"Mommy where are you?I'm scared."little Thomas cried out as he got up from his warm bed at the sound of the noise,coming right from outside his bedroom."Who's there?he shuddered,staring at the silhouette figure in the dark."Aunt Kiki?".
"Thomas....Oh child."She breathed,embracing him."I'm so glad you're okay.Come,we must hurry."
"But Aunt Kiki where is my mommy?I want my mommy."he panicked.
"Mommy's not coming with us Tommy,"
"Leave me alone.I'm not going anywhere with you"he said stubbornly,racing downstairs.
"Mommy!Mommy please wake up...Wake up mommy!"he cried,shaking his Ms Claire's lifeless body as she laid firm,moving not a single muscle.
"She won't wake up darling.Your precious mommy is long gone now"came his aunt's sinister chuckled from behind.
"Aunt Kiki why isn't she moving?What did you do to my mommy?"he asked with his tiny voice ringing bitterly in the air.
"You were always such a brilliant child Thomas.Awe!Too bad you have to die too munchkin."she chuckled,bringing out the blood stained sickle from under her skirt.
"Aunt Kiki!"he shuddered,running as fast as his tiny legs could carry him.
"Run all you want little boy.You're no match for me"she chuckled,running alongside as the little boy made towards the kitchen table.If only he knew what was waiting for him.
"Thomas...Thomas!Come out,come out wherever you are..."she chuckled devilishly as she circled around the kitchen table that stood in the middle."Ah-hah!Found you!"she chuckled,hitting the table with the sickle as the sharp tip cut across the middle."You were always too bad at hide and seek!Send my regards to your parents in hell"she chuckled louder,raising her hands in the air."Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
G-O-O-D-B-Y-E T-H-O-M-A-S M-I-L-K-I-S-I-N!!!!!

My first time,writing a story not based on romance or anything.It's gonna be really hard getting ideas though I'm one big horror fan.But I'll hell as try...For my fans sake,and for those that'll be reading alongside.And also I'm gonna make it intense.Well,will try.So at least no one will get bored along the way😂...Oh,I'm talking too much.Ha!Sorry.I'll leave you guys,now.Have fun reading...🥂🥂🥂