12/01/21 deferred upload

Double upload tomorrow.

Hey guys, I could actually upload the work but I refuse to do so because I'm using my three year old laptop that has some sort of bug or virus. The problems are:

1. Its extremely slow

2. For extreme bug reasons it prevents me from resetting the pc through conventional methods

3. Various bugs prevent me from displaying the grammar software UI

4. Bugs prevent me from copying exact formatting of text from one page to webnovel, making it look shredded.

5. Microsoft word doesn't work on my laptop

Forget fixing the laptop, its been three years so naturally many of the parts have mechanically degraded. I decided to get another laptop and the order might come in a week.

In the mean time I will do some of the work at the library. Unfortunately the library opening hours are restricted because of covid lockdown so I couldn't make it today as I was busy shopping for my new place.

I also have some paper work to do.

Don't worry, I'm still writing the story down tonight and good news is upload times will be earlier in the day because of the library opening hours.

Thank you for your continued support!