
Healer? No f*** that

"Chiho, our first target will be Midori ward's HQ. We'll try to do Inari ward on the same day if we are able. Is that alright with you?" Hikaru gently asked.

After creating a distraction, they'd kill the wave controller to cut off the direct communications line to the officer so that they cannot call for backup. Hopefully, by storming the area fast enough, no one would be able to get their phone out in such an emergency.

However, there was no guarantee that they could stop the leakage of information to the outside. Even then, the enemy might realise something was amiss which was inevitable if time passes.

If the other wards get warned about the attack. It would be difficult to do anything soon after their security was maxed out. So, time is of the essence.

Therefore, Hikaru couldn't promise to cleanse Inari ward of the parasites before the procreator gives birth. Casualties are unavoidable in war.

"I don't mind." Her voice was soft as feathers. A stark difference to her yelling murder earlier.

They then discussed their known abilities and other things for another hour. Junpei had zoned out. He stared down at his wrist. Still shocked about the ability he had just discovered earlier.



A woman in her 30s woke up on her bed to pain in her chest. She looked down and was shocked that there was a spiked tentacle that had penetrated her heart through her pink nightgown. She looked at her bedside to see Hikaru standing beside her.

He didn't smile. It wasn't fun killing the weak who couldn't defend against his onslaught. They were cattle for him to grow stronger, nothing more.

It was now laborious for him to go to people's houses and kill them. Even if it only took a couple of seconds, doing the same thing with no end was very boring.

He needed a more efficient way. He had already planned to make clones that would do his dirty work but his experiments with cloning Aimi weren't successful. At least this time, he was hunting stronger prey.

Hikaru didn't absorb her at once. He lifted her arm to look at her wristwatch.

12:57 am.

The harvest had already begun at 10:14 when a message came an hour earlier of the operation's start time. Since they were starting a couple of hours later, everyone would finish in the early morning.

While parasites were strong, sleep was still important in healing any injuries or microtears in the muscles from excessive use. Having the body limiter turned off meant more self-inflicted injuries.

Daichi knew that sleep was important for the parasites that were closer to their animal instincts because they lacked self-control. It would be problematic if they got cranky and killed someone in public. He would be blamed by his superiors and colleagues.

Hikaru's team was the first to finish. He figured that Daichi wouldn't be satisfied with the usual load because they haven't harvested for 48 hours.

If Hikaru's team was the most efficient, then he would keep them working. However, Hikaru quadrupled the body count in one-third of the time it takes for the average team to reach the quota. Then asked for an early break as a reward.

If Hikaru's team didn't come in with a 7.3-metre moving van, Daichi would have thought that it was a scam. The pile of dead bodies was more beautiful than it was frightening. How powerful had Hikaru become?

*Knock Knock*

Hikaru pulled the woman into himself by the spike tentacle he had punctured her with like a fishing hook. While he was walking to the front door, the body sunk into him in those few seconds.


"Come on, let's get up," Junpei spoke after Chiho stopped wailing.

After a beat, Hiromi clenched her fists and shouted: "Get off of him!"

Another moment of silence passed and Chiho showed no signs of moving.

Hiromi took a step closer to Chiho and said "Get up or I'll make you." in a threatening voice.

Junpei gave an icy stare to Hiromi but she ignored it. Chiho then stopped studying Hikaru's face and slowly got up. Hiromi crouched beside Hikaru.

"Hikaru-sama! Are you alright?"

Hikaru merely shifted his eyes to look at Hiromi's face. A sharp pole erupted out of Junpei's hand. Hiromi turned around to see what looked like a spike bulging from the underside of his wrist. Junpei stepped toward Hikaru.

"What are you doing! Stay back!"

Hiromi was about to pounce on him when Hikaru held her back by her arm.

"I don't sense any malicious intent from him."

Hikaru's eyes met with Junpei's.

"I don't know... I don't think I want to hurt you. My instincts are telling me to come to you."

Sensing that Hikaru was okay with it, Junpei crouched opposite of Hiromi and held up his arm. A thick green liquid dripped from the tip of the spike.

Hikaru nodded.

Junpei pierced Hikaru's arm with it and ejected the poisonous looking substance into his veins.

Hiromi's worries were soon abated as Hikaru's wounds were healing. The bruises returned to a healthy colour as it shrank and popped back into his skin.

Hikaru stood up looking healthy and in perfect condition.

"I didn't know I could do that" Junpei said sounding surprised.

"So, we have a healer in the team after all," commented Hikaru.

"Healer? No, I'm sure this is just one of my abilities. I'm probably a tank or a warrior."

'A healer? No way. With my strength build, impossible.' Junpei thought.

"Maybe it's your second specialisation then. Although Daichi said that our abilities should show up in the first couple of days, I'm surprised that your healing ability has taken this long to show itself."

"I'm a late bloomer then."

"Or maybe it didn't show itself sooner because you never felt the desire to heal anyone till now. Since you've been fighting your combat abilities should have awakened first."

"No, no, well actually... I couldn't force myself to kill anyone during harvest so I've been letting my team do it..."

"I see..."

'Yeah right.' Hikaru thought.