Dimension 613 (Part 2)

The ocean was vast and empty like a desert but is all flat and cold but it has the ability to swim everywhere from the surface of water to the bottom of the continental shelf but they prefer walking rather than swimming everywhere; light is still the same at the bottom of the continental shelf which is very odd in some ways. They walked for hours until they saw a coral forest, which they found something very odd at the center of the coral forest. They reacted; Sakaragi said "Is that an oasis at the bottom of the ocean?" Jöhn analyzed it, he said "As my further examination, it is an oasis," then Akaida run to the oasis and dive on it when Jöhn and Sakaragi approach the oasis, he asked "Akaida what are you doing?" she replied "Don't you know, this is the best thing that I've ever seen in my whole life," and Sakaragi asked her "Is it very hot?" she replied "Nope, but strangely is lukewarm," he asked "Really?" she said "Yeah, feel it," then they touch it, and Sakaragi said "That's was weird," she said "I know right," the Sakaragi asked him "Hmm… does this water drinkable rather this ocean made of oxygen," then Jöhn drank it which Sakaragi opened her eyes in shocked which he said "Yes, this drinkable this is made out of Dihydrogen Monoxide or Water," Sakaragi said "Finally," then they drink the oasis. As Akaida leave the oasis, she heard something behind the sea-tall grass, which she said "Jöhn, Sakaragi do you hear something?" Jöhn replied "No I don't," then Sakaragi saw a creature jumped out of the sea-tall grass which she alarmed "Jöhn, Akaida look out!" then they dodge a creature which is a dimension error and is a new type. They look like they looked like gems but it has multiple limbs, arms, and legs, which they saw disturbing, and they are many of them. Sakaragi, Akaida freeze for a few seconds who they saw it, then Jöhn said them "Akaida, Sakaragi these gems are not real, they were creatures who they look like them but they try at the very best," Akaida said "But how they replicate the gems that we remember?" Sakaragi said "I think I will call them 'Ilłůmäsion'," Akaida asked "Ilłůmäsion?" Jöhn replied "Meaning they were illusion creatures which they imitate what we saw from the memory, nice one," Sakaragi said, "Thank you." Akaida asked "So like, they replicated an entity from the memory and modified it into a gruesome monster?" he replied "Yes," then she asked "But how they scan our memory?" Jöhn said "I don't know, but they began to develop even more," they pulled out their weapon and the battle begin.

Jöhn rush in and attack the Ilłůmäsion, even those they have the face of every gem he knows he must destroy it, he slices every one of them using the Diavetica sword, then he uses the summoned a black pillar which they sucked in and explode to disintegrate. Then Akaida attack is like dance that slice the Ilłůmäsion using her scythe; then when the Ilłůmäsion attacks her, she blocked and she switches her scythe into a spear; she jumped over and use her special technique. She spins at 90° until the blade charged up into a circle of light and she shouted "SUN HARVESTER!" she throws the circle of light into a disc that is the residence of the sun, and exploded 5 of them to dust. Then Sakaragi went run and charge the Ilłůmäsion, they attack Sakaragi many times, then she uses the chromium knuckles and the pixel arms and start hammering them. Sakaragi use a special technique which when she charged her extra arms into glitched effect; as the glitch effect reach the maximum level, Sakaragi focus the Ilłůmäsions finding the perfect line, and when she found the perfect line, the breathed in and slide through 10 Ilłůmäsions very fast leaving with a trail of pink petals behind it; and when the glitch effect disappeared she said "Utsunosakura," the Ilłůmäsion disappeared already when Sakaragi ease all of her arms. Then Sakaragi dodge the Ilłůmäsion attacks, and then the creature evolved; they have the ability to shoot shards that made out of fake gem, Sakaragi cover behind the stone rock, then Jöhn came help and switch to Alternitav pistol, and use the fire dust and burn the Ilłůmäsion down to the ground; then Akaida came to the party, she uses the ice dust spins around the area to freeze the Ilłůmäsion, and then she uses he scythe and slice them down, and the Ilłůmäsion is disintegrated in the air. After the fight, Jöhn asked Sakaragi "Are you alright?" she replied "I'm fine…" when she got out of the coral rock, and she said "… Is just, you guys have magic attacks and which is not fair for you guys, and I only have physical attacks and special attack," with a frowny-pout face which Jöhn said "I am so sorry but, I don't know; I could give you my weapons but is always bounded to me which is impossible, and her weapon that I give to her has a built-in magic which is fair for her," Akaida said "Yeah, I wish you have magic weapon that fits your style," Sakaragi said "I hope so…" then Akaida felt something flickered from her eye, and she saw a strange object which is reflected from the sun, and which is dropped from one of the Ilłůmäsion.

When Akaida picked up the object, she calls them "Jöhn! Sakaragi! I found something," they approach her "What is it?" Jöhn asked, and then she said "I found this strange wristband, is made out of strange material," he asked "Can I touch it?" she replied "Sure," when Akaida pass the wristband, he felt something very familiar about the object which he said "This is not a wristband Akaida, this is a gauntlet which has no gloves," Sakaragi said "But it looks like machine to me," he said "A machine…" when he looks at the detail of the gauntlet, and he saw fascinating about that object, and he said "… this a Magic dust launcher," Sakaragi said "Magic dust launcher?" he explained "Look, at the upper part of the gauntlet, there is a cylinder which fit one of the dust bullets and down to barrel which is transformed into giant-like grenade launcher," Akaida asked "You're kidding?" and he demonstrates and it works, which it shoots an orb cannon, and when it landed it exploded by area. After he demonstrates, Jöhn said "I guess, this gauntlet is for you Sakaragi," she reacted "Really?" he said "Yeah look, you have gloves which protect you normal hands with some Chromium Knuckles which have special material on it, and this weapon of choice," Sakaragi said "Thank you But, why you giving me some weapons than her?" he explained "The truth is, your bones are the most fragile thing than any human I ever seen, but it recovers so quickly which it came from your body modifier," Akaida asked "How do you know?" Jöhn explained "My ex-ray vision," she asked "What about me?" he replied "Your bones are stronger than any average entity in the multi-verse," she said "Really? Wow," then he said "Enough chit-chat for that, so your relief?" she said "Yeah, thank you," and she hugs him. Then Akaida said "Okay this is the second time you know," Jöhn said "I know and I'm sorry," Akaida said "Its okay, at least you made us happy," Jöhn said "Yeah… so anyways on to the journey?" Akaida and Sakaragi said "Yep," "Oh yeah," and they leave the underwater oasis and continued their journey.

While they were walking, they entered a huge coral forest (about 50 meters [164.042 feet] high) that filled with jellyfish, fishes, whales, and some life-related in the ocean, and then they saw 2 fish-like types that they were similar to Gems and Lunarians (moon people) which they were talking in the middle of the forest. Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi saw the Admirabilis which Akaida asked "Is that what am I think this?" he said "Yes this is the Admirabilis," then Sakaragi describe the looks "They looked like a mixture of a mermaid, an octopus, and a jellyfish," but Jöhn said "But they can shapeshift into a sea slug," Akaida said "Really? How do you know?" he replied "Something from one of my dream, they were definitely one of them, but my dream will fade away…" then Akaida "Uhm… Jöhn?" he asked "What?" and she said "Look," then the Admirabilis saw them, which they were on a standoff. Sakaragi asked "Uhm hello…" then the Admirabilis said "Hi?" then she said "Well this is awkward…" then the other Admirabilis asked "So… where you guys came from?" Jöhn said "We were coming from far farther away than any ocean in the distance, and we been walking underwater since hours," then the Admirabilis said "So you're came from the land, are you?" then Akaida said "Yes, but we actually came from another universe?" the other Admirabilis react and said "Really?" Jöhn said "Well yeah, we're came from another universe or you guys called it 'dimension' and we are humans," then the Admirabilis reacted, and he asked her "Do we have to…" she said "Yeah, let's take to the leader," then she nodded, and the Admirabilis said "You can come with me," and Jöhn said "Okay," then Sakaragi said "Well that was easy," then Akaida said "I know right, they looked like kind of friendly," then Jöhn concerned "I don't know, but I do not trust one of them, but we have to stick together," Akaida said "Right ÒwÓ," and they follow them. While they were walking, Sakaragi asked the Admirabilis "So what are your names?" she said "Oh us? My name is Ventricosus, and this is my little brother Aculeatus," then Aculeatus said "Nice to meet you, so what is your names?" they introduce "I'm Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, this is Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya, and this is Sakaragi Ochtsuita," Akaida said "Hi," and Sakaragi said "Nice to meet you," then Ventricosus said "Nice to meet you all of you," then Aculeatus asked "So why you been travel from the land to the ocean?" he replied "Is because we're on the mission, is to find the portal, which it leads to the next dimension," Ventricosus said "Yeah about that, what is dimension you been talking about?" Sakaragi explained "Dimension is a collection of universes and multi-verse which is kind you preferred 'the other worlds' but it is beyond than that," Ventricosus said "That is interesting," then Akaida said "But we got lost by travel the dimension which we don't know the end is," Jöhn said "What we really say, the dimension is a very complicated topic it was much deeper than you guys expected, so we can explain everything when we reach to your destination," Aculeatus said "Okay I can wait to hear them," While they were walking, Akaida asked "So who are your leaders?" Aculeatus said "Well is actually our parents—," Ventricosus reacted "Aculeatus!" they reacted which Akaida said "Wait, are you a princess?" she sighs "No, but I'm the daughter's leader of the community," Jöhn said "And you're helping her?" he said "Yes, but I'm the one who guarded her when she got out of the palace," Akaida said "But why you guys leaving your place?" Ventricosus explained "Our mother felt very sad, is because our father died 2 days ago, and she wanted us to leave alone and never come back, and I don't want to hurt her feelings because of it," then Aculeatus said "So we leave the community, and we head on an adventure far away at home, until you guys came here," Sakaragi said "I see, but it's not the place to go beyond out of your home," Ventricosus asked "What do you mean?" Jöhn replied "Leaving home without any lesson, is the hardest thing you ever done, there is no one supposed to protect you both and is an unexpected journey to be say," Akaida said "We been travel many dimensions with lessons what we learned, and is really hard to survive, am I right Sakaragi?" she said "Yeah, but please don't leave your mother and your community behind, your mother loves you and she doesn't handle the duty for you, your brother, and the community," Ventricosus asked "But how we going to approach her?" Jöhn replied "I guess, you have comforted her in a meaningful way, which they can understand between your mother feelings and yours," Aculeatus said "That a nice suggest," he said "It's not a suggestion, but is an advice which it came from my Aunt and my Uncle which they taught us how to love," Akaida asked "Really?" he replied "Yeah, that's why the dimensions are pretty lack of it, and that is why it needs to fix it," Sakaragi said "Even though hope is lost in every multi-verse, but it need fill it and restore what is missing," Jöhn said "And that's mission is," then Ventricosus said "That is the most inspiring thing you ever had," he said "Thank you," Aculeatus asked "Are sure we will talk to our mother?" then she said "We'll try…" and they arrived at the small community.

Ventricosus said "Well here we are; welcome to my home, but don't mind with the other Admirabilis, they were working very hard you know?" they saw it, and Jöhn said "Yeah I can see it," then the Admirabilis workers saw Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi and they asked Aculeatus "Hey Aculeatus, who is these guys, we never seen one of them?" Aculeatus said "These came far away from the ocean," the other said "Wait for foreigners?" Ventricosus said "Yep, keep the good work guys," then they said "Thanks Aculeatus," then they stop and she said "Well we're here we are…" the palace of Ventricosus and Aculeatus is a giant blue Coral tube, which its height about 50 meters (164.042 feet) "… make sure to be nice to my parents," Aculeatus said "And also be behave right front of them," Jöhn said "Got it," Akaida said "Are we going to enter?" Sakaragi said "Only way to find out," then Jöhn said "Yeah let's do this," and they entered the palace. When they entered the palace, they saw their mother which she said "Ventricosus, Aculeatus you're here, I'm sorry for what I done for me," she said "Is okay Mother I'm fine and I'm sorry too, for leaving you with my brother for no reason," and Aculeatus said "And so am I," then she said "I know I've been a terrible mother for you my children, I'm so glad you are returned," then she said "Me too…" then their mother saw them which she asked "Oh my, Who are these three?" Ventricosus said "Oh I almost forgot, guys, come here, this is my mother," Jöhn said "Hi," she said "Hello, what are your names?" then they introduce "My name is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," "I'm Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya," "Sakaragi Ochtsuita, is a pleasure to meet you ma'am," then she introduced "Oh my, nice to meet you all, I'm the leader of the Admirabilis, Disaccharus; so why are you guys here?" Jöhn replied "We been traveled far away in the ocean finding Admirabilis home," Disaccharus asked "Why?" then Sakaragi said "To find clues here in this place," then she said "You just come from another dimensions are you?" Jöhn said "Yes, we lived in another dimension, and we were kind of lost between the space and time," then Disaccharus said "Oh, I see…" Ventricosus and Aculeatus reacted as she heard the word "Wait you knew?" she replied "Yes my children, I know that knowledge of dimensions since our ancestor Convallarius, which it pass it down through generations," then Sakaragi asked "So you knew, Sanatonio Ripal?" Disaccharus said "Yes, and I know what are you guys looking for," Akaida said "Really?" she said "Yep, but first let's welcome to my palace, make yourself at home," Jöhn said "Well, it's been honoured to meet you guys," she said "Great! First, you must be hungry right now, come to the dining area, the food is already served for you guys," Akaida said "Really?" Aculeatus said "Yeah, mother is very well cooked you know then Akaida felt relief "Oh thank goodness, I didn��t eat for years," Ventricosus asked "Years? You might be dead," Sakaragi said "No, our body is very slow to shrink the size, but we feel the hunger for days," Jöhn said "But we usually eat berries but, they're not many as them," Akaida said "Who cares about berries, I'm hungry," Sakaragi said "She's right, we been suffered too much," Jöhn said "Yeah, I guess we use our survival for emergency purposes… but what the heck, I been waiting for so long," Aculeatus said "Well come on, we were very welcomed as a guest in honored," Sakaragi said "Honoured, thank you," and they head to the dining area.

They arrived at the dining area in which Disaccharus saw them which she said "Oh come here guys, take a seat," then Jöhn said "Thank you Miss Disaccharus," they take a seat, and they start enjoying the meal, with mannerism. The food is very distinct and different which they look like alien food or something which Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi concerned about it, so they take a bite and they start to enjoy it, which tastes a mixture of seafood and fish. While they finished their meal, Disaccharus asked "So how's the meal?" Akaida replied "Is amazing, delicious, and I love it, the food is the best thing in my whole life, and I've been waiting for these for so long," Jöhn said "We all are," Sakaragi said "Yeah, it's kinds of remind back in my home, which my grandfather usually makes sea-food every day, it feels like nostalgia for so reason," then Jöhn feels it "Yeah me too, my father and my brother usually fishing down in the bay, catching fish with a big net on a boat, but what we found a load of Ludong (most expensive tuna in the Jöhn's home county) which we sell it, and makes us rich," Akaida said "Wow you guys are so lucky to have experience back there, and I wish I could to fish one day," Jöhn said "You will, I promise," then Akaida smile, Aculeatus said "Wow, you guys have are having fun in your past," Sakaragi said "Thank you," Ventricosus asked "But does it affect your life when you travel to another dimension?" Jöhn replied "Yes, it depends on your experience, but sometimes it is very unexpected what will happen through the events which it makes life very hard for some point," Disaccharus said "I see… well is getting late, I think we will discuss the dimension tomorrow; I guess you need to rest here tonight,' Akaida said "Really? Thank you," then Sakaragi asked "But wait for miss Disaccharus, why you're being so kind to us?" she explained "Because, when I see your bones, flesh, and your soul, are united as one but you have fragile feeling which balances the two things. But we were divided for reason to live in this world, and that is why I take care all of you," Jöhn said "I see…" then Disaccharus said "Your rooms are already set up for all of you; you may rest," he said "Thank you," Ventricosus said "Come on guys, I will take you to your room," Akaida said "Can't wait,�� then they follow her, but Aculeatus asked "Mother, can I help you with the mess?" she replied "No, I'm fine, you go companied them," then he said "Okay," so he went along with them.

When they entered the room, the room has an aquatic feel on it, with it has a window that it covers with curtain which is made out of sea-weed, and it has 3 beds and an empty workbench for no reason. Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi shocked when they saw it, which Akaida said "Wow, it's so beautiful," Ventricosus said "Yeah, my mother does that room transformation in the house," Sakaragi asked "Room transformation," she explained "She's only using her mind, and the leaders of the generation only to manipulate, and shape shift the palace whatever she wants," Jöhn said "That's so cool," Aculeatus said "Yeah, but we have our room transformation power, but is only limited of our imagination," Akaida said "Oh that's nice," Ventricosus said "Thank you, you guys go have some private conversation between you guys, and by the Jöhn," he asked "Yeah?" then she replied "Thanks for the advice you given to me," he said "Yeah anytime," she nodded and she said "Aculeatus let's go," then he said "Buy guys," then they said "See ya," and they leave the room, and Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi were sleeping in the same room. Jöhn woke up when checking his phone is 5 am in the morning. Jöhn head out to the room, and heading to the top of the palace.

Jöhn is at the rooftop of the palace, leaning on the ledge, trying to call Alexander Malagtas but no signal, then Ventricosus saw them and she said "What are doing up here?" he replied "Oh Ventricosus, I was try to call my friend so many times but there is no communication in this dimension," then she asked "What is that thing?" he replied "Oh this? This is a phone, is a communication device to call someone far away in than any distance, before it only communicate around the world, but right now it only communicates around the multi-verse which is modified by my friend from the another dimension," Ventricosus said "That's so cool," then he said "Yeah, thank you," then Ventricosus said "Say, how long you stay here in this dimension?" he replied "3 days, 6 months, and 10 years," Ventricosus reacted "10 years? That's so long," Jöhn said "Yeah, I was have a coma back then, Akaida was alright for the past 10 years, and Sakaragi was coma only 5 years," she said "Wow, I think Akaida was so matured right now," then he said "No, she's always like this, it didn't change a single personality for a past 10 years, and as the same as Sakaragi," Ventricosus said "Yeah, you humans are not changed are you," then he said "Well actually I'm the only human who travel to another dimension, Akaida and Sakaragi are synthetic humans which something is modified on it,' then Ventricosus asked "If Akaida and Sakaragi are synthetic and you're ordinary, why your eyes are inverted and it has strange marking all around your body?" he replied "I was cursed, when I'll travel through another dimension, I gave me the ability that so much power than any gods in the multi-verse," Ventricosus shocked "Really?" then he said "Yes, but I don't know how to learned godly powers, I only know is to store weapons and items in my infinity pocket, and some powers which kind of cliché and similar from another dimensions," Ventricosus said "I see… but can you manipulate buildings and rooms?" Jöhn asked "Like room transformations?" she said "Yeah, I can teach that ability, if you promise that you use for good," he said "I promise at the bottom of my heart, so how it works?" then Ventricosus demonstrate "First you have to put your hand in a flat palm right front of you," he follow it "Okay," Ventricosus said "Then you have to aim and focus this wall right front of you," he said "Got it," about 10 seconds, he said "It doesn't work…" then she said "Don���t worry, it only takes 6 months to get that—what the heck?" Ventricosus saw Jöhn created a hole in a wall, which is it only has 5 seconds to return back to normal. Ventricosus said "How in the world did you figure it out?" he said "I don't know, I followed the instruction, ended up shoot out a particle out of my hand, and created this hole," Ventricosus said "That is not what I intended to," then Jöhn said "And also, it doesn't work any walls only the shining ones that I saw in my own eyes," she said "Only your eyes, because I don't see any shinning one," Jöhn said "So I discovered a new ability," she said "Yes," then he said "Huh, what a world we live in," and sun is rise up through the ocean, Ventricosus asked "Say, let's go back down and make breakfast before my mother, my brother, and your friends wake up," Jöhn replied "Sure, I love to help you," she said "Thank you, mother is right, you are the kind beings," he said "Yeah, beings…" and they head back down to the palace.

Akaida wake up in her bed feeling fresh as always, she notices Jöhn was already wake up very early, and Sakaragi still sleeping on her bed, she jumped out the bed and leaving the room looking for Jöhn. When heading to the kitchen, she saw Jöhn and Ventricosus were making breakfast, which it look exotic and it smells delicious. Akaida approach them "Hey guys," then Jöhn saw her "Oh Akaida your awake, Ventricosus and I were making breakfast which is kind of easy to cook, do you want to help?" then she replied "Uhm, okay," then she proceeds to help them, then Ventricosus asked "Where's Sakaragi, is she still sleepy?" she replied "Yeah, she's was very relaxed to herself, but she's okay," Jöhn said "I see…" then they continued to cook. Sakaragi wakes up, which she notices Jöhn and Akaida were already awake in their bed and leaves the room but they leave it with a mess, so she cleans the room and leaves the room. She was walking in the hallway, she saw Aculeatus leaving his room and saw her, and he said "Good morning Sakaragi," she replied "I'm fine, I've been have been a comforting time in my life," Aculeatus said "That's nice, so are you hungry? Because I heard something cooking at the kitchen, wanna go?" she replied "Sure I love to but, what about your mom?" he said "My mother? No, she's fine, she needs to rest, because she sleeps in the middle of the night while we help her," she said "Oh that's nice," he said "Yeah, just like that," and they head to the kitchen. When they arrived, they saw Jöhn, Akaida, and Ventricosus cooking while they were talking and laughing. Aculeatus and Sakaragi approach them which she said "Hey guys," the 3 of them look at Aculeatus and Sakaragi which Akaida said "Sakaragi you're awake," then she said "Well yeah, you didn't clean our room you know," Jöhn said "We were sorry about that, but for me, I was helping her to finished cooking meal," Aculeatus asked "Is the breakfast ready?" Ventricosus replied "Well yeah, and is ready to serve," which Aculeatus and Sakaragi reacted, she said "Is that?" then Jöhn said "Yep, this cook what I called 'La Pasta de la Alga Marina' which means 'Sea-weed Pasta', I think…" which Ventricosus said "We don't know what does mean, but the name is kind of fancy," then Akaida said "Who cares for the name, I'm starving let's eat to the dining table," and Sakaragi said "Yeah, let's go," and they head to dining table.

Then Disaccharus wake up and heading to the dining table where she saw Ventricosus, Aculeatus, Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi were eating breakfast while they were talking each other, then Disaccharus asked "Oh my, would I mind If I take that empty seat in the dining table?" they got shocked unguarded, Ventricosus said "M-mother? You're awake;" she said "Yes sorry to disturbed you like that," Jöhn said "Is okay miss Disaccharus, we always like that, are you going to sit?" she said "Yes," then she takes a sit. Disaccharus asked "So are you guys eating?" Aculeatus said "Were eating La Pasta de la Alga Marina," she said "Pasta… Alga… Marina—what?" Ventricosus explained "Is a noddle food which what he said, I was originated to cook Alga Marina but Jöhn combined with the Erbadelmarbianco transform into long stretch line thin tentacles, and Akaida combined it with white crystal sand, and black crystal sand, which is smell explosive," Sakaragi said "Oh so that's why it smells familiar and attractive," Akaida said "Thank you, but I actually learned Jöhn how to cook," Disaccharus asked "Really when?" Jöhn said "About between the 9th journey and the edge of the first between-worlds or my 10th journey," Sakaragi asked "The first between-worlds?" he explained "The one we hop from the literal edge to the city of Tokedo," she said "I see…" then Jöhn asked "Miss Disaccharus, are you going to eat breakfast," she replied "No I'm not hungry, but there's some I should tell you guys for a very long time," Aculeatus said "Uhm… Okay?" then Disaccharus asked "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi, Ventricosus, and Aculeatus, there are you ready what is the relationship between Me, Your Father, and Sanatonio Ripal?" Ventricosus said "R-really, for sure?" she replied "Yes, I am pretty sure and this important," Aculeatus said "Well I'm ready, what do you say sister?" she said "Yes, I am," then Disaccharus asked them "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi, are you ready to listen?" they Jöhn said "Yes," Akaida said "I'm ready," and Sakaragi nodded, and then Disaccharus tell the story "When you guys before born in this world, the Admirabilis population decrease very fast by days, nights, and years by the multi-dimensional creatures that what is called the Dimension Errors. We have been hiding under the corals and rocks which is safe for us, but the creatures are very good at tracking us even in hiding. Then one day, a man/woman who can't remember what is gender is but saves us and the community with an unknown weapon which his/her name is Sanatonio Ripal. He/she help to rebuild the community for 10 years until when you guys born when you my daughter as a kid, and your little brother is infant, Sanatonio Ripal is about to leave when he/she saw an old transportation which looks like a circle disk but it layers on it, he/she said goodbye to us, and as he/she stepped on the platform, he/she starts floating takes to the sky," then Jöhn asked, "So where is the old transportation?" Disaccharus "I don't know, but Sanatonio leave this flat-thinnest-slate which when they got lost in this dimension I will give you this thing," then she gave this paper to Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi which he said "This is another report of Sanatonio," Akaida said "Yeah, it does," Ventricosus asked "Report?" Sakaragi explained "Is a type of slate or you should called it 'paper' which it writes everything when he/she observed or discovered," Aculeatus said "That's cool, so what is it saying?" then Jöhn reads it.

The Six Report of Sanatonio Ripal January 13, 1930

I had been stuck in this dimension for so long from which I encountered the 3 entities or creatures in this world are the Gems, the Admirabilis, and the Moon People or the Lunarians. Which they were always in conflict with each other, I was worried about what happened to my team if they were fine which I can't remember what happened to me.

Then I start saw those unknown creature which they were out nowhere attacking the creatures of this world which they disintegrate into the air. I got panic which the creatures saw me and attack me until something saves me. A weapon which looks like a sword, a spear, an ax—I don't know it keeps shapeshift in seconds when I picked it up this weapon, all the creatures start attack so I'm ready to attack them. After I defeat all of it, I saw a piece of paper which it drops of the creatures and it said 'PR0t=[oxype]_dimension.1 (Manilve Rixal Laboratories).

It's was Manilve Rixal who trying to destroy all of the dimensions, of I been spent 10 years as the time I write it, heading a journey to find him, which is why I'm telling the truth. If you reading this, these reports will be scattered everywhere in every dimension, find them before Manilve Rixal or possibly their followers will find those reports and use it something for reasons. After this report will end, I will continue writing new reports and find the truth of the dimensions while I finding one of my friends that they help me throughout the years that we were traveling and discovered new places. I hope they were safe…

End of Report

After Jöhn reads it, Ventricosus shocked "That's why this world still attacks by those unknown creatures and not the Lunarians," Aculeatus said "Well mostly, I think…" then Akaida said "This so messed up, the teams of Sanatonio's was betrayed to them? So, there is more than just 1 bad guy in the whole multi-verse," Sakaragi said "I think it is, even though it is confirmed he has a sister, but she doesn't mention her name in Sanatonio Reports," Jöhn said "Maybe, Sanatonio still continues writing the reports until the papers run out, he/she said it will still be updated even in on Solo journey, and this report is 100+ years old, so this means we have to still find those reports," Sakaragi asked "Yeah, but I'm still worried what happened to my friends 'til to this day," then he said "Don't worry we will find them," "Yeah…" she smiles. Then Jöhn asked her "Miss Disaccharus, is there's information when we have to go to the moon," then she said "The moon, that's where the Moon People lives up there, they were trying to destroy us," then he said "Yeah, but we have to get there," as Disaccharus thinking, she accepts the where the location is, she stands up and she said "Go pack your things if you're ready?" Akaida asked "Really?" she replied "Yeah, I hope you will save in your journey," then they all agreed.

They all got outside of the palace which Disaccharus said "Come with me," while they were follow Disaccharus, Ventricosus asked "Uhm… mother, where are we going?" she replied "Were going to the transporter where Sanatonio found it," as they all stop, Akaida asked "Is this the place?" she replied "Yes, it's right here somewhere in this place," Aculeatus said "All I can see is the 4 corals is at the cardinal directions, and the sand is making a whirlpool pattern" as they observed what he saying, Jöhn reacted "Wait…" he touches the patterned sand, and then it began to drift away until the old transportation appeared. Ventricosus asked "Is this the old transportation?" Disaccharus replied "Yep this is the one," Sakaragi said "The platform looks like a vinyl disc," Jöhn said "Vinyl disc?" she explained "Is a disc which is has rings which they compress together," Jöhn said "You mean the Phonograph record?" she said "Exactly," Akaida said "So what are we waiting for, let's step on it," when Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi steps on the transportation platform, it doesn't work. "Why isn't working," Akaida asked, Disaccharus said "I don't know, but it works when Sanatonio step on that platform, and sent him/her up to the sky," as Sakaragi looking down the transporter, she notice something that the platform is not right, she said "Jöhn look, this platform is a circle dial, which means those patterns does not match mostly," he said "Your right, but why he/she do this?" Sakaragi said "I have absolutely no idea, maybe it's just a wind?" Akaida said "Now look, there are smudges of these dials which are looks like it twisted each other," Disaccharus said "But why he/she must do that?" then Aculeatus saw the creatures which he said "Guys! T-the creatures!" then they saw it. Disaccharus said "Oh no, it's them and they got evolved since the last time I remember," Akaida said "Don't worry, we have you covered," Jöhn said "Ventricosus, Aculeatus take you mother somewhere safe," Ventricosus said "Got it," then Aculeatus said "Come on mother, is not safe here," she said "Right, and guys…" they look at her "…be careful," they nodded, and the 3 Admirabilis leaves, then Sakaragi asked "So are we ready to fight?" then Akaida said "Yeah, I'm ready to take down the creature," then Jöhn said "Yeah let's do this," and the battle begins.

The Nûlls start charging, as they charge they start to swing their claws at them, Jöhn guards it, then Akaida jumped over him and she slices the Nûlls with her spear; spinning and attacking. Then Jöhn breaks the attack and he starts to slice his weapon using the Diavetica sword, then when he's surrounded, Jöhn switches his sword into the Adsévan Axe and starts spinning and chops the monsters in half. Then the Sîpers aim at him and releasing the arrows and he got hit, then the Sîpers shoot a second row of arrows; but this time, Sakaragi release a shield which it protects Jöhn from the arrows, then Sakaragi jumped higher about 3.048 m (10 feet), as she falls, then she start spinning and slam her extra arm fist to the ground creating shockwave, then Akaida transform her scythe into a spear which she said "Jöhn, let's do this," he's concerned "Are you sure about that? If we do that, you might go to hurt yourself," Akaida said "Don't worry about that, we can do this," then he nodded. Jöhn switches his Axe into the Triädacta Spear," then they began to start the team attack. Jöhn and Akaida doing a multi spear thrust at the Nûlls, and Sîpers. Then they start to spin their spears like a spinning top. At the finale, Jöhn and Akaida throw their spears up to the ocean, they teleport and grab the spears, and strike down causing shock wake which the Nûlls and the Sîpers to disintegrate. Jöhn and Akaida dodge the bullet of Østers where they camping at the high rock, Sakaragi rush in, she jumped to the high rock, and start punching the Østers with her chromium knuckles and her pixel fist, as she defeated them, 6 Dïgrs charged at her which Sakaragi dodges the attacks so many time, that she doesn't find their weak spots, because she noticed that the Dïgrs have a dimensional armors, that it can't be destroyed by any melee weapons. Jöhn saw Sakaragi which she's in trouble, he uses the Maiklbay Rifle and start shooting the Dïgrs armor until it all shattered, Jöhn use the Kröskjander Pistol to teleport at the Dïgrs, strike like a bowling ball, then Jöhn said "Are ready to team attack," she asked "Really?" he said "Yeah," then she smile "Let's do this!" Jöhn pull-out his Khäosiatva Blades, and then they do a synchronized dance attack. Sakaragi uses her 4 fists, and 6 kicks at the Dïgrs in a Japanese-styled dance, then Jöhn use the blade like a Yoyo but in a Philippine-styled dance. They synchronized the two world, until the final climax, they start spinning and it became brighter and brighter until it exploded like fireworks. Akaida claps and cried "It's so beautiful… beautiful thing in the multi-verse," Sakaragi said "Wait you watch it?" she said "Yes," then he said, "How was it?" Akaida said "Amazing standing ovation," Sakaragi said "Well it's not appropriate to a younger audience so…" Jöhn and Sakaragi look at each other blushing, which she shocked and look away "Next time, don't touch my part…" Jöhn said "O-oh yeah, we never do that again…" she said "Promise?" then he said "Promise," Akaida sigh which she doesn't know what they were talking about.

After the fight, Ventricosus, Aculeatus, and Disaccharus came out and Ventricosus asked "Wow, that was very intense," Aculeatus said "Yeah, I will never see those faces again, there are scary," then Jöhn asked "Are you guys okay?" Disaccharus said "Yes were okay, so what now? How you will fix the transportation?" Jöhn replied "Is easy, we just to turn these dials back to their original selves," Akaida asked "Is it really hard?" then Jöhn felt sad with his fake tears flowing "Yes, and is very complicate; look, each 'rings' of the dial can move of its own but when I move the center ring, the edge of the ring moves so is going to take some time to solve, " Sakaragi reacted "Really but those rings are so many…" she sigh "… I guess we'll go puzzling," then Akaida "Come on Sakaragi, it's going to be fun," Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi, Ventricosus, Aculeatus, and Disaccharus start solving the circle dial puzzle. After they finished the puzzle, the transportation is now active glowing into a pillar of light to the top of the skies, Jöhn said "Well this is a farewell," Ventricosus said "Yeah, but I feel like I'm going to miss you guys," Akaida said "Don't worry, we will come back in no time," Aculeatus said "When you come back, promised me when you will find us, and meet us," Sakaragi said "Sure I love to come back," he smiles, then Disaccharus said "And also make sure don't lose the documents by one of the dimensional creatures," Jöhn said "We will," as Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi step on the platform, they start flowing and Akaida wave at them "Goodbye guys!" then Sakaragi said "Bye everyone!" then Jöhn said "See you in next time!" then Aculeatus said "See ya!" Ventricosus said "Good luck to your journey!" then Disaccharus waved and said "Be your spirits guide you," and they start to lift to the atmosphere. Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi start to lift up to the sky, which they saw the Land of the Gems at the distance. As they pass through layers of clouds, the blue sky began to darker, and the stars start appearing and they were now at space. They saw the 7 moons circling around the earth until they approached the largest and the oldest moon of the earth, and they landed.

They landed on the moon which Jöhn and Akaida saw Sakaragi holding her breath. Akaida asked "Why you hold your breath?" Sakaragi muffled while her mouth is closed, then Jöhn said "What are you talking about? We can breathe on here, you know," Sakaragi is shocked which she releases her breath away and starts to inhale. The Sakaragi said "I thought the space there is no oxygen," Akaida reacted as breath in "Am I going to die?" Jöhn said "Well technically yes, hydrogen and helium only exist in space and you might die without oxygen unless there must be some strange anomaly in the solar system that we can legitimately breathe on space," then Sakaragi saw the sun which she feel something different about it "Maybe the sun has released a large amount of oxygen," Akaida said "Why?" then Sakaragi said "Look at it, it usually the suns color is white when is on outer space, but is yellow for some reason," Jöhn said "Your right, that it's the exact same colour flame of oxygen, which is why the solar radiation is low, and we can breathe in this dimension," Akaida said "That's very interesting but, why we were here on the moon?" Jöhn replied "Well find the fragment to open the carved wall he/she mentioned," Jöhn point at the structure like city which Akaida and Sakaragi saw it, and start walking. When they have arrived at the entrance, they saw those angel-like monks which they let their hair down and they have rabbit ears on them. As they walk through the main road, Akaida asked "Why they were staring at us?" Jöhn replied "I think those people know something familiar about us," Sakaragi said "What do you mean?" then Jöhn said "Look, their eyes wide opened, shocked," then something happened, a Holkrovrævun (a giant bird) coming out of nowhere, flies down and attacking the city, and capturing the people. Sakaragi said "That bird again, really?" Jöhn said "Come on, we have to stop it before they will take away," Akaida said "Let's do this," and the battle begins.

Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi trying to chase the Holkrovrævun, but as the bird saw them, it turns back and started to open the beak, Jöhn reacted "Look out!" Jöhn and Akaida jump out of the way, while Sakaragi jumped higher, she's on the top of the bird, and Sakaragi said "Guys! I'm on the top of the bird!" Jöhn said "That's great! Go ahead and save the hostages!" she said "Okay!" then Akaida reacted "Sakaragi look out!" when she look what Akaida's pointing, a Nûlls starting to slash her but she guarded "Woah that is a close one," she counter-attack with a fist, and start punching them out of the way, then Akaida asked "How we supposed to get that bird closer to the ground? It's getting farther away," Jöhn observed the Holkrovrævun what is the behavior is, which he noticed that it smell the people from the below and start capturing it, which they smell different, then Jöhn realized the familiar smell is, he said "Is smell like gasoline but stronger," Akaida said "Really? But were we going to get it," then Jöhn said "I believe the Kalœns has a type of gasoline which is very strong to lure the Holkrovrævun down," Akaida said "But they were very rare to find them," then they saw Kalœns start popping out of nowhere, then Jöhn and Akaida smile at each other, and she said "Let the hunt begins," and they kill hundreds of Kalœns. Meanwhile, Sakaragi still punching the Nûlls and later Sîpers when she releases a barrier around her and the hostages, and she notices the Holkrovrævun began to father away the city, and she said "Where's Jöhn and Akaida, why they're taking so long?" as Jöhn and Akaida kill bunch of Kalœns, and drop off many weird liquid gasoline buckets? She asked "Wait, why that gasoline with a brand name called 'Schelp'?" Jöhn replied "I don't know maybe is a similar gas brand from my dimension, come on let's pour it on the floor," and they did, and the Holkrovrævun turn back to the city and smell the gasoline. As the big bird began to closer to smell the gasoline, Jöhn and Akaida jump out to the roof and start slice downward which they cut head and the torso. As the bird before the disintegration, Sakaragi landed on the floor which she said "That's a cool idea, you guys," Akaida said "Thank you, because that is a very fun hunt," Jöhn said "It is, but you Sakaragi; you are awesome, riding the Holkrovrævun higher up to the sky, that is insane," Sakaragi said "Thank you, but come on let's free the hostages," as they free the hostages, and the bird disintegrate.

After the bird disintegrates, a hulking man with a wide upper body approach at them. He is much taller and larger than normal angel-like monks. He has thick, short eyebrows, short hair, and rounded features. Like other angel-like monks, he has small rabbit ears on his head which he asked "You guys are not around here?" Jöhn said "No we just exploring the city finding something," then he said "I think I know you guys," Akaida asked "Uhm… what do you mean?" then he said "You have special power which you can destroyed those unknown creatures, you young girl with many eyes can dodged very quickly than any species on earth, and you lady; you have many limbs that you can jump high place, and punch the those monster while you were riding," Jöhn said "Well thank you," then a male voice heard in the distance "Cicada, why you step aside and do the talk?" he said "Yes, my prince," then they saw a man walk down to the main road and saw him, which Akaida asked "Jöhn, who is that?" he replied "I don't know, but I know him from one of my dream," then the man stops "Welcome to the moon, my name is Prince Aechmea ruler of the 7 moons, so please tell us your names," then they introduce "My name is Jöhn Bhrams Christogale, we are travellers from the distant universe, and this is my friends" "Hi I'm Akaida Mytovas Køskyoschadaya, and I always by his side as my friend,(ᲒɯᲒ)" Cicada said "Cute…" then she said "Sakaragi Ochtsuita, helper partner, and friend of Jöhn, nice to meet you," then Aechmea said "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi, we're sorry that we have the same encountered the one of the unknown creatures in this world," Jöhn said "Is okay, you're not the only ones who experience that," as Aechmea look at Jöhn's face, he started to familiarized "Have we met?" Jöhn replied "I was asking the same thing, you're the man came from my dream," he said "Yes, it is," Akaida shook "Okay when you guys met?" he said "I have absolutely no idea, I was being attack the Lunarians, kidnap me, taken me to the moon, and I met him; but in reality, I was waking up, on same grass," Cicada said "Wait is that you, the one you attack many Lunarians?" Jöhn said "Yeah… Sakaragi asked "Wait a minute I'm confused, what the hell happened on the fight?" Cicada replied "The truth is, Jöhn attack the Lunarians, they were scared at you that you kill dozen—no 50 or more, so we knock you down with an arrow on your head, and they ran away any chance; that's what they said," Jöhn said "But you take me away to the moon, I saw it on my own eyes" then a man with a disheveled-messy-short with a goatee wearing his lab coat came in, and he said "You were dreaming…" Aechmea said "Barbata," he explained "They shoot you to the head with a sleeping arrow, which is temporary effect that only last for few hours of sleep," Sakaragi said "I see, is all make sense," then Akaida asked "But Jöhn, do you communicate to the prince?" he said "I think it is," Aechmea said "Hmm… now is all settle this kind of argument, anyways you guys are tired aren't you," he said "Well yes we're very tired," Akaida said "And hungry, because we didn't eat lunch," Sakaragi said "Yeah, and we kind of thirsty for some reason," then Aechmea said "Well is your lucky day, come to my palace, and we got everything to provide for you," then he said "Thank you," then Aechmea said "Come on, the sun is going down," Jöhn look at his phone "But it's noon on the clock," Barbata said "Well the planets have its own time so get use of it," Akaida said "Oh that's nice," and they head to his palace.

When they arrived at the palace, the place is all white, the furniture is white, they have a big ceiling, big windows and curtain, and it has a swimming pool which looks like a modern contemporary home but bigger like a skyscraper. Then he said "Nice place you got there," Aechmea said "Thank you, but please make yourself at home," Jöhn said "Thank you," Aechmea said "Barbata, Cicada you may leave," Barbata said "As you wish, my prince," then Cicada said "Yes, my prince," and they leave. Akaida sigh "This place looks boring to me, it's so fancy and restricted," Aechmea said "You can do whatever you want," Akaida asked "Really? Like anything," he said "Yes do whatever you want," "Yes ÒwÓ," Akaida runs, jumps, dive, and swim to the pool which they reacted. Sakaragi said "Akaida what are you doing?" she said "What I never been so much fun in my life," Sakaragi said "For now?" she said "Yes," then Aechmea said "Is okay there is no one use that pool for over a thousand years, except one was using it," Jöhn said "Really, there is it the Admirabilis?" Aechmea said "No the Admirabilis were snooped around the surface of the moon," then Sakaragi said "Wait a sec Jöhn, how did you know there's Admirabilis in the moon?" Jöhn replied "Well is memory from the dream is flowing it back, and what I remember, Prince Aechmea, and the humanoid-like living on the moon, they're Moon People or should I say Lunarians," Sakaragi and Akaida reacted, which Aechmea said "So you figure it out," Jöhn said "Well I already knew in the beginning," then Sakaragi pulled out her weapon "Why did you kidnap the gems and the Admirabilis?" then he explained. Jöhn said "So you crushed them?" Aechmea said "To make Kongo change his mind, you remember back in the interstellar mind?" he said "You mean the dream," he said "Yes, which is why the world is incomplete, and I need him to restore the humanity," Sakaragi said "But if we help you, the timeline will change the course of history," Jöhn said "What do you mean," then she explained "One of our members break the timeline of the dimensions, destroyed which how exposed the dimension is, the more Dimension Errors attract, which is why the members executed in the between-worlds," Jöhn said "When did you heard that," Sakaragi said "At the library before you awake," Akaida said "Wait really?" she said "Yes, I found this document at one of the shelves where Alexandrite hid it, she won't read it because is written on English," she passes the scroll to Jöhn and Akaida, they read it, and he said "Yikes, but I have concerned, why did you keep that scroll?" she replied "I don't know, maybe I didn't remind that," Akaida said "Really? Like you almost forget," Akaida said "Almost to forget that until Prince Aechmea remind me," Jöhn sigh "Okay fine, thanks for that information," Sakaragi said "Your welcome," Aechmea said "Woah, what an explanation," Jöhn said "Yeah but we can help you some related dimension threats, or some minor problems here on the moon, were the pros around here," then Aechmea said "Well good luck with that, some chores around the moon is much harder than you thought," Akaida said "We can take some hard quest," he said "Well that's what you said, we'll okay; but first…he stand up "Come to the dining table; dinner is ready to serve,��� Sakaragi said "Thank you Prince," he said "Please call me Aechmea, only the Lunarians only call me Prince," Jöhn said "Okay Aechmea," he said "You're welcome, come to the dining table," and they head to dining area.

They saw the food was very different, it looks like they trying to imitate the human food but it's all white; the utensils were very moon design especially the spoon which looks like a Spork but is a BBQ stick. When Akaida and Sakaragi concerned about this, Jöhn took a bit first, and when he tastes it, is exactly the same taste as the human food; Akaida and Sakaragi followed and they enjoyed the delicious dinner. Aechmea asked "So what do you think?" Jöhn said "Is good but, how in the world did you imitate the human food, you never seen a human food before," Aechmea said "Well it's not a human food, what you see is different type of minerals called Lunar Clay," Sakaragi said "Lunar clay, but clay can be poison to the humans," he said "No this type of clay came from the lower ground of the moon, filled with rich vitamins and it can morph anything what you were seeing, and it crate flavour when you eating," Akaida said "Wow," then he added "And also, is the only food source in the entire 7 moons," Sakaragi said "Oh that's interesting," then Akaida asked "But where did you get that water," Aechmea said "Well this is a very long story," Jöhn said "What do you mean?" then Aechmea said "Before how we get the water, there's a being who just like you saving our city from the creatures you encountered, and he/she explained everything about the dimensions," Sakaragi said "So you knew Sanatonio Ripal after he explained it," he said "Yes, but not mostly everything about dimensions, it didn't mention the exposed multi-verse, time differences, and his mission, but it's a very long time, and I never seen him/her again," Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi look at Aechmea, which he's pretty sad, which Jöhn said "Well I can explained everything about the dimensions," Aechmea said "Really?" Akaida said "Well not all of it," Sakaragi said "We still searching the truth until now," Aechmea said "Is okay, as long as you know the knowledge of dimensions," and he explained everything, while they were eating. After they explained everything to Aechmea "we'll I think already enough for me to understand about the dimensions, thank you," he said "Your welcome," after they finished dinner, Aechmea snaps his fingers and the empty plates disappeared like dust, which he said "It's getting late, your beds are at the top floor of the palace you may rest here," Akaida said "Thank you Aechmea, your kindness very grateful," he said "You too…" as he looking Akaida's face "… huh, Cicada's right, you're very cute," Akaida shocked when she blushed "What?" then Sakaragi said "Okay Aechmea, let us rest for tomorrow for now, and the words you said is kind of creepy," he said "Oh sorry about that, I'm always honest for real," Akaida said "Okay…" and they head to the bedroom.

As Jöhn going to follow them, Aechmea said "Jöhn," he asked "Yeah?" as he approaches closer, he said "When you guys wake up, meet me at the gate, where you can find Sanatonio's clues behind in our moon, I will be waiting for you guys," Jöhn asked "Are you sure?" he replied "Yes, I'm always a honest person," he nodded and heading to the bedroom. When he arrived at the door of their room, he saw Sakaragi and Akaida were waiting to him, as he approaches them Sakaragi said "Jöhn finally you're here, why you took you so long?" he said "Sorry, I'm kind of lost in this place, it has many rooms both vertical and horizontally at the same time," Akaida said "Yeah, is like a maze but many floor," he said "That's what I am thinking, and is fun," they laughed, then Sakaragi said "Well at least you're here come on, can't wait to see the room," and she opened the door they saw a big window next to 3 huge white beds, a balcony to see the view of the city, and a desk which pair no reasons. Akaida said "Wow, this place looks more modernism of rich," Sakaragi said "Yeah is much more simplistic than I remember," then Jöhn said "Yeah, kind of reminds me one of the 5-star hotel room, but I see enough," when they change into pajamas (which they lay on each bed), Akaida jumped and landed on the bed which she sighs "Oh my goodness, this bed is the softest thing in my whole life," Sakaragi said "Really?" she said "Yeah, it makes my body goes melt," Jöhn said, "Yeah but don't stay you might get…" Akaida start snoring "… sleepy," Sakaragi sigh "This kid kinds of reminds me of my sister," Jöhn said "Mizunakodatchi?" she said "Yes my sister Mizunakodatchi, Akaida and my sister have very similar to her personality, her smile, and her feeling, like she really looks like my sister but, she's not same as appearance, as Mizunakodatchi," then Jöhn thinking "We'll Akaida parent's died by protecting by the evens because she's the odd, and then followed her relatives died. When I saw her for the first time, she was scared and afraid to her surroundings, left her alone in an empty cabin in a middle of the forest, wishing to die, but I save her from her dark side, and I gave her a purpose; a chance to fight the fear what she gives in. But right now she changes, she has many friends, she's not alone, and experience new things until to this day," Sakaragi said "That is the most inspiring thing you said," Jöhn said "Really? Thank you," then she said "But you almost graduation right," he said "Well yeah, but I don't how many days is pass on right now because the dimensions can change time when I hop on," she said "Yeah, is getting late we need to sleep," he said "Wow the time of moon is very fast," Sakaragi said "I know right," and they sleep on their beds, and Sakaragi said "Goodnight Jöhn," he said "Goodnight Sakaragi," then Akaida said "Gudnighe~ ー(  ̄▽ )_," they laugh and they head back to sleep.

The sunrise up when the sun rays hit Jöhn's eyes, he opened it he said "What?" then he checks his phone and is 3:00 am "Really? Is morning already?" He sighs, so he closes the curtains and sleep for 4 hours. When Jöhn wake up after 4 hours, he went outside the balcony and is ready noon. He notices the sky is dark and the stars still appearing even the sun appears, he also saw the earth still shines to this day. Then Akaida woke up and saw Jöhn leaning on the balcony, when Akaida approach him, leaning the balcony next to him, she said "Is a very beautiful bizarre world we live in," he said "Your right Akaida, this place is very bizarre; is kind of reminds a desert in Nevada," she asked "Nevada?" he said "Is a place in the country called United States of America, in my home dimension," Akaida asked "Have you been in Nevada?" he replied "No, but my cousin send photo where he travels around the country with his parents," Akaida said "Oh that's nice," then he said "Yeah but I never met my cousin, in my whole life but my father knows about them," Akaida said "Yeah, I wish you could meet them," he smiles. Then Sakaragi woke up in her bed, saw Jöhn and Akaida watching the landscape outside of the balcony when she approached them "Hey guys, what are you looking at?" Akaida said "Oh nothing, we were just watching the view of the city," then she leans next to Jöhn and she said "Is so beautiful," Jöhn said "Yeah, I wish I wanted to stay a little longer," Akaida said "But we been here for so long, and we spend for the last 10 years?" then Jöhn said "I know but your right, time is running out we have to keep moving forward," then Sakaragi said "But we didn't find the fragment and the transporter, even we help each other," Jöhn said "Don't worry, Aechmea knows it," Akaida said "Really?" he replied "Yeah he said we'll meet him at the entrance of the gate, which we can follow him to the destination which is dangerous for the Lunarians," Akaida said "I'm down with that?" Sakaragi asked "Is it dangerous?" he said "According to him, is much more dangerous than any 3 existence people in this dimension," Sakaragi said "Yeah let's do this," then something is knocking at the door. As Jöhn approach the door, he opened it, and saw 2 Lunarian, which Jöhn asked "Uhm, hello what is it?" the Lunarian replied "We were Room service from Prince Aechmea, would you like some breakfast," Akaida shocked "Really, what type of service?" then the other Lunarian replied "We have breakfast section, seafood section, and other food section, is a food buffet," Sakaragi asked "Uhm… what is food buffet?" he replied "Which means is an Eat-all-you-can style service, which you can pick any food whatever you want with no charges," Akaida said "What?" then he said "Sure we'll meet you there," then the Lunarian said "Thank you very much," they bow and they leave, then Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi change their normal outfit, head downstairs, and saw the buffet; they all drooling in their mind, which Jöhn said "Remember, don't get full enough, or we will get tired after that," Akaida and Sakaragi nodded and they eat the Breakfast Buffet.

When they got out of the palace, they arrived at the entrance gate of the city, they saw Aechmea waiting to them, then he said "So you're late," he said "Sorry were not kind to use the time in the moon here," Aechmea said "It's okay you get used to it," as Aechmea looked at the 3 of them, he said "So are you ready to leave?" Jöhn said "Hmm… I don't know, is it a long journey?" he replied "Yes, is a long journey," then Jöhn talk to Akaida and Sakaragi "Akaida what do you got?" she said "Well I have water, snacks, and a medkit on my bag which is kind of handy for in-case of emergency," he said "What about you?" Sakaragi said "Me well, I only just got water on my canteen, but I don't eat many snacks, just a plenty," then Akaida asked "And you," he said "I got my water bottle, my journal, and phone," Sakaragi said "Looks like you're the same as me," he said "Thanks, is for maintain my diet," then Jöhn said to Aechmea, "I think we're ready to go," then he said "Great now let's go, I will take you to the most remote place of the moon," Akaida said "Okay," then they followed Aechmea to the other side of the moon. While they were walking, Akaida saw the Admirabilis sea-slug form moved around freely, "Jöhn looks, those sea-slugs were eating the ground" as he said "Wow that's cool… but I have so many questions (Jöhn's internal dialogue)," then the moon surface became darker and darker as they walk away to the sun until they finally arrived to a strange structure. When they stop, Aechmea turn back to them he said "Well here we are, this is the far I can go when entered this structure there is no turning back," Jöhn asked "Does the other Lunarians entered the place," he replied "No, but we feel the presence of evil, like our body began to drift away back to our location," he said "I see…" when they approach the structure, Sakaragi said "That is so huge, is like a stadium," Akaida said "Yeah no wonder why the moon is always face to the earth," Jöhn said "I don't know, but it has mystery behind it, Come on we have to find what we looking for," Akaida said "Right (・`ω´・)" and Sakaragi nodded, as they entered the structure, Jöhn said "See you at the other side," Aechmea said "You too guys, and good luck," and they entered.

When they were inside the structure, it is huge; it is like has a combination of Greek and Roman architect on it but with cobblestone floors, random pillars, walls, and fountains, and it's overgrown in this place. When they walk in this place, Akaida asked "Why they were scared this place?" Sakaragi replied "I don't know, but I feel something wrong in place," Jöhn said "Your right, we have to keep an eye out," Akaida "Okay ( `ε´ )," when they continued walking, Akaida felt tired "We been walking for hours," Sakaragi said "Yeah I been seen that same vine for a hundred times," then Jöhn stop "Wait this is wrong," Sakaragi asked "What is it," he said "My compass on my phone is not working, is the only navigation tool that uses it, which it places in the wrong north," Akaida asked "So where's the true north?" he replied "I don't know, but we have to get deeper to the maze, with no any navigation we using," Sakaragi asked "Are sure," he said "Yes, trust your instinct," and they walk. They walk for another hour until, they found an altar at the center of the structure, which was designed like one of the dimension temples. When they approach the altar, they look at the top of the altar; Sakaragi said "Is that a full map of the structure?" Jöhn said ��I think it is," Akaida said, "Hmm… it looks like a picture but is not match," Jöhn said "Your right, instead a spinning dial from the ocean we only get a tile puzzle," Sakaragi said "Jöhn look, that glowing one I think is us, and is not moveable like the other tile," Jöhn realized which he said "Your right, I think the tile is rooms," Akaida said "Rooms?" he explained "Each room as is own tiles, so when I move the tiles…" then they heard moving in the distance, Akaida said, "What was that?" then Sakaragi realized "The room moves," Jöhn said "Yep," after it moves, Akaida saw a one tile which it don't move like in the center glows a yellowish tint, she said "Jöhn look, this is where we going," Jöhn said "Okay I think we found the goal, let's do this," Akaida and Sakaragi said "Okay (・`ω´・)," and they do the puzzle.

After they finish the puzzle, the rooms are now given the pathway, when they entered the destination, is beautiful. It has a platform made out of moonstone, water around it in a circle shape, and a light shines on the platform. At the center of the platform, they saw a dimension fragment, which it floats, Jöhn said "I think we found it," Akaida said "Yeah is worth it," Sakaragi said "Make sure is a trap right," Jöhn said "Who knows, come on let's get it," when they approach the fragment, and grabs it, nothing happens, and when Jöhn holding the fragment he said "Well I think the job's done," Akaida said "Finally we can finally head back to earth," Sakaragi asked "The question is how?" then they think until something came on the entrance of the room. The girl said "Hey! What are you doing with that fragment?" They look at her and Jöhn said "Xilemma," she said "We met again, now give me the dimension fragment or nobody gets hurt," Akaida said "How about no, you can't get that dimension fragment, is a key to all of it," Xilemma said "Well if you don't give me the dimension fragment, I will literary destroy all of you that what you done," Sakaragi said "We were not letting using that," Xilemma said "I know I guess you have no choice," then Jöhn said "Really, you really want to revenge at us? Seriously, your brother is very corrupted in his mind, and she wanted to kill everyone in every dimension, do you understand," then she shouted "NO! I WILL NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING OR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! HE'S MY BROTHER AND I DON'T CARE HE'S CORRUPTED, HE'S MY ONLY FAMILY I HAD! AND NOW I WILL DRAG ALL OF YOU TO DEPTHS OF THE ABYSS!" then she screams than any metallic glass in any universe, which Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi covered their ears until she summons the Dimension Errors, and she summons the portal "You have 72 hours before I destroyed this universe," Xilemma laughs and she leaves at the portal, and the battle begins. While they were fighting, Akaida "I can't believe that girl almost destroyed my eardrums," Jöhn said "I okay, were going to get her," Sakaragi said "Yah, next time knock her out," Jöhn said "Yeah, come on let's finished those monsters" and they continued fighting.

After they defeat the Dimension Errors, they got out of the structure, then they saw Aechmea which he asked "So did you found it?" he replied "Yeah," he sighs, Aechmea asked "I heard screaming at the structure, what happened?" Akaida said "Well there's a "villain" which they planning to destroy your dimension," Sakaragi said "And we 68 hours left to destroyed your whole universe," Aechmea said "Oh my, this is a serious threat," then Jöhn said "Is there's a way to reach the earth," he said "Yes, we can ride one of our pod which I use for kidnapping the gem," then they were like (¬_¬;), the Aechmea said "Yeah sorry about that, but it takes 5 to get there… I think…," Sakaragi asked "Are you really sure?" Aechmea said "I don't know, one of the pods has the fastest time in all centuries is 4.59 days which I the most recorded time," Akaida said "Were doomed," she sighed, then Aechmea said "Unless there's a way, follow me," then they followed. When they arrived, they saw strange cannon which is not related by any moon architects, but it looks like it has a fork with rubber on it, which Aechmea explained "While Sanatonio Ripal was stranding at the moon, he/she find way go back to the earth, so he/she built this; using moonstone, and the technology what we using put it here; when he/she said goodbye to me, he rides on between the "fork" pulled farther, and release away to the earth," When they approach the piece of technology, Sakaragi said "Is that a sling-shot?" Jöhn said "Yep, but it's literary mixed with traditional and technological stuff on it," Akaida said "That looks so cool, I wanted to ride it," Jöhn said "Yeah can't wait to go back home…" then Jöhn talk to Aechmea "… I guess this is goodbye," he said "Is okay, you spend enough on the moon, now go! Your mission is running out of time," they nodded, when they ride on the rubber, they pulled and aim on the earth, which Sakaragi said "Are you guys ready?" then Cicada and Barbata came that they said "Hey guys," then Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi sling-shot them and sent back to earth; Cicada said "Prince why did you leave us," then Aechmea said "Don't worry, they left a note for you guys," Barbata said "Really, thank you my prince," he and they head back to the palace.

On earth when the sun is rising up to the sky, 3 beams fell down to the sky and landed on the ocean. As the beams disappeared in the ocean, Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi began to awake, and swim up to the ocean. When they got out of the ocean, Jöhn asked "Are you guys alright?" Akaida said "Yeah, but the ocean is very cold," he said "Just hold on it," Sakaragi asked "Jöhn, how long we been to travel from the moon to the earth?" he replied "I don't know, but we need to get out of the ocean, Akaida is starting to freeze to death," she shivered "Y-yeah…" as she looked around "Jöhn, Sakaragi look…" as she points at the distance "… land!" As they look, they saw it, and Jöhn's seeing distance, they saw the school, he said "Your right, come on let's swim," Sakaragi said "Jöhn, Akaida can't swim to the shore, her body felt tired and cold," then Jöhn said "Akaida grab my back," she grabs his back, then he said "Sakaragi, guide me to the shores," she replied "Got," then they swim. Phos is picking some shells on the shores while Diamond and Bort watching 'her', then Bort said "Come on Diamond, let's go back to work," then Dia refused "No, I wanted to help Phos what 'her' doing," then 'she' said "But look at 'her', Sensei didn't give 'her' a job, 'she' is just clumsy than any gems like us," Dia said "I don't care 'she's clumsy, I just want empathy on 'her' that's all," then Bort sigh "Fine, you can help 'her' what's 'she's doing," Dia said "Really? Thank you," then 'she' added "Make sure don't stay too long, Sensei will look for 'her', do you remember what happened when Sensei saw Phos and Zircon?" Dia said "But Zircon didn't nothing wrong on 'her'," Bort said "Who knows, but I'm please you have to go back," and Bort leaves. Diamond approaches Phos, which she said "May I help you with that," then Phos look at 'her' and 'she' said "Diamond, what are you doing here? I thought you go with Bort doing some jobs," 'she' said "Is okay, Bort let me help you what you're doing," Phos said "Really, that so nice…" Diamond said "Yeah, but it will fade 'her' kindness when the time pass-by," Phos said "You can say that again," when Dia saw Phos what 'she's doing, she asked "What are you doing exactly?" 'She' replied "I'm going to build a sandcastle," Dia said "Sandcastle?" then Phos asked "Oh you didn't know a sandcastle?" Dia said "No, never heard of it," Pho said "Well it's easy; you take a structure like this, then you put some decorations like the shells and ta-da," then Diamond reacted "What, that's so cute," Phos said "Thank you, Akaida taught me how to make a castle," Dia asked "Really?" 'She' replied "Yeah, before Jöhn and Sakaragi went for a coma in 5-10 years, Akaida was very lonely like me; she met me, and asking what I'm doing in my life? And I replied I sleep because I'm jobless, so she decided to build a sandcastle for the rest in 10 years," Dia said "Wow, I wish you I want to be a jobless but, I'm the strongest gem which is why they choose me," Pho sigh "I wish you be like me," then they smile. Then something comes out of the ocean when they saw them which Phos said "Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi," then he said "Hey we're back," then Dia saw Jöhn lift Akaida at the back "What happened to her?" Jöhn said "She's sick," Phos asked "Sick? What's that?" Sakaragi said "No time to explained, where is Sensei?" then Bort came "Okay what's going on—Oh, you guys are back," then Phos said "Bort can talk to sensei?" 'She' replied "Yes, why?" Dia said "Akaida's feel 'sick'," then 'she' asked "What is sick?" Jöhn sigh "There is no time," then 'she' said "Okay, I will call him," as Bort heading to the school, Phos said "I'm glad you guys are back," Sakaragi said "You too Phos," she smiled. Then Dia asked "What happened to her?" he replied "She's getting cold, and feel sick, so we'll bring her to the school," Phos said "Right, Dia let's go, we'll take you there," Sakaragi said "Thank you," Dia said "You're welcome," and they head to the school.

While they were walking, Jöhn and Sakaragi were behind at Phos and Dia; she asked "So how long we reach down to the earth?" Jöhn checks the date and time of the phone, and he said "Is been 2 days," Sakaragi said "So we only have 24 hours left before the universe is destroyed," Jöhn said "Yeah, and we have to hurry," as they walk at the same line as Phos and Dia, she asked "So where have you been?" Jöhn replied "Well you know Phos, we travel around the world finding what we been looking for and we found this," he showed the floating fragment from his hands, and then Phos asked "Oooh, what is that?" Sakaragi replied "Is a dimension fragment, which it acts a key to another dimension," Dia said "Wait really," Jöhn said "Yeah but keep it as a secret," Phos said "Got it," as they arrived at the school, Sensei saw them. As they approach him, Jöhn said "Hey sensei," he said "Welcome back, how's the journey?" Sakaragi said "Not quite, we been walking around the earth and—," as Sakaragi saw Jöhn's shocked she's attempt the word "We were just tired until we found what are we looking for," Adamant said "That's great, wait what happened to Akaida?" Jöhn explained "She's sick, and we need to cure her sickness," when Adamant check Akaida's forehead, he said "You're right, go to Rutile's clinic, 'she'll take care Akaida to rest," Sakaragi said "Thank you sensei," he said "Anytime," Phos asked "Guys, can I come," he said "Sure, what about you Dia?" 'She' replied "No I have to go back to work with Bort, you guys go without me," Phos said "Well see you later, come on Jöhn, let's take her to the clinic," and they were going. When Jöhn put Akaida on the bed, Rutile asked "So what's happened to her?" he replied "She's has a fever, she felt cold and sick," Rutile said "I see…" as Rutile analyzed Akaida's condition, she asked "So how's the journey the 3 of you?" Jöhn replied "Well is rough like traveling with 3 different climates," Rutile said "Oh that's nice," Sakaragi said "Yeah but is kind of boring but we finally pay off at the moment," 'she' said "Just like Phos," then Phos said "Hey that's rude Quack doc," then Rutile said "If call me Quack doc one more time, I will hit you with this hammer just like what happened to Jade," Phos said "Please no I'm begging you, I will never call you again," then Rutile back to work, then Phos whispers Jöhn and Sakaragi "I still call 'her' Quack doc," they smile. Stand up "This is strange, it is much beyond than my knowledge and understanding, I think I have written it down," then Adamant came "You don't need to write it down," Rutile said "Sensei, but I have to report right away" then he said "Is okay, I will check Akaida's condition; Jöhn go find my tools, at the library," he asked "Where I can find it?" Adamant explained "Is at the library, Ghost-quartz knows it; Rutile goes with Jöhn," 'she' said "Okay…" then 'she' asked Jöhn "… So are you ready?" he replied "Yes…" then he said to her "Sakaragi, look out for Akaida when we were gone," Sakaragi nodded, and Jöhn and Rutile heading to the library.

While they were walking to the library, Obsidian running to the opposite way, panic by something chasing, Rutile asked "Obsidian what's going on," 'she' replied "The creatures! They're here in the school!" Jöhn said "What?!" and they saw what behind of Obsidian, Dimension Errors, Nûlls, Flÿers, Dïgrs, and Maze Dwellers chasing 'her'. Jöhn said "Seriously?" Rutile said "Don't worry we can handle them," he asked "But you're a doctor," 'she' said "I am more of a doctor, Obsidian! Give me my knives," then Obsidian throws the knives to 'her' then as Obsidian passes Jöhn and Rutile she said "Go kick their butt," then Rutile said "Okay, ready Jöhn?" he said "Ready whatever be," and the fight begins. Meanwhile, Adamant check Akaida's fever, which he said "This much more complicated than I thought," Sakaragi asked "What do you mean?" he explained "Unique bodies are most complicated machine in the whole universe; I'm a machine but I'm not closer like you, but I need the tools to further the analysis, and what needs," Sakaragi said "I see, but is there's a possibility to cure her?" he said "I can, but what's the resources needed," then Sakaragi felt down. Then Phos came and 'she' said "Hey don't worry about your friend, cheer up; I hope your friend Jöhn and Quack doc will get the tools for Sensei, there be back," she said "Yeah," she nodded; Jöhn and Rutile still fight the Dimension Errors, which Rutile said "Huh, your sword fighting skill are incredible," Jöhn said "Thanks, but you have knives, which is crazy to do that," Rutile said "Hey, we both are," and they Dimension Errors disintegrate, then Rutile said "Come on, let's get the tool for sensei," he nodded "Right," and then they head to the library.

When they arrived at the library, Ghost Quartz was reading and saw them, she asked "Rutile, Jöhn what brings you here?" she replied "Did you know where's Sensei tools?" Ghost said "Tools? I think is somewhere in this self which I don't know where I am placing it," then Rutile said "Well this is going to take forever to find that tools," then Jöhn had an idea "Wait, I think I got it," he used his dimensional vision, to detect, and he found something glowing, at the end of the library, then Jöhn said "I think I found it," Ghost said "Woah are you sure about that?" he said "Yeah," Rutile said "Come on let's get it," then he saw an object going to hit 'her', he rushed in and he said "Rutile look out!" he jumps and grab Rutile before 'she' got hit," Ghost asked "Are you alright?" Rutile replied "Yeah, what's going on?" as they look they saw something bizarre, Jöhn said "Those floating book trying hit us," Rutile asked "Is this something to do with sensei?" he replied "No, this is the dimensional anomaly which it began make things worse; Come on, let's get that tools," Ghost start concerning "Uhm guys, are you sure about that," Rutile said "Don't worry about us, we're professional about this," he said "We are?" then 'she' said "I don't know, let's go," he sighed, and rushed to the tools. While they were running to get the tools, they dodge the books many times, from paper to portfolio to books, to big books, to dictionary, to a series of encyclopedias, and a bookshelves itself, and they dodge it, except Rutile got hit her arm, and she said "I'm fine," when they got the tools, all of the floating books fell to the ground, then Alexandrite came and 'she' asked "What the hell happened? And happened to your arm?" Rutile said "Don't worry I can fix it," then Alex said "Jöhn explained here," he said "Don't worry, everything is under control, were bringing the tools to Sensei to cure my friend," Rutile said "And also is the dimensional anomalies trying to hit," Alex said "Is it real?" Ghost replied "Yes I seen it in my own eyes," then Alex sigh "You know what fine, take the tools, and just heading to sensei if he needs it," Jöhn said "Thank you," then they leave, when Ghost asked "Are you were going to fix the library?" then Alexandrite pulled out the carpenter tools, and she said "Hey sticks and gems don't break my stones, come on let's fix it," and they fix the library with a help of the other gems.

When Jöhn and Rutile arrived at the clinic, Adamant, Sakaragi, and Phos saw them with bruises, and Rutile broken arm, Phos asked "What happened to you guys?" Jöhn replied "Well… dimension errors have been popping out of nowhere," Sakaragi said "Really, did someone set the alarm?" Rutile said "No, but the school began started to weird out; even Obsidian trying rang the bell, it don��t make the sound," Sensei said "This is getting worse, Jöhn, Rutile did you have it?" they replied "Yeah," and they pass the tools to him. After sensei check on her, he said to Jöhn and Akaida "Akaida has a flu, she needs a special type of plants the instantly cure her," Sakaragi said "But outside of the school is nothing but grass," then he said "They're more than just grass, Yellow Diamond knows where the place is," Jöhn said "Is that it?" he said "Yes, that is all?" Sakaragi said "So what kind of plants what are we looking for?" Sensei said "Is called a Xanubartos Mycezilium which is looks like this," sensei gave the picture which looks like a yellow rose but in an arabesque pattern, and he gives to them, Jöhn said "That is the most interesting flower design I've ever seen in my entire life," Sakaragi said "It is and is beautiful…" then she bows at him "Thank you sensei, Jöhn let's go," he replied "Right, and also take care for her," he nodded, and they leave, then Phos asked "Sensei can I help?" he replied "Sure, you can help with Quack doc," Rutile reacted "Hey that's not nice Sensei," Phos said "Heh, Quack doc," 'she' said "Oh come on,". When they talk to Yellow Diamond, 'she' asked "Wait, are you sure?" Jöhn said "Yes, and we need her to cure her," then Yellow said "Okay follow me," Sakaragi said "Thank you Yellow Dia," 'she' said "Anytime," and she smiles, and heading to the destination. When they reached the place, they got reacted and Sakaragi asked "Wow, so this place is a forest?" 'She' replied "Yes," "It's so beautiful," Yellow Dia said "Yeah, this was I relax all the time," Jöhn said "Really?" 'She' said "Yeah, Phos and I wandered this place; it has a warm yellowish feeling but sweetened and relaxed all over my body," Jöhn look up the leaves and he said "Yeah is so relaxed," as they deep down to the forest, Sakaragi saw the flower "Jöhn I found it," and they saw the Xanubartos Mycezilium. Jöhn said "Come on, let's pick up the flowers," Yellow Dia said "Let me help you," Sakaragi said "Sure," and they help. After they pick dozens of flowers, Jöhn said "I think that's enough, put it inside the dimensional pocket, let's go back," they nodded. As they go back, Dimension Errors popping out of nowhere, Yellow Dia said "What these creature," Sakaragi said "Jöhn what now?" he said "I guess we fight one of them," they pulled out their weapon and the fight begins.

Sakaragi rush in and punch the Nûlls, and the Maze Dweller, the Sîpers and Østers aim and fire Jöhn and Yellow Diamond with their projectile attacks, Jöhn dodge the bullets and arrows, while Yellow Diamond deflecting it, then Jöhn slide dash the enemy, and makes a brute attack them, then Yellow Diamond use 'her' sword to slice them. Then many Dïgrs are coming to their way, which Sakaragi had a plan, she said "Jöhn teamwork!" he said ���Okay!" he smiled, while Yellow asked "Uhm what's teamwork?" he replied "You see; Sakaragi now!" she shoots Ice Dust at her gauntlet, freezing the Dïgrs when the coming out of the ground, then Jöhn said "Yellow, let's slice those fat ones," then 'she' said "Okay," and they rushed, and cut all of the Dïgrs, disintegrate to the air. After the fight, the terrain shifted by the Dïgrs, now most of the ground around the forest is sinking under 50 meters (164.042 feet) high, leaving the stones stays on the same height, and they were stranded one of the stones. Jöhn apologized "Sorry about your forest," she said "Is okay, I can use it around the new terrain; since it is new, I have new experience about this," Sakaragi said "That's cool but, how do get down here?" Yellow Diamond "I don't know, these rock has mostly had smooth walls around so there's no way we can't go down," as Jöhn look to the tree branches, which he had an idea, "Guys can you tree hopping?�� he asked, they said "Yeah, why?" he explained "We can jump one of each branch, and jumped to the other side," as Yellow's thinking, 'she' accepted "Yeah let's do it," and proceed tree hopping. Jöhn, Sakaragi, and Yellow Diamond hopping every each branch, until Sakaragi almost about to because of her many feet, until Jöhn and Yellow save her she said "Thank you," and he said "Anytime," and they continued hopping. When they got out of the forest, Jöhn said "What a bizarre forest," Sakaragi said "Your right, I will never coming back to place," then Yellow said "Come on Jöhn, Sakaragi were going to cure your fiend," he said "Right," and they head to the school.

Akaida woke up in the clinic, doesn't know what happened. When she looks right, she saw Adamant packing up his tools, and when she looks at the right, she saw Jöhn, Sakaragi, Phos, Rutile, and Yellow Diamond talking in a conversation. Then Phos saw her "Akaida, you're awake," then she said "Jöhn, Sakaragi?" then Sakaragi toward at her, and hug her, she said "Akaida we miss you," she asked "W-what happened?" Jöhn explained "Well you were sick, so sensei cure you with the flower that we got outside of the school," then Akaida asked "How long I've been sick," Phos replied "About 4 hours of sick," she said "Wow," he said "Yeah, sensei is really good at curing everyone, even Sakaragi, Rutile, Phos and me were working for the cure to reduce the time consuming," Rutile said "And we're making this potion; we don't have the name, but Jöhn suggest name called Ambriosgo, which is sound unique so we take it" then Akaida reacted "Wow is glowing?" Phos said "Yeah, it can be used, as a light sources around the school," Akaida said "I want one," Sakaragi said "Don't worry, Jöhn has zillions of potions on his dimensional pocket," Akaida said "Oh, okay," they laughed, meanwhile Adamant heard they saying he smiled. When Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi said them good-bye, and leaving this "world," so they hug and they will meet them again; and Phos, Rutile, and Yellow Diamond leave the clinic heading to the library and repairs it, Akaida asked "So Jöhn, do you still have the fragment?" he replied "Yeah, I think is time," when they approach Adamant, Sakaragi said "Adamant-sensei I think we're ready to go to the another universe," he replied "I know, and I can see the future that something dearly inside of the 3 of you but I can't understand, you guys are truly ahead of us especially you Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," he replied "Thank you," then Adamant bows at them, and they follow the 3. After they bow, Adamant has his last request "Before you go, can I escort you to the temple," as they look at each other, Jöhn said "Sure, come on let's go," and they head to the entrance of the carved wall.

When they have arrived, Jöhn showed the dimensional fragment right in front of it, and the door is now opened, and they heading downstairs heading to the temple. When they arrived at the temple, Jöhn put the dimensional fragment at the machined, the universe is now backing in peaceful (for now) and then the portal appears. As they approach the portal, Jöhn said "I guess, this is a good-bye," Adamant said "Yes, before you go I wish I wanted give you this," when Adamant give a gift to Jöhn, he reacted "Is that a sword?" he replied "Yes, this sword came from one most first Homo Sapiens in the whole history, they give me this as a gift, to sword for my protection; but this sword is very special one, is the exacted same as the sword you holding on, but this sword has opposite colour, and I will give you this as a reward, for saving my universe from the destruction face on," Then he said "I don't want to say but thank you," Adamant said "Your welcome," then when he approach to the portal, Akaida asked "So what sensei give to you," he said "A sword," Sakaragi said "Really?" he said "Yeah, he said it was his protection, so gave this for me," Sakaragi said "That's so sweet," then he said "Thanks," as they entered the portal, they wave at Adamant, and he said "Bye sensei, make sure this place remains a secret to the outside of this temple," Adamant said "I will," then Akaida said "Make sure I will make surprise for them," and Sakaragi said "We'll meet again when we back," Adamant smile at them "Okay, I promised," and the portal close.

Jöhn, Akaida, and Sakaragi have the longest journey they have in this dimension, and even he named the dimension called "Lustrogemisiga Controluvor Lungson,". But right now, he has to move quickly, because he can't stay so much longer than 10 years.