Padawan Prisoner and Jedi Council meeting

Keira walks to her shuttle in the hanger of A 4. Keira is at the entrance of the hanger when she sees Fay standing guard outside of her shuttle door awaiting her to come here to inform her of the situation at hand. Fay sees Keira walk up to her and says "how is our guest doing so far".

Fay says " If you are implying that I have hurt him I have not just that said he is unconscious and in a cell in the shuttle".

Keira says "Good we will drop him off at my master's power base because he will surely want the padawan of that pathetic dead master of his"

Fay says "Did you at least leave a gift before our departure".

Keira says " I left more than a simple gift".Keira takes out a device with a button that she just presses and a (BOOOOOM) was heard from the distance.

Fay says "I guess that takes care of that".

Fay and Keira walk on board of the ship after the explosion was heard and the people in the city started to panic in the confusion. The shuttle started to lift into the air and took off into space above Tatooine and then into hyperspace towards Keira master's power base. Fay says " Keira I am going to go clean my equipment and rest up for the next mission".

Keira responds with "that is fine I will with me I will be in the meeting room trying to get into contact with my master".Fay left the room she was in and went to her room. Keira walks to the holo panel and presses a few buttons and a cloaked figure appears.

Keira says " Master I have completed the mission on Tatooine and we have a padawan prisoner along with us and we are heading to your power base on Mustafar to drop him off and you can give me my next mission".

Keira drops to her knees to bow to her master.

Darth Arctis says "Good my apprentice things are going to according to plans that I have set up".

Keira says " That is the very good master".

Darth Arctis says " After you drop off that padawan head to Alderaan to and speak to house Thul they need some assistance to push back the forces from house Alde and house Organa that is being led by two Jedi masters".

Keira says "Yes master it will be done".

(On the Jedi Homeworld of Tython)

The Jedi council is talking about the ripple that was sent threw the force and can sense the death of their fellow Jedi master.

Master Tol Braga says " Something is different in the force as of late".

Master Oric Traless says " I have to agree with Master Braga something is not right".

Master Satele Shan says "We will send two Jedi Knights to investigate the rumors on Tatooine is sith and to find any evidence of what is happening there".

Master Orgus Din says " We can not rush things when we don't know who or what we are dealing with, but yes we do need to send people to investigate this matter as soon as possible".

Master Satele Shan says " What are your thoughts on this matter Master Anyacas Cresbast"

Master Anyaca Cresbast says " I contact the Jedi in the war zones and tell them to stay vigilant at all costs because of this new force of the unknown that is attacking Jedi Knights and padawan's".

Master Oric Traless says "We have to update the security teams with other Jedi's that we have available at this moment".

Master Tol Braga says " Our priority as of right now is the protection of the Republic control planets and important people of each planet with more Republic troops as soon as possible".

Master Lorlayl Comrade says "We should probably train more Jedi padawans for the near future because we need to be the strongest as soon as possible".

Master Orgus Din says "Whatever we do we need to think critically about our next move or one step is a mistake with too little information".

Master Lorlayl Comrade says " I also think we should obtain any information about this unknown force before we agreement but for now we will need more security than more ships to keep the "systems In our systems".

Master Satele Shan says " That will be enough, for now, we know what we need to do. The first thing is to get information about this unknown force and the second thing is to secure our borders from the Empire and any other groups".

Master Satele Shan Says "You are all dismissed until next time". They all nodded and started to leave the council chamber to expect Master Satele Shan who is starting to meditate on the matter at hand about the unknown force.

(Two hours have passed since the meeting)

On the planet, Mustafar surface two people are talking on a landing pad waiting for a shuttle to land. The two guards are talking about the other day.

Guard 1 says " How are you doing today"

Guard 2 says " Nothing much just same old just guarding this sith's base".

Guard 1 says "At least you didn't get killed yet like Jerry who upset the boss man".

Guard 2 says " What happened to Jerry?"

Guard 1 says" he got killed for making the boss mad for disobedience and set an example to the rest of the guards that work day and night here".

Guard 2 says " You the dumbest person I have ever met".

Guard 1 says "What do you mean?"

Guard 2 says "We are on a Laval planet you moron it is like it is daytime all round".

Guard 1 says " I guess you are right and I am getting a call from the watchtower operator saying there is a ship coming out of hyperspace".

Guard 2 says "Are we getting any new prisoners because the old ones are broken to death and we need new ones to keep up production on this planet".

Guard 1 says " I think it is just one but I have heard some rumors that it is a Jedi prisoner and the boss man wants to ask him some questions".

Guard 2 says "Don't you mean to kill him or ripped him in half".

Guard 1 looks up at the watchtower man then back to the ship that just enters orbit and says " Doesn't that ship look like the bosses student shuttle".

Guard 2 takes out a radio to contact the watchtower operator and says "Is the shuttle clean to land or not".

The operator says to guard 2 " Yes they are clear to land just get ready to take the prisoner from them I will send a squad of imperial down to assist in the escort of the prisoner at once".

The operator takes out a holonet and Darth Arctis appears on the holonet. The operator says " They are here my Lord".

Darth Arctis says "Good I am on my way now make sure my apprentice stays there with the prisoner until I get there".

The operator says " Yes my Lord it will be done". Darth Arctis disappeared from the holonet. The operator radio into the squad on standby and "Tells them to go to the landing pad 03 then wait for the shuttle to land".

(15Mins Before Landing on Mustafar)

Fay is in her room putting the finishing touches on cleaning her weapons and equipment then proceeds to put her helmet on then a hud pops up after Fay puts on her helmet. Fay puts a flamethrower on her right wrist and a grappling line on her left wrist. Fay begins to puts on her breastplate and her leg armor. Fay puts on a utility belt with flashbangs, thermal detonators, smoke bombs, emp grenades, and a small knife. Fay then begins to put on her jetpack.

After Fay gets on done putting on her armor she is going to her armory. Fay takes out two blaster pistols put one on each side of her legs into blaster holders. Fay takes out her katana and puts it on her back while holding onto the handle tightly. The last item Fay takes out is an Amban rifle and she is holding it with her right hand.

Keira walks to where the prisoner is being held against his will. Keira enters into the cell room where her guest is being held. Keira walks up to the cell while he is shackled to the metal bars. His hands and feet are shackled together while being tied to one metal bar.

Keira says " Wake up sleepy head we are nearly here".

The padawan began to slowly open his eyes while looking around in this new area he is currently in then his eyes focus on the sith in front of him and said "So where am I sith".

Keira says " Looks like you were having a nice little nap there so I decided not to wake you up because you will need to have the strength to survive the pain and suffering ay master will put you threw to get the information he needs or wants so. I think you should give me the information about what you know about the Jedi than the republic".

The padawan said, "I rather die than give information to you Imperial dogs".

Keira says " Be careful what you wish for because that is a very high possible ability with my master on his way so you can give me information with no pain or suffering but on the other hand, you could suffer so much pain and suffer from him".

The padawan kept silent for three mins.

Keira says " What is your name by the way"?

The padawan says "Do you think I would tell you my name".

Keira says " I already know your name thinks to your dead master his name was Pax something I don't remember the last name is it not Kayjay". A Smile crept on Keira's face.

The padawan felt his heart sink into the void as he remembers him and his master fighting the sneaky sith then the Mandalorian. A teardown fell down Kayjay's cheek.

Kayjay says "I will get revenge for my fallen master that you killed blasted sith".

Keira says "Easy their Kayjay revenge will lead you down a path that you can not return from". Fay walks into the room with her being fully equipped with her armor and weapons.

Fay says " It is almost time we have to hurry up".

Keira says " You are right Fay lets hurry this matter up".

They both came closer to the cell Kayjay was in and in his heart, an unknown feeling has been awakened from the depth of his heart it was fear. The cell opens up Fay forces Kayjay to get up and they walk to the shuttle door waiting for it to come down.

The shuttle landed on the landing pad 03 and the shuttle door let a (Hissing sound) as the door was open. The door reveals three-figures standing at the top of the ramp. The two guards are sweating bullets as soon as the door was down seeing a figure that they recognize as their bosses apprentice walks down the ramp with a Mandalorian armor and a figure with brown clothes. The two guards see the shackles on the figure in the middle of the sith and the Mandalorian. Then a squad of imperials and a captain walk out of the door at the base's entrance. Keira walks down the ramp follows behind the prisoner then the Mandalorian pushing the prisoner down the ramp.

Keira says " Can the captain escort me to the cells with my Mandalorian guard behind me with the prisoner along with the Imperial squad".

They all said "Yes Lady". Keira put the Imperial squad into a formation of a column of two with six Imperial soldiers on each side with the Captain in the front leading them into the base while Keira was walking beside the Captain and Fay was behind them holding onto the prisoner. As they walked down the long corridor it is a little too quiet for Keira's taste.

Keira said to Fay " Check the surrounding areas of the cells and take two Imperials with you Fay ".

Fay says " Yes Ma, am". Fay hand over the Kayjay to Keira then Fay picks one from each column from the back. The three went their different ways than from the main group. Fay talked to the two Imperial troopers alone.

Fay says " What is the best way to get into this base from the outside ".

Imperial Trooper 1 says " There is a blasted door towards the east and one to the west ".

Imperial Trooper 2 says " We have patrols in groups of four patrol threw the rocky lands outside of the base where the patrols don't go past 1km".

Imperial Trooper 1 says " As you saw coming from the air is that north and south are hanging off the side of the cliff".

Imperial Trooper 2 says " We also have two troopers guard the two blast doors along with a watchtower at both entrances and we have sensor movement outside of both entrances and the only way to get threw the sensor is to wear Imperial trooper armor or have and I D that can identify".

Imperial Trooper 1 says " You can only get that is the rank of Captain or up".

Fay took in all the information on this base and how it works.

Fay says " let's look around the cell block area and if we don't see anything wrong with the place we can report back to our Lord Lady is that understandable". They both give a nod. The trio walks around the cell block with one Imperial guard leading them threw the area and the other one is watching their backs. While Fay was in the middle of the two. They walked for about 15 minutes to 20 minutes and they didn't see or heard anything out of the ordinary.

The trio walked back towards where the main group should be and as they got back to the group they put Kayjay into a cell. Fay looked at Keira and eyeing her as saying can I talk to you alone for a moment. Keira caught on to what Fay was motioning.

Keira says " Captain I will talk with my friend for a moment ".

Captain says " Sure don't mine me then I will report to the other officers on duty at this current time ". The Captain begins to walk away.

Keira says " What you got for me, Fay ". Keira senses a small ripple threw the force.

Keira says " Get ready for a fight to break out at any minute now ".

Fay says " I still don't know how the force works ".

Fay and Keira heard an explosion towards the west side of the base and blaster fire could be heard from where they are. Fay looks towards the area and back at Keira then says " Time to go to work ". They began to both run where the explosion was and as they got closer the blaster fire became louder.