Oz: Act 1

"Oh my God," Dani patted down her weave as she walked down the hall to the game area alone, "Between Keith, Eidem, and Watson, those three are stressing me. Like," she smirked, "How the hell are you going to leave me alone in a mafia theme to find some bum and call him Jesus. Get out of here!" her voice echoed through the halls, "Then want to show me the books of Niggalations, Coochietholithans, and memes. These boys are some serious clowns, I swear And want to feel like they're special," she sighed in front of her designated door, "That's okay though. Anyways," on a deep breath, Dani put on her happy face and walked inside.

Dani crept in and closed the door, "Where is all the color? This place is so dull with no color," she looked all around, "This is literally a wasteland with only one building way the fuck over there. Now I'm supposed to walk? Uh uh," she noticed her little southern dress and smiled, "Oh my God, this is so cute," she hopped, "I'm like one of those country girls, all dolled up and stuff," she stroked her simulated pigtails while looking further, "But seriously, where am I," and smiled, "Oh, and I got the pigtails to match," wind blew dirt towards her, and her smile away, "This looks like a horror movie and I'm-" she smacked her hips, "I'm alone. These niggas seriously had me come to this spooky place alone. What was the whole purpose to apologizing if they were going to do this?" she walked closer to the building slowly to peak in, "Is this Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Because that's what it looks li-. Oh, it's a clearance," she ran down the dirt road leading to the store, "I'm in. I'm gonna buy something before I get murdered here," while laughing, she remembered that the only piece of gear she was given was her philosopher stone around her neck, "Why give me my necklace if this isn't an alchemy nor magic theme? the fuck".

Approaching the store, Dani could see there were two bicycles outside. Better yet, the clearance sale was 90% off. Her cheeky smile matched her bouncing shoulders as she strutted her way in.

"The fuck?" the store was empty and the clerk was just as dull as this theme, "Y'all got nothing in here. Why the hell? None of this makes sense," she walked in and sneezed to the extreme dust that clogged her nose, "So, they send me here to the chainsaw massacre place alone with my necklace which can't be used. No color. And a 90% clearance sale on nothing," she chuckled, "I swear these boys are so smart," a younger Japanese woman wearing a wondrous pair of sparkling red heels walked to the counter, "Oh my god, I love your shoes! They actually have color here".

The lady turned back with her nose scrunched up, "Who let the trash in here to even see my shoes"?

Dani dropped her jaw and batted her lashes, "Excuse me bitch"!

The lady grabbed her bag to leave, "I don't have time for you".

Without a word, Dani ran in swinging. The lady tried to move, but Dani's hands were too fast. Seeing that the lady had no fight in her, she let down her guard to beat her face in.

What Dani hadn't been paying attention to was the tornado raging through. It destroyed the shop and tore it apart. Dani found herself beating on this woman in the center of a cyclone. It was here that the woman began striking past Dani's fists and exerting strength that shook her back.

They were both standing on a small piece of the old store floor to duke it out with sheer blows. It was at this time that Dani's guard was tested.

She tried to move around and jab in, but the lady was quick and agile. This lady was truly fighting back and debatably winning.

A few minutes in, when the two were exhausted from punching, Dani tackled the woman down and wailed her fist into her head.

The winds were calming. And though Dani ignored it, there was no longer a tornado around her. Better yet, her stone was activated. She could feel its power tingling down her skin.

Dani kicked up to her feet, and created a large magical circle around each of her palms that gave a mechanical click.

Bullets fired from Dani's right palm at a rapid rate of 1,000 bullets per minute. The woman's arms flew off along with her head. Her clothes ripped apart with blood splattering all over the yellow brick road that they were now on that evaporated as did her skin.

Dani was confused, "What the Hell"?

This Japanese lady was seriously melting away. Smoke was rising up from her body as it burned inwards. Everything was demolished except the single pair of red slippers.

"Oh my God," Dani wiped her face, "What is this?" there was something in the bushes, "These guys got me here by myself, fighting God knows what".

The slippers appeared on her feet. A notification appeared in front of Dani. When checked, it informed her that the "Ruby Slippers" allowed the player to meld elemental energies with their magic. Given that Dani was able to create raw magic, this made things a lot easier for her.

Dani shrugged, "Okaaaay. That's nice but..." she looked past the trees and small houses outside of the roadway, "What's going on here".

A tiny head poked from behind a tree. She jumped, shocked by how small this little guys was. He came from lurking to wobbling over. Not even his head could pass her thighs.

"You killed the Wicked Witch of the East!" he grunted with his hand up for a shake, "Thank you kind witch".

Dani batted her eyes, "What?" many midgets like him came from hiding in various places, "Oh, this must've been their joke on me being short. Ha haa".

One midget smiled like a child, "She did it. She saved Oz from the Wicked Witch of the East"!

Dani tilted her head, 'the Wicked Witch of the... Wait a second," her speech grew faster than Watson's, "Did he say 'Oz'? Like the Wizard of Oz?" her cheek rose to her eyes, "I'm in the Wizard of Oz!" a bubble floated down from the sky. "Uh oh. Which one is this? It's been a while since I saw that movie".

The bubble glided down to her feet and popped out to be a Lebanese woman in a blue two-piece dress. Dani couldn't ignore her sweet smile, long hair, nor the beads dangling from her skimpy top. But what about her butt? Regardless, Dani didn't trust this woman.

"Hey," the woman smiled at Dani's Ruby Slippers, "I see you killed my evil sister".

"Oh," Dani laughed to hide that she noticed the midgets weren't scared of her, "Yeah, she's dead. I saved the little ones".

"Yes, but," this new radiant witch rose her finger, "If I may, are you a good witch or a bad witch"?

"Oh no," chuckled Dani, "I'm just a sorceress passing through".

The charming witch giggled, "You remind me of the Wizard himself. My name is Bariqa by the way".

Dani shook her hand, feeling a power channel into her hand. This feeling appeared to be healing her. Not that she really needed it. Dani had enough MP to heal herself. Although her MP did heal up as well.

Bariqa gasped, "Oh no. It's the Wicked Witch of the West. Quick! You must not let her find you and get to the Emerald City to receive Oz's help to go home".

A storm cloud was coming. Winds carried crap from foreign lands in it. Whoever this witch was, Dani could tell could control the storm. Lightning ripped through fields and tore down little midget homes. Their cries were silenced by the uproar. Their tears blew away. Dani was about to fly away due to her small stature.

A meteor struck the road, giving rise to the Wicked Witch of the West, "Who dares-"!

Dani grabbed her right elbow and pointed her index finger at the evil witch to shoot out a couple of 9 millimeter magic bullets. First in the chest a few times, followed by a couple to the head. It wasn't until the witch was back by at least 35 meters that Dani launched a magical grenade to blow her up.

Upon seeing the Wicked Witch of the West's arms and legs fly about into the air, the midgets began cheering for their savior. Even Bariqa clapped.

Dani sighed, "So," she smiled, "Since both evil witches are gone, I'm able to explore the land of Oz, right"?

Bariqa thought for a second, "Well yes, and when you're ready to go home, or if you just want to see the Wizard himself, just go to Emerald City. And if you ever need my guidance or a quick patch up, just call my name and I'll come flying".

Dani shrugged, "Sounds cool. I'm gonna find my three friends and travel a bit. This will be fun".

Bariqa clasped her hands, "Well I'm very excited to see you happy. And I hope you keep doing more to help this Wonderful Land of Oz throughout your journey".

Dani gave a little dance before orienting herself on the yellow brick road, "Don't worry. I got you".

A midget walked up, "To get to Emeral City, just follow the yellow brick road".

Dani stepped along it while pointing down, "You mean this yellow brick road".

"Yup," another midget held his hand out for her, "Yup, just follow the yellow brick road".

"Awe," Dani help tow midget's hands, "They're so cute," she felt their voices leading to a tune.

She went with it. Skipping and singing along with the midgets of Oz, Dani laughed and taught the little people a thing or two. It wasn't until they sent her away from their town that she pranced towards a wheat field where she was sure to meet a new companion.

Dani skipped, twirled, shimmied, and danced by her lonesome self. To ignore the fact that she was alone, she focused on the yellow brick road and the cawing crows. Entering the wheat field, she noticed blood splattered at every turn. A group of crows was eating away at an arm. Based on the tattoos, she identified it as being Nolan Eidem's arm.

She flung a fireball, scaring the birds away and burning the limb a bit. As disgusting as she found it, Dani picked up the arm and walked off to find his torso on a stake. As before, crows picked at his flesh and tore out his intestines.

It would've been a pain in this alchemy theme to heal his arm on completely at this given moment. But there was a needle with a thread on the ground by the stake. Given her extensive medical knowledge and dark magic powers, Dan was able to use the item to sew on the arm in a short time instead.

She watched for a moment as she stepped back. The crows were sure to take the arm off again. It meant that Dani had to assemble his entire body in a short time frame to save him.

Using her magic, Dani was able to find that his limbs were not too far away. She daunted through the wheat and pushed over all she could to pick up his torn body parts and sew them onto the torso. On each return to the main body, she was sure to take the extra minute to resew everything that she could. Having left his head for last was probably the best thing she could've done. And it only took her a few short minutes to find it.

"Dude!" he spat blood and smiled, "They have me as the scarecrow and these birds ate me apart".

Dani leaned over to laugh from his expressions, "They did. And now you're a talking head".

His eyes widened, "I'm a talking head"!

Nolan Eidem rambled for a good moment, nearly breaking Dani's focus with stories about what he went through and how much pain he was currently in. The gates of Hell would've shut hearing about the rash on his ass, the chaffing between his legs, something else hurting that he isn't even quite sure where among other things.

After her moment of laughter, Dani picked up his head and ran for his body. She burnt the birds away and stitched him back together.

"Ew dude," Eidem picked at his stitchings, "I'm able to open my wounds".

Dani smacked his hands away, "Stop it before I leave you here".

Eidem smiled, "Dude, this is awesome".

Dani stomped her foot, "Get down before I let the birds eat at you again. We still need to find Keith and Watson".

Eidem squealed as he jumped down from the stake, "Okay. Where are they"?

"I don't know," Dani held her hand at the road, "But... We obviously need to follow the yellow brick road to get to Emerald City".

"So what are we waiting for leader?" Eidem smiled.

Dani sighed as she started walking, "We're waiting for your demon lord to give you some real medical abilities so you can stop relying on my ass".

Eidem twitched and spat, "His only concerned is to raise hell and conquer the realm of Earth and Hell".

Dani pushed him away, "Whatever! I will just smack him back again like I did last time".

Eidem jumped ahead and shouted, "It's close to midnight"

Dani laughed and shook her head, "No it's not".

He began walking sideways and shaking his body while flinging his head back, "Something evil's lurkin in the dark"

"Oh God," Dani squealed, "Whose idea was this"?

"Under the moooonlight," Eidem was in a jam and thrusting his hips, "You see a sight that almost stops your heart".

Dani laughed over, "It's gonna be one of those"!

Eidem snapped his finger at her, "You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it".

Dani quietly joined in on the next verse, "You start to freeeeze as horror look you right between the eyes".

"You're paralyzed!" shouted Eidem as he motioned his chest and body in odd ways.

Dani jumped with him and the two shouted, "'Cause this is thriller! Thriller night!

And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike".

They wiggled their hips and turned in different ways, guided partially by the game, "You know it's thriller! thriller night"!

It was too late, for the two were too far in the jam that they couldn't stop singing and dancing to Micheal Jackson's Thriller. Even when they left the wheat field to journey across a desert, they couldn't stop dancing and laughing their hearts away. It was the thing Dani loved most about Eidem, he normally came with a great time.

As for the wasteland, it was big. Neither of them could recall there being one in the Wizard of Oz movie. Then again neither read the book to know if it was in there or not. They could vaguely see the forest and something which appeared to be a hitchhiker.

Having gotten closer, the hitchhiker was clearly a man in a thick suit of armor. He was big. A little round. Wasn't moving an inch. They knew it was Keith. But couldn't tell what was wrong with him. Eidem pointed out that he was standing on the wasteland instead of the yellow brick road.

Dani conjured a magical sphere that acted as a telescope. He was rusted in place. the look on his face screamed "Frustration". Both Dani and Eidem began making jokes and laughing about his misery.

"Brr eh heh!" Keith attempted to speak.

"Wait wait wait," Dani held up her palms, "You really can't speak"?

Eidem laughed, "What'd you say, buddy"?

"Bur en hehr!" Keith strained for sounds to leave his lips.

"Oh wait," Dani conjured a circle around his body, Let me break out the CLeaner Lubricant Preservative".

As she cleaned away the rust, Eidem nodded, "That good CLP man. Chow, Libbo, Pay. Nothing will get you going again like that".

Keith began stretching his jaw to a smile, "Y'all can burn in Hell".

Eidem snapped his fingers, "I've already done that a few times".

"Do it again," Keith smirked.

"How did you get rusted like that?" Dani patted her head.

Keith stared at them for a few seconds and shrugged, "I ain't tellin' y'all," and jumped away.

A blue-scaled snake-like dragon flew by, tackling Eidem and Dani to the ground. Whereas Dani managed to use her magic to withstand the damage and push herself away, Eidem was caught within its jaws and shredded apart.

"Keith!" Dani created her magical circles around her hands and machine gun blasted the reptile.

Keith ran towards the forest with a giant smile on his face. He wasn't fast. But he'd remember the ancient teaching of Logan which stated clearly that teammates were perfect for bait. Or something like that.

With the thread that Dani sewn his body together with, Eidem was able to slowly pull his body together and whip out a knife from his side. The dragon was focused on Dani who was holding it off by continuously running and firing at it.

Dani released a .50 cal on the dragon. Dust kicked up, hindering everyone's vision. And though her target wiggled for freedom, it remained stationary.

Water flowed from the skies to surround the dragon. It slowly enabled it to move past Dani's fire. Eidem slid under and impaled it with his knife. A shockwave scourged through its body, sending it to scrawl away in the dirt. Dani motioned her hands to directly fire a mortar round, blowing it apart.

Both Dani and Eidem waited for a clear visual that the dragon was dead. It wasn't until it started raining that the dust cleared and they saw its corpse blown apart. The two performed a victory dance to a sinister tune and looked onward at Keith who was already rusting again.

They laughed over to the dead dragon, retrieving its blood. It was a worthy victory. With its blood, Dani was able to summon the dead dragon to her aid. After Eidem pointed out the oil pouring from its scales, they retrieved four for each of her teammates. She couldn't tell its potency, but Dani knew it was something of a higher quality.

Coming up to Keith again, Dani and Eidem made fun of him just as before. It was hilarious to see him stuck again. They both rested an arm on his shoulder and took a moment to talk about how trees were growing around the wasteland now. They even began questioning what Watson was up to.

A good five, or maybe ten, minutes had passed before Dani dripped the CLP from the scales on Keith. She watched its effects kick in almost instantly.

"Has to be that black diamond stuff," Keith stretched himself.

Dani whispered, "What?" she spoke up, "I seriously can't believe you can speak".

Keith froze for a moment before shaking himself out, "Maaan, I'm gonna find my boy Weasel"!

Dani was laughing hysterically with Eidem, "Wait! What is this stuff"?

"Keith shouted to the falling rain, "Oh, well imagine! As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor! And I can't help but to hear"!

Eidem came in with a chest full of energy and his limbs out, "No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words"

"What a beautiful wedding!" Dani exaggerated her body movements as she followed the boys

"What a beautiful wedding" the boys quoted before Keith continued, "Says a bridesmaid to a waiter

The boys sang together again, "And, yes, but what a shame!" and they grew louder, "What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore"!

Keith spun out, "I chime in with a"!

They all sang, "Haven't you people ever heard of... closing the goddamn door? No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality".

Eidem motioned his body to a pause, "Well, in fact".

As did Keith, "Well, I'll look at it this way"

And Dani sprung into a likewise pause, "I mean, technically, our marriage is saved"

The three continued their contemporary movements and overly dramatic poses as they sang the rest of the song "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies" and journeyed onward to the thick of the forest. Though they were each guided in choreography and lyrics to match each other well, they mostly improved.

It wasn't until they hit the thick of the forest, where there was no rain, that they came to a stop and joyously walked down the yellow brick road. A few minutes later they heard noises racing through the trees.

"Meow Meow!" yelled a boy in distress.

There was an angry growl followed by some hissing that was chasing after the poor creature.

"What y'all think?" asked Dani, "Should we help him"?

"Kick its ass Weasel!" Keith shouted.

Weasel ran out from the bushes to jump in front of his three friends and wave his black paws at them, "Meow"!

Dani growled, causing Weasel to hiss, "Watson, why are you running from a giant cat"?

His eyes shot up wide, "It's strong"!

Eidem spat, "Dani's strong," both Keith and Dani agreed, "And you just hissed at her".

The giant black and white tiger sprung from the trees towards him. Watson looked at them in a panic for help.

Dani smiled with a finger up, "And for that, we're not helping you".

Watson began panting into a sprint away from the feline beast. Seconds later, the two were in the forest. Dani, Keith, and Eidem were laughing at the various odd sounds he made.

"Woh woh woh," he wobbled, "Meow!" he screamed, hiss he would when eye contact was made, "Ouch!" he would say when something was supposed to hurt him.

Keith hollered, "If you got the energy to make those sounds then you got enough to kill the thing".

"Oh my God," Dani chuckled, "It always seems like he never learns. But he's always getting better".

"We need to give him that final push," Keith looked for his buddy.

"You still with us Watson!" Eidem enjoyed their casual walk.

"Nnnoooooooooo!!!!!!!" Watson yelled from afar.

Dani chuckled, "He'll be fine".

"Reaaaaww!" they heard him squeal, "Reaaawwawawaw"!

There was more rustling followed by a few spells being casted and of course more pointless noises from their motivated killer Weasel aka Watson.

"Link! Link! Link!" Watson shouted, "Let me use our link"!

"I turned it off for a reason!" Dani shouted, "You need to learn how to handle problems on your own".

"Nnnooooooooooo!!!" he ran across the yellow brick road with the tiger chasing him.

"Oh wow," Dani stopped for a second, "Did y'all see him just now? He's covered in blood".

"So was the tiger," Keith smiled.

"He's immortal," smiled Eidem, "He'll be fine".

Dani stared for a moment, "True," and continued walking with her two boys.

About a minute later, the rustling came to a stop. There was a heavy blow that rang through their bodies. It left the team debating on who won. The impacts did sound similar to the tiger's thuds. But after they sensed out the life signals, they saw that their boy Watson had pulled through. It left them smiling as they continued walking down the yellow brick road. And after a while, Watson had joined them from behind.

"Jesus Watson!" Eidem twitched, "You look like Carrie from the movie. Have you even seen it"?

Watson clenched the tiger's hide with no emotion left on his face, "...Yes.... And I saw part 2 with the sex scenes".

Dani chuckled, "Don't worry. We won't leave you alone," her face lit up, "But, I do find it funny that we are all accurate to the story. Eidem serves a demon lord that doesn't care for him and took his soul. Hence he doesn't have a brain and is the scarecrow. Keith be starting drama with his different hoes and people. Therefore he doesn't have a heart and is the tinman. Watson lacks confidence and is the lion. Or a black cat I guess. And then I'm always lost and alone. Therefore, I am Dorothy".

Keith laughed, "And we're off to see the Wiz".

"We're off to see the Wiz!" yelled Eidem.

"We are off to see the Wiz!" Dani yelled with two fists up.

Watson's eyes were now wide open, "Ooooooohhhh," and he, along with the team slowly took a step together, "Colt 45 and two Zigzags"!

They all joined in, "Baby, that's all we need!" and clapped, "We can go to the park after dark and smoke that tumbleweed!" and clapped some more, "As the marijuana burns we can take our turn singin' them dirty rap songs," spun around, "Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong. And sell tapes from here to Hong Kong," they stomped twice and started rolling the cat daddy sideways, "So roll, roll, roll my joint," and twisted to their other side, "Pick out the seeds and stems, feeling high as hell".

And just like that, they finished their journey to Emerald city singing Colt 45 and had a grand ole time doing.

There it was, at the end of the yellow brick road and across a large grassy plain, a giant emerald wall with a big fat emerald door. Weasel grabbed the handle and knocked softly. Keith began smashing the handle for the entire city to hear.

A munchkin with its hair tied up grumbled in a deep voice out of a cubby from above, "Who goes there"?

"Dani," gasped Weasel, "How did you get up there"?

"That not Dani," Keith corrected him, "That's her brother".

The munchkin growled, "I'm a girl".

"Oh," the three boys stepped back.

"Shut up," Dani held her hands at them and turned to the munchkin, "Let us in. We're here to see the Wizard of Oz, and please don't argue. I already killed like two of your witches".

The Munchkin closed her little cubby and opened the gates. Everything was made of emerald. The buildings were green. The wheels on the wagons screeched. Outfits were 50 shades of green. Even the water from the fountain was green. But it didn't look nasty. Even Keith and Dani wanted to try it. Weasel and Eidem already did. Both thought it was plain water.

Better yet, they passed by a food stand. And with Keith and Weasel eyeing it down, the merchant knew he was going to have a good day. They both took a foot-wide BBQ loose meat sandwich that practically oozed out their hands. On the side, they got a sour cream and raisin pie for the team to try under the belief that it was going to be disgusting.

Dani chuckled as she and Eidem ordered. It was times like this that kept her playing the game. Times where she can be anywhere, trying anything, with her crazy friends.

After watching Keith and Watson devour their meals, the team ventured off to look around the city. It was still nice, but kinda repetitive. Their sights were drawn in on the weapon and magic shops which were interconnected.

Inside was Oaka and Oaka, two cousins of the Oaka family. One presented weapons and armors alike whereas the other had crazy spells and summons for purchasing.

The four thought minimal about their decision to buy all the armor for the hell of it. They probably spent another minute doing the same for weapons.

Keith rose up his great axe, "Y'all think emerald is stronger than diamond"?

Watson's eyes widened, "I thought diamond was the strongest".

Dani felt the eyes on her before she looked, "I mean-".

Eidem twitched, "Diamond has to be the strongest".

Dani rolled her hand around, "Yeah, but there's other factors too. And for example, we don't have diamonds right now".

Watson stared at her, "But diamonds are stronger, right"?

Monkeys flew outside, tearing the city apart. They murdered anything they could find which breathed. On slammed a munchkin into the window of the shop.

"Oh shit!" yelled Eidem, "Did you guys see that little guy"?

Keith laughed, "He looked funny as hell".

"Oh well," Dani shrugged, "It's not our business".

"Poor midgets," Watson shook his head.

"Leave the midgets alone," Dani stared up at him, "They'll be alright," she rose her hands and smiled, "Now, I'm looking at this Emerald Titan and I think he is fierce".

"You're just trying to summon everything dead," Keith laughed.

A gorilla, whose head reached above the buildings, flew down outside, "Where is the sorceress Dani"?

Dani flipped through the spellbook, "Not anywhere to deal with that crazy nonsense," she sighed, "So what do y'all think I should do"?

Watson scratched his head, "Just get the Emerald spell. Leave everything else".

"Dude," Eidem looked around, "That's a waste. Diamond is better in every way".

Keith held his hand out, "But she's a sorceress and there are times we can't use diamonds like now".

Outside, the gorilla slammed munchkins into walls and dragged their bodies through the streets. Emerald City began looking like a Christmas town where red and green were the colors. He'd announced that he would attack the wizard and made his way towards the castle. No munchkin could phase him or even land a scratch.

Midway through, a silent shot came to his head. There was a tiny spec of blood by his eye. Nothing crazy. His fur was magic resistant and his heavy physique gave him enough defense to sustain most attacks.

Seconds after, when the gorilla looked for his shooter, a colorless blast shot him in the head. He fell across a cart and tumbled into a building. His head spun to different colors of white, black, and purple before finding the strength to rise up. Blood poured down to his palms. Another blast struck his chest. Down to his flesh was exposed.

At a distance, Dani turned to Keith, "See! You got this. Just keep blasting him every time he gets up and he'll die soon".

Keith laughed, "Okay".

Watson clapped his palms and interlocked his fingers, "Ready!" he boosted Dani's magic.

She chuckled as her eyes glowed, "Let's summon both of these two".

Monkeys swarmed in, tracing her magic. One by one, Nolan Eidem killed off the primates. Given Weasel's magic boost, he was able to freely camouflage himself and mask his presence from the beasts.

Without worry of the bodies falling around her, Dani blackened the sky, "Alright Watson! You can get in there now! I got this"!

Watson bounced in place for a moment, looking to find where to begin. It was Eidem who gave left and right lateral limits for security. With a clear direction in mind, he began firing various elements to shoot down the monkys.

"Gorilla is dead!" yelled Keith, "Weasel! I need power"!

Again, at the expense of his body, Weasel powered Keith to a full charge, "I got you".

Eidem directed the two so they were all three protecting Dani. It was only a moment later, full of bickering, that the water dragon from earlier flew down from the sky. Its body was mangled. Patches of flesh were missing. Black blood leaked from its teeth. There was an odor that was smelled from across the city as it swam through the air, swallowing the tiny beasts in groups.

Likewise, a black tiger with white stripes rose up from the ground. It growled to interchange its colors. Half its face was torn to the bone. Its hair was scratched in various spots. It leaped, catching a number of monkeys in its jaws.

The four sliced and mostly blasted their way to victory over the time span of maybe twenty minutes. Dani for one couldn't help compare it to the first time they fully assembled as a team in the midst of an apocalypse where lizard creatures attacked Earth. Eidem recalled Watson trying to hack into a lizard creature, only to trip backward and drop the machete. Keith remembered Eidem literally shitted himself and nearly got them kicked out for the day. Watson reminded them of Keith's panic attack.

Dani laughed at it all and showed how much they've gotten stronger in the past year and a half. Eidem was all over the place and able to do everything with or without a team. Keith was physically the strongest in the stadium and a personal ironman in every theme. Watson was a useful offensive support, whose utility and Hell abilities were unrivaled. Even in alchemy themes, he could ensure the team was able to perform any technique in their arsenal which would otherwise be restricted. That left Dani, the sorceress supreme with a nack for medical, gun, and explosive magic. In a glance, she swirled what had look like tiny black ghosts into her boys' bodies and absorbed their wounds away.

The four walked up to Emerald Castle where Bariqa appeared, "Thank you, Sorceress Dani. We are truly grateful to you and everything you did to save us".

"Woooow!" Keith looked away, "Like we ain't do anything"!

"Dude!" Eidem smiled at his boys, "I know I protected her and had to tell Watson what to do when he got lost".

Dani smiled with her tongue out, waiting for her cue.

Keith was still smiling, "I know she couldn't take out that gorilla either".

Dani stepped through the large Emerald doors, being opened by two munchkins, and into the castle, "I don't know dude!" Dani strutted down a walkway, "I think everyone's all jealous and shit 'cause I'm like the lead singer of a band dude," she waved off the munchkins who were smiling at her, "And I think everyone's got a fuckin' problem with me dude. And they need to take it up with me after the show. Because," she broke into a dance, "These chicks don't even know the name of my band," gave her fans a cold shoulder, "But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands," and spun to her three guys,"'Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man," she turned back to the front, "All because I'm the lead singer of my band".

Munchkins ran up, letting her use them as props as she sang up the stairway, "So I get off stage right and drop the mic. Walk up to the hot chicks and I'm all like, "'Sup ladies, my name's Slim Shady. I'm the lead singer in D12 baby' they're all like".

A munchkin sang in, "'Oh my God it's him'," another came, "'Becky oh my fuckin' God it's Eminem'," a third jumped to their side, "'I swear to fuckin' God dude you fuckin' rock', a fourth finished, "'Please Marshall please let me suck your cock'".

Eidem and Kieth were hyped, ready to rip into her. Watson, however, was dancing around with his eyes closed and enjoying the song My Band.

Dani picked back up and continued, "And by now the rest of the fellas get jealous. Especially when I drop the beat and do my acapellas," she reached the top of the stairway, and recieved tons of provacative laundry thrown at her, "All the chicks start yellin', all the hot babes Throw their bras and their shirt and their panties on stage," she paid them no mind, causing some of the munchkins to gets upset, "So like every single night they pick a fight with me. But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry," they all began running up to her, forcing security to step in, "Cuz they're back on stage the next night with me. Dude I just think you're tryna steal the light from me. Yesterday Kuniva tried to pull a knife on me," Dani kept flexin and dancing as though it was a part of her normal life, "Cause I told him Jessica Alba's my wife to be. This rock star shit, it's the life for me. And all the other guys just despise me because. These chicks don't even know the name of my band. But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands," she turned to her guys for a moment, "'Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man," she aimed forward once more, "All because I'm the lead singer of my band".

Keith ran up and fought Dani for the spotlight, "You just wanna see a nigga backwards don't you? Hey dad how come we don't rap on Protools?" he danced at Dani, "Smash these vocals and do a performance. But we in the van and you're in a tour bus," he looked at the munchkins, "You don't want my autograph, yous a liar. And no I'm Swift".

A munchkin smacked his head, "Oh I thought you was Kuniva".

Keith turned to Bariqa, "What the hell is wrong with that dressing room?

'Cause my shit is lookin' smaller than a decimal," he turned to the nobles smiling, "See I know how to rap, see it's simple but, all I did was read a Russell Simmons book," his dancing got heavier, "So I'm more intect, tryna get on the map. Doin' jumpin jacks whilin' get whipped on my back".

Eidem came to his side, "Look at Em little punk ass thinkin' he the shit".

Keith leaned in, "Yeah I know man find himself takin on a flick".

Eidem threw his hands at Dani, "Hey I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue".

Dani walked past them, "No! I had an interview not you two".

Keith tapped Nolan, "You gonna be late for soundcheck".

Nolan shrugged away, "Man I ain't goin' to soundcheck".

Keith tapped his head, "But our mics are screwed up and his always sound best".

Nolan complained, "You know what man I'ma say somethin".

Keith hollered, "Hey yo Em"!

Dani turned at them, "You got somethin' to say"?!

Eidem shook his head, "Man no"

Keith laughed at him and waited for Dani to turn forward, "I thought you bout to tell him off, what's up"?

Nolan kept doing a dance in his walk, "Man I'ma tell him when I feel like it, man shut up! And you ain't even back me up when we s'posed to be crew".

Keith corrected him, "When I was bout to talk right after you"?

Dani cut them off to sing the chorus up to the restricted area where Eidem took over, "They say the lead singers rock, but the group does not. Once we sold out arenas to the amusement park, he danced his way through at a high speed, "I'm gonna let the world know that proof is hot".

Dani whispered, "I should cut his mic off when the musics starts".

Eidem snap towards a munchkin passing by," Ready to snap on a dumbass fan

Every time I hear,"

The munchkin ran, yelling, "Hey dude I love your band".

Eidem snapped, "We ain't a band bitch. We don't play instruments," he threw a hand at Dani, "So why he get 90 and we only get ten percent. And these guys they can find every area code," the security stopped him, "Can't make it to the stage, security in my way".

A couple of nobles yelled, "Who the fuck are you? Where's Obie and Dre?!" as Dani brought her team past the security and onto the elevator,

Weasel stood in front and faced the door on the elevator as it went up, "Goddammit I'm sick of this group. Time for me to go solo and make some loot," he was actually kinda aggressive with his movements, "I told you I made the beats and wrote all the raps. Till Kon Artist slipped me some crack," he was snapping and getting into his verse, "Lose Yourself video I was in the back. Superman video I was in the back," he turned to Bariqa, "Fuck the media, I got some suggestions. Fuck Marshall, ask us the questions. Like who's D12, how we get started?"

Bariqa smiled at him, "What about Eminem"?

Watson cocked his head, "Bitch are you retarded?" he turned back, "Anyway I'm the popularest guy in the group," stetched his hands in front of his slender stomach, "Big ass stomach, bitches think I'm cute".

Dani waved at him, "Hey sexy".

The elevator reached the floor and Weasel finished his part with vigorous head motions, "50 told me to do situps to get buff. I did two and a half and then I couldn't get up. Fuck D12, I'm outta this band. I'm gonna start a group with the real Roxanne"!

Just as the elevator doors opened, the four rushed out in a low stance and slowly rose their hands up in unison, "Girl why can't you see you're the only one for me. And it just tears my ass apart to know that you don't know my na-a-a-ame".

They continued dancing sideways and about in unison as they made their way to a giant crystal, "These chicks don't even know the name of my band! But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands"!

Eidem shouted, "Fuck Marshall"!

They finished with big smiles on their faces, "Cuz once I blow I know that I'll be the man. All because I'm the lead singer of my band! My band! My band! My band! My band"!

An explosion went off in front of them, emitting green smoke and a chalky scent. The music and the dancing were cut short for everyone. Except for Weasel. He was still dancing and finishing the song in his head.

"It is I," a head was formed of smoke in front of the crystal, "The Wizard of Oz".

Eidem smiled up, "Oh that's cool. What's up dude"?

"Oh my God," Dani smiled, "I remember wanting to be Dorothy when I was little. Mostly Hermoine, but Dorothy too".

Eidem looked over, "Emma Watson is so hot".

Watson looked away, "Bleh. Give me Luna".

Keith smiled, "Luna was nice".

The wizard spoke with a tone that shook the castle and created a storm that stretched across the ceiling, "I see before me, four youths lost in their ways! May it be due to their upbringing or the challenges of life, I swear to you, it will not be long before you've each met your demise!" lightning struck from above, "I will present each of you a single gift which will guide you to a healthier, more suitable lifestyle".

Everyone in Dani's team looked at one another for a clue on what to do.

It was Weasel who looked up with a tiny it of courage, "Trade"?

"Excuse me!" roared the wizard.

Keith held up his great emerald axe, "Yeah, we just want some stuff and that's it".

Dani waved her hands at him, "But like, no fees. We paid enough for the weapons. We don't want to pay extra just to have them permanently".

The wizard's nose flared, "I have spoken"!

Watson turned to Dani, "But we made a counteroffer"?

She nodded at him, "We did," she turned to the wizard, "Listen, you can give us whatever, we're just telling you what we want. Okay"?

"Hold it!" Keith stopped the wizard rom speaking, "I just remembered, the wizard from THe Wizard of Oz was a fake".

"Oh yeah," Eidem looked around, "Doesn't he give me a diploma?" he pointed at Keith, "You a heart clock and Watson something"?

Keith kissed his teeth, "A heart clock that ticks".

Watson nodded, "I want real toys".

"We all want real toys, Weasel," Keith licked his lips.

Dani shook herself, "So. Where's our-" a gust of wind shot across them, knocking little Dani to her butt, "Okay, I think that's real magic".

After Dani stood back up, the four stretched themselves, ready to take on this boss fight. Emerald pillars shot from every corner of the room. Not for a second did Dani's team care. Their only concern was his power source, whether it be natural or inorganic.

Dani and Keith stepped apart to charge their spells as Eidem and Weasel ran towards the large crystal. Emerald pillars struck towards the two of which both disappeared.

Dani unleashed her power, letting of heavy machine-gun fire that tore down a lot of the growing pillars. The wizard tried to focus in on her, but Keith blasted the crystal where his face appeared, causing it to crack apart.

There stood the wizard with a ring glowing green on his right hand. He channeled his powers directly at the two, but sensed something coming his way.

Eidem appeared, snatching towards the ring. The wizard backed away in time but was randomly smacked by Weasel.

Eidem spun, giving the wizard a round kick to the ribs and enabling Watson to grab the ring hand and shoot a blade from his free palm into the wizards jaw.

The blade shattered, doing almost no damage. It was a struggle for Watson to keep hold of the hand while Eidem grabbed hold of the wizard and locked him in place.

"From the second!" shouted Weasel, allowing Keith to appear with a heavy swing of his great emerald axe through the wizard.

Dani ran up, using her magic to slice off the ring hand, "Finish him"!

Eidem held the wizard down for Keith to decapitate him. Once done, they kicked his head around like a soccer ball until Dani grabbed the ring and called them over. She formed a transmutation circle with the ring in her hand and a circle around each of her teammates.

"Link!" Dani called, "We need to hurry up and get what we want".

"All armor and my Emerald great axe!" said Keith.

"Done!" Dani spoke as blood came before her, "I'm keeping those two summonses because they were putting in work out there. And I'm definitely getting that CLP".

Watson smiled at her with the tiger's hide in hand, "I want whatever weapon I can get from that tiger I killed".

"Do-ooone!" sang Dani with a pair of gauntlets forming before him, "And lets get Eidem that thread so he can stitch himself together".

As Watson dressed in his new weapon, Eidem snatched the ring, "And I want this".

"Really?" Dani cocked her head, "You know that shit's getting old, right"?

Their link broke as Eidem stepped away, "Now I will call forth my lord and he will take the land of Oz," a portal to hell opened behind him, "Witness as a power beyond your dreams unfolds to take hold of your souls".

"And steals your face," Dani spoke in a deep voice.

Keith laughed, "I soon go to Hell anyway. It's only a matter of time".

Watson struggled to speak, "They really do have face snatchers in Hell"!

Dani laughed to them both before shooting Eidem down. It was as a large creature reached for the portal that Weasel closed it and Keith ran up to grab the cracked ring from Eidem. Looking down at it, Keith watched it shatter and apologized to Dani.

"Oh," whined Dani, "I wanted to get that stone".

Watson scratched around in midair with his new Black and White tiger Gauntlets, "Don't worry Dani, we'll find you a new power upgrade".

She pouted, "It's okay. I'm already the most powerful in the stadium. As proven last June event," she pointed at the three boys, "However, this crap you three keep putting me through is bullshit. Cut it out!" Watson and Keith tried to explain, "Nah ah. Don't try to explain me nothing... Stop, ditching me".

Watson exhaled and threw his hands down, "It's literally the hallmark of our series".

"Mmhmm," Keith nodded, "From day one we've been abandoning your ass".

Dani laughed, "Oh my God. I swear niggas ain't shit," she turned over, "Are you alright over there Eidem"?

He rose his head and smiled, "You shot me"!

"Great news!" smiled Bariqa, "Leira has joined forces with the Wizard of Oz on the second continent".

Dani was taken by that, "What? Who? Why the fuck is Leira here"?

Watson's eye grew wide to explain, but was cut off by Keith who knew he could explain it better, "Basically what happened was... We're broke, but we wanted to throw you a party for abandoning you last week and because we just wanted to throw one. So what we did, was throw a restricted party that will be publically viewed for profit. Extending proceeds will go to us".

Dani shook her head with her eyes squinted, "There won't be any, but anyways".

"So now," Keith continued, "It's you and Leira. You're putting together a team here in the land of Oz and have to clear as much of the Wizard of Oz story as possible before the other.

"Whaaat?" Dani nodded, "I like that. That's pretty cool," she walked up to the wizard's throne and sat in it, "I look forward to this," Emerald City came under her control, "First, we'll take Emerald City and turn it into Beryl," she waved a finger at her three boys, "Bet y'all didn't know that, "As the green faded to pink across the city, she finished, "And we will beat Leira, and her squad, again for the record. And we will do it in front of everybody".

Between Keith, Eidem, and Watson, the three looked out of an opening Dani was creating to view the city, knowing that their Oz adventure was just beginning.