A Forever Rust
The poem centers on a man who loves his treasure so dear; A woman born with a fine, white skin like that of a newborn, and an exotic beauty which the beholder never seems to overlook. But then, the tragic wind came blowing in their path, separating them, and leaving the poet personae broken and void. He fears he'll never be healed of the damage caused and doubts there will ever be an end to his aching pain.....
Love's True Beauty
The poem centers more on the beauty love has to offer. The poet personae in this part of my poem, compares the beauty of his lover to that of love, which is sweet and magnificent in every way. Here, he goes deeper into confessing his undying love for her and how he'll never stop loving her, no matter what happens....
My Dearest Aurora
A trip down memory lane can be really hurting sometimes, and in a way, pretty joyful and ecstatic. Making memories with friends and loved ones matter a lot. One thing life has taught us, is that nothing that comes, lasts forever. There's a whole lot of people in this world who have come and gone. Some dead, some a million miles away, and one-tenth with no idea of where you're at. But still, the memories you have of them still remain a part of you, just like the ones the man in our poem made vivid description of. He remembers those days when he and his partner we'd go about creating memories; memories they vowed never to forget. And despite their separation, he still never let go of his promises. And so hoped that one day, their love story will be renewed again....
Can You Really Tell When Demons Walk Amongst Us?
The evil that has befallen the world has conceived a far bigger problem than any human has ever imagined. The poem "PAINED", centers more on the evil that has eaten deep into the society at large. Now, the girl child is posed with a threat; a threat that has brought greater concern , not only to them but to everyone around them, Even children are not spared: And this demonic operation is yet to be stopped and our fears are increased with each passing day, just as depicted in this poem.
The poet personae here, a victim of circumstance if I should say, was brutally assaulted by devils that call themselves beings, Even in her awkward state, they showed no concern nor any iota of pity towards her. Her pride and comfort were all stripped away in just a day. If only she could tell what would become of her.....
When Danger Lurks
Can you tell when danger lurks in our midst? NO! This poem portrays the demons of the night. They come matching in, with the aim of killing every newborn in their path; "pure blood", as they call them, They posed a big threat to them and so needed to be eliminated at once, else they grew stronger. They left the night filled with their blood, and the tears of their mother, dripping at their loss - It was one dreadful night, to remember!
To My Love
In this 6th poem of mine, the poet personae strongly believes he's capable of doing anything just to prove his undying love for that precious woman that makes his heart beat. And he goes forward into saying he'll do anything just to please her, no matter what it takes....
Loving Ayana
Love like they say, conquers all. A gift given to us by God, for he gave his only son to us. But in this aspect, we'll be looking at another kind of love. A burning love, possessed by the poet personae himself, who loved his wife so dear. But as a result of the unfolding scene, he lost her to another man as we assumed, leaving him in pains. Despite all that, he still longed to see her, and hoped she'd come back to him, even at the brink of death- Some love so hard to find!
There is no greater joy than the hearing of ones name on every lips. A name always to be remembered and never to be forgotten. A name to be carried on from generation to generation. The poet personae, pictures this in his mind and wished so much it would become a reality, so some day he'd be heard, and celebrated by everyone....
A Mother's Loss
The first part of this poem narrates how a mother loses her child. A child she had longed hoped for, only for him to end up at death's horrific embrace.
The second part, titled "Death Eater", describes how little children were taken away so soon from their mothers' grip, as they wept and mourned in pains....
A Cry For Mercy
Dear Lord,
I look up to you,
and with thine heart,
seek your salvation;
praying that you'd hear my voice,
and the voice of your children from whence you're seated
On your heavenly throne
Holy Lord,
we assemble in your presence,
our knees kissing your holy grounds,
crying and calling out to you;
so we may be purged,
and washed wholly with hyssop,
So our hearts be cleansed,
and our mind put at ease....
The poet personae here is no different from sinners. He goes pleading for mercy, praying that he gets another chance and be cleansed from every iniquity he has committed. We can make reference to our biblical, David, who'd committed a thousand sin to count but was yet forgiven and made pure again....
11- MOOD
Blazing Emotions
This poem is centered more on this sad little girl who gets override by her emotions, and in a bid to make herself happy again, compares herself to the sky's blazing sun and stars, hoping she'd wear such a pleasant smile on her face, just like everyoneelse, and bring forth amazing memories that'll never be forgotten....