Chapter 1

Myra wakes up with a pounding headache. She groans and pushes herself off the ground. Her vision is blurry and her mind is foggy. She hears a crackle in her ear. "Toven Mission Control to Agent23, come in Agent23." 

Myra glances around to make sure no one is paying attention. Luckily, most everyone is invested in their own lives, and where they have to be. "So selfish, and cold. Earth will be much better once they are eradicated." Myra thinks.

Myra is part of a race of aliens called Tovens. They go around to different galaxies and decide if the planet is being harmed by the life on it and if they should be removed. Myra thinks of them as the Universe's exterminators, getting rid of ungrateful races that are bad for the overall well-being of the planet. If Tovens decide the race are doing too much harm to the planet, they go in and wipe them out, simple as that.

She presses her finger to her earpiece. "Agent23 to Mission Control. I've landed. Very busy city, it seems to be one of the most popular states we researched, New York." 

"Very good. Agent23, your job is to blend in, learn their secrets, then feed us intel until we have sufficient evidence that the Humans should be removed." The earpiece crackles again. "If you need us, communicate through this earpiece, but only in an emergency situation, is that understood Agent23?"

"Yes sir." Myra responds 

"You will be going by the name Myra Allen. We have placed all information on a card, including living situations and school. She has never existed, so it'll be up to you to make allies. Remember Agent23. Blend in. And be cautious." The earpiece goes silent once again. 

Myra reaches into the pocket of her jacket. Right before dropoff, they fitted her in 'Casual American Style' which consisted of a red tank top, black ripped jeans, black boots, and a black cropped jacket. Her dark curly hair was tied into a ponytail, and she had fake piercings in her ears, which was apparently some type of style for girls here. 

"Everything is so bright." Myra grimaced. She was used to her black armor, with secret knife compartments. Now all she has is ripped jeans that leave her legs vulnerable, and small pockets that couldn't hide a Nano Blade. She glances into the window of a store next to her. She spots a black over-the-shoulder purse big enough to hide weapons, but not large enough to draw too much suspicion. 

She walks inside and is immediately confronted by a woman in a pink polo shirt. She starts evaluating all possible exits and reaching for her dagger hidden in her boot. 

"Hi! How can I help you today?" The polo woman asks politely. 

Myra let's out a breath. "I saw that bag in the window." Myra says, pointing. "How much is it?" 

"It's usually $40, but luckily for you, it's half off today, so, $20!" The woman smiles. 

Myra reaches into her back pocket and grabs a small leather wallet with fake identification and enough money to survive on for a few months. She pulls out a $20 and walks over to the checkout lane. The woman rings her up and Myra rushes out of the store. 

"So some humans are selfish, and some are overly helpful. I don't trust either, she was definitely hiding a secret." Myra makes a mental note. She stops at a bench and discreetly loads her daggers, gun, wallet, and card with all her information into her new bag. She stops and studies the card, memorizing it all into her database for later. 

Myra Allen

Age: 18

Address: 1592 Derton Blvd. Level 4 Apt 11B. Utica, NY.

School: Westwood Academy

Height: 5'4

Weight: 145

Birthday: 08/05/02

Ethnicity: Caucasian and African American.

Myra puts her address into her internal GPS and starts walking. 15 minutes later she was standing in front of a tall building with windows all over it. She enters the building and sees she also has a key card to her apartment in her back pocket. She swipes it and the door buzzes and opens. There is a man behind the desk who waves at her as she passes. She offers a meek smile and presses the button for the elevator. It dings and the doors open to reveal a small dark box. She winces and steps into the box. She pushes the button for the fourth floor and the doors slowly slide shut. She takes deep breaths and closes her eyes. She hates confined spaces. They make her feel weak. 

She hears a ding and the doors slide open and light pours in. Myra dashes off the elevator. She walks around the hallway looking for 11B. She finds it, at the very end of the hallway. She slides her card and opens the door, not sure what to expect. A dingy old room with no furniture? A large fully decked out home? The door squeaks open and she looks around. It's not empty, but there's not much there. In the living room, a dusty red couch, a small side table, and a TV from the early 90's. In the kitchen, a marble counter with a few 3 legged stools around it. All the proper cookware seemed to be there, plus a microwave, an oven, and a refrigerator. A quick polish and it'll look good as new. She finds a bathroom, not that she needs that, being an android. Technically, she doesn't need food either, but she does enjoy it. She pushes open the last couple doors and finds 2 bedrooms. One is a bit larger than the other, but both are completely empty, not even a bed frame. 

She makes a mental note to go shopping soon and make her house look more natural, like a Human's would. After all, she starts school next week, she might make friends, and they might wanna see her place. Myra laughs at that. She'd never had friends before. Teammates, sure, but affection and friendship wasn't exactly a big part of Toven culture. This was her first solo mission, and she was thrilled that they finally trusted her enough to help take down a planet without the help of Agent5, or Greyson, as he chose to go by. Myra grimaced at the thought of him. He was her teammate, but she couldn't stand him. He went everywhere she went, by orders of the Chief. He was the one person who treated her like a person, but not in a good way. 

Myra was an android, not a robot, meaning she could still feel emotion and looked and acted more like a real person than any robot could. She remembers it was one of her first days around the rest of the crew, and Greyson had cornered her. He had pushed himself onto her, making it so she couldn't move. He had begun to grope her, and she had electrocuted him in the arm to get him away. He stalked off, but she knew he hadn't forgotten, because he was always staring at her with a mixture of lust and hatred, even in the middle of a mission. 

Myra shook her head to clear her thoughts. Even if she only pretended to like these people, they had to be better than Greyson. She presses her earpiece. "Toven Mission Control?" She asked. 

She heard a crackle and then a "Yes Agent23? Is there an emergency?"

"Not exactly, but I'm going to need more money to furnish this apartment and wear normal Human clothes." Myra asks hopefully.

She hears a sigh. "Fine Agent23, we'll scan you some more American money and send it to your internal storage. But no more calling to ask for money. We're not your parents, and you know our currency is short as it is." The line goes dead. 

"Well obviously.." Myra mutters to herself. She wasn't born, she was created. She doesn't have parents. The man that created her, Dr. Torrell, was the closest thing to a parent she had, and he was killed mere months after finishing her. A small ding draws her attention. The money has been transferred to her internal storage and she was ready to shop. She grabs her bag and leaves the house.

She arrives at the furniture store in about 10 minutes. Her stunning green eyes darted around the dim room. It was a dinky little store that sold mostly secondhand stuff, but it would have to do. She bought all the home furnishings she would need. They loaded everything into a truck and brought it to her apartment. For a small extra fee, the employees also lugged everything upstairs and put it in place. 

"Okay today is.. Sunday" Myra checks her phone. "I have one day before I start at Westwood. This is good, now I'll have time to study." Study, of course, meaning download everything she needs to know as a senior in highschool into her brain. She didn't want to seem too smart, that would be suspicious, so she only downloaded what she needed. She also had time to create a little extra backstory for herself, in case she was asked. Her name is Myra Allen. She grew up with her dad, and her mom left when she was little. She's really into fashion (that part isn't made up) and she wants to go to college for Human Behavior as Toven figured that major would give them the most information on Humans.

"Speaking of fashion.." Myra looks down at her clothes. The outfit was good, but not great. It wasn't 'Myra' enough. She decided to go for a walk around town to find some new outfits. She found a cute boutique a mile from her apartment. The clothes in the window looked promising, so she walked in. When the door jingled her entrance, a young girl about the same age as her popped up from behind the desk. She had short blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hi! Welcome to Aphrodite's Boutique! My name is Lily, how can I help you today?"

"Uh, hey. I'm just looking for some new outfits, something more 'me." Myra says

"Totally get it, you seem fashionable. What's your style?" Lily asks. 

"I like black, blue, silver. Dark contrast colors. Edgy, but casual vibes. Myra says.

"Cool, I like that section, my friend Kendall loves goth stuff. Ooh! I just had a great idea!"

Myra smiles. Maybe not all humans are terrible, Lily didn't seem too bad. "What idea?" she asks.

"We should have a fashion show! I can get a bunch of stuff I think you'd like, and you can come out and model it, it would be so much fun!" Lily exclaims. 

"That would be fun, let's do it!" Myra agrees. She chose a fitting room and Lily tosses three outfits over the door. The first one is galaxy jeans with a silver crop top and black knee high boots. Myra tries it on and checks herself out in the mirror. She whistles. "Damn I look good!" She takes her hair down and struts out of the fitting room.

"Ooh I love it! Give me a turn." Lily says. Myra laughs and gives a little spin. "It's definitely cute, but I wanna see you in the other two outfits." Lily decides. 

"Yes ma'am" Myra jokes, giving a small salute and marching back into the dressing room. The next outfit was a blue off-the-shoulder top, a black plaid skirt, knit stockings, and blue converse. "I love this one!" Myra says, opening the door to show Lily. 

"Oh me too! Love the skirt. There's one more outfit, lemme see!" Lily says

Myra goes back into the fitting room to try on the last outfit. It was the silver tank top, a cropped black leather jacket, ripped black jeans, and the black boots from the first outfit. Myra steps out and spins. "Whaddaya think?" She asks

"Super cute! Leather is definitely your thing. Which one are you getting?" Lily asks.

"All of them, I need new clothes for my first day of school." Myra goes back in and changes into her old clothes. 

Lily leads her over to the checkout line. "Oh what school? Are you new in town?" 

"Yeah, just moved here, I'll be going to Westwood Academy." Myra says, bagging her clothes. 

"Oh! I go there! Are you a senior? On Monday, find me, and I'll show you around and introduce you to my friends!" Lily exclaims

"Yeah, I'm a senior. Where should I look for you?" Myra asks

"Oh this is awesome! A new friend!" Lily exclaims excitedly. "And me and my friends will be hanging out in the hallway by the main doors, you can't miss us. Also, I didn't catch your name?"

"Oh, I'm Myra. Bye Lily, it was nice to meet you. I'll see you tomorrow." Myra says.

Lily waves and Myra walks out, the door jingling behind her. Myra gets home and enters data into her Human File. 


Age 18 

Goes to Westwood

Works at a Boutique

"I'm not sure if she'll be useful to me at all, but at least I won't be alone for school." Myra muses.

She checks the time and sees it's 7:30pm. "Eh might as well get used to this place, who knows how long I'll be here." She flops down on the new couch and turns on the TV. "News, news, cartoons, stupid Hallmark movie.. Ooh Project Runway!" Myra sits up and critiques the outfits for the next 3 hours. "Damn, 11:00 already? Guess I should recharge." She yawns and goes over to her bedroom, where she had a station set up so she could recharge every night. For her, recharging is just like sleep; she plugs in and lies there for 8 hours, so she can get back to full energy.