
"I'll cut your d*** off!"

"I'm going to tell mom and dad what a sicko you are!"

She turned her back towards him and walked towards the ladder. She got pulled away when she had just placed a foot on a rung and was thrown down on her belly. Then he pinned her down.

"You're not telling them!"

"Oh, I will! I'll tell them everything!"




"You ruined my singlet, you moron!"

In a fit, Luffy pulled the back of her singlet and accidentally tore her straps. Her creamy white skin and feminine shoulders blurred his surroundings. He ignored her demands to get off her. Luffy pulled her shorts down.

Hiromi gasped and froze.

"What the hell are you-"

Luffy covered her mouth with his left hand and positioned his stiffened member with his right. Tears budded at the corners of Hiromi's eyes. Her muffled cries filled the room in sequence with clapping sounds that were the beats of this solemn soundtrack. Luffy couldn't hear what she was saying but she swore.



Late at night, Luffy woke up to the movement under his blankets. He realised that his member was hard from rapid strokes. The question of who was doing that...

He saw a large bump from under the blankets that resembled a humanoid. The hand caressing him were soft as marshmallows. It was Hiromi.

'She's fallen for me!'

Luffy rejoiced. He's seen many romantic scenes in his action movies. The women resist at first, but when they're forced down, the girl begins to like it. Sometimes they wanted to be pinned down secretly and wanted the man to make the move.

In this case, perhaps Hiromi didn't want it at first, but now that he's given her a taste, she was probably all over him now. Like bees to honey.

He felt something cold grasped his erection.


There was no movement for a while. That foreign touch felt strangely familiar. Curious, he threw the blanket off. It was Hiromi sitting there bent over his swollen member grinning. He was glad it was her and not a trap.

He was about to return a smile but saw two blades of a scissor hugging his penis.





Blood squirted out from his stump.



"You shouldn't have done that to your brother!" Mami shouted.

"Well, he shouldn't have done that to me!" Hiromi retorted.

"You went too far." Juro scolded.

"You cut off his hand!"

"I knew it would grow back!"

"And his dick wouldn't?"

"That's not the point! It was inappropriate. There are things we never do to our family!"

Luffy was lucky that the whole family were visited by the parasites on the same day. Had he been dismembered before then; he would not grow it back.

When Juro and Mami found out about his secret peek hole, they had filled the peek hole with a commercial wood filler and temporarily banned him from the attic. Luffy simply drilled in another hole secretly. He had snuck up to the attic and was looking through the peek hole.

Hiromi undressed seductively as if putting on a show. Only a few seconds in and Luffy felt a stiff. He hurriedly reached down into his pants. She crouched down slowly and then sprung up.


His right eye exploded.


He covered his squashed eye with his hands and fell backwards screaming.

Hiromi fell back onto the floor with her fore and middle fingers extended. Blood dripped from them. Juro and Mami barged into her bedroom door with angry expressions.

She smiled triumphantly.

"What on the bloody Earth are you DOING!"

"He was peeking through the attic again!"

"You stabbed him through the eye! What would have happened if your fingers went to his brain? He would have been dead!"

"Well, I hope he died!"

As Luffy was in the wrong, they left her with only a warning again.


Luffy watched Hiromi as she was watching Hikaru.

'Hiromi, you'll fall for me eventually. You're just too young to understand that.' He thought.

Deep down inside, he knew that he had no chance when pitted against Hikaru whose looks were sculpted by God himself. Luffy was also enchanted. He imagined dressing Hikaru up - whose gender was ambiguous - into a beautiful girl with lots of padding.

He wanted to punish Hikaru before killing him. He had planned to break his spirit by violating his body.

'I'm going to defile you before Hiromi has a chance. She won't be touching you, not with my essence all over and inside you.'

Luffy grinned and glared at him with both hate and lust.

Dinner had finished and Hiromi invited Hikaru upstairs. Luffy chuckled as he knew what was to come and Hikaru was completely oblivious to his demise. Juro turned him around and threw a punch. His fist moved so fast that what happened next was a blur.

They had expected Hikaru to be knocked down at that moment but it was as if time froze. They stared in wait for Hikaru to fall but he was still standing. Luffy blinked a couple of times to refresh his vision as if it was a google chrome browser.

To everyone's surprise, Hikaru had caught Juro's hand in a flash.


Hikaru looked at the hand that he caught and smiled.

"So fast... you wouldn't happen to have a parasite, would you?"

It was a rhetorical question. His cells in contact with Juro's hand told him that they weren't human cells. He had already suspected that they were infected with parasites the moment he ate their cut of "steak".

His cells sensed that they were human flesh but he had never tasted them before. He was glad that he didn't kill them right off the bat. If he could absorb Mami and get the recipe, he could make his human steaks.


He crushed Juro's knuckles as the latter started to move. They all started moving in response to Juro's screams.