Chapter 5: Founding of the Heavenly Divine Sect

"How dare he make me kneel!" Young lord Mu shouted enraged at the fact that he, a duke and one of the three young Lords of the younger generation had been forced to kneel. "Oh well I guess since he is helping me I can excuse it. Refine my bones huh?" Young Lord Mu thought then he moved the spirit Qi through his bones and felt a warm tingly feeling resonation through his body. As he moved the spirit Qi through his body a black oily substance oozed out his pores and he could feel his body getting stronger. "Interesting. I think I could destroy an ancient grandmaster in one move. Unless the other young lords also went to the Dao Creation Pavilion I should be the best among the younger generation." Young Lord Mu realized happily.

"Well I suppose I should create my own transcendent power while I wait for them to fully refine their bones." Aidan thought. However, he soon realized that he had no land to put this power. "I guess I have to go ask my father for a place to create a base." Aidan deliberated. After deciding that he needed land from his father to create his base of operations he walked over to his father's office to ask for some land. "Dad, do you have any leftover land that I could use to create my own power?" Aidan asked calmly. "As matter of fact I do. Since the Chen family betrayed the Zieron empire they fled the city once they heard the battle was lost so you could use the area where they used to reside at the top of the cliff." Zen replied proudly. "Thanks dad I'll go there now." Aidan told Zen as he went to the old Chen family residence. Once he got to his new base Aidan realized he had to think of a name for his new power. "It has to be something that sounds mysterious yet powerful. How about… the Heavenly Divine sect. Yeah I like that." Aidan thought to himself with satisfaction. Then with a wave of his he changed the entrance sign to say "Residence of the Heavenly Divine sect."

"That's better." Aidan said after officially creating his own power.

[System Announcement: Congratulations you have officially created your own transcendent power the Heavenly Divine sect (Nice name by the way) and have been rewarded 10 upgrade points. However, there is still more work needed in order for the Heavenly Divine sect to become a true transcendent powerhouse.]

"Interesting I didn't know the system knew how to be sassy." Aidan said amused by the fact that the world upgrading system had just given him sass. Then he suddenly remembered something. "Yun'er come and plant these seeds spread out around the cliff." Aidan told Yun'er as he pulled out the five spirit summoning tree seeds.

Yun'er took the five seeds happily and went to plant them. "I better do a good job planting these seeds because if I do, the young master may give me some spirit Qi." Yun'er thought, happy that she might get the opportunity to become a real cultivator. As she thought these things she planted and numbered each seed spread out along the cliff. Once she finished planting the seeds the cliff started rumbling. "What's going on?" Aurora panicked. "Calm down you'll see soon enough." Aidan replied calmly. As soon as he said that Aurora calmed down. Showing how much his maids trusted him. Suddenly the rumbling stopped and a fog started to surround the cliff. "Finally, natural spirit Qi exists on this barren continent." Aidan stated, excited for the future of this world.