
You Done Yet?

Steam flooded the whole room and more steam was coming up from the overflowing bathtub. One could barely see the bathroom door from the bathtub.

A woman was flailing her arms around, not caring if it smacked the surroundings. Her body was violently convulsing as the parasitic worm drilled into her brain from her ear. Hot water still running from the tap scalds her skin and face red. Her head hitting the wall a few times upset her husband in the next room.

He punches the wall and shouts "Keep it quiet in there!". He lights up a cigarette knowing that she hates it and lays back in bed. After a couple minutes later, she stands at the door in the dark. Only the moonlight lit up the room.

"You DONE yet?"

He looks at her.

"Like I said. It's only natural for guys to want more than one woman and they'd do the same if they were rich and successful as me! I'm just HONEST! All those pussies act like the nice guy cos they DON'T have what I HAVE!

You're lucky. With all these girls, only you get to marry me because you're special. You get to be the wife. You don't know how many girls would kill for this and LOOK at YOU! You ungrateful bitch!"

He takes a puff out of his cigarette. She doesn't make a sound.

A moment later she walks to the front of the bed. He notices that she's naked.

"Oi, oi, oi."

He grins. He unfastens his belt and whips it out flaccid.

"Make it up to me. Make it real hard." He says as he rests his arms on the back of his head.

After a pause, she climbs on the bed. He shivers from her wet legs.

"Oi, you didn't dry yourse-"

She saddles on top of him and he finally sees that her body was red. Her skin seemed to be falling off and there were boils all over her face and body.

"OI, what the f-"


She bites into his throat and rips out a chunk. Blood spraying all over the bed. He tries shaking her off, but his arms were pinned under her legs. No screams were heard as his vocal cords were ripped out. The next moment, the room fell to the sounds of flesh scraping as his upper body was devoured.


When I had the image of the same tentacles that had attacked Aimi and focused it to my fingers, they stretched out. My fingers changed from human skin to slimy transparent grey tentacles. Just when they were about to touch the floor, I sent a thought to my fingers.

Stop. After a couple of seconds, the growth slowed and a couple of more seconds they stopped growing. I imagined them retracting and after a delay, they began pulling back into my arm.

Stop. Again, there was a slight delay. Interesting. I'd understand if there was a delay in growing the cells at the tips of the tendrils, much like how in cell division, there's a preparation phase for the cell to grow to a necessary size, replicate the DNA and gather all the resources before splitting. It's called interphase in cell mitosis.

This doesn't seem to be the case because even if cell division is instantaneous, there shouldn't be any reason why there was a few seconds delay when ordered to stop. I think this delay is due to the processing speed in my sending out the signal and the parasite cells receiving the signals.

I continue with my experiment but with a new aim. How long can I grow these tendrils? I began letting them grow without limit. It kept growing once it touched the floor. It reached to the other side of the wall, so it snaked around and went back to me. It slowed to a halt and almost touched my feet.

I stood against a wall and looked at the tentacles circling the room. It must be around 7 meters. I wonder if they would grow longer if I had more resources to work on, if I ate another person, how long would that grow?

I tried moving the tentacles and realised that only the first 2 meters moved, while the rest was dragged like a wave had passed through them. Did only the first 2 meters grow muscle cells?

I forced the desire in my tentacles. The lengths after 2 meters began to move. It seemed like muscle cells were forming through and giving them life. The muscle cell growth stopped, and I was left with a 1 metre limp tentacle.

Hmm. Had I run out of muscle cells? I feel that I have more biomass, but I used up all the muscle mass.

Considering the delay and unfamiliarity in control over my transformation and tentacles, it's probably better to focus on my untransformed body but I should still improve my skill in manipulating my appendages.

I transformed my hand and revert it back repeatedly to see if I could improve my transformation speed. I aimed on making my tendrils grow to 3 metres with muscle before changing it back. After 30 minutes, I noticed a 10 second reduction in transformation speed. This is mostly my cells learning how to migrate faster and where to go. There was hardly any improvement in the signal processing speed. It would still take a couple of seconds for my cells to respond to a grow or stop order.

I practiced for hours and hours trying to build up muscle memory and increase control over my transformation. I repeated the process without stop. Even when I heard my Father quietly come in through the front door.

It wasn't that I was diligent. Right now, I'm obsessed. This wasn't Kendo training; this is me becoming stronger and powerful. The results I can see for myself. If I were in Harry Potter's place, I'd certainly be practising and learning all I can. Harry was too lax for my comfort. The strong rule over the weak. Good people die. This is the world I live in. Justice is whoever wins.


Mikasa woke up when her head's about to hit the wheel and then after every moment or so the same thing happens. A man with a straw hat and a fishing rod stuck to his leg shambles onto the road. Her eyes shot open and she turned the steering wheel to avoid hitting him.

Her car smashes into the light pole and she fell unconscious on the sleeping bag. The man seeing this walk over to her, pulls her arm from the car window and starts chewing on it. After a while, he left when a beam of light from an SUV hits him from a distance. The driver was horrified with what he saw.