Episode Vanessa: 10

Down a street with barely any cars nor pedestrians, Vanessa strolled through Tokyo. Her schoolgirl outfit made her feel like a Japanese student. Flashy billboards made the experience feel more than real.

There was a second when Vanessa knew something was going to jump at her. By the time she'd turned to face her opponent, their hands were covering her eyes.

... "Guess who"!

"MMMMM," Vanessa smiled, "Lo-Gan".

Logan shoved her back, "The only".

Vanessa pushed on him a little and wrapped her arms around him, "Don't make me fuck you up," she stuck her tongue at him.

"How about," Logan clenched her close to him, "You stay a little more aware".

"Make me," Vanessa whispered.

Logan smirked, "You know Carter got shot in the butt once because of it".

"Aaaah," Vanessa leaned back, "In middle school"?

Logan nodded, "Just something for you to remember".

Vanessa held his hand, "So... No more lectures and training today. All I want is a date with you".

Logan firmly gripped her hand and began leading her to a subway station, "Then off to Aokigahara it is"!

At the station, Vanessa and Logan couldn't keep their hands off each other. They joked and horseplayed until they came to the correct waiting area. Further down from their platform was a broken-down subway. Its lights flickered. The door was hanging out. One would've guessed it had crashed.

Vanessa stopped her playing to take a closer look. Watson was staring out the window with his back towards her. She was used to this being his common stance. However, there was something different. Against Logan's wishes, she crept inside the broken subway.

"What do you want?" Watson refused to face her.

"Mmmm," Vanessa lowered her chin, "What is going on"?

Watson snapped his head to face her, "What was that"!?

Vanessa took a step back, "Why... are your eye colors matching"?

Watson began yelling with his chest, "Let's go back to that first question! Since when do you care about what's going on around here, much less with me"!?

Vanessa tried to breathe, "Why are you so angry"?

Watson cocked his head, "Why the fuck are you so damn fucking brainless!? Why is it after over a year of trying to save your sorry ass, all you can do is run away with some asshole who beat the crap out of you out of his own fun and pride"!?

"I'm sorry," Vanessa cried, "I just-".

Watson threw his hands up, causing glass around them to crack, "You are a sorry bitch who can't even think for her own damn good! Seriously, how worthless are you"!?

Tears poured down Vanessa's cheeks, "I'm trying," she sobbed, "My best".

"Name one fucking thing I did wrong to you!" Watson lashed out, "Yet you still run to the fucking man that beat you down in the very end! But that's fine! You can stay away just like everyone else"!

"That's a lie," Vanessa whimpered, "That is a lie," she yelled back, "You chase me with the Jester all the time to force me to listen to you"!

"Oh no!" Watson laughed upwards, "If the Jester was bothering you, then why didn't you open your fucking mouth and tell me"!?

Vanessa froze, "Because I-".

Watson shouted, "Because you were too busy thinking about Logan again! It's okay though. I'll get rid of him for you"!

Vanessa trembled, "... You still always bother me".

"Do I?" Watson stepped towards her, "Tell me, magical girl, one time I've ever approached you"?

Vanessa thought hard from when she first saw him in July, and couldn't think of one time that he ever did approach her.

Watson chuckled, "Wanna know a secret? I can't. The only way we can interact is if you come to me. Just like real life," tears ran down his cheeks, "Funny how that works, ain't it? Don't worry, my time is up anyway," he smiled, "... Now go".

At first, Vanessa couldn't bring herself to move. But after coming to grip that she was to never see Watson again, it felt like her destiny to stay.

"Get the fuck out you dumb whore!" glass shattered with his voice.

Vanessa sprinted out and cried into Logan's arms, "I'm sorry".

"I heard that," Logan held her close, "I don't know what that kid's problem is, but he has issues".

Vanessa shook her head, "I just wanted to have fun and not worry about any of this".

"I can tell," Logan stared at her black choker, "Everytime I see you, you're wearing something black. That's likely a prophecy meaning you're dead".

Vanessa pushed herself away and wiped her tears.

"Vanessa," Logan reached for her, "Talk to me! I'm here for you".

"Kiss me," Vanessa jumped on Logan, "Just this once".

Logan closed his eyes and kissed her. But no matter how intense they got, Vanessa couldn't get a real feeling out of it. The emptiness swallowed her emotions until she let herself down and stepped away from her grey-haired crush.

"What's wrong?" Logan leaned toward her.

"It's nothing," she wiped her face.

Logan scratched his head, "Are you still going to the pro leagues with us"?

Vanessa shook her head, "No".