
You did this

Chiho ran straight ahead on the road not caring if a car did come. She felt invincible. She saw all the memories the parasite had accumulated. She knew she was strong.

The two men were still following her. She didn't care about how fast she ran but while she did run fast, they were also running fast. However, since she had a smaller body and she hadn't eaten... The two men were slowly catching up to her.

"Freeze! MPD!"

She turned her head around and saw a police officer pull out his gun.

"Stop or I'll shoot!"

The two were still chasing after her so she completely ignored him. Besides she had a particular destination in mind.

*Bang Bang*

Shots were fired. Yet, she didn't look back and kept running.

"Hey, you're under arrest too!"

She could hear him running after her. He was fast but he couldn't keep up with her. This confirmed that he was just a human albeit talented.

Chiho kept running at top speed and in just a little bit, the cop had already given up. He wasn't going to shoot her.

Seeing him become a dot, she looked straight ahead and finally came across a dead end. No matter. She jumped over the house's fence and into the backyard. Then, covering 13 metres in one second across the yard, she leapt over the backyard fence into another backyard.

Keeping the same pace and repeating the same process, she continued onto Midori ward. From Izumi to Midori ward, it would take 35 minutes in a car to cover the 13 km distance.

However, because she was cutting through the houses to Midori ward in a straight line, she was avoiding the traffic conditions. She also didn't have to follow the road meaning she would be directly heading to her destination without deviation. She was like a slow-moving helicopter flying across the houses.

She quickly left Izumi and into Asahi ward which was the middle point between Midori and Izumi. In ten minutes, she passed the border of Midori and changed directions when the streets became familiar. She was slowing down a lot and her heart wanted to beat out of her chest. She ran like a normal person.

She stopped in front of a house and knocked on the door when she realised that she couldn't stop panting after a long moment.

"Aimi! It's me! Open up now!"

Her chest hurt.

She knocked so hard that she sounded like a rude stranger smashing on the door with their fists. She had no time to be courteous, her parasitic strength at full throttle.

"It's an emergency! Huff, huff, OPEN UP NOW!" She shouted in rage.

She didn't know if they were silent because they were afraid of her but she prayed it wasn't the alternative...

She kicked open the door and ran in the centre. She quickly scanned around. There was nobody down here. Not a sound. Just a water tap dripping and the sound of water on metal.

*Plonk Plonk Plonk Plonk*

"Aimi! Where are you!"

She sprinted around the rooms and then went upstairs. She opened Aimi's bedroom door. There was nobody inside. Just her bed and table. It smelt dusty like the room hasn't been used in a week. It was too tidy as if Aimi's mum had tidied it waiting for Aimi to come home.

It seemed like Aimi never came home at all.

Panicked, she ran and checked all the room upstairs and then went back to Aimi's bedroom.

"AIMI!!!" She screamed in agony.

The truth was apparent. Aimi had been dead all this time. The idea that Aimi had been alive was a lie by everyone. She knew how the parasites worked and about their operations.

"Hey... HEY!" Yelled a fat burly middle-aged man as he stood before the bedroom door holding a wooden baseball bat.

She stared straight at him with a bewildered look.

"What the hell are you doing here! This is the Harue residence! You can't just barge into someone's home when they aren't home!" He shouted.

He must be a neighbour who saw Chiho break-in

He received no response as she stared at him silently. Then she faced the ground and yellow vomit spewed from her mouth.

"Kami-sama! Are you on drugs!" He exclaimed.

He slowly approached her, hesitating between adopting an aggressive or passive demeanour. He decided to lower his weapon. He thought that she was very ill, perhaps crazy but not a burglar looking for trouble.

"Are you alright?" He asked.


She leapt on him to which he was pushing her back with his bat, preventing her from biting his face and neck. She held onto him. Her weight and strength caused him to struggle and stumble backwards. He tripped on the staircase and they both tumbled down the stairs. They both writhed in pain on the ground but one of them quickly got up.

He tried hitting her with the bat, but she stopped its momentum with her hands too early, so there wasn't much force in the swing. She pulled the bat off him and threw it to the side. He tried pushing her off but to his horror, she was impossibly strong.

She ripped a chunk out of his neck.


A sick gurgle escaped what should have been screaming from his mouth. Blood from his neck gushed everywhere. To further his torment, he was still alive while she was tearing his flesh with her teeth.

After litres of blood pooled, he finally lost consciousness after 30 seconds of agony. To him, 30 seconds of being eaten alive felt like an eternity. It was not how he wanted to go before meeting eternal darkness. The state of not experiencing anything ever again.

Conversely, Chiho regained consciousness. She flinched away from the dead body and covered her mouth. She was afraid and disgusted with herself. She could have died but she suffered far worse by sullying her identity and values.

"It's because of you. It's all because of you."

Her eyes grew wide and deranged.

"You did this Hikaru! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"