
Dimension 162 (Part 3)

When they got all entered the door, what they saw is the exact same island, same structures, same terrain but this time the sky turns into orange, the forest turn into a lush warm autumn trees, and the abandoned villages transformed into something big, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy and Carla went surprised because they were on a another world. Natsu said "What in a world are we?" Sakaragi said "I think we're in a same island," Gray said "Yeah, same Island with some many big towers right over the abandon village," Jöhn said "I think they're not towers," then he asked "So what are they?" Jöhn said "I think they are buildings," Erza said "Building, that could it be a city?" Sakaragi said "Possibly; I think this is the place it could be find what we looking for," Akaida said "The dimensional fragment, but this place is more dangerous," Wendy said "Really?" Sakaragi said "Yep, there are more stronger than we expected to," Wendy said "So we have to be careful now," Natsu said "Hey don't worry about that, we stronger than we are," Happy said "He's right, we can do this," Carla said "Yep, for our world…" then Lucy asked "So then, are we going now?" and Jöhn said "Yep, we're going in," and they heading to the city. While they were walking, they pass through the dense forest which the leaves are falling calmly to the ground and it has a colour range from orange to yellow to brown. They felt relaxing while they were walking which Akaida said "It's so beautiful," Jöhn said "Yeah, even the atmosphere is very warm as always like one of the season; hmm… which season as I remember? Fall… Autumn…" Sakaragi said "Hmm… you can said both either the two" he said "Oh yeah thank you for reminded me that," then Lucy asked "Hey Jöhn, have you ever encountered 4 seasons?" Jöhn said "Why?" Wendy said "We wanted to know what your experience during your time," Happy said "Yeah Jöhn tell us," then he said "Well okay I'll tell; so you see guys, I'm always lived in the tropical in my entire life, but when I travelled to many dimension, my experience is went out of the roof like a whole new journey for me so I adventure out. As I travel through the multiverse, most of all of it is all summer," Akaida said "Wait what, you didn't know the experience the seasons?" he said "Well yeah," Sakaragi said "Your lucky; but for us, there's harsh hotness and harsh coldness all year," Jöhn said "I know; but hey, at least I'm going to adapt the environment just like you are," Natsu said "Well you will see," then they arrived the city.

The city was huge, what they saw buildings are so high like they almost higher than the tree itself, roads are more organized than any large cities on Earth Land but the most odd about the city, there's no one living around here, so they decided to explore the place. While they were walking, Gray asked "Where is everybody?" Jöhn said "Well don't know, but what I know is that each Alternitav Universes aren't meant to be exist or not to be exist," Wendy asked "What did you mean to be exist or not to be exist?" Sakaragi said "It means the world is very oddly mysterious and hardly to understand, that is why the concept of dimension is existing," Erza said "Oh, so that what it is," Akaida said "Oh you finally understand?" Lucy said "Well a little but now, I understand that," Jöhn said "That's great!" then Natsu smell something very dangerous. He raised his hand and said "Guys stop," Happy asked "What is it Natsu?" as he sniffed, the smell began to closer which he said "I think something is coming our way," Lucy said "What did you mean? Is just fog and nothing is around" Natsu said "Is just the smell what I felt different than what we encountered," then Jöhn said "Really…" use his dimensional vision to check something, and he saw a girl walking toward us and then he shocked "Natsu's right, pulled out your weapons," Akaida said "How did you know, we can't see anything but fog," he said "Trust me," they were all in a prepared battle stance. They began hear footstep is getting closer and closer to them and then, as the footstep stops, a girl appeared right front of them and then Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi saw her, Xilemma Rixal reveal out of the image. They were on a standoff between the two, which Lucy asked "Uhm, who is that girl?" Jöhn asked "That's Xilemma Rixal, one of the destroyers of multiverse," Wendy said "Why she's so young like me," Akaida said "Don't fool at it, she's literary over a thousand years old than us," Sakaragi said "And her mind is very corrupted during the past many years, and is very dangerous just like Natsu said," he said "Well you can said that again," Lucy said Gray said "I don't think we have choice but to fight her," Erza said "Well she's a girl, but I believe in equality," Wendy said "Your right let's fight her," as they were all in battle, Xilemma laugh out of nowhere "Well this kind of awkward to say at least, so is that a new friend of yours?" Jöhn said "What do you want?" Xilemma said "Well you're the one what I'm looking for right?" Akaida said "But, you're not the one you will go to get the fragment," Xilemma said "Me?" Sakaragi said "Yeah, were going to take you down," Xilemma said "So, you going to fight me, with your new friends? Ha! That would be cheating," then Xilemma snap her finger. As she snaps it, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi feel the breeze from behind and as they look back, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy and Carla are disappeared in the air and they got reacted. Natsu said "Guys!" Akaida got in-shocked "They're gone," Sakaragi said "Disappeared without a traced," then Jöhn speak to Xilemma "What did you do?" she replied "I scattered them throughout the districts of the city, each districts design to be more difficult and more experience than any humans, monster and even gods to do that, because I love equality of course," Sakaragi said "So this place is a kind torture?" she said "Well I preferred call it a playground, but if you want to find them good luck because, while you guys busy, I will going to get the fragment of myself, and I will control this multiverse, so bye-bye," and she opened the portal and entered.

Jöhn said "Hey wait!" Xilemma entered the portal and disappeared in the air. Jöhn said "We have to stop her," Sakaragi said "What about our friends, they're might be killed in anytime," Jöhn said "But do we have a choice?" Sakaragi said "I don't know, Xilemma trying to split us apart, I don't she planning to do," then Akaida got an idea "How about we split up?" Jöhn said "Great idea Akaida, I will go after her by stopping grabbing the dimensional fragment," Sakaragi said "Are you sure about that? Because she knows going to trick you," then Akaida said "Trust me Sakaragi, when Xilemma's brother Manilve almost killed me, he defeated him," Sakaragi said "Woah, I didn't know that," Jöhn said "Yeah, I almost forgot about that," and then suddenly, a Dïgr appeared right behind him and it about to prepared to drill him. Sakaragi reacted "Jöhn look out!" she rushed and pushed the Dïgr out of him and it stunted. As she pushed the creature, an earthquake occurs. The earthquake is so strong that it causes the floor turn into a big ravine which Sakaragi split away from Jöhn and Akaida like about 50 meters away, while the unconscious Dïgr fell down the ravine. Jöhn shout at her on the other side "Sakaragi, are you okay!?" she replied "Yes! I don't think you guys will reach it?" Jöhn pulled out the Kröskjander Pistol aiming to the other side but, it won't work after many times pulling the trigger, even Akaida's grappling hook can't reach that far. Akaida said "Uhm we have a problem! We can reach you to the other side!" Jöhn said "But don't worry, we should go around the ravine while we are saving Fairy Tail gang," Sakaragi look which she decided "I think I have to catch her!" Akaida said "What did you mean?" she said "I think I will stop Xilemma from holding the dimensional fragment," Akaida react "Are you crazy, you'll die there just like her brother what I did," As Jöhn think, he has no choice because there's no way to get across to the other side, so he said "Sakaragi you can go," she said "Really?" he replied "Yeah you can beat her," but Akaida concerned "But Jöhn, are you sure something bad to her just like me?" Jöhn said "But Sakaragi lives longer in the multiverse and she's knows the experience about the dimensions than us," Akaida said "But she can't remember mostly anything," then he explained "Memory is just video imagery, but her instinct is her nature and she can familiarized herself," Akaida said "Your right…" then Akaida shout to her "… Sakaragi, be careful out there," Sakaragi said "But what about you?" she said "Jöhn and I will save them, and don't worry we will fine," Jöhn said "Go Sakaragi, you can do this," Sakaragi said "Okay, I won't let you down," and they trusting each other as friends, and they started split at their ways.

Jöhn and Akaida starting saving the Fairy Tail gang, each districts of the city, are very tough. It has obstacles which they were not design for humans but lucky for them, Jöhn's powers are capable to passed the objects, while Akaida's eyes have a very strong sense, she can predict the upcoming hit, so they can passed it. As they arrived at the prison area, Jöhn and Akaida saw the first prisoner Lucy. She wakes up, and she got confused "What the heck? Jöhn, Akaida where am I?" he said "Oh you finally awake, Xilemma teleport you to the prison," Akaida said "Yeah, and they were individually in each districts," Lucy said "Are you kidding me?" he said "Yep; can you break out?" Lucy replied "No I can't, those thick bars can't get a cut right through," Akaida said "I think we have to find the key," Jöhn said "Well I think we have to search the area," then suddenly, a giant dimension error appeared out of nowhere which the head of the bull and the body of a man, and it's wielding an axe, it's a big one; bigger than 7 feet (213.36 cm). Akaida said "That's a big guy," Jöhn said "Your right Akaida and look, it has the key of the cage," Akaida said "Your right Jöhn, let's take down that creature; by the way, what are you going to call him?" and then he said "I call him the Bolimannianu," Akaida said "Hmm… sound like one of the Greek Mythology," and the fight begins. Jöhn and Akaida rushing the Bolimannianu to get the key around the neck, but it teleport like Lo͞osəfərs and Gorsnacagō. They were right front of him, and he's about to chop using the axe. Akaida reacted "Look out!" they evade the attack which Jöhn said "Woah that was close," Akaida use her grappling hook to grab the arm that holding the axe, and she holds it down. Akaida said "Jöhn now!" he rushed in, climbed up on the arms and he cut the creatures using the Diavetica Sword, and then creatures disintegrate. After the fight, they got the key and freed Lucy. As she got out of the cage, she asked "That was amazing," Akaida said with optimistic "Well, we're always the best," then Lucy said "Yeah; I've been notice something, where's your friend Sakaragi? You guys always been together in this mission," Jöhn said "Well, we got actually split up…" Lucy said "Really, what happened?" he explained "She save me from attacking the Dïgr; as it died, an earthquake occurred, splitting into a ravine far away from her to us," Lucy said "That's horrible," Akaida said "But don't worry, Sakaragi have to catch Xilemma from getting hands to the fragment," Lucy said "I see… by the way, where the others?" Jöhn said "They're still trap around each districts, so it will take a very long time," Lucy said "So this is the first district?" Akaida said "Yep, it will make progress as each district are getting difficult," Lucy said "So we have to hurry," he said "That's right, let's go save the others," Lucy nodded "Right," and they saving the Fairy Tail gang.

Jöhn and Akaida continued saving all of them in each district. Some of them are almost-impossible obstacle, fighting the stronger version of the monsters, and others are some random stuff trying tricked their mind. They do a montage freeing the Fairy Tail gang one by one on each district of the city, Erza said "Hey the hero saves the day," then Wendy said "Guys your alive!" with Carla said "I don't know what happened but okay," and lastly Gray said "What took you guys so long?" then they all heading to the last district. As they parkour around the obstacles, fighting dimensional creatures with the gang, they finally reach the last prison. They saw Natsu and Happy locked up in the cage which they saw them and he said "Hey guys," Wendy said "Natsu, Happy, are you guys okay," Happy said "Well were just fine as always," Natsu said "Yeah, this cage is more comfortable than Lucy apartment," she reacted "Hey my room is better that this old ruined structure we wandered," he laughed and he asked "By the way, what took you so long?" Erza said "Jöhn and Akaida freeing us from our imprisonment, and right now we have to save you," Happy said "Well get us out of here, we've been hungry for almost an hour," Carla said "Don't worry, the bull-head man is coming right to attack us," then Akaida saw the Bolimannianu coming right out of the door, but right now he's a very different creature than the typical Minotaur-esque look, it has armour, a long horns that pierce any person to defend, and it wielded two; is a very aggressive creature than the Bolimannianus. Akaida said "It looks tough," Jöhn said "Yeah with the armour and dual wield axe, he looks buff," Gray said "Don't worry, we can knock him down for good," Erza said "Yeah let's do this," the gang ready their weapons, magic and equipment, which Natsu said "Aww man, I wish I wanted to fight down there," Happy said "Don't worry Natsu, were going to fight the big one, when we were free," and the fight begins. The buffed version of the Bolimannianu start charging at them, lower the head down and pierce it by the giant horns. Jöhn reacted "Look out!" they evade the charge attack, then Carla lift up Wendy to the air and start using her wind magic "Sky Dragon's Riptide!" they start launching together in the air and it pierce the creature like an arrow, but they got hit away by the axe. Erza requiped her armour into a Lightning Empress Armour wielded her spear. She strikes the Bolimannianu using lighting strike and spears charges, and then she finish it off with a downward strike from the sky but, she got hit but quickly guard. Gray start using his ice maker powers "Ice Maker: Rapier," He wields a rapier and start slashing creatures a hundreds of time with an effect of slowness; as it wore off, the creature start do a chop down but Gray evade it. Akaida start slashing using her scythe, she cast fire all around her causing the creature takes a lot of damage, but the creature going to hit her but Jöhn guard the attack. He reprised the attacked and starts slashing the creature, but the Bolimannianu teleport behind him and kicked at the back. Jöhn knocked back to the ground which Akaida approach "Are you alright Jöhn?" he replied "Yeah he's tough, we can't defeat him," then Akaida suggest "Wanna do some team attack?" he replied "Huh, I've never thought about that," then Akaida said "Let's do this," and they team attack together. Jöhn pulled out the Triädacta Spear and Akaida transformation weapon into a scythe, and they start hammering the attack. Hit, Slash, Charge, Pierce, casting dust elements until the Bolimannianu began to weak and damaged, until they use the finishing move which they spin together into a giant ball of light and slice it like an atom which obliterates the Bolimannianu into existence.

After the fight, they got surprised the attack which Wendy said "Wow, that was amazing, you guys work together into an unstoppable force," Jöhn said "Well thank you for that," Lucy said "And that explosion, what is that?" Akaida said "That will be a dangerous move," Jöhn said "Yeah, there's a chance it might burned our skin in anytime we using it," Akaida said "But luckily our bodies recovered back into normal state without any scars," Carla said "Well mostly," they look their arm which it damaged, then he said "Well yeah; anyways, let's free them," as Natsu and Happy free from the cage. He said "Finally were out of the cage; Now then; let's take that psycho girl down," Happy said "Yeah let's do this," Lucy said "Right but, where it must be?" Akaida said "We've been walk around the city, for almost an hour," Jöhn said "So it must be in the center," Erza said "So that must be where we going?" Akaida replied "Yep," Wendy said "It must be dangerous this time right?" Jöhn said "Possibly, and I think Sakaragi reach the destination by time; come on let's hurry," Carla said "Yeah, we coming Sakaragi, Jöhn and Akaida will meet you there," and they start running to the center of the city.

Sakaragi arrived to the center which appeared to be a park, like a really huge park about the size of 4 central parks in New York which she decided to explore of her own. While she was exploring deeper to the park, she's finally caught up to Xilemma which she said "Hello Sakaragi, so how is your new friends of yours since your memories got lost throughout the multiverse," Sakaragi summoned her knuckles and her pixel arms which she said "They're looking it so hard to know who I am," Xilemma said "I see… but did you remember this place?" she said "No, why?" Xilemma explained "Because this place, is that what I met you since I was so young; like my appearance what you looking at because, time doesn't exist in every multiverse we travelled; but you guys are offending my brother so much that you and your people hurt him like treating him more not a friend or an employee, but as a slavery; I am mad to all of you; but what make worse? You friend Jöhn killed my brother because of you and Sanatonio and his friends," Sakaragi said "But you don't understand Xilemma, All of the words that what you said is a lie; The truth is, Manilve is corrupted for no reason which I was barely remember, I saw it with my own eyes like, how Manilve did this to body, design to be a killer who are trespassing traveling throughout dimensions, but Sanatonio stop me and put me into a coma for almost an eon, and you have to believe that?" Xilemma said "No, because my brother will never tell that, is all lies!" Sakaragi said "You can't listen, your mind jack up by his thoughts; you're really are corrupted," Xilemma shout at her "NO YOUR CORRUPTED! ALL OF YOUR PEOPLE ARE ALL LIES! AND I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! IS TIME TO DIE!" then Sakaragi is on a battle stance "So it must be…" and the fight begins. Xilemma summons many weapon around it and start aim at her, but she dodge it and covered behind the tree. But then Xilemma use an axe to throw the tree, which apparently it explode into splinters, Sakaragi flinches that she dodge and cover behind the tree while Xilemma throwing "exploding axes" until, she ends up covering behind the boulder. Xilemma said "Come on Sakaragi, why did you want to fight me? You know can destroy you into pieces," she wield out her drill and start destroying the boulder. Sakaragi said "How am I going to reach her?" suddenly her right pixel arms start glitched out which it began to stretch outwards like Akaida's grappling so she had a plan. As the boulder crushed, Xilemma got confused "Where did you go?" Sakaragi stretch out her arm, aim at her and she said "Surprised beach!" she strike Xilemma down, punching her constantly, until Xilemma fight back with summoning millions of spears at her. Luckily Sakaragi dodge it, and far away as it can and then, she climbs up to the tree, aiming to Xilemma, using her stretch arms, pull herself in, and she finished it off with a kick, until Xilemma was defeated.

After the fight, Xilemma got up which she said "Not bad for fighting me but too that you didn't killed me," Xilemma jump back away from her which she said "After all we're just old friends but, you will not understand everything what I'm doing," Xilemma open the portal and she said "See you at the fragment," she entered and disappeared away, Sakaragi said "Wait!" and then she heard Akaida voice "Sakaragi!" she look back and she saw her friends and the Fairy Tail gang which they were rescue. Sakaragi said "Guys! You rescued them," Akaida said "Yeah, this whole city is just a huge block like we running around in circles or something," Sakaragi said "Weird," Jöhn said "I know, is a very small city, I think…" then Lucy came and she said "Are you alright Sakaragi?" she replied "I'm fine, just minor bruises in the fight, by the way how did you guys find me?" Jöhn explained "Like she said, we been running around the edges of the city until we decided heading to the center," Akaida said "And is a good guess," Gray said "Yeah, we heard an explosion as we began to closer," Sakaragi said "Oh that, that's Xilemma trying to kill me," Erza asked "Where is she?" Sakaragi said "I think, she's heading to the fragment right now," Carla said "I think we have to hurry," Jöhn said "Your right, we have to stop her," Sakaragi said "But I can't, she's so tough," Natsu said "That's why you need back up, right now you guys are the awesome friends I've met, and is time to take that lady down to the ground," Happy said "Natsu's right you are not alone this," then Sakaragi was surprised which she described "Just like you said," Jöhn replied "Well that's how friends do Sakaragi; now then, let's take that fragment to ours," Sakaragi nodded, and they we all heading to the abandon temple. When they all arrived at the center of the park, they saw the altar which it has a dimension fragment right top of it. Jöhn said "Here it is, the center of the city," they look around which Happy said "By the way, how beautiful this place is," Lucy said "Your right Happy, it really how different the design is," Sakaragi said "Well most of the dimensional structures are very complex than any human imaginations do," Wendy said "Hmm… I wonder what looks like of the other universe is?" Akaida replied "Trust me, is much more meet than the human eye," Carla said "I see, very interesting," then Gray asked "So does this place have traps?" Jöhn said "I hope so; I'm going grab the fragment," Akaida said "Be careful Jöhn," he said "I will," as he approach the altar, Jöhn reach out his hand and grab the dimensional fragment. As he grabs it, Sakaragi said "Did something bad happen?" he said "No, I was thinking about a trap which it triggers something bad is about to happened," Natsu said "Uhm yeah… she's behind you," as he look behind, Xilemma is going to stab him, but he perfectly guard which he almost stabs him to the neck. They break free and jumped back in a few meters (feet) away, and they were at the stand-off. Xilemma said "You surprised from my deadly attack," which Jöhn asked "Why you and your brother wanted to destroyed the wonders of the dimensions?" Xilemma said "Because, the multiverse are just life that are separated into many time, space, worlds and life, but is an absolute chaos and they were not balance like they use to it like they were not stick together as always, only for them are stuck in the bubble like they wanted go out and free, so we destroyed it using corruption; and with that corruption we can start a new life where the time and space will synchronized together forever, so what can you say Jöhn are you in, or die like an idiot," Jöhn said "No I'm not going to join you, even you call me an idiot, I got my friends back here, anywhere and everywhere in the multiverse; some of them have happy ending, some of them have not, but at the same time their still evil exist in every dimension, we have our problem, they have their problem, but right now we have to stop you right her right now," Xilemma said "Well I think this your choice, well then…" Xilemma snap her finger which she summons 300 Bolimannianu all around them, Gray said "Are you kidding? More of them," Wendy said "Not just more but too many of them" which she said "I will let you a side to fight my children if you survived that…" then she summon the portal, which she said "… Well you better have to be quick, see ya," and she entered the portal and disappeared. Akaida said "Jöhn, are you sure we can do this?" Sakaragi said "Yeah, I don't think we will survive that," then Jöhn said "Just like she said; If we survive, we'll be just more than amazing or heroes," Akaida said "That sounds like a test," Sakaragi said "It is the test, and I think Xilemma love testing like lab rat," Natsu said "Well in that case, I guess were going fire the heat!" Jöhn said "That's right Natsu, were going in flame to flame," Gray said "I can tell my heart pumping, let's go guys!" Erza said "Now then, charge!" and the battle of 300 Bolimannianu begins.

After the fight, Jöhn said "We have to catch her," Sakaragi said "But Jöhn, Xilemma was already corrupted, you cannot listen to her even I asked, she's getting aggressive," Jöhn said "Her mind is corrupted but not her heart," Akaida said "How did you know?" he said "I saw her pain right in her eyes, and I feel sorrow to her; I think I need the connection to her, to finally found the understanding," Sakaragi said "But how long will going to take it?" Jöhn said "It will take it a very long time," Akaida said "Well I agree about you," Sakaragi said "Yeah, come on is been a very long day," Jöhn said "Your right, let's gather around the gang," as they approach the Fairy Tail guild, which Natsu said "Guys, that was very intense we fought those bull creatures," Jöhn said "Well they're pretty like the Minotaur but on steroids," Lucy said "Yeah, even I summon Taurus, he's got confused like is their cousin," Akaida said "Yeah, that was pretty funny," Sakaragi said "By the way, are you guys alright?" Erza said "Were fine, even though they were intense, I finally know their weakness is," Gray said "Yeah, they were like unpredictably full of surprises," Jöhn said "Well they are," Wendy said "So you still have the fragment?" he said "Yeah, I think that's the key to the other dimension," Happy saw the fragment which he said "Is so beautiful" he said "It is beautiful, and I think this mission is almost done for now," Natsu said "Yeah, come on let's go back to the guild," Akaida said "Yeah," Sakaragi said "Oh finally what a relief," and then, Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi and Fairy Tail gang head back to the Primain Dimension, heading to the ship, and sail home to Magnolia City.

As they arrived in Magnolia City, they walk down at the pier and they saw Lisanna, Mirajane, Elfman, Levy, Gadjeel, Panther Lily, and Makarov, standing on the pier which Natsu said "Hey guys were back!" Lisanna said "Natsu, Happy, how I miss you so much," she hugs them which Happy said "You too Lisanna," Mirajane said "So is it very dangerous to go to the island?" Erza said "Yeah, you have no idea what's out there," Elfman asked "What did you mean?" Gray said "There's another version of the island that flips our heads off," Levi said "Really another island?" Wendy said "Yes but actually no is the same island but is only exist from the portal," Panther said "What I don't believe you," Carla said "No really is very different than the island, Jöhn opened the portal to the strange world," Gadjeel said "Do you have the picture?" Jöhn said "Well actually yeah…" he pulled out his phone and show it to them. As they looking the pictures of some comparison of Tenrou Island and its alternate version, they reaction was amazed. Lisanna said "Woah, that looks beautiful," Mirajane said "Yeah no wonder why you guys take picture a lot with your friends and the gang behind all of you," Jöhn said "Well we just having fun, that's why," Elfman asked "Is it before or after it taken?" Akaida said "Well both," Levi said "Aww I wanted to go to that place," Sakaragi said "Well the trick is, only Jöhn can accessible to the alternate universe easy," Jöhn said "But I wonder if something can be access without me?" Gadjeel said "Well it can be very tricky to get," then Makarov steps in, which Panther said "Master?" as he approach them, he said "I'm so glad you guys are okay," he said "You too Master…" as they were start walking, Natsu asked "So Gramps, how is the city since we were gone?' Makarov said "Well, some buildings began to repair since we wipe out almost all of the creatures around the districts," Panther said "Yeah and for some reason, those weird giant tall 'towers' still around here for almost 3 days, which is kind of annoying," Happy said "Yeah, those are chunk glitch or chunk errors," Panther said "Chunk errors?" Carla said "That's what Jöhn called it, It came from the cartography study," Levi said "Really that what he called them? We call it Titania Towers, pretty cool right?" Gray said "Yeah, but still some debris still falling to the sky," and people are running from the debris of the tower, Erza said "Yep they have to fix it," Wendy said "By the way, there still people live up there from one of those chunk errors?" Gadjeel said "Well yeah, but they said they were fine living up there, so they have to get really far down by using very long ropes," Natsu said "What that's terrible," Lisanna said "I know right," then Makarov asked "By the way, those pictures from the another version of the island, those are cities right?" Jöhn said "Well yeah, it does really replicate, very modern design and very different; it kinda reminds me of my home but, not much to look like it," Makarov said "I see… dimension really are weird," Akaida said "Don't worry about that, the concept will soon to fade out once we were gone," and they arrived the guild.

As they were at the guild, Natsu kicked the door which he said "Hey guys, were back!" the members of the guild which they said "Hey!" then Juvia come out and she said "Oh Gray my love, oh I miss so much right now," but Gray put his hand at her, stretch out to stay away which he said "Not now, we just got here," Lucy stretch out her arms which she said "Ahh finally relief," Erza said "Yeah, being to go an adventure is pretty awesome," Wendy said "And amazing, kinda," then Akaida asked her "Hey Wendy, wanna go for a drink?" she said "No, I'm too young to drink," Sakaragi said "No is Cold Chocolate, you must try it," Carla said "Cold chocolate? That's sound new," Akaida said "Yeah, Jöhn is making it right now," meanwhile, Jöhn asked Mirajane which he said "Hey Mirajane can you use your bar stand?" Mirajane said "Sure why not, why?" Jöhn pulled out some things which he said "I found some ingredient when I was traveling from the alternate version of the island, and I wanted to make something sweeter, if you know what I'm saying," Mirajane said "Sure, surprised us," then Jöhn making some special drinks for the guild. First is the cold chocolate special, Jöhn transforms the water into ice by using the Alternitav Pistol, then he shave it using the ice shaver which turning into snowflake. Then he put some cacao beans which it process into a melted dark chocolate, then he put rare vanilla milk which he found at the city in the alternate world and then, he pour it every glass, then he put the crush ice at the top of it, and then he put the frappe at the top of the ice with vanilla and chocolate syrup and he finished "Voila! Cold special on summer," which they saw that it looks like a sundae. Mirajane said "Woah, that was amazing, you did a pretty good job making it" Jöhn said "Thanks; also I have another surprised for the entire guild," she said "Really, what's that?" then he pulled out the secret drink which he said "Ta-dah! My very own beer, Made from special type of barley from the alternate world, pretty cool right?" Mirajane said "But, did you really make it?" Jöhn explained "Well not really; but for some reason the barley when I removed it, turns mushy for a short amount of time, then I compressed it and leaking out a liquid which it looks like water, and I'm pretty sure it smell like beer," Mirajane said "Why did you not drink it?" he explained "Well for some reason, I am too young to drink it and second of all, I don't like beer all of my life, which is why prefer tea or some glass of hot milk," Mirajane said "Classy… can someone taste it?" Jöhn said "Sure why not," then she asked "Does, your friends and the gang knows it?" Jöhn said "Well not really, kinda personal," then Mirajane called him "Hey Big Brother!" Elfman came which he asked "What is it," she asked "Can you drink this beer he making it?" he said "Really he make beer, what is it?" Jöhn said "That's barley beer, from the alternate world," Elfman said "Really, well bottoms up," as he drink it, the whole guild like the beer so much; But luckily, Jöhn has barrels of beers that he make since sailing back to the city.

Later, Akaida, Sakaragi, Wendy, Carla and Happy approach the bar which they saw him drinks. They sit at the bar which Wendy said "Hey Jöhn, are you making drinks," Jöhn replied "Yep, I make drinks for the whole guild," Sakaragi said "Whole guild interesting, but I heard you make drinks right now, why?" He replied "Well first of all, at Lucy apartment her kitchen has not much any appliances to make, since the those ingredients are look like for brewing, the guild has some brewing tools which I experiment it but, ended up everyone like it," Carla said "Whoa x3 hold on, you tell me that you make beer from the another world and make it without telling us?" Jöhn said "Well that will be the surprised, for all of you," Akaida said "That's crazy, you make almost drunk most the members," he said "Oh I never notice that, sorry," Happy asked "Is okay Jöhn; Now then, where is special version of chocolate of yours?" Jöhn said "Oh right, here I save it all for the last, I hope you like it," he pulled out the drinks for them which they saw it which Wendy reaction "Wow, this is the most looking drinks I've ever seen," Carla said "Yeah this is better than most restaurant we've been up to," Jöhn took the extra one and he said "I don't know, I've never taste one; why won't we find out what is?" Akaida said "Well sure why the heck not; let's do this," they took the drink which Happy said "Cheers everybody!" and they said "Cheers!" and they drink the chocolate. When they drinking, the taste is hardly to describe and very tasteful, and is not less or very sweet as always but right on between. After they drink, Wendy said "This the most delicious chocolate I've ever seen," Jöhn said "Really, thank you," Carla said "Oh my goodness, this the best day of my life," Sakaragi said "Well we can talk about that," Carla said "Well sure why not, let's talk about our stories," Akaida said "Oh I have one!" and they talking each other for a very long time. The whole guild having a blast since they came back again, they play games, talking the guild member (even they were non-guild members), and others having a crash literary, which Erza stops Natsu and Gray fighting again, while Lucy, Wendy, Carla and Happy watching laughing which is fun and then after few hours, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi are talking the Fairy Tail gang which they were got fun a lot. And then Jöhn decided to rest for a while, so he heading to the balcony watching the guild.

While they were watching the guild having fun, Makarov came which he asked "So are you having fun?" Jöhn said "Well yeah, this place is really fun just like a whole family," Makarov said "It is very fun; so about the mission you take, did you get what you looking for?" Jöhn said "Yeah, is here," he pulled out the dimensional fragment which he said "Wow this the most beautiful gem I've ever seen," Jöhn said "It is, but also is very dangerous to use it, it can literary manipulate time and space easily, which why one of destroyers want that power to lead the destruction," Makarov said "I see but luckily you got it in your hands," he said "Yeah almost quickly…" then Makarov said "By the since when you guys gone, one of the chunk errors found some strange pattern at the wall which it looks like the exact map of Magnolia, so we decoded it until we found the destination," Jöhn said "Really you found it?" he said "Yep, but you're the open it since you have the power and the fragment of yours," Jöhn said "I think is time," then Makarov said "I think going to miss you, my friend," he said "Me too…" Makarov said "Go tell them that we found it," he nodded "Okay," he heading down and talks to them that they found the temple. Jöhn, Akaida, Sakaragi, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Carla and Makarov are now walking out of the guild and heading to the mountain that never explored.

They arrived the entrance of the temple, which the door was sealed shut which Natsu said "That's a big door, I want to take it down," Lucy said "Wait Natsu, are you going break that door down?" he said "Yeah, why not!" he punched the door using his fire magic but, the flames disappeared but only his fist. Which he said "Huh, my magic's gone when I punch it," Gray said "Really, let me try," he tried it but didn't work, then Erza turn but can't cut but didn't work, Wendy tries it, didn't work, and others try it. Erza said "What kind of door is that?" Wendy said "Yeah, I really can't use magic when I'm using it," Sakaragi said "Because this door only opens by using the dimensional powers, which by powers is Jöhn," Makarov said "Oh, that is why I can't use my giant's powers *laugh* weird," Akaida asked0 "Did you still have the tool to open the door?" Jöhn said "Yeah, I've never use it for a very long time," he use the picklock tool and then the door opened, and they entered the temple. When they arrived at the dimensional machine, Jöhn put the dimension fragment, activate it which it cause and earthquake that the chunk errors had back to its normal terrain which everyone happy, and then a appeared right front of them. Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi approach the portal which he said "Well I guess the road split us by now," Natsu said "Yeah, But I'm really going to miss you guys so much," Jöhn said "Yeah, I hope we have more time," Gray asked "When you guys coming back?" Akaida said "We don't know when, but I'm pretty sure we're going to meet again," Erza said "Well safe journey after all," Sakaragi said "Thank you guys so much," Lucy said "You too, oh I'm almost forgot," Jöhn asked "What is it?" she pulled out the extra 3 coupons to them which she said "Here, free coupons from the restaurant; I was going to throw it but you can guys have it," Jöhn said "Thank you," Wendy said "Anyways safe travels," Akaida said "You too," as they entered the portal, they wave at them and they wave and said "Bye guys!" and the Fairy Tail said "See ya soon!" and then portal closed.

And so, Jöhn, Akaida and Sakaragi experience are really fun, explore the city, meeting new friends and sailing to an adventure, what a different journey. Jöhn pulled out his journal and named the universe "Fatumtægel Diurnus," because it is a journey of a life time; but they have to figure it out how to connect Xilemma to them, it must be tricky but, they have to try it, and the story continues.