

With essentially unlimited energy, it was possible to have unlimited water which was mostly sourced from desalination plants where salt and impurities were removed from seawater. This process required twice the amount of energy compared to traditional methods such as gravity feeding water out of a dam.

With unlimited water, all crops and livestock became sustainable. Of course, the nutrients required for growing crops and livestock were obtained through automated processes and machinery assisted labour which were powered by limitless energy.

Thus, they had unlimited food.

With unlimited energy, they built many anti-smog towers, ozone generators and air purifiers to remove air pollution and restore balance to the ecosystem.

With unlimited energy, all elements and matter could be produced. Using compact versions of the large hadron collider and other particle accelerators, they could produce gold, silver, titanium, aluminium, plutonium or anything they wanted through various processes of nuclear transmutation.

Many other chemical plants benefitted from this inexhaustible supply of energy. Chemical processes that had low yields and high energy costs but produced chemical products that were rare, were used without hesitation.

Countries were all in debt to Lazarus for loans of his renewable energy sources and production type machines that he built around the world. Although Lazarus didn't have a leadership position like the president, prime minister, king or emperor, everyone knew that the CEO of Lar Corp owned Ratuka. His political and financial influence is felt everywhere.

Lazarus had the largest army in the world, land, sea, air and space. His military technology was far more advanced than any nation.

However, no one cared anymore. There wasn't a need to fight over food or resources. There was no famine. No wars. There was a lot of free time. The culinary and arts culture has also developed.

With unlimited energy, almost everything was automated. By then, everyone had a cloning plan and some bought the capsules outright for a fairly cheap price.

They had begun to terraform other planets to spread their population.

Half of the inventors were making products to enhance the quality of life and entertainment. The other half focused on making sure their system lasted forever. For example, there were still crimes in the early stages of their utopia.

Some people who were unable to rid themselves of their mental illnesses and antisocial behaviour committed a crime out of boredom. There were still impulses, sadism, thirst for violence or more basic instincts such as r*** or rage attacks.

They were all sent for rehabilitation using the most effective techniques in psychology. Incompetent people no longer worked in these jobs. Only the people who care are in their field of work. Since living was practically free after some payments.

The professionals used therapies that directly addressed the problem. There was no such thing as prescribing ADHD medication to children anymore. Most of the time, cognitive behavioural therapy and other techniques were used. There were only a few exceptions when one required medical treatment.

Soon after genetic therapy was introduced, crime became nonexistent. Precursors to violence and anti-social behaviour were deleted from the genome and genes were introduced to make the mass more docile and obedient.

Similarly, every other aspect of life was improved. The system was almost flawless. The education was almost perfect. They had begun pacifying the world and violence was almost a fairy tale.

However, Lazarus knew the potential problems with this. Such as meeting a violent alien race.

If there was one weakness, it was that the education on morality and ethics was too good, these stick insects don't have a fighting bone in their body.

So, Lazarus and the other half of the scientists worked to build weapons and security systems. They had made clones that were bred for violence and killing efficiency. The opposite of the sheep citizens. Most of this was done in secret.

The clones were the equivalent of super soldiers but there were a few problems. They were undoubtedly aggressive. Although that was the whole point, a few of them were defective.

There was a group that hijacked spacecraft from the Bootcamp in space and flew down to Ratuka. It was a massacre.

Usually, the citizens would just watch the spectacle because they didn't understand the concept of violence and death even though someone was shooting at them.

Some of them seeing an injured person on the ground came to help only to enter the line of fire. It took a while for their fight or flight reactions to kick in and run away from the clones.

When some citizens saw one of the evil clones were hurt, they tried helping the person and got murdered.

Lazarus intervened when he sent some soldiers from his council called the Knights of the Round Table.

This round table organisation were compiled of members from the original generations when the cloning had just started. While they were clones, they weren't genetically modified or indoctrinated during the Golden age (Utopia era). So, they still had the capacity for violence.

Lazarus was naturally one of them. This organisation was made to watch over the system that they had created and to ensure the survival of their race.

Sheep cannot lead. They would only follow the herd off the cliff. Wolves like Lazarus was needed.

Before all of the rebel clones were wiped out, one of them was hiding among the citizens who took him in, healed him with their med-bay and fed him.

Even though they knew he was a killer, they tried helping him, hoping the goodwill spread to him. Even though he killed and tortured family members in fits of rage and even **ped the wife.

By the time, Lar Corps private security force found him, the family was dead except the husband who became mentally ill and was put into rehabilitation.

Still, it wasn't like the citizens caused much of a political outcry. They were docile and they believed in the system. The system is most efficient indeed.

The super soldiers were also worth it. They were improved on after learning of their defects. Although Lazarus wanted perfection, so he eventually moved onto drones and robots.