Chapter 2

After the awkward introduction with what seemed like the roommate from hell, Sienna finally got herself settled. She heard her phone ding reminding her that she hadn't taken a second to look at it all afternoon. Besides a few text messages from her best friend and from her parents it looked like her boyfriend Andrew had made multiple attempts at contacting her.

"Shoot, I forgot to let him know I got here." Sienna mumbled to herself.

She went into her main contacts screen and found Andrew's name surrounded by heart emojis. They agreed they'd video call each other every day. She only had a short opportunity to look at herself on the phone's camera before Andrew answered.

"Hey baby! Looks like you made it to campus. How's Crystal River University treating my best girl?" Andrew asked, moving his dirty blonde hair away from his eyes.

"It's going alright." Sienna replied, trying hard to hide the disappointment she had just suffered upon meeting her new roommate.

"Hey, how long have we known each other? What's up? You were really excited on the drive over there. Everything ok?" He asked, furrowing his brows and looking a little concerned.

"Ew. What is it with people and their delusions of long distance relationships? You do realize that those never work right? Someone always ends up cheating." Paige said, popping into the screen and giving Andrew a fake smile.

"Bitter much!" Sienna replied to Paige.

Paige gave Sienna a mischievous grin while grabbing her backpack and slamming the door. Sienna felt an intense heat rise through her body. This girl was really starting to push her buttons. How could somebody be so awful?

"Wow, babe, is that girl serious? That was pretty rude. You can't let her ruin your first day. Can you talk to your RA about maybe switching roommates?" Andrew responded, a look of concern washed over him.

"I don't know, I'll see what I can do about it. I just hope that if I'm stuck here it won't be like this the rest of the year." Sienna replied sadly.

"Be positive, babe. Maybe she'll come around and you two will become best friends or something." Andrew said with a smirk on his face.

Sienna rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's attempt to lighten the situation.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on that. She seems impossible." Sienna responded.

After a few minutes of catching up on their day the conversation came to an end and Sienna decided she'd look through some of the class syllabuses she had received earlier in the week via email. She couldn't help but think that maybe she had made a mistake signing up for that advanced math course. Then again, Sienna had never been the type to let something like a math course intimidate her.

"Alright Crystal River University. Bring it!" She said, putting on her bravest face.


"Hey, can you not lock the door to the room when you leave? I'm going to be in the shower and I don't want to carry my key." Sienna asked Paige who looked like she was getting ready for her first class of the day.

"Yeah, sure thing." Paige said, sounding uninterested while jotting something down in a notebook.

Sienna walked toward the community shower in her flip flops and wrapped in a towel. She hated having to haul all her clothes to the shower and the idea of putting her stuff down along with everyone else's really grossed her out. So, she left her stuff in the room in hopes of not being seen by many people.

Within a few minutes she was done getting herself clean. The showers were relatively empty which made the experience a little more relaxing. It was what Sienna needed after the last few days she had just endured. She made her way back toward the room only to find that the door was locked.

This isn't happening. She thought to herself, feeling her heart begin to race. Panic was starting to work its way through her body. Other students began walking down the hall while she stood there in just a towel. The only option she had was to go down to her RA's room and ask the RA to get the door unlocked.

"Paige, I'm going to kill you!" She said out loud.

She made the humiliating walk of shame to get the RA. The RA could barely contain the look of amusement on her face when Sienna walked in.

"This girl is a maniac!" Sienna exclaimed. "She practically ran me over in the parking lot, she harassed me in our own room and now she decides to lock me out. Naked. For the whole world to see."

"Well, you should know better than to leave your clothes in the dorm when you go take a shower. I really can't throw off the whole dynamic of the dorms because you and your roommate don't like each other. That would require me having to uproot someone else who probably does get along with their roommate. Look, if next semester things haven't gotten better I'll see what I can do. For now you guys are just going to have to get along." She replied, uninterested while buffing her nails.

"Ugh! Fine, whatever. Just get me back in my room please." Sienna's patience was wearing thin and she needed to get to class.

The RA threw her a Crystal River University hoodie and gym shorts she had stashed away and they made their way back toward the dorms. The walk back didn't seem as long as the walk there but of course that was probably because she was dressed this time.

Sienna looked through her very small but organized drawers and pulled out sweats and kept the hoodie on. She shot Andrew a quick text message to let him know she was thinking of him and ran across campus to class. By the time she made it there she was physically and mentally exhausted. She had spent the previous night studying and with what Paige had just pulled she was ready for the longest nap of her life.

Concentrating on what the professor was saying was nearly impossible since all she could do was think of ways to get back at Paige. She had to get her out of her room and since the RA seemed less than interested in assisting it was looking like she would have to do it on her own. She came across a practical joke site and began her plan to make Paige so uncomfortable she'd run back home to her mommy and daddy. If war is what Paige wanted then war is what she was going to get.