Episode Vanessa: 12

Watson stared across the city, "This world shows the reality of your inner self. It's destroyed because you keep making dumb decisions that's tearing your life away".

Every so often, Vanessa would see a flash of a different world, "I don't know what this other world is. But I see it. I like all these things. But they are dead".

"You can only blame yourself," Watson exhaled, "The reason you're alone here is because you've helped all the wrong people. None of them is here for you".

Vanessa began tearing up, "It's true... All true... I'm sorry".

Watson leaned over and offered his hand, "And with my last bit of life, after everything you put me through, I'm still here for you".

Vanessa looked up at him, "Why are you trying so hard to help me"?

Watson smiled, "Well, I think you deserve it with how hard you tried and how everyone treated you. I have friends that need your help. And to be honest, I kinda like you too".

For a second, Vanessa saw him in the other setting before taking his hand and giving him a hug, "Thank you, for everything".

After a brief hug, Watson took a step back and twirled Vanessa around to face the door, "I'll be your tank".

Vanessa stared at his Black and White Tiger Gauntlets and unsheathed Magenta, "Sounds like a plan".

Watson opened the doors and called out to the bull, "Stay with me!" he warped Vanessa to a different reality.

Just when the bull nearly tackled Watson, he sidestep and countered with a heavy lightning blow that stunned the beast. Vanessa appeared from under the bull's neck and pierced Magenta upwards to send a blast of lightning through to the ceiling. As the bull died, a key fell from its neck.

"Well," Watson smiled, "Pick it up and let's find some stuff".

Vanessa retrieved the key and directed Watson down the halls. Though she couldn't decide on where to go.

The Mandarin symbols gave Watson a headache, "Aye, I can't stand the Chinese".

Vanessa gasped, "I actually wanted to be a Chinese interpreter".

"Nah," Watson laughed, "You have better things coming your way".

"This is why you have no friends," Vanessa teased, "You're always so grumpy".

"So," Watson looked around, "Where are we going"?

Vanessa looked around, "Tiger Gauntlets that I already own or money"?

"Gauntlets," Watson began walking, "You're not gonna get much money here and I can teach you some cool stuff with the gauntlets".

The halls were shorter than Vanessa expected. They reached the treasure chest in little time and used the key to open it. With the gauntlets, equipped, Watson began teaching Vanessa some tricks before running through the maze again. This time, they retrieved Vanessa's NVGs from a different chest. Afterward, they took the exit back down to the anime floor.

Vanessa and Watson walked around and helped one another identify the figurines and posters of different animes. Vanessa was more so discouraged that there was so much for her to catch up on. When she heard the skates coming, she freaked out to the memory of her previous beating. Watson pestered her for more information as opposed to warping away as she demanded.

Upon hearing of the red-capped boy with a bent bronze bat, he identified him as "Little Slugger," from the anime "Paranoia". After he explained its story to Vanessa, he asked her to add it to her anime watch list. She did just as he asked and the skating stopped. It made sense.

Vanessa looked around the room at the interesting animes figures and posters and requested the game added many to her anime watch list so that she could binge later on. Watson proclaimed that she was likely going to get fat from the many hours of binging. But she suggested that she'll burn the calories afterward.

Watson stared down at his cracking hand, "I wish I could watch it with you".

The two headed downstairs to the arcade floor. Vanessa had no clue where her confidence came from, but her body was firm with determination to beat the lightning creature.

Stepping onto the next floor, Watson fell in love with the arcade games. He even suggested for Vanessa to plug them in to play. It took her a moment to take her advice. She insisted the creature was going to attack soon. However, once she described how it formed before, Watson pleaded for her to plug in all the games.

The sparks were coming. Watson took a defensive stance to protect Vanessa. She on the other hand kept track of the lightning creature forming and began plugging in all of the arcade games on the floor.

Watson alternated his combat stance with the color of his Black & White Tiger Gauntlets to prevent the ball of lightning from ever reaching her. Each time she plugged in a machine, its power would weaken. But it was still fast enough to near shred Watson's body. He was only able to counter after the damage was done, using the gauntlet's power and his own ingenuity. Once all of the machines were plugged in, the creature remained trapped in the arcade's circuits.

Watson panted over to Vanessa's side, "Heal".

Vanessa rubbed the blood from his face, "I did this to you".

He chuckled, "No. You've done worst. But I forgive you".

She whispered to him, "I will make it all better".

He looked around, "Ha! anyways, what game are you going to play"?

Vanessa squinted her eyes and twirled around, "Hhmmmm," she pointed, "That one. Where I first saw you".

Watson walked up to it and smiled, "This was hectic. Fun, but hectic. I couldn't believe I actually made it to pro as an individual nor actually led the stadium's teams to pro status either".

Vanessa started the game against the computer, "You must've had a big celebration".

"Nope," Watson stared at her screen, "Nobody knew that I made it to pro until Director Larz threw me the party in late July," he pointed at a Jamaican Girl on the character selection screen, "Look, it's Dani. She's my team leader and one of the girls I need you to enter a team with," he pointed to another girl with a bow, "And that's Leira. She should be your squad leader soon if you decide to keep playing".

Vanessa gasped, "I knew her when she first started playing. It was adorable," she looked at him, "Show me all your friends".

Watson smiled, "Let me show you everyone you're supposed to be in a squad with to pass the June Event," he scrolled through the selection menu and explained each person and their abilities.

Fascinated by the revelation, Vanessa chose one of the characters he didn't mention, Weasel, and smiled. Embarrassed by her selection, he puckered out his lips and squeezed them back together when she began losing against Shang Tsung.

"I lost," Vanessa walked away with a smile.

"I actually won that fight, for real," Watson sobbed.

"Sure you did Watson, The Mister Jester-Man," she joked on her way down the stairway with him.

On the base floor of the mall, where the manikins rested, Vanessa suggested they made a run for the exit. However, Watson was flattered by their outfits. The two began discussing which outfits would look better on her.

To settle their debates, they fought the animating manikins to take their clothes and have Vanessa try them on. The fights themselves were horrendously easy. As soon as each manikin was destroyed, typically from a single hit, Vanessa would obtain their clothes automatically.

Once in front of a mirror, Vanessa tried on different outfits, "I can only try on some of these outfits".

"Why?" Watson stared at her, "You look good".

She pouted, "It's my boobs. They're too small".

Watson took a deep inhale, "I like your small boobs. They look great".

Vanessa looked down, "I do too. But they don't look good in certain outfits".

"I like that blue one you wore".

Vanessa grinned at him and spun to change back into it, "I like it to. You have great taste in my outfits...," she rose her chin to him, "I like it".

"So," Watson stared at her, "Where to next"?

"The spooky catacombs," Vanessa spoke in a ghoulish voice, "And then the graveyard".

Watson held out his hand for a double-bladed spear to be smacked into, "Well, let's get going... You should probably wear a goth outfit".

Vanessa scratched at her lip, "You're right," she changed into a vampiric get-up, "Like this one".

Watson smiled, "I like it. It reminds me of the time I had to turn you into a vampire".

Vanessa hissed before opening the door to the catacombs.

Watson stepped into the catacombs, submerging his feet into the water, cloaked his double-bladed spear in fire, and created a wall of flames to the other end. The skeletons on the wall rose their heads and stretched their hands out to crawl down. Some leaped into the water and began walking toward the two with their swords and shields ready.

Vanessa and Watson sprinted down the catacombs and prepared their weapons and water abilities.

The skeletons were getting close. The two couldn't avoid them any longer. Watson spun his spear as Vanessa drew back on her sword. And with their backs towards one another, they swung their blades at their foes, and crushed their unstable bodies into the waters.

Vanessa struggled to conjure water spells in the moments whereas Watson fluently blasted the skeletons with water and ravaged through with his spear.

The flames were outed, "Jester!" Watson shouted, "Light it up!" balls of flames shot across the ceiling, lighting up the catacombs again, "Keep it burning!" he called to Vanessa, "You're ready"?

Watson's swings became heavier, steering closer to the exit. Vanessa remained at his side on every strike and used her astrologian magic to boost his abilities. He fended off the skeletons until she opened the door and escaped with her to the graveyard.

Vanessa bent over to catch her breath. Watson stood firm, encouraging her to finish this game for the sake of finding herself.

"It's so fun," Vanessa stood up briefly before bending over again, "But it's too much".

"Wanna know a secret to making it to the pro leagues"?

"Hhmm," Vanessa's eyes widened, "Wait, you really know how to do that"?

"Yup," Watson smiled, "It's easy. There's an assault, support, and security element in militaries. Prove yourself as being able to handle all three functions and you'll be allowed to go into the pro leagues. The truth is nobody knows what they'll be doing in the pro leagues. So you must be proficient in any role you're given to perform".

"Woooooow," Vanessa looked around, "That is so clever. And nobody would guess it because we all try to only do one thing in our unit".

"Don't worry," Watson tapped her shoulder, "It's unit based as well".

"So," Vanessa squinted at him, "If I go to play, I just join a unit that helps me do all the functions".

Watson began walking through the graveyard, "Let's try a little harder on dropping that 'if'".

Vanessa stuck her tongue at him before noticing the camera on the grave. She picked it up and began taking pictures of Watson.

"Try taking real pictures of me," he remained stoic and took the camera, "Where's the supermodel I hear so much about"?

Vanessa blushed and striked a few poses, "She comes sometimes".

"I hope I can see her someday," Watson faced two graves.

Vanessa leaned on his shoulder and nodded towards the empty one, "It's mine".

Watson looked away from the one with a coffin, "And mine".

Vanessa gasped, "Onii-Chan...".

"Hmm?" Watson faced her, "If you're gonna give me a title, call me 'Sempai'".

Vanessa turned towards the exit, "Why aren't the gargoyles attacking"?

"Because of the flash from your camera," Watson walked her out to the streets.

Vanessa's phone began ringing. The lady from before was calling her.

Watson shrugged, "Block that bitch for being a life-sucking demon".

Vanessa did as he suggested and threw the phone, "Oh look, it's my van".

Watson walked towards the van with a busted back window, "Oh so you're the one who was stalking me"!

Vanessa rushed to his side, "Sorry... I was uh"!

Watson rushed to push the van, "Beleive me, you're forgiven"!

Vanessa hopped in and began steering. Ahead was a mechanic. Once they were closer, she saw a dealership. The choice was tough and with Watson running with the car, she didn't have much time to decide.

She slammed the breaks, "Is this illegal street racing"!?

"No!" Watson walked up, "This is Patrick. What's up"?

"It's either the mechanic to fix the car," she was pointing, "Or the dealership to sell the car".

"Sell...Definitely sell it," he nodded, "Having a car is more burdensome, especially when you're traveling all the time. It's not like you can freely bring your car to Japan. And if you sell it, the game will likely give you enough points for whatever it is you need in the game. Although I could just buy whatever it is. I got the money still".

"Hmmmm," Vanessa steered to the dealership, "Oki".

It took about two minutes more of pushing to get them to the dealership. They sold the car for 100 player points and looked around for something else to do. Not far was the museum. Vanessa shared her experience fighting an oddly painted woman there which enticed Watson to indefinitely go.

At the destroyed museum, Watson and Vanessa pretended as though it was restored and looked at the destroyed art. They soon viewed the bright side of the situation and took pictures that most museums wouldn't allow.

They eventually found sketchbooks and took a break. Vanessa drew Watson turning into the Jester whereas he drew a silly picture of her with small saggy tits and her tongue out. The two made fun of each other, causing the paintings and statues to laugh with them. Their laughing grew hysterical as they compared their surroundings to a beautiful nightmare. They'd hope to share their experiences with each other one day when they could finally be together.

Vanessa stood with a finger in the air, "And when we meet, I will give you one date".

Watson chuckled, "In Japan"?

Vanessa nodded, "Mhm".

Watson stood and stared into her eyes, "Wear blue for me".

Vanessa shook her head at him, "I will wear the best blue, Mr. Jesterman".

Watson pressed against her back to lead her out of the museum, "So, where to next"?

Vanessa held a finger to her lip, "Mmmmm, the train station"?

They stepped out to the road and looked for the best route to the train station. A wolf began growling at them. Vanessa was about to run.

Watson began calling it over, "Here puppy. Wanna come play"?

"It will bite your hand," Vanessa stared as the wolf slowly came over.

Once it approached Watson, he began petting it, "See, you need a good puppy like this good one".

Vanessa rubbed its head, "My apartment doesn't allow them".

Watson shrugged, "Get a new one".

"But where," Vanessa whined.

"By the pro stadium," Watson looked around, "You know you live for this".

Vanessa laid her head on his chest and punched it, "I do," she looked up, "You really think I can make it"?

"No cringe!" Watson blurted in an obnoxious tone, "I just spent a year and a half of my life helping you for my own health"!

"Ooh-ooooh," Vanessa giggled, "I am honored to be your damsel".

Watson, and the wolf, faced away, "There's a dragon coming"!

The dragon flew over the buildings and aimed toward them. The wolf ran at it, only to be incinerated by one of the dragon's fireballs.

Vanessa sarcastically gasped, "So sad".

"Dumb dog," Watson exhaled.

Vanessa looked up at Watson, "What should we do"?

He joined his hand with hers and waved it across her face, "With our powers, watch".

Vanessa was excited to see this. She channeled her power with Watson's in the next reality to create a black hole in their position. She looked at the dragon, flying down into them. Watson rose his free hand to send the dragon into the next reality before it could bite them and gifted Vanessa the sight to see the action.

The dragon was splitting apart just a foot in front of them and falling on the other end of the black hole. It was a minute of bliss that fascinated her to dramatically fall back with the back of her palm resting on her forehead.

Watson caught and held her to his chest, "Just that excited, aren't you Cringe"?

She whispered, "I love the gross stuff," she began talking fast with a smile, "I also felt a little lightheaded with all the blood shooting through me and seeing its guts. It was disgusting," she shrugged, I'll get used to it again".

Watson walked off, staring at her, "I hope you have fun when you leave".

At the train station, Vanessa was let down to her feet, "You know, I realized you are a lot gentler with me now".

"Something I've realized," Watson smirked, "You actually enjoy seeing me".

She squinted at him, "I always enjoy seeing you... You're cute and nice".

Watson shook his head, "Buy your ticket liar".

"I am not lying," Vanessa looked at the ticket booth, "I am... about to buy one ticket for 100 points".

"That's cheap," Watson looked at the train, "I could've just bought it for you".

"Mmm-me too..." Vanessa made her purchase and smiled at him.

Watson broke the moment of silence between them, "Thanks, for not letting everything I did go in vain. I think you're the first person who ever appreciated my sacrifice".

"You are," Vanessa stared into his widened eyes, "A very great person... A-and you deserve so much".

He smirked, "Just, join Leira's squad with those people I showed you and you will be off to see the world with the best friends you could find and do all the things you love".

"Don't worry, Mr. Watson," Vanessa smiled, wrapping her pinky around his, "I promise I will come back and save you".

Watson chuckled, raising their pinkies to their eye level, and pulled her close, "You can't even make those promises".

"I make all promises," Vanessa wrapped her arms around his neck.

With a light tune playing on the intercom, Watson tightly hugged her, "That doesn't even make sense," he buried his face on her shoulders as she did his, "Oh, and Vanessa, please don't cry".

(Talk to me softly.

There's something in your eyes

Don't hang your head in sorrow

And please don't cry

I know how you feel inside I've

I've been there before

Somethin's changin' inside you

And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight

I still love you, baby

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you, baby

And don't you cry tonight)

Vanessa heard Watson sing that last line and smelled beach water. She rose her head to what appeared to be the shore of a beach in the middle of the night for a brief second before seeing her surroundings return to the train station scenery.

(Give me a whisper

And give me a sigh

Give me a kiss before you

Tell me goodbye

Don't you take it so hard now)

The scenery changed back to the beach where Watson sang, "And please don't take it so bad".

Just when tears fell from Vanessa's eyes, the scenery returned to the train station. However, she didn't notice that Watson's body was cracking and chunks were falling to the ground.

(I'll still be thinkin' of you

And the times we had, baby

And don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you, baby

And don't you cry tonight)

Vanessa felt Watson's back fall apart and bawled into his collar bone. His voice with that beach scent sang, "And please remember, that I never lied".The scenery went back to the train station.

(Oh and please remember

How I felt inside now, honey

You gotta make it your own way

But you'll be alright now, sugar

You'll feel better tomorrow

Come the morning light now, baby)

Watson's body completely fell through Vanessa's arms, leaving her standing alone in front of the train. The music was still going, but Vanessa wasn't paying attention to its lyrics. Two notifications appeared. One regarded a dress being gifted to her by Watson and the other a video. It took a while for Vanessa to muster the strength to take the train to the main exit from the game.

She took a deep breath and gripped the door's handle, "Okay Watson, Mr. Jester-Man, I will win this... For both of us," and exited the game.