Moon thingy

"So what's this?"

"Moon thingy."


"Moon thingy, is that not what I said?"

"No, well yes. But what does the mean?" Jasmine asks as she stares intently at the orb I had procured from the auction.

"I don't know! I brought it to grumpy and he gave me this really long backstory about how it's from the moon or something therefore I made the executive decision to call it Moon thingy."

"Once again I cannot believe how bad your naming sense is." Charlotte refuted

"Did I hear something?"




"OW! What was that for?"

"For picking on the the youngest one here!"

"Youngest? I'm four years younger?"


"Didn't I tell you?"

"No, actually you have barely told us anything about yourself." Jess said

"Well that's a matter for later. I have some things to do today and I won't be here."

"And that is?"

"And that would lead us back to what I was saying, Jasmine you're coming with me today. Char, you have to practice your magic till at least noon and then you are free to do what you want. If any of you are to go out then there needs to be at least two of you. Char I don't your brother nor your father to not come after us so all of you need to be careful in where you go and what you do, am I understood?"

They all give a quick nod and I grab Jasmines hand. We make our way outside the capital and head towards the large forest a couple miles away.

Once there I make a small hut out of rock using earth magic leaving one of the four sides open.

"Ok so this is probably going to hurt but you're just going to have to bear with me."

"But isn't it like your *ahem* armor and weapon? Didn't it hurt to use them?"

"Well yes it is and yes it hurt like a lot but it doesn't last long. But that's only me. I have a high healing factor so I don't feel pain for very long unless I lose a limb."

"So basically it boils down to you being inhuman."

"Well I guess you could put it that way but what really defines being human? Hmm~?"

She just looks at me with an unamused look on her face and I hand her the amethyst colored orb.

"Just pour some mana in and it should react to you."

She looked at me skeptically for a second before doing as told. The orb starts to glowing when suddenly it shoots out of her hand only to float around her in circles.

"W-what's h-happening?"

"Don't know. Just hold still and I'm sure it will be over soon" I say, reaching for her hand.

Suddenly I feel a zap and retract my hand. I see Jasmines face turn to horror and I look down.

Instead of a hand there is a mangled, burnt, mess of flesh and bone. Thankfully it seems that it had fried my nerves and they no longer worked. Even with my high healing factor and pain resistance it would have probably hurt as much as it looked.

I just shrugged and went to work at healing it. After finishing with that I looked up to inspect the strange barrier that had encircled my dear Jasmine. It was quite weird as it cancelled out any noise and contrary to my expectations she didn't look like she was in any pain.

It wasn't long until the strange barrier disappeared.

"So~, what happened in there?"

"I met a moon goddess and was told to kill you" she said still in a daze.

"Well that's interesting and all but I think we should be getting you back to the room."

I received no comment and said decided to just carry her back.


"How did it go" asked Charlotte.

"Well it didn't seem to hurt at all and apparently she talked to a moon goddess."

"What did they talk about?"

"I don't know, she passed out before I could get any information out of her."

"Okaaayy? What does it do?" She asked pointing at the amethyst colored orb circling a few feet above Jasmines head.

"From what I could tell it amplifies everything magic related."

"Well isn't that is a bit unfair?"


"She gets a boost in magic and I get to turn into a giant lizard."

"You mean a giant lizard that can destroy cities within minutes!"


"Anything else?"


"Good, plus you wouldn't have even been able to use it for at least another month."


"Fufu, it is always wonderful to see your reactions you know that."


It wasn't till hours later that Jasmine showed signs of waking.


She cutely stretched as her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning my sweet little rabbit."

"Good morning~? Wait what happened!?"

"You don't remember?"


"It seems you do. Mind telling us what happened?"

She gave a light nod and started to explain.


"So basically you met with the moon goddess and she told you to kill me because I'm some great danger to the world?"


"Anything else?"

Both looked at me as if I was some grotesque monster.

"What? You think that worries me? Hah! She can't do anything, why do you think she sent that all the way down here?" I said pointing to the orb.


Oh yeah quick edit: for those of you who read my other novel I'm posting the chapters that I missed last week this week so expect to see those at some point.

I don't have anything to say here so byyyyyyyyyyeeeeee