no more

Chapter 79: no more



The doleful cry of the wind was daunting, the wolves protected the graveyard where all our fallen comrades were buried. The chilly air was sipping in our winter clothes, the breeze was warmer than our stone-cold hearts.

This is fucked up. Nothing can describe the darkness looming over our faces as we stared at our brother... my little brother.

Gian or known as Four was wearing his favorite knitted black sweater. The one Sin, E, and I gave him on his eighteenth birthday.

His dark chartreuse green hues were studying us, pleading. The fear in his eyes was so strong that it radiates through his whole body. His lips are quivering, must be from the cold weather or from fear. Fear of his inevitable death.

I stood between Dos and Uno, while the others were standing side by side, scattered in the small circle of our family. Our fucked up family.