
Ultimate weapon

Hanae was under strict lockdown since the parasites had invaded. Her brother was overprotective and paranoid. She knew that the parasites were dangerous but it's not like anything would happen where there was full of people.

She had sneaked out a couple of times before, to go shopping for food. She wore a mask, sunglasses and a beige sunny hat to cover up her identity.

Once she got caught simply because Junpei found some food wrappings in the bin. Despite not caring about the kind of food that he found on the shelves and cabinets, he still recognised that some of the food wrappings weren't part of his supply search and dug out their bin until he found a sushi box. He definitely didn't remember finding that in a fridge.

They had a huge fight after that. It was ridiculous. She was feeling sick from being stuck in the house. She couldn't talk to any of her friends and have finished all her school assignments. She obviously couldn't get more homework but she knew the chapters they were going to cover. She studied so that she wouldn't fall behind when this is all over.

However, despite having a lot more time to study, work productivity was an all-time low. She listens to J-pop, K-pop, classical music like Beethoven and American pop songs.

Another hobby of hers was drawing koalas, her favourite animal. Everyone she had met thought it was peculiar that she had fallen for koalas because they were native to Australia and she had never seen them in person.

She had first found out about them from Koala March, her favourite snack and once she searched them up on the web, she fell in love with them. They looked like cute teddy bears. It was an interesting change. She liked teddy bears but realised that it was because they resembled the koalas. It was destiny that she would find them.

She believed that everyone has a favourite animal, if they didn't it was because they never found them. Even in UFO conventions, some people loved the appearance of the Grays, which were grey skin coloured alien humanoids that had a big head, a pair of big black eyes and a body the size of a child.

Something appeared out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look at her window and saw a pair of white wings flapping. 'He' was so good looking that she wasn't sure if it was a guy or girl but she lost all sense of her sexual orientation. If it was a girl that asked her out, the person was too beautiful for her to refuse.

An angel was floating outside her one storey high window. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. The angel was still there.

He pointed downwards with his index finger, indicating that she should come down, then he disappeared. She went downstairs and looked through the peek hole on the front door.

A guy and a girl older than her were standing on the doorstep.


The angel that she saw before didn't have his wings. She thought it was a hallucination. Especially since he was so handsome so maybe she saw wings.

Knock Knock

"Gah!" Hanae flinched when they knocked.

"Ahhh-uhh who is it?" Hanae called out.

"I'm an acquaintance of Junpei. Can I talk to him if he's home?"


They weren't wearing a uniform so Hanae was unsure if they were Junpei's school friends or parasites or both.

"Hello?" Hikaru asked.

She panicked.

She didn't know whether to say that Junpei was home but didn't want to talk to anybody and so they could come back later or say that he wasn't home. If she told the truth, would they come in and attack her? If she lied, would they ask for proof or also force their way in if "Junpei" didn't reply?

"We know you're human."

Hanae gasped and placed her hands over her mouth to keep them quiet.

Hikaru and Hiromi heard this.

"It's okay! We're human just like Junpei. We fought the parasites for control. We just want to ask for his help."

Were they telling the truth or was it bait? Although, it was clear that she wasn't one of them otherwise why would she not open the door? Yet they didn't barge in.

She gathered her courage.

"How do I know you're one of the good guys?"

Hikaru charmingly smiled at the peek hole.

"Gah! Your devilish good looks can't fool me!" Hanae pouted.

"We know your weakness."

"My, my weakness?" Hanae stuttered to herself.

"Hiromi, show it to her."

"Oh... so that's why... This is her weakness..."

Hiromi dangled a box of Koala March - cafe latte flavour - in front of the peek hole.

Hanae lost 60 life points. She pouted so hard that it looked like she had a piece of lemon behind her lips.

"How how dare you! My weakness! Still, you can't beat me that easily!"

"Bring out the last one," Hikaru ordered.

"The 'ultimate weapon' huh."

"Whatever you take out, it won't work on me!" Hanae yelled out her battle cry.

Despite saying that, Hanae's eyeball bulged out and almost touched the lens of the peek hole as she looked with anticipation and drooled.

Hiromi pulled out another box from under her top. It was white chocolate flavour Koala March. Hanae took 100 points damage, K.O. overkill.

She immediately unbolted the door and threw her hands up.

"I don't care anymore! Take me!!!" She yelled.

Her mouth frothed from rabid craving-induced rabies. She hadn't got her favourite snack for so long and she was very stressed.

Hiromi tackled her to the ground. Hanae instantly regretted her decision. She was laughing uncontrollably on the ground.

Hiromi was tickling her sides.

Hikaru watched them for a while, seeing that they didn't stop, he said: "My name's Hikaru and this is Hiromi, what's yours?"

He knew what her name was but asked because he needed to build rapport.