Chapter 3: The First Cultivators

Out of nowhere Aidan started emanating crushing spiritual pressure making Yun'er and Aurora kneel on the ground. After a minute of this he finally recalled his spiritual pressure and helped his servants up. "Now do you see the power of cultivators?" Aidan asked Aurora and Yun'er. "Yes young master. I have a question though? What was that weighing us down just now?" Yun'er asked curiously. "That was something I call spiritual pressure. You can create spiritual pressure by pushing your spirit Qi onto someone else. However, if your opponent is around your strength level it won't work." Aidan answered. Boom! "Oh shoot I almost forgot the city is under attack lets go help my father. This can also be your first test as a cultivator." He said as he walked out the door with his servants walking behind.

When they got to the city wall they saw Zen in an intense battle with a daoist grandmaster. The Chen, Meng, and Zi families cheered him on while battling the daoist army. Then three shadows flashed and Zen was sent flying. "What are you doing? Are you betraying the Great Sheng empire?" Zen shouted enraged as the three Grandmasters from the three great clans of Polaris city attacked him. "Now that the new emperor Xuanwu Sheng is emperor at such a young age we all know that the Great Sheng was gonna fall." One of them replied. "Fine then I shall bring you down with me." Zen said angrily then charged at the four grandmasters. "Aurora go and help Zen. Depending on how well you do I may reward you." Aidan told Aurora. "Yes young master. I promise not to disappoint you." Aurora replied happily. The aurora rushed down the wall to help Zen. "Aurora, what are you doing here, you should be guarding Aidan." He said to Aurora worried for Aidan's safety. "Young master sent me to help you." Aurora replied then proceeded to throw a punch at one of the enemy grandmasters, sending him flying. "And when did you get so strong. From what I remember you were only in the master realm." Zen asked, very confused. "We'll explain later for now focus on the fight." She answered then immediately warded off attacks from three other grandmasters. Even though they only had two grandmasters on their side they slowly gained the upper hand and after about twenty minutes Zen and Aurora finally killed all four grandmasters. After the four grandmasters were killed the daoist army quickly retreated.

After the Polaris city army cleaned up the battlefield. Zen, Aidan and his servants met in Zen's office. "So, Aurora, how have you gotten so much stronger in such a short period of time." Zen asked curiously. "It's all thanks to the young master. He gave me a wisp of spirit Qi to refine my bones." Aurora answered. "Don't try and trick me we all know spirit Qi doesn't exist." Zen told off Aurora skeptically. "She's not lying watch father." Zen interrupted. Suddenly there was a light blue strand of spirit Qi in his hand. He twirled it around his fingers then pushed it into his father's body. "Guide this strand of spirit Qi through your bones to remove the impurities." As Zen guided the spirit Qi through his bones a black liquid oozed out of his skin and you could hear pops emanating from within his body. "How do you feel father?" Aidan asked Zen. "I feel amazing. Like I could defeat those ancient grandmasters." Zen replied excited for the possibilities that spirit Qi brought to this world. "Congrats dad you have started your journey to becoming a real cultivator and reached the bone refinement realm of the body refining stage." Aidan told his dad happily.