The Big Time

Cara Dex:

"Breakfast meeting at 10 for Mrs. Encarnacions and Ms. Encarnacions," I read, stopping in the middle of the staircase. "Check. A meeting with the mayor for Mrs. Encarnacion is next. Meanwhile, for young Ms. Encarnacion, she had a morning photoshoot. I must remember telling the chef to prepare a quick lunch for her."

As I organize the Encarnacions' schedules, tapping relentlessly on the tablet in my hands, I hear screaming from the dining room.

"Mrs. Encarnacion," I yell, "Ms. Encarnacion!"

I tuck my tablet safety under my arm before running down the stairs and into the dining room. Practically breaking through the double wooden doors, I look around, and the first thing I see is the Encarnacions. Across from them are their guest, a father and his son I believe. Mrs. Encarnacions, Ms. Encarnacions, and the father all seem fine. However, for some strange reason, the son is dripping wet.

"Ovia Afternoon Encarnacion," Mrs. Encarnacion screams, her voice coming close to breaking the stained-glass window behind me.

"Thomas," the father shouts. He turns from his son to Mrs. Encarnacion and slams his fist onto the table, shaking the plates of cookies. "Mrs. Encarnacion! What is the meaning of this!"

"I do not know," Mrs. Encarnacion answers. She turns to her daughter. "I have no idea how my daughter would do something so rude!"

"Geez Mom," Ms. Encarnacions says amidst her coughs. "You don't have the slightest idea? You really don't?"

Ms. Encarnacion grabs a nearby napkin and wipes her mouth. I can't be too sure of what the situation is or what exactly led to it, but I take a quick breath and keep calm. Breathing through my nose, I walk to the soaking wet boy.

"Excuse me," I say, tapping the son's shoulder. "There's a bathroom on the second floor. Would you like to take a quick shower while your clothes are being washed?"

"Thank you," the young boy says with a smile. He gets up from the table and follows me to the bathroom. About to leave the dining room, the boy taps my shoulder and stops me.

"Please give me one minute," the boy asks. He turns to Ms. Encarnacion as she picks up her cup and plate.

"Uhh, don't worry too much about this," the boy whispers. "Honestly, hearing what my dad and your mother said also threw me for a loop. I probably would have done the same thing if I was sipping some tea."

"Thank you," Ms. Encarnacion replies with a nervous smile. "Still. I am really sorry about that."

Ms. Encarnacion waves at the boy as I guide him up the stairs and to the guest's bathroom.

"Hi. I'm Freddy, by the way. What's your name?"

"My name is Cara Dex. I'm Mrs. and Ms. Encarnacion's new live-in assistant."

"Live-in assistant," Freddy repeats. "Wow. There's a job I've never heard of before."

"Yes," I laugh. "I'll admit. The 'live-in' part also threw me for a loop but once I saw the daily schedule for both the Encarnacions, I easily understood why 'live-in'. Still, I did like my apartment."

Freddy smiles and nods his head.

"Here we are," I say, standing before the guest bathroom. "You can leave your clothes outside the door. I'll call one of the housekeepers to pick them up and have them washed."

"Thank you, Ms. Dex."

While Freddy takes his shower, I call for one of the housekeepers to collect and wash his clothes.

Ovia Afternoon Encarnacion:

"Mom," I say after cleaning up the tea and cookies. "What do you mean by you just got me a boyfriend?"

"I mean what I said," my mother calmly replies. She stops to take a sip of tea. "I have found you a boyfriend. Thomas Benjamin II is a very smart and handsome boy. He-"

"Mom," I say, "I don't want a boyfriend."

Feeling daggers being thrown at me by Mr. Benjamin's eyes, I turn to him.

"No offense to your son, Mr. Benjamine. He does seem like a wonderful person, but I'm not interested in him."

"Why," my mother asks. "Are you interested in someone else? Oh no. Do you have a boyfriend already?"

When my mother asks me this, I immediately think of my dream from last night. I see Nemo and me cuddling together, shoulder to shoulder, looking up at the stars.

"Ye--" I say before Mr. Benjamin cuts me off.

"A little disappointed," he says, "But I am okay with your decisions."

"What," my mother asks.

"Besides," Mr. Benjamin goes on. "Your mother isn't referring to an actual relationship with my son. She's referring to a fake relationship."

"A fake relationship," I repeat

"I am so confused right now," Emica says from beside me.

"You too," I whisper. "So glad I'm not the only one. Mom. Mr. Benjamin. Please explain...everything. From the start."

"I can take it over from here," my mother says. "Ovia. Mr. Benjamin is a very famous movie producer and director. His son, Thomas Benjamin II, is a young and aspiring actor. They have come all the way here to shoot a movie."

"Okay," I say, nodding. "Mom. What you're saying now and what you've said before are two different things. What's the connection?"

"The movie Mr. Benjamin will be directing is one of those young romantic stories. As you may have guessed, his son is starring as one of the lead actors. Due to my connections, I was able to convince him to make you, my beautiful daughter, his son's opposite. You will be starring beside Mr. Thomas Bejamin II You and he will light up the entertainment industry as a new, young dashing couple."

"A couple," I repeat.

"I'm still confused," Emica says. "What is your mother talking about? And what is the 'entertainment industry'? And why would it 'light up' only because of you and that boy? Noon? Noon? Hello! Noon, can you hear me?"

Despite Emica waving her invisible hand in front of me, I still can't do anything. All I can do is sit and stare at my mother.

Emica Kana:

"Noon," I shout, waving my hand in front of Noon's face. I wave my hand. I clap them together. I even snap my fingers but Noon doesn't move at all. All she does is stare at her mother. "Noon, I am really sorry about this but you appear to be in a trance and as far as I know, this is the only way I can get you out of it."

Taking a deep breath, I focus on the connection between Noon and me. I feel our bond grows stronger. It grows stronger and stronger until finally, I can take over her arm. Using Noon's own hand, I slap Noon in her face.

"Ouch," Noon yells, breaking out of her trance. She looks at me when she realizes what I did.

"Sorry about that," I say, giving control back to her. "But it looks like you needed that. Do you remember where you are?"

I step to the side and show her her mother and the man known as Mr. Thomas Benjamin.

"Maybe I should rethink this," Mr. Benjamin says.

"Nonsense," Noon's mother shouts. "Ovia.Why did you slap yourself?"

"Uhhh," Noon starts, looking at me and then at her mother. "I just needed to know this isn't a dream, and this isn't. This isn't a dream. Mom, you got me an acting job?"

"Yes," the mother answers. "Oh. I get it. Honey. Ovia, sweetie. This is no dream. This is for real."

"Yeah, that's the problem. Mom, I'm a model, and while yes, I have starred in a few commercials, I don't know if I'm ready for the big time."

"That's silly. Ovia, don't you remember? You took acting classes before."

"Mom. Around the time I was taking acting classes, I was also learning how to use the restroom."

"No matter," Mr. Thomas Benjamin says after wiping his mouth. "Ms. Ovia. Despite everything that happened, I still believe that you're the girl I need for my next movie. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a few meetings to attend. I must go now."

"What about your son," I ask. "Freddy is still taking a shower and I doubt his clothes are done yet. I mean, our washer and dryer are the best, but they still need at least 20 minutes to wash and dry clothes."

"With your permission, Ms. Encarnacion, my son, Thomas Benjamin II, will stay here until he is ready. Once he is done-"

"I'll tell my driver to bring him and my daughter to the studio. Ovia, until Thomas Benjamin II is ready, please prepare."

"Mom, I have a photo shoot in an hour and Chinese lessons later today."

"I'll tell Ms. Cara Dex to move the photo shoot and Chinese lesson to another day. This is far more important."

"But Mom-"

"Ovia, you are excused. I advise you to go to your room and pack a bag for today."