
The Night and the Moon

"Your body size is quite impressive."

The long and slightly wide slither was a bit taken back at first but when it thought about its exceptional physique, it found it natural to question about its bloodline.

"I'm not a royal, I'm pretty sure... I think."

The crowned worm carefully observed the changes in its micro-expressions. It didn't seem like it was lying and it didn't have the air fitting of a highborn.

"I think you might be a mutant then."

"A mutant? Is that a bad thing?" It asked warily as it was afraid of being killed or cast out.

"Not necessarily. I just meant that you're an outlier. There was probably a mutation in your genetics or maybe you have inherited an amazing combination of genes."

"Heh what? Sorry, I don't get it."

"Don't worry, you weren't supposed to."

"... Did you learn this from a host?"


"What was it?"

The regal slither didn't say anything and smiled mysteriously.

"You're welcome to have some."

The high worm ate some of the pieces of the carcass of their enemies.

"I cannot... my lord. Your highness had earned it through slaughtering them yet I did nothing."

Its tummy rumbled right after it said that. 2 cms along the head of it was flushed red akin to blushing.

"Nonsense. You helped distract them and I will not have you argue otherwise. Perhaps you can repay me once you regain your strength."

"... Thank you, your majesty." The worm aligned itself horizontal relative to the sovereignty's axis and then bent its head 45 degrees downwards.

This was the equivalent of getting on your hands and knees when praising god.

Bowing was the bending of the head 45 degrees from the vertical axis. So, while this act wasn't extreme between their corresponding ranks, it certainly showed a lot of reverence and respect as the royal bloodline isn't that revered compared to human traditions. This was the world of animals and beasts.

The kingly slither was delightfully surprised at the one's humbleness before it.

"Please lift your head and don't call me by that title. I'd be more comfortable if you just treat me as a good friend."


A worm slowly drifted down like a feather and landed on a soft body.


"So tired. My neck hurts."

"Ah, you should rest." The mutant worm said as it began to gently slip out under.

"Don't go"

"But... it's my turn."

"Ahh- but you're soft and I'm already comfortable."

The royal worm laid lazily on top with its head beside the mutant worm.

They had spent three days together and quickly got close. The royalty and the bodyguard complimented each other.

The former didn't talk much and was always alone. It preferred that way because whenever it initiated intelligent conversations with peers, it would go nowhere. The parasites even though sentient had a simple lifestyle. They simply hunt for prey and assimilate into the host's culture.

Who would want to talk about anything else irrelevant?

So, there was no need to connect to anyone. The latter talked a lot, even though it wasn't intellectually stimulating, it did fill the void. The mutant slither was also useful for bouncing off its ideas. Although, the mutant got a lot of criticism for being annoying in the swamp and its last home place too.

Once the crowned slither had, directly and indirectly, expressed the same opinion, the mutant worm naturally felt like changing itself to make the other happy. However, its eminence had also noticed this and asked that it didn't need to worry too much because it liked the mutant slither as a whole.

The mutant worm felt nervous as it gazed at its best friend's sleeping face but it soon relaxed and felt at peace. It was also comforted by the security of the strong. No worms would dare attack them after seeing the trio get eliminated so quickly.

It looked at its beautiful master.


The mandibles were well maintained. One could see the lustre of the blades. Although the royals were strong, they had petite facial features that betrayed their true strength. A strong feeling of adoration burned in its heart.

"I... I really like you."

"It's only been a couple of days."

"But, I'm sure about you. The worm you are... I will always like you."

"I will lend you credit if you gave more time for your words but... I like you too. If you really are the worm that you are now and forever, then I wish we can be together forever. Just as the moon is always with the night."

They both blushed. The worms are asexual but even without sex, one can still love each other as soulmates. One might argue that it was the purest form of love. It makes the saying that "true love is when your girlfriend is also your best friend" quite literal. The two worms were like a family of two.

"Then which one am I? The moon or the night?"


The royal worm thought for a moment.

"I am the night and you are my moon."

The mutant worm blushed again with a face suggesting weakness.


Suddenly, the kingly worm swam up just below the surface of the cloudy swamp water.

"What's wrong?" The other said as it followed.

A hairy-looking bipedal creature walked cautiously to the swamp on its knuckles. It was a goril (interplanetary ancestors of gorillas).

"Prey. Take this one."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. I'll get another and meet you later. It's not my first time. I have a lot of experience."

All slithers did not age and their immortality was similar to a Hydra. Most cells have the Hayflick limit which is the number of times they can divide before they die. Hydra cells don't senescence at all. Instead of constantly deteriorating over time, hydra stem cells can renew themselves indefinitely.

This appears to be due to a special set of genes called FoxO genes, which are found in animals on Earth, from worms to humans, that play a role in regulating cell lifespan.