Chapter 24

Sienna sat on the couch watching TV with her dad when the doorbell rang.

"That's Paige" She said out loud, indicating to her dad that she'd get the door.

When Sienna opened the door a feeling of dread came over her.

"Are you kidding me? What are you doing here?" She asked, sneaking a peak back at her dad who was entertained watching tv.

"I needed to talk to you." Andrew whispered.

Sienna looked back and shut the door behind her. She felt the cold air hit her body but she was so upset she didn't care. What was this guy doing at her house? She was done with him.

"Look two minutes. Give me two minutes to talk to you." Andrew begged.

"Fine. Two minutes, Andrew. I shouldn't even give you that." Sienna replied, folding her arms across her chest.

"I wouldn't dream of asking for more." Andrew responded, pulling his phone out of his back pocket.

"Alright, I know that Paige has been working on wooing you. I noticed it the first time I saw her when we were video chatting. I hoped that she wouldn't get to you but clearly she has. Whatever she's doing to romance you, to try and get you to be with her, it's all a game Sienna. I'm not saying I'm any better but please if you do decide never to give me a chance just know she's not good enough for you." Andrew replied.

"Get to the point Andrew, what are you trying to say? You have one minute left." Sienna responded.

"So, I followed her today. Not in a creepy way, I just wanted to talk to her. Clear the air between us, I don't know. Anyway, this is what happened instead." Andrew replied.

Andrew turned the phone in Sienna's direction and a video of Paige and another girl began to play. The long legged girl reached over and held Paige in her arms. Sienna felt her blood run cold and a level of jealousy she had never felt before. She watched as the girl touched Paige, she whispered something in her ear and then Andrew pulled the phone away.

"I'm going to stop it there because I'm not here to hurt you but Paige is bad news, babe. She's not trustworthy." He said, he had a satisfied look on his face.

"Hey," Sienna, heard Paige's voice. The pathway lights illuminated her body as she walked toward her and Andrew. "What are you doing here?" Paige asked, looking at Andrew.

"Showing Sienna the type of person you truly are. A lying piece of garbage who took advantage of a vulnerable girl." He replied, a grin forming on his face.

"What? What are you even talking about?" Paige asked, feeling confused.

"This." Andrew responded, showing her a still of her and Candi at the grocery store.

Sienna's eyes were watery, she looked disappointed.

"Sienna, no. Are you kidding me? No, no way. That's just someone I met the other day. She asked to hang out and I turned her down. I'm not interested in anyone but you." Paige said, sounding alarmed.

Sienna didn't know who to believe. She had evidence in her face that Andrew had just shown her. Maybe Paige wasn't right for her. Maybe she'd never change her ways.

Paige noticed the video still had over a minute left and had been stopped midway.

"Did you watch the whole thing, Sienna?" Paige asked, in a desperate attempt to get Sienna to snap out of Andrew's spell.

"Show her the whole thing Andrew!" Paige demanded.

"No, she saw enough." He replied, grinning and pulling the phone away. "You were caught red handed." He said, now visibly smiling in Paige's direction.

"Show me the phone, Andrew." Sienna responded, reaching for the phone.

In an instant, she swiped the phone from him. She hit the play button and the video continued to play. Andrew's face went pale, almost as if he had seen a ghost.

Sienna watched the video, she watched as Paige turned the girl's advances away and then angrily walked away.

"You know what?" Sienna replied, looking at Andrew angrily. "This is the last time you ever speak to me." Sienna said, throwing the phone at him.

"Seriously, Sienna?" Andrew responded, narrowly dodging the phone.

"You heard her. Bye Bye." Paige replying, smiling and giving him a little wave.

"Oh and by the way. Take your ugly ass ring with you." Sienna said, throwing the ring in his face.

Andrew bent down to grab the ring shaking his head. He looked like his head was about to explode.

"You deserve each other." Andrew said, turning around and walking toward his car.

"Hey Andrew!" Paige yelled, "Guess who got the girl?" she said laughing, giving him the finger and putting her arm around Sienna.

"Yeah, fuck you." Andrew replied, getting into his car.

Paige kissed Sienna on the cheek. "I am so sorry about that, Sienna. I meant to tell you about it, I just never got around to it but after running into Candi tonight, I was going to tell you." Paige said.

"Candi huh? She still working at the coffee shop down on Maple?" Sienna asked, trying to hide the jealousy still running through her body.

"Yeah, apparently she knows you." Paige replied, taking a seat on the porch swing.

"We went to high school together, be glad you didn't get involved with her, she has a history of getting attached." Sienna responded, sitting next to Paige.

"Oh. Trust me. I know." Paige replied, a light chuckle escaping her lips. ", were you a little jealous?" Paige asked playfully.

"A lot jealous." Sienna responded, kissing Paige softly.

"Now, can we talk about this other psycho who decided to follow you?" Sienna asked. "You're a hot commodity, Ms. Paige." Sienna replied, a big smile on her face.

"Seriously, talk about dual stalkers. You ever been with someone as popular as me?" Paige asked, grabbing Sienna's hand.

"Nope but let's try and tone that down a little, yeah? This has been enough action for half of our Christmas break. I'd like a boring upcoming week." Sienna responded.

"Come on, I'm looking forward to beating you in whatever family game session your parents have planned for tonight." Paige replied, tapping Sienna's lap while standing up.

"Oh, you mean you're ready to lose?" Sienna asked.

"Do I look like I ever lose, Arkansas? I just got the girl, I'm pretty sure that's not losing." Paige replied confidently.

"Hey, that's still to be determined." Sienna responded by getting up and following Paige.

"Oh please, I have had you since day one." Paige replied, pulling Sienna over and kissing her softly on the cheek. "Thank you." Paige said softly.

"For what?" Sienna asked.

"For what you did. For taking my word for it and asking him for the phone. For believing me." Paige replied, a look of gratitude came across her face.

"I never want you to feel like I don't. Never again. I will always believe you." Sienna responded, grabbing Paige's hand and kissing her knuckles.