Black's origin

After the strange week of unexpectable and mysterious murders, the police had found a girl who survived one of the murders" the news reporter said, his head turned to the chair nearby him, showing the girl who survived, the scar on her right arm left the news reporter in shock.

"I was on party with my friends, it was late, like 1:42 AM, then, we heard a terrible scream, along with a sadistic laughter. My friends and I were so scared by that, all the other people in ran away from the club, screaming in panic, we did the same as them and then I saw something exit the club with blood all over his jacket, he wore all black, all I could see was two shine blue dots on its face, he ran into me and we were about to escape, but he slammed a sharp object right into my arm" the girl said, tears ran down her cheek.

"We had a boy who got a note from the unknown murderer, but it seems that the note doesn't make any sense" the news reporter said as he turned to the camera, "if you notice something which is related to the recent case and the details of the man, please tell the police as fast as possible".

On the ground was a 12 years old boy, his face was turned down into the road, his name was Alex McLeod, Alex was the one who was bullied, everyone had always have turned to him becauss of stupid things.

He had light blue eyes and his messy hair was black, it looked like an anime boy's hair, his hair was one of the reason to why he had been bullied by others in school, he never even had a friend.

Suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him, it was his mother's voice calling him to come.

The bullying in school wasn't the only thing that Alex had to suffered from, his parents were also a reason, his parents especially his mother, hadn't paid attention to him.

"Alex", his mother called, "come in, it's dinner time", Alex got up and went inside his home, depressed, his father waited nearby the table.

Alex went up the stairs, "I'm not hungry!" He shouted as he closed his door aggressively,.

He laid on his bed, his face turned to the pillow which had started to get wet from his tears, "Alex!" His father, Alvin, shouted to him in anger, "it's the last time you will close your door like that!! Did you understand me?" He asked Alex, between his tears, Alex nodded in agreement.

He was scared by his father, he has been smoking a lot and he has a lot of serious anger issues, he went back to his wife, Ela, who was watching TV, "you don't have to be so rude towards him, he is just a kid", Ela said, not really caring about her own son, "I DON'T care that he is 'just a kid', besides, children needs to be polite and do as told" he replied and sat next to her.

The next day, on the middle of his way, strange noices made their way into Alex's ears, making him  to look to his side, there was a forest, as he hurried up to school, he wore his headphones and listened to skillet's music, he had seen the other kids, already sitting, not noticing him as he hoped it would stay that way, but as soon as he sat on his chair, "Hey, nerdy loser!" Until 'he' noticed him.

George, the bully that no one got the courage to mess up with or trying to get revenge, he has been working out a lot and he was very popular, he walked up to Alex and started to bully him, "so loser, you think that if you have headphones on, you would be less 'nerdy'?" He asked Alex, laughing as his hand went straight into Alex's face, slapping him hard.

After that, Joey made fun of him and started beating Alex up, until blood started to drip from his face as he started tearing up a bit, quietly, trying to hide his tears so Joey won't have another reason to made more fun of him.

Suddenly, the teacher came into tye class and saw Alex's swollen face which was covered in red thick liquid, the thick liquid was dripped down to the table, "Alex, what happened to your face?" The teacher asked, everyone turned their faces to him.

"N-n" Alex started to say, but Joey's creepy stare made him sigh, "nothing miss" he said, "can I go wash my face?" He asked the teacher.

"Yes", she replied, "but hurry up", Alex got up from the chair and went out of the class, tears were out of his eyes as he walked up to the bathroom, he stated to tearing up more, as the strange noises came into his head again, this time, the noises started to communicate with Alex, he heard things like 'kill...him...Alexander' after the strange noises, distorted static noises made their way to Alex's head too.

He looked at the mirror but nothing that can make these sounds wasn't after him, he washed his bloody, crying face and looked at the window near him, he saw a strange creature, thus made him exit the bathroom and go back to class, he looked at the window again, he could see the strange creature better now, he was tall, his skin pure white and he wore black suit and red tie, the longer he looked at the creature, the louder the noises were.

He grabbed his head and closed his eyes, he laid his head down on the table, until the teacher came up to him, "Alex, Alex!", Alex was now fully awake, but something was a bit strange about him now, his skin was pale as if he just saw a ghost.

He looked out of the window, but now, nothing was there, as well as the strange noises which were disapeard as if they were never existed.

"Y-y-yes?" Alex replied, embarrassed by the fact that the all the classmates were looking at him and laughed at him, suddenly, the school bell ring, all the other students left the class fast, Alex stayed, he couldn't forget the tall white creature he saw in the forest next to the school, "Hey loser!", Alex saw Joey walking up to him, "you think I have finished with you?" He asked.

"Shut up" Alex replied surprisingly, no one dared to reply and stand against Joey, the other children came to see it.

"How dare you tell me to shut up? you moron loser" Joey asked and then he punched Alex in the face which made Alex fall to the ground.

Joey grabbed Alex by his shirt and smacked him into the wall, he started to knock Alex into the wall over and over again, until Alex coughed out blood, then, Joey dropped Alex to the floor, Alex, who was now on the floor, heard now the strange noises again, blood had started to drip from his nose.

'Kill him... kill him...' the noises said in Alex's again and again as Joey kicked him, "Alex started to stand up. "Oh, what happened loser?" Joey said, "are you trying to ru-"he didn't finish his sentence as the manager came, "JOEY!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ALEX?" He asked loudly and dragged Joey by his baseball jacket.

Alex giggled at the situation as well as the other students, who were laughing loud, "finally this asshole will get what he deserves" he said between giggles, then he went to open his locker, he put his math book and went to his math class.

While the class, some children started to gossip about Joey and what the manager did to him, "I heard that Joey is going to be banned for a week" "pfff, that's nothing, I've heard that the manager hit Joey's hands with freaking ruler" the gossip was on until the class ended.

On his way home, Alex have heard that strange noises again, but tried to ignore them.

Suddenly, Joey appeared and pushed Alex to the ground, Joey's group came too and they started beating Alex as he groaned in pain, but at the same time, he started to laugh and giggle.

After 10 minutes of beating him up, Joey and his group went away, Alex finally stood up, after 3 minutes he was at his home, appearently, he was hugged by someone, "big brother!! You came back!" It was his younger brother, Jordan, who hugged his brother in happiness.

Alex picked up Jordan and hugged him back, "w-what happend to your face, big brother?" Jordan asked, scared, "nothing that you should worry about" Alex replied, smiling at his cute brother and point his Jordan's nose, which made him smile again and giggle.

"Wanna play?" Alex asked, Jordan's eyes sparkled "YES, LET'S GO" he said excitedly, Alex carried him to his room and turned on the PlayStation, they played 'TEKKEN 3'.

"how have you been winning all the time, big brother?" Jordan asked Alex.

"Don't forget that I'm bigger than you, so I had a lot of practice, but you're really good in comparison to me as a kid" Alex said and stroked Jordan's hair, making him laugh.

Alex started to hear those strange noises again, everytime, they were louder than before.

He looked at the woods near his house, he saw the tall creature again, looking at him back, Jordan, looked out of the window in curiousity, but his curiousity disapeared as he saw the creature, Alex instantly hugged Jordan tightly to comfort him.

A week later at school, Alex went to his locker, but while he had done that, he felt that something is touching his shoulder, "huh?" He asked himself as he turned around, no one was there, he turned back to his locker and saw a strange symbol on his locker, it looked like a circle with an 'X' within it.

Alex started giggling uncontrollable, he couldn't control himself at that moment, and then he opened his locker and took his sience book, then, he went to his class.

At the moment he came into the class, Joey started to made fun of him, "Ha" he giggled, "looks like you aren't just a pathetic loser, you're also a paranoid" he said and everyone in the class started to laugh at him.

Suddenly, Alex have heard that noices again, they said "KILL HIM... ALEXANDER...NOW!" Alex started to laugh insanely, he wasn't able to stop, he got up from his chair and pushed Joey to the ground and right after that, Alex began to punch Joey.

Joey's face started to swollen, Alex punch him again and again until the other children had stopped Alex from killing Joey, they pushed him backwards, blood was dripping from Joey's forehead and his mouth.

The teacher came and saw Joey's swollen, injured face lying accross to Alex, who still uncontrollably laughed.

"Oh My Gosh!" She said queitly, "Joey, who did that to you?" She asked him, the children pointed at Alex, "ALEX, GO TO THE MANAGER ROOM, RIGHT NOW!!" She shouted at Alex.

"We won't keep children who don't know how to respect the other children" the manager said, angry at Alex.

Alex couldn't say anything to defend himself, he knew it was him who had beaten Joey now and nothing that he could say won't be useful for him.

"Look, I usually don't do this, but according to the scenarios that happened now, I'll have to ban you from school thus of unrespectful behaviour to other student" the manager said, umcomfortable about doing it, "good" Alex said, "that's how it has always been, when bullies teasing and beating up others, no one will do anything against that, but when someone is finally give the bully what he deserves then that's bad, huh?" There was an awkward silence for several moments, "TELL ME!" Alex shouted in madness.

The manager hadn't answer at all, Alex exit from school, while he was half way to home, he saw the strange tall creature, the distorted static noises came into Alex's head, which made him laugh again, but now, he hadn't done anything but to nod in agreement towards the creature who nodded back.

Alex arrived his home, where his mother made lunch, Alex went up to his room and sat down on his bed.

He started to made a black mask, then he put the mask on, it looked like Alex was mad, he dropped the mask and went down to the garage.

He took a machete and an axe which were made by his father, he snicked outside stealthy and waited for Joey and his group to come.

He waited for 15 minutes until finally, Alex heard him.

Alex stalked them silently until Joey felt that something is wrong, "WHO'S THERE?" he asked with his whole throat in anger, but not long after that, his angry face turned into scared face when Joey saw Alex, he stood begind them with a smile, that smile was sadistic, it was a psychopathic smile.

They saw that he had machete and anaxe in his hands, they tried to attack him since they were five and he was just one, but he stabbed one of them with his machete and the other one he killed by ripping off his head.

The other two people grabbed Alex as Joey came closer and punched him until Alex coughed up blood, his tooth were sealed with blood.

He managed to break from them and killed them fast, then he started to walk to Joey's direction as he laughed insanely, "p-please Alex" Joey started to say, "I d-didn't mean to do that, please, you're a nice kid-" before Joey could say another word, Alex covered his mouth.

'Kill him, Alexander' Alex did as told and slammed his axe into Joey's neck cutting his head off his body.

'The work isn't finished yet... Alexander' he heard the distorted voice, "no" he said, going back to his house and sneacking to his room, he went to bis closet and wore black gloves and his new mask.

He went down the stairs to where his parents were watching TV, he took a book and dropped it to get their attention.

Their eyes were filled in horror when they saw him, "w-w-who are you?" Alvin asked, but Alex didn't answer.

Alvin took a bear bottle and tried to crush it into Alex's head unsecceeded, Alex dodged and stabbed his machete right into Alvin's chest, leaving him to collapse into the floor.

"You should have paid more attention" he said, "who are you?" Ela asked him, crying on her dead husband who's body was covered in thick red liquid, "I AM BLACK" he said and then he cutted off his mother head, she instantly fell onto the floor, dead.

Alex escaped to the woods next to his home, leaving something for his brother.

When Jordan came back from school, he was terrified to see his parents laying on the floor lifeless, he saw a letter on the table, he picked it up.

'Dear Jordan.

If you read this note, then it's probably says that I'm not here anymore, your big brother is here with me, he will never come back, I'm sorry Jordan.
