Then Akaida attacks using the scythe martial arts to slice them, then she's spamming magic until it empty and recharges it. Sakaragi use her Chromium brass knuckles and her pixelated extra arms, to punch the heck out of it, and the Lo͞osəfərs start blasting off again. The five team against the bunch of them, Minoru use his plum hair to stickled the Lo͞osəfərs into one, then Uraraka use her telekinesis to compress all of the Lo͞osəfərs into one with the stickiness of Minoru hair, then Momo release a ton of weapons in her body to create like cell sphere, then lastly Minoru and Tenya use their final blow; Tenya use his Engine to kick the Lo͞osəfərs below, and then Izuku use his slam to disintegrate all of them. Then the Lo͞osəfərs starts coming back and they teleporting everywhere, which Jöhn said "Everyone be aware from your surroundings," Izuku asked "Why?" then Uraraka said "Look out!" the Lo͞osəfərs appeared out of nowhere and starts slamming Izuku, but he guard it and starts knockback and hit on the wall, Tsuyu said "Midoriya!" Tsuyu use her tongue to grasp the Lo͞osəfər, but it flies aimlessly which Tsuyu stuck with her tongue. Then Uraraka use her telekinesis to throw the poles, but the Lo͞osəfər teleported alongside with Tsuyu, then it came back with a lot of Lo͞osəfərs, they got surrounded. Tsuyu got release with her tongue, then Momo said "There's a lot of them," Sakaragi said "I know right, these are really dangerous," Izuku got up and he asked "So do have any ideas to deal with this?" Jöhn use his vision to analyzed kill them, and he found the solution. He said "I have a plan," Akaida asked "What is it?" he replied "Good question Akaida; you will use as a decoy," Akaida reacted "What? (╯°Д°)╯) Are you lost your mind? I could be died," Jöhn said "Trust me, your fast and very flexible than any acrobatic they ever done. If you're in deep trouble, Minoru will be the second decoy," Minoru said "Are you serious Jöhn? You been here since yesterday, and we been such a friend like 3 hours ago, and this is how you treat me?" Izuku said "Hey! He may be trust you in this one, I know he has good character in his life, and I can trust him with this plan no matter what," Tenya said "I agreed with him," Tsuyu said "Yeah what do you say?" Minoru trying to resist their opinions and then he accepted it "Fine, I hope this works," Momo said "Yep he does," then Akaida and Minoru start running then the Lo͞osəfərs started to follow them. When the Lo͞osəfərs gone, Jöhn said ��Hurry we don't have much time," Tenya asked "What going to do?" Jöhn smiled "You see," 5 minutes later, Akaida and Minoru still running tailing the Lo͞osəfərs, then Minoru's phone calling. He picks it up and he asked "What? We still running," Momo said "Get back to the lobby, were ready!" she hang up and Minoru said "Akaida let's go back," she nodded. When they arrived, they saw a different kind of weapon which is looks like a cannon; Akaida asked "What is that?" Jöhn replied "Move aside guys, this cannon is going to be good," When Akaida and Minoru move aside, Momo asked "Are you this going to work?" Sakaragi replied "We see," then the Lo͞osəfərs is getting closer and near to them, and Jöhn said "Say hello to my little friend," when he activate the cannon, it said "Drink H 2 O," and they blasted through space and time.

After the fight, one of the Lo͞osəfərs drops a piece of paper one the ground, after they got blast; Jöhn picked up the paper and he reads it. Sakaragi asked "Uhm… what are you reading?" he replied "Sanatonio's report," Sakaragi replied "My friend?" Jöhn said "Yeah, He's been writing his reports throughout his journey, and this time he wrote about you," Momo asked "Uhm excuse me, who is Sanatonio?" Akaida replied "The first Dimensional traveller, before anyone did," Minoru said "What happened to him?" Jöhn said "We don't know, his journeys were different than mine, he's on a different path, and he's looking the truth of the multi-verse," Uraraka asked "But why he's wanted to do it?" Jöhn replied "I don't know, maybe I will find his final documents to reveal the truth," Sakaragi said "Jöhn can you read what's on the document?" He replied "Yeah, he's written in baybayin, so everyone cannot understand his writings," Izuku asked "Uhm… What's baybayin?" Akaida replied "One of the first language script in his home, and I am currently learning his language and their writing," Tenya said "I see… So Jöhn, What is it saying?" then Jöhn reads the report.

The Fifth Report of Sanatonio Ripal, September 16, 1929

We been gathered many resources in many Dimensions we been traveled. One of our teams died by unknown symptoms and one of them decided to quit the program and heading back to our dimension. But they promised it as a secret till' to this day. Now the big teams into small teams, and I can't even manage how am I follow them with my commands. I guess I'm just writing this report because I got nothing to reach the truth of the multi-verse; I should quit and abandon the project, and forget everything that I'm passionate about. But, not yet.

Sakaragi came here to my tent; she asked "How are you?" And I said "I'm fine". I said "I should quit the project," but Sakaragi compliment me to never give up on your dreams. She said "You came this far to your journey, Even your other pals died to save you from dangerous dimensions thy always stay aside from you. Look, forget the people who just quit because you got worried you can't handle by yourself? Don't worry about them they will forget all of this when you leave," I asked "How do you know?" She picked up the stone manuscript to show proof and it did. Then she said "Don't worry about them who just died, you got us; Me, Hu Meijing, Sung Yi, Arvinberg, Mateyo, Petrasson, Kinsleigh, and Manilve, they will always be with you," Then I hug her, and tears out of my eyes in an awkward way. And I said "Thank you," then she smiled "Anytime," then Petrasson came in my tent and he said "Sanny, Saki, Kinsleigh just stuck on the glitch hole… again," I replied "Seriously?" when I stand up, Sakaragi stop me "No you need rest," I asked "Why?" Sakaragi said "Look at you, you look like on drugs with no reason, come on you need rest," I sigh "Okay," when she got out, I barely hear her which she said "Okay get my drill, where is Kinsleigh?"

When I'm on the bed as I writing this report, I felt hope, love, or any kind of things what I felt, I think I will my passion what I'm doing. In the end, I won't give up what is my journey holds, I will find the truth through the very end.

End of the Report

After reading his report, Tenya said "So basically Sanatonio have deep relationship with all of his team," Jöhn said "Yep," Tenya said to him "I see…" Izuku said "But why he travels many places?" Akaida "I don't know, maybe there must be a reason for it," Izuku said "I guess…" Uraraka said "What matters, we save this mall," Tsuyu "Yeah we beat those monsters," Minoru said "And very quiet difficult right?" Momo said "Yep, anyways let's go back to school, the staffs must be looking for us," Izuku said, "Yeah your right, so are you guys head back?" Sakaragi replied "You guys go ahead, we will catch up to the school," Jöhn said "Yeah I'm kinda tired for a moment," Akaida said "Yeah me too," Momo said "Well okay, meets us on the field," Akaida said "Sure," then they head back to the school.

Jöhn said "Wow Sakaragi, you really compliment him, throughout his journey," Sakaragi blushed "What? It's not like that," Akaida said "We'll it's in the report so… (*´・w・`*)" Sakaragi said "Stop it, forget it okay? Don't read his report and move on," Jöhn said "You can say that again," then Sakaragi angry with a pouting face (・`з´・). Jöhn said "What? I'm just joking okay? Let's go back," and they leave the mall, and heading back to the school. While they were walking back to the school, Jöhn said "Hey did you mention on the report the names of the report?" Sakaragi said "Well yeah, why?" Jöhn said "One of the names he mentioned is Manilve," then Sakaragi said "Manilve that manipulated traitor destroyed my life," Akaida asked "Do you remember the relationship between Manilve and Sanatonio?" Sanatonio said "Now look, I don't remember what happened back there? I'm sorry, Manilve manipulate my mind during his disturbing experiment," then they continued walking. Then Sakaragi said "Although, I remember Sanatonio said to me," Jöhn said "Really?" Sakaragi said "Yes, but I don't remember what is her gender is, but he/she said to me that Manilve is a very good guy, his knowledge was better than him and he really respects him as a friend," Akaida said "But why he's becoming evil?" she replied "I don't know," Jöhn said "Maybe he become against him," Akaida said "Really? How that?" he explained "Just a theory, but I believe he has jealousy of Sanatonio, he/she discovered more dimension than him, and Manilve wanted to improvise it, it's like his shadow and he wanted to overthrow him, but it didn't work," Sakaragi asked "Are you for real?" Jöhn replied "No, just a theory, what matters it is we need to find the truth of this dimension system, just like Sanatonio," Akaida asked "But what if you accidentally got home?" Jöhn said "I don't know… but I'm really interested in his reports," Sakaragi said "Just like a diary?" Jöhn said "Diary is more personal than this, but this is like a journal but it observed everyone and himself in an honest way," Sakaragi said "You're right, Sanatonio cannot lie about this, he's/she's very humble than all of us; I think… you just like him/her," Jöhn said "What?" Sakaragi said "Look at your nature, attitude, and your behavior, I clearly see the same," Jöhn said "No I'm not; Sanatonio and I we're different, you can't compare me and him/her it doesn't make sense," Sakaragi said "I don't know, maybe is just my opinion," Akaida sigh "This is getting tired; Oh look we're here," and they arrived the U.A. High.

When they arrived at the campus, only Izuku, Tsuyu, and Minoru were waiting at them, then he saw them he said "Guys, they're here," Tsuyu said "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi why take you so long?" Jöhn said "Well some stuff we distract we on our way, so what is it?" Minoru said "Hurry we miss our moment," Akaida asked "Why?" Izuku said "There's a weird anomaly happened at the top of our dorm," Sakaragi said "Really?" Tsuyu said "Yep it only happened during at night, the staffs won't figure it out so they decided to stay there;" Akaida said "Is it sentient?" Minoru said "We don't know, If your interest," when Jöhn look at Akaida and Sakaragi, they nodded and he said "Sure we go," Izuku said "That's great, let's go," and they head to the roof of the dorm. When they arrived at the dorm, Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi saw the anomaly at the rooftop of the dorm. Then Shoto saw them and he said "Guys they're here," Eijiro said "Ah you guys are here?" Jöhn said "Yep, and who are these guys," Kyoka said "Oh them, these are the rest of our class, they went to small vacation since your arrival," Akaida said "What are the names?" then Toru said "The names are Yuga Aoyama (the charm looking one), Mashirao Ojiro (the Tail man), Denki Kaminari (the energetic one), Koji Koda (the Nature man), Rikido Sato (the Sugar guy), Mezo Shoji (The mask man), Hanta Sero (the Tape Guy) and Fumikage Tokoyami (the Birdman)," Sakaragi said "Oh, Okay so they were in a small vacation," Toru said "Yep, but I would mind you talk to them," then they approach Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi. Yuga going do a dramatic introduction to them "So who are these 3 new students around the school," then they introduce "I'm Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," "Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," "Sakaragi Ochtsuita," Jöhn asked "So you must be Mashirao Ojiro?" He replied "Yes I am, It is so nice to meet you from another dimension," Akaida said "Wait you knew?" Mashirao said "Yep; Mashirao Ojiro here, what it looks like in another dimension?" Sakaragi said "Well is much more complicated than that," Mashirao said "I see…" Jöhn said "But you can talk with them, I already told our journey and you might not going to like it, is a very long story for all of you," Denki said "Huh that's what Kirishima talk about you," Akaida said "Really?" Denki said "Yep; by the way, is so nice to meet 3 of you, names Denki Kirishima, Eijiro's friend," Sakaragi said "Oh nice to meet you," Denki said "Thanks, spider-girl," She's mad and she said "Is Sakaragi, and I'm no from some comic book/manga hero or sorry," Koji said "Its okay, we were like heroes from the comic book, but you guys are very unique than us," Jöhn said "Really?" Koji said "Yep, Koji Koda here, and I say you guys are awesome," Akaida said "Thank you," Rikido said "Well thanks to you multi-eyed girl, names Rikido Sato, the sugar rush," Jöhn said "Sugar Rush?" Rikido said "Yep that's why they called me, anyways nice to nice to meet you," Sakaragi said "Nice to meet you too," then Mezo approach her and he said "Hmm… You and I we're in common each other," Sakaragi said "Really?" He replied "Yep," then he shows his six arms under his body, then Akaida said "Wow, you have 6 arms of your body?" Mezo said "Well, Yeah thank you," then Hanta said "So why guys here? Names Hanta Sero by the way,"

After the long introduction, Jöhn was thinking the particle was very curious about it, he "Well we're here to see this strange anomaly here in this rooftop," Hanta said "Hmm… I see, what do you think Tokoyami?" Fumikage said "I don't know, maybe they will go to fix this strange particle I think," Jöhn said "Fixing? What you talking about?" Fumikage said "We been trying to remove this thing many times, even using our quirk it can't remove it," Jöhn said "Hmm… Momo can Jöhn fix this thing?" Momo asked "Why?" Jöhn said "Maybe, I will fix this strange particle-looking," Momo said "Well if try; guys what do you think?" they all agreed, when they approach the strange particle, Akaida said "Jöhn be careful," Jöhn said "I will," when he check this strange particle he notice that it shaped like a keyhole. He pulled out the dimensional-pick lock tool; Uraraka asked "What are you doing?" Jöhn replied "Maybe it's not a strange anomaly you seeing it," when he put it, he found the unlocking mechanism. When it twisted it, the particles explode and large force around it, which they fell to the floor, and it transformed into a strange door, which its pixelated and the door is already opened. They all shock which Katsuki said "What the heck? How did you do that?" Jöhn said "I have absolutely no idea," then Sakaragi asked him "Jöhn is that--" he said "Yep the door to the Alternitav Dimension,"

Izuku said "You mean the alternate universe," Jöhn said "Yep, and I think this will help to fix the weird place happens in your universe," Mina said "OH so that's why the water of the public restroom are all on the ceiling," Shoto said "I know, and is pretty weird," when Jöhn look at the door, Tenya said "Are you sure this is a door to the alternate universe?" Jöhn said "Yes," Minoru said "Like the universe of Opposite-choices, Genderbend, and Altered-physical beings?" Akaida replied "Yes…" Shoto said "And different world settings, and different alternated-history?" Sakaragi said "Yes it is, but you can't go through that place," Mina said "Why?" Jöhn said "Because, this door can be led by some random generated alternate universe, some of them a great, some of them are bad, and some of them are strange. Here we can solve the problems in many main universes, but this can be dangerous," Akaida said "Like he mentioned, alternate universe can be altered your perspective," Sakaragi said "And it can leak their reality to ours, and it has to stop," Uraraka said "What about the Dimension Errors you mentioned," Jöhn said "It can be doubled the summoned from your universe and theirs," Eijiro said "I see… we should tell the staff…" Uraraka said "Well there's one problem," Kyoka said "What do you mean?" Tenya said "When Izuku and we arrived at the field where we got back from the new mall. Then my phone comes up and which is our sensei Eraserhead. Basically, he went to the airport, with the staffs of U.A." Minoru said "Why?" Tenya explained "They have to continue the conference on time before they were canceled," Momo asked, "How much canceled?" Tenya replied "V E R Y," Fumikage sigh "Great, I guess we going to this alternate universe to fixing the strange anomaly in our universe," Kyoko said "No that will be crazy idea," Fumikage asked "Why?" she explained "Are we going to enter all of us, and when they came back, we will be lost forever," then Fumikage said "Yeah your right, That will be a crazy idea," Tenya asked "So who will going to this alternate universe with Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi?" then they volunteered "I'll go," Tenya said "Are you sure about that, Midoriya?" He replied "We'll I having really fun with them that I have so much happy for so long; being a heroes is awesome, but for the friends, we were treated us what we supposed to be, and I appreciate it," Jöhn replied "Thank you," then Uraraka said "I go to," Tenya said "You too?" she replied "What you expect? At least we having journey between them and us," Shoto said "Yeah she's right, I go with them," Minoru said "Me too," then Tsuyu said "Me three," Denki, Eijiro, Katsuki said "An me us," Jöhn said "Wait your joining," Katsuki said "What the heck are you talking about? Of course, I will join your stupid quest to fixing our universe, I don't want touch my bottom part by toilet water while being upside down," Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi reacted "Wow…" Eijiro said "Yeah… it like I'm having a disturbing flashback since I was a kid," then Denki said "No, please don't say that it makes me uncomfortable," Eijiro said "Okay." Then Jöhn said "So everything's ready?" they replied "Yep," then he said "And remember, keep an open mind," Jöhn open the door and they entered the Alternitav Dimension.

When they entered the Alternitav Dimension, it daytime and they were at the same location. Minoru said "Hmm… this place is the same for me," Uraraka said "No it's not," Bakugo said "What do meeeeaaaaaannn… What is the name of wha-" and what they saw, is the school of U.A. High is now a multiple skyscrapers with different, and they H-shaped building at the center which is larger than their H-shaped building, and the dorms like hotel, has multiple of them. After they watch the whole view, Izuku said "What the- how," Jöhn said "I told you, keep an open mind," when they look at the bottom and they saw many many student like over a million of them wandering around, then Sakaragi said "Let's go guys, and remember keep on low profile," Akaida said "And don't get lost," Jöhn said "Right," and they head to the main field of the 'alternate' school. When they walk around the school, they looking at them thinking they never had seen the students before, especially the 3 of them. Izuku said "Huh, they were all curious at us," Jöhn said "Well, it is and this is our first time to see people from alternate dimension," Akaida said "Yeah, like the other alternate dimension which they were all lifeless," Sakaragi said "But it may be difficult to live here for a very long time, but this is an exemption for it," Uraraka said "Hm… I think it is, but how we supposed going to find the strange anomaly that leaked from our reality?" Shoto said "You mean, this one," they saw a building which it twisted and glitch which It cannot understand the laws of physics, which Eijiro said "That is one weird building that flips many ways," Denki asked "Do people will actually notice that?" they look around Izuku said "I think it does," Meanwhile the student were watching 8 of them watching the strange building, which they were suspiciously which one of them will report the staffs.

Tsuyu said "Hmm… but we supposed to get inside?" Denki said "Yeah I mean, there are many windows which it's not well organized and unshaped you know, and there is no door to entered," Katsuki said "Maybe… I will destroy it?" he pulled out his grenade hand which Izuku worried "W-wait Bakugo, that's not supposed going to work--" But Katsuki shut him up "Shut up cracker! Let the Mr. Demolition out of the way!" then when he rushed and use his grenade punch, his power disappeared. Katsuki confused "Huh?" and everyone in awkward silence which Sakaragi asked "Hey what happened? I thought you going to break inside the building" Katsuki replied "I'm trying!" Katsuki punch the building many times, but it didn't work which he said to Jöhn "Hey smart guy! Why is my power are disappeared when I near that building," when he approached him, his markings of his arms were faded away when he was so close or touching it, and when he stepped back his markings has returned to the normal state, then Sakaragi asked "So what is the problem?" He replied "I think this is the reality aura, which means is a dangerous aura that it disabled any supernatural powers especially mine when I got near that building," Minoru said "Great I guess, this is the end of your journey," Izuku said "Hey don't said that, that's rude," Minoru said "Hey I trying to be honest here," Jöhn said "Maybe, It can destroy that reality-aura building," Izuku said "Really, How?" he explained "For what I'm understanding is, this aura is the opposite of our power," Sakaragi asked "What do you mean?" Jöhn replied "Meaning our powers have been called 'fantasy' and this aura will take away by the reality effect," Katsuki said "What? But our reality looks real for us," Jöhn said "It depends what kind the place we live in; But this has the same reality as my home dimension, which combines 2 strange reality to link yours, and… wow," Tsuyu said "Wow? So let get me strait, this leaked aura which is the same as your reality to this alternate universe which the result an anomaly from our main universe?" Jöhn said "Yeah I think it created a formula," Shoto said "Wow, this is the most unexpected science class we ever seen in my entire life," Denki said "I know right, you should be a teacher or a professor of other stuff," Jöhn said "Woah, I'm not ready as a teacher nor professor, I'm just a kid," Denki said "I know, but you have knowledge about it," Jöhn was thinking "I will try it…" then Katsuki said "So, who is going to manipulate the reality aura? Smart guy," Jöhn thinking "Hmm… I don't know," then something happened.

His arms start glowing on his arm which he unlocked a new ability. After Jöhn arms glowing, Izuku asked "What just happened?" he checked his glowing arms and he said "Hmm… I think my power been evolved, which is a very long time ago since it did that" Akaida asked "So… what's your new ability?" Jöhn replied "Let me try," when he raised his arms right front of the glitched-looking building, and it started spinning, the student and them were in shock then he finished it and returned into its original state, which Tsuyu asked "What happened," Jöhn said "I think I'm unlocked the basic manipulation of nature anomaly," Shoto said "Wait like telekinesis powers like Uraraka?" Jöhn replied "No it's not like that, she has the ability to move any basic objects and falling to debris like a meteor, except this complex of dimension natural object to fix it, which I can do it," Uraraka said "So when you do fixing it, it's like a puzzle?" He replied "Yes is a puzzle, and look; the reality aura is gone, we can finally entered this building," As they going to entered the building, the staffs and the principal of the alternate universe saw them what they were doing, which is the principal, which they heard it "Hey! Where do you think you going?" Izuku said, "Wait the staffs are?" Eijiro said "Yeah this not good, I don't want to expelled to this A.U. of this school," Sakaragi said "Quickly we don't have much time," they entered the building and lock themselves inside.

When they were inside the building, they saw something beautiful the inside of it, the room is an infinite space, full machines which is the cog, gears, and chains; their reaction was amazed, by this strange place. Minoru said "Jöhn, you have full of surprises; I mean I'm sorry that saying so mean to you," Jöhn said "It's okay apology accepted, right now we're going to fix your dimension, once for all, what do you say?" Sakaragi said "Yeah, let's do this," Akaida said "Yeah, I been excited for this adventure," Izuku asked "So Jöhn, where is the center of this room that controls the dimension," when he looked around the environment, he found one which he replied "There, a bright light at the distance, and I think it must be the control panel of the alternate universe," Uraraka asked "Is it safe?" Akaida replied "Hmmm… there are many objects we can hop on it, which is okay to do it, and then don't fall to the endless void, which is kind of scary down there," Sakaragi said "Yeah, I think you're right, and also there D.E. Error where pop of nowhere," Katsuki said "Now that's more like it," he fisted his own hand and smiled, the Jöhn said "Okay, let's do this," and they start rushing to reach the light. After spending hopping cogs and gears, fighting the D.E., and Everyone saving Minoru from a hundred times almost falling to the void, the were now finally arrived at the control panel; which is a single computer on a giant gear which is still spinning by hundreds of them.

When he approaches the computer, he checks it if the programs were fine or something malfunctions. They approach him, which Izuku asked "Do you know how you use the computer?" he replied "I can, but this computer has a different operating system, which is kind of new for me," he navigates the computer but not-so-long-finding until he found it. Akaida asked "What is that?" Jöhn asked "A Virus file, which is impossible to destroy it, and it keeps spreading all life in this dimension," Sakaragi said "Who someone did that?" Jöhn replied "I don't know, let me fix it," after literary 2 minutes, it successfully removed the virus with Jöhn extraordinary adopted skills. Then Jöhn said "There, now we can summon the door to go back home, and…" When Katsuki look around the place he starts heard laughing, he said "Smart guy, do hear something?" Jöhn said "What; what is it?" then they heard a woman in the distance which is much echoed at the start "Well x3 what do we have here, the heroes, the Dimension traveler, the eye-girl, and…" then she laughed "… the spider-girl? Are you serious? *sigh* well so that's why he informed me very soon," everyone at their battle stance, which Jöhn said "Who said that? Show yourself!" then she said "I see… Well my brother, wish to kill you, for trying to ruin our greatest plan that ever existed in the whole multi-verse, but you did it and you crossed the line," Akaida said "Brother? You must be…" then she shows up and she introduce herself "Yes, I'm Xilemma Rixal, sister of Manilve Rixal," Jöhn reacted "What the—" then she said "Yeah I know, but what have you done to my brother, you kill him for no reason," Sakaragi said "Wait this is misunderstanding—" Xilemma shut her "No! This is no misunderstanding, for he did kill my brother there is no apology for that," she reach raised her hand and starts glowing which Jöhn shocked. Akaida said "W-what are you doing?" then she screams "DIEEEEEE!!!!!" then she summons all of the D.E. all surrounded, and then Xilemma disappeared after she summoned it. Katsuki said "What the heck?!" Uraraka said "There are so many of them," Shoto said "Yeah, this is next level threat, Jöhn are you ready to fight? Jöhn?" he went worried and panic at the same time which Sakaragi grasp his shoulder, and then she starts shaking him "Jöhn, Jöhn?" then she slaps him on his face which she said "Jöhn! Wake up, where are about to die," then he snaps it back he said "I'm fine," and they start fighting the creatures.

After the fight, the computer selects itself and the portal appears. Minoru said "Guys the portal is open," Eijiro said "Finally, we can finally leave this messy place," Denki said "Yeah, we have to move now, the staffs will come soon if we're gone," Minoru said "Wait, I don't want to go to detention," Izuku said "Guys lets go back," As they going to leave Tsuyu asked Jöhn "Hey are you guys coming?" He replied "Well yeah, you guys go ahead," Tsuyu nodded "We meet to the other side," the heroes head back to their home dimension. Jöhn said "I can't believe it, I'm a murderer," Akaida asked "Why?" Jöhn said "I killed her brother, and I'm not ready to deal her which I don't know he has a sister, and he must be her only sibling and, I… I… I don't know; How I'm going to confront her?" he sit on the ledge and thinking of something, then Sakaragi and Akaida approach him and Sakaragi talk to him first "Jöhn, I know your scared, even though you kill Manilve which is the messed up thing to do but, is the right way to kill him," Jöhn said "Why… why him," Sakaragi replied "Because I remember, Manilve was very selfish, rude, and disrespect the whole, except Sanatonio; he/she was his favorite partner and his friend. But I remember he is one of the humble man I ever seen in the past but now he has been corrupted, even his sister Xilemma," Akaida asked "Wait, Manilve was a good guy?" she replied "Well I told you again, he is the one of the nicest man in or whole crew, but I don't know what happened to but, by my memories still hazy right now, so I don't know the details," then Jöhn stand up and he said "You know what? Your right, the past has to be done, and the new face must be conquered, and fix the trouble been made," Akaida stand up and she said "Yeah, That's the Jöhn what I know," Sakaragi said "Yep, I think you are having a good leadership," he replied "Thanks," Akaida said "Quickly let's go back, the staffs must be looking for us," and they returned to the Primain Dimension.

When they got back from the Alternitav Dimension, is already night at the rooftop of the dorm building, and the whole class of A-1 we're now sleeping except him; sitting on the stair waiting for them, Jöhn asked "Fumikage?" he look at them then, he stand up "Oh you're returned," Akaida asked "How long we been gone in this universe?" Fumikage replied "Well you been gone for 30 minutes," Sakaragi asked "What about you guys?" he replied "Well the same 30 minutes, when we got out," Jöhn said "Hmm… that was fast," Fumikage said "Yeah, concept of dimension is very arbitrary and confusing at the same time; come on, I will take you guys to your dorm," Sakaragi replied "That will be an honor," and they start walking to their dorm. While they were walking, Akaida asked "Uhm… Fumikage, did the staff's report about what happened?" he replied "Well it did, but we said you fix the unexpected strange anomalies happened on our campus and they said okay," Sakaragi asked "Did it fix the strange beings?" He replied "Actually yeah, the strange water toilet in every public stall is now fix," Jöhn felt relief "Is finally pay off," when they reach the door of their dorm, Fumikage said "Hey while you were guys gone, I found this strange box and this strange letter when Izuku and the gang returned home, we found it on the floor right front of the portal," he shows it and he said "This is the dimensional fragment," Fumikage said "Wait you mean…" Akaida said "We can finally travel to another dimension," Sakaragi asked "What about the letter?" Jöhn said "Oh yeah…" when he reads it, he said "Hey I know that writing," Fumikage asked "You do?" Akaida replied "Oh yeah I almost forgot, Jöhn knows every language than I am," Fumikage said "Oh so that why is genius… sometimes, so what it said?" when Jöhn reads it, he felt interesting about this letter, "Hmm… I think I have to translate to English tomorrow, so tomorrow is weekends right?" Fumikage replied "Yes?" Jöhn said to him "Get rest, meet us at the field in the morning," Fumikage said "Sure, we'll see you at the place," then Fumikage leaves and Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi entered the dorm. Akaida and Sakaragi is sleeping in the bunk beds, while Jöhn was translated the mysterious letter and translate it, and when he's done, he went to bed and sleep.

The next day, Jöhn wake Akaida and Sakaragi up, which got up "Jöhn, is too early in the morning," he said "Bruh is 8:45 am, and you have the most comfortable bed I ever seen in my entire life; come on we have to go," Sakaragi got up and she asked "Why? Where are we going?" Jöhn replied "Were going to the portal," When they were at the fields, Izuku, Kyoka, Minoru, Uraraka, Tenya, Tsuyu, and Momo arrived followed it, then Izuku said "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi you're back," Jöhn said "Well yeah, we're all fine, Fumikage told us everything," Uraraka said "Yeah the same thing what he said to us," Akaida asked "Where's everyone?" Kyoka replied "They were so busy right now, so they don't have to come with you guys," Akaida replied "Okay I see," then Minoru asked "So why we all here?" Jöhn said "Yesterday, the dimension fragment and this letter which you found it right front of the portal," Tsuyu said "We found it *ribbit* but when we report Principal Nezu and the staffs about those 2 things while they were gone, were kind of keep the items to you," He asked "Why?" Momo said "They said there are strange presences in that box you called it, and they going to give to you," Sakaragi said "I see…" Minoru said "Oh, by the way, you save the whole campus by fixing all of the anomalies strangely around the world," Jöhn said "Around the world?" Kyoka said "Yeah, it's crazy; it happens when you finish fixing the alternate universe," Akaida asked "Wow, are we famous?" Tenya replied "Well… yes technically…" Sakaragi said "What do you mean?" Izuku explained "Only the names have been showed, except your pictures," Akaida said "Aw man, just a names" Jöhn said "Don't worry about it, it has to keep a secret," Sakaragi said "He's right, multi-verse is more powerful than all eternity, which is why Sanatonio kept the secret," Akaida said "Yeah you're right," then Kyoka asked "So do you translate the letter?" Jöhn replied "Well yeah, but this time is a riddle which you guys going to guess it," Tenya said "Alright, I love riddles what is it saying," then Jöhn proceed the riddle.

"There's a beginning of the river, which is closer to the civilization, a warm stream came out of the spring, with the hollow on that is nothing on it, except a flashes of light sparkling to the distance, but may not go there what lies beyond it."

After he reads, Minoru got it "I think I know the place," they asked "You do?" he replied "Yeah follow me," then they follow Minoru. They were walking the stream of water which Akaida touches the river she said "It's warm," Minoru said "Yeah, this is the place where I been lost as a child, but that is a long time ago," Kyoka asked "What happened?" Minoru said "Don't think about it, but this place is very special, and I almost forget that place; well… here we are," then they saw a cave which it continuous flowing, Uraraka said "It looks spooky in here," Momo said "Well, it's a cave so we can enter," Akaida said "It's too dark in here," Jöhn said "Don't worry, I have many pocket-sized flashlights during my school trip," Tsuyu asked "How many you have?" he replied "A lot," Tenya said "Well, you're are very resourceful guy," he replied "Thanks," then they entered the cave. After minutes of walking, they have finally arrived at the dimensional transport machine. When he inserted the dimensional fragment, the whole cave is lightening up with blue light, and it has markings all around it, they were amazed that the cave is beautiful, and then the portal appears. When Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi approach the portal, he said "Well this is a goodbye," Kyoka said "Yeah, I think I'm going to miss you guys," Akaida replied "Don't worry, we can go back your dimension," Tenya asked "How long?" Sakaragi said "I don't know, days, months, years," Uraraka said "Hmm… I think we're going to see you at the graduation," Jöhn said "I hope so," Minoru said "Well I am very happy for you," then they jump on the portal and the said farewell on the other side "Bye guys!" they we're goodbye each other, waving each other, and farewell each other, until the portal is now closed.

Jöhn writing his journal walking to the in-between dimension, but he felt brave and bold about that dimension. He named the dimension called "La Bandila çé Istoria Akademia" which is why he felt heroic but, he has to face the unexpected of the multi-verse.