The end of the beginning

In my mother's tribe there are very strict rules. Rules that have been in place for thousands of years, and on the rare occasion of being broken were punished harshly. Often ending in the death of the rule breaker with the rare occasion of them being forgiven. All but one could be forgiven, a taboo you could call it. With the punishment of being tortured until the end of your days.

On the fifth day of the third month in year 143, 264th year of the Orion Calendar this taboo was committed. The one to commit such an act was of course my mother the werewolf chieftains daughter and the strongest vampire to ever live. They had created a life that in the eyes of any sentient being should not have been created.


It was a Tuesday like any other, I had gotten up, got dressed and made a cup of coffee. I worked in a managerial position for some big corporation that made toys.

Straight out of college I had a mountain of debts and almost no money. I eventually found some small company that was hiring. I took my chances and ended up in an office job. It paid well so I wasn't complaining. Within just 20 years it had taken off and and I had been promoted to a managerial position.

In the first ten years I had paid off more than half my debts, got a house, a wife and even two adorable twins. Ten years later and my debts were paid off and I was living happily with my family.

While thinking back on it I was quite amused, "To think a brat like me coming out of college with no talent, no job, a mountain of debts, and a bleak looking future would end up here." I thought aloud before taking another sip from my coffee.

I quickly wrote a note to my wife Julia and two kids, john and Kayleigh before racing off to work. Today was a big day for me, I was finally moving out my old office into my new one as I had again been promoted. To other people it might not have seemed to exciting but with this I would be able get an actual retirement.

For a long time I hadn't actually had any money set aside for after I retired and instead been saving up for my kids college. That or their future mishaps.

I had always been a careful person. Growing up I knew if I ever had kids I would have to save money. Even the most well raised children can get themselves into trouble.

As I was getting into my car I felt a strange sense of foreboding but decided to ignore it. 20 minutes later I spotted something strange. A car was slightly swerving in the other lane. Suddenly -as if the steering wheel had been jerked to the left- it swerved into my lane. I immediately swerved out of its way only to regret my decision. As I was about to celebrate I managed to spot the car that had been behind the other just as my own was flung into the air.

(Insert crashing sound effects)

I start to feel a warm substance seep into my clothing. Outside I hear screaming and sirens of what I assume are ambulances. Slowly, I feel my consciousness slipping as I fade off into the void.


As time goes by I come to the realization that I am dead. For what I assume are months I grieve, grieve the fact the I won't wake up and see my wife's cute sleeping face and the fact I won't see my children joyfully eating the breakfast I would wake up early to make just before they went to school.


Another few months later I had come to terms with what happened and had found I could even move a little. Suddenly I see a light and feel a push. As what feels like hours go by the light continues to grow as the feeling of being pushed continues.

When the light finally consumes me I feel a pull and I am once again in for a surprise. Looming over me are two giants and I mean in the literal sense. One of which was a beautiful woman with eyes that looked as if they were made of gold and jet black hair. On top of her head lay two ears that looked as if they belonged to a wolf.

Next to her was a man with a well built frame, blood red eyes, and hair as black as night. On his face was a big smile showing off all of his teeth that looked as if they were made of pearls. Within his eyes was an unmeasurable amount of pride. When I looked into those eyes I felt something familiar. A sudden sense of realization came over me as I slowly looked down.

There lay a chubby little body only a baby could possess but what was even more shocking was that I was seemingly missing something. It had hit me like a freight train. My little 'friend' that I should've been there was no longer.

It had been three months since then and I have learned a few things since then. First of all those two giants are actually my parents and I can actually understand them quite well. Second I'm nowhere near human, in fact, I am a mix between vampire and werewolf. Third I am no longer of the male gender and that my name is Kimberly. Last but not least, is that this new world has magic.


Both mother and father possess great magic. When I learned about this I went into full fan girl. Unfortunately me being really young decided against freaking out too much as it would probably bring many unwanted problems.

The next day my dad came over to me and put his hand on my chest. When he did this I felt something slowly creeping out of his hand and into me. When he pulled away he whispered something to mom. Of course me being me eavesdropped on what they were saying. What I herd shocked me to no end.

Apparently I have three times the amount of mana as both of them combined. Within these first three months both of them had told me of previous exploits of theirs. From what I could gather dad could wipe out one large city a day whereas mom could do the same to a smaller city. Going by this alone I was as strong or maybe even stronger than the demon king, at least mana wise.