No upload 10/1/2020

I really apologise for telling you this last minute. I always pride myself on doing a daily upload. I had started writing after 3pm but had to deal with my daughter and gf and we had an argument about the right way to teach her. Despite the violence of my novels, I mostly write them to explain the nature of the parasites. the cold hearted killing machines, I choose the pacifist way of teaching my daughter. I personally think that leads to better long term results and a better relationship.

I couldn't even rest my back so it's really sore. In chiropractor terms- my spine health was between a phase 2 and 3 of damage.

Did you know the author of Hunter x Hunter has hernia and took a 13 year hiatus because of that?

Double upload tomorrow and I'll manage my time better from now on. Please continue to give your support.