Author’s sick note

Gamingwolf1 here.

Unfortunately I fell sick since 1pm my time. I think I didn't eat enough when I didn't feel hungry and my beef mince stir fry rice was too bland. I got so nauseous that I got on my knees, literally because laying down or doing anything that uses minimal energy stops me from puking. I forced myself to eat but then i heaved. Felt pain inside from retching. Then I salivated tonnes. Sounds familiar?

A parasite got to me.

No I'm kidding about the parasite but I laid down on my bed. I tried getting up a couple of times like buying food, but I got sick walking on the streets as well like a zombie. When I got my HSP (halal snack pack) I couldn't even eat more than a few bites before feeling like vomit again at 8pm. I got up again to try but to no avail and I couldn't think straight from the headache and nausea. I don't know about you but I always had "I'm dying" or "I'd do anything to make it go away. I'll buy takeaway food" running through my head

Feel like I rather have a cut in me than go through nausea.

I apologise I don't have any stockpile recently to make up for it. I cannot do a double upload anytime recently now either. But if I ever was generous enough in the future... well let's just keep me free of debts shall we?


This is probably the first failed streak since I uploaded this novel, although I think I got sick one time but can't remember if I still submitted one chapter and did a double upload a day later.

I'm really upset about not uploading a chapter today but I couldn't even type while in bed.

This is not a sign of complacency and chapters will come daily as usual... hopefully if things go back to normal tmr.

I also feel like I need to pour in lots since we are reaching a turning point in this novel. All I can say is things will get crazier from here. We haven't seen the true peak of Parazyte yet. As things go on, there will be no LIMITS.

Thank you for your understanding and to those who read this through and didn't die.

P.S I had a dream about the novel. Tentacles and all. I just hope I don't dream of Kazumi next.