Chapter 13


I was able to open my eyes slightly…

"D-donghyun-ah… Bona…" I'm so glad to see them…

Then I closed my eyes again…



I opened my eyes…


"Are you okay?"

"Where's Brix?" I looked for him immediately… But he wasn't around… now I feel terrible…


"Donghyun… where's the lung transplant patient?"

"I told her family that you'd be here in an hour they waited but you still didn't arrive so they transferred her on a different hospital, she passed away during the transfer… but sunbae it surely wasn't your fault you had an accident so… It's a situation we couldn't help"

"If only my tire didn't burst… And if only…" I cried knowing that a patient died because I wasn't able to save her…

"Sunbae it wasn't your fault…"

"Have you seen Brix?" I tried to calm down and asked Donghyun…

"I haven't seen him yet…"

��Does he know?"

"Yes we called him earlier since he's your only guardian… well he said he'd come here…"

"Xia… are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm fine Josh! please go back to your mom's room…" how dare he come here after what he did last night!

"Xia…" the door opened

"Brix" my heart was so relieved after seeing him

"Can you give us a moment?" Brix said and the two left the room

"Oppa… it's a relief you're here… I was so scar--"

"Xia… I have something to tell you…"

"What is it Jagi?" I held his hand

"Xia…" he removed my hand from his…

"Ahhhh… what's wrong?"

"Are we fine?" i asked, wondering why he's acting like this

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Xia let's break up…" did I heard it right?!?!?

I let out an absurd laugh

"You're joking…" I said, but I feel that he was serious about this…

"If it's because of what happened last night… I could have fought with him but I was too weak because of the flu, I -----"

"It's not that… There's something else…"

"Then what?!?!"

"Is it because you think I'm being swayed by his mother to come back to him? Oppa… don't worry, I won't leave you…"

"No… that's not it either…"

"Then what?!? Tell me so I'd know!!!!" even with my aching head I tried to understand the situation…

"I just need to stay away from you…"

"What?!? I don't understand why??!! Your fans don't have a problem with us dating, so why?!!!?" I held his hand again…

"Xia let's end it here…" and for the second time he removed my hand from holding his hands then suddenly he left the room…

"Brix---" I stood up but fell on the ground I couldn't stand because I had a fractured ankle…

I stared at the door hoping he'd come back while sitting on the floor, a minute passed, a few more minutes passed, until an hour passed, he hasn't come back… And I realized that he has really left me with no reason, a tear rolled down my cheeks, followed by another and another… It was really painful, he left me so suddenly at a time I needed his comfort… I wanted to tell him how scared I was, I wanted to tell him how terrifying it was to experience that kind of accident, this was my second car accident and it's even more scarier, and I wanted to tell him that I wasn't able to save my patient because I was late. I wanted to be comforted in his arms and by his words but he just left without even asking me if I was fine… he's the only one I can rely since my family is in the Philippines… I have no one, I feel lost… was the happiness he brought to my life was only a passing time? If that was the case the heavens shouldn't have let me meet him. I couldn't explain how much pain I'm feeling, but I'm sure the hole in my heart is even more painful than these injuries…

"Doc… why were you on the ground??"

"B-Bona…" I suddenly hugged her and cried

"Does your head or ankle hurt??"

"Brix broke up with me…"

"Eonni… Don't cry… It'll be alright…"

Days passed and I was given 2 weeks break from work so I could heal my ankle…

I stayed at my house the whole 2 weeks, I was able to remove my cast too but my ankle still hurts from time to time but what's worst is that my heart aches every second every day, I feel empty and lost… I couldn't let go of Brix especially that I see Snow every day, he didn't care for Snow at all and he completely became my cat and not his. He hasn't been coming to his unit too... How would I move on? When everywhere I look at my house, he's all I remember. We had a lot of moments we shared here, he cooks for me every morning, and he used to lie on my couch with his head resting on my lap. Everything, I remember…

I'll be reporting to the hospital after resting for 2 weeks. I'll get myself busy again so I could turn my attention on different things… for me to move on…

"Welcome back Team leader!!" they all shouted as soon as I entered our department office

"Thank you…" I smiled at them… and asked for the medical records of new patients.

"I'll be at my office, call me when you need me" I said…

I studied the conditions of the new patients there are minor and major operations lined up this week, it'll be a busy week for me but I'm glad…

I stayed at the hospital all the time, I only go home to feed and groom Snow…

"Sunbae!! The team's going for breakfast at the café across the hospital would you like to come??" Donghyun said

It's the café where Brix and I eat our breakfast almost every day…

"Oh?? Ahhh… No, I'm fine… you guys just go I'll just stay here at the garden I need some fresh air…"

"Sunbae… You have been skipping breakfast for the whole week already…"

"Did I??" and feigned a fake smile

"Every time we ask you for breakfast you never come with us…"

"Donghyun… I don't eat breakfasts… I don't have an appetite that's why…"


"You looked like you have a problem…"

"Nah… It's nothing…"

"Mmmm… Sunbae…"


"I grew fond of your relationship with Brix Hyung, I'm actually glad that he finally admitted his feelings for you, I wanted to say this for a while but I didn't had a chance… when you both were still just friends I could sense from you that you had feelings for each other but you're just afraid to admit it…"

"Donghyun why are you saying this?"

"Because I want to tell you, that I supported your relationship and that I want you guys to be strong, I know what you've been going through sunbae, it's obvious… Brix hyung must've had a reason…"

"For whatever reason he has, I'd be glad to hear it but… he doesn't call or text, he's just… he went completely out of the picture…"

"If he truly loves you, he'll come back…"

We became silent, and he left after a moment…

For the past weeks it's true that I haven't been eating breakfast, not because I don't want to eat… It's because I can't… when I try to eat I vomit the food that I ingested…I think I was depressed about what happened between Brix and I and the fact that a patient died because I was late, If only I came at the right time that patient have already recovered her health because I'm a hundred percent sure I could save her…

"What?!" I opened the door and she was indeed outside

"Eonni, go and get dressed!!"

"Fine! Fine…"

We went out to shop at Cheongdam, entered stores, tried clothes, and bought them…

"Eonni… aren't you hungry?"

"I'm quite hungry I wanted to eat a pasta dish…"

"Same here! Let's look for a pasta restaurant…"

"That's a good idea…"

We walked around the street to look for a pasta restaurant and there was one at the corner, we entered the shop and ordered.

"Eonni! It's a good thing we went out for shopping today…"

"I agree…"

"But don't you think you bought monochromatic-colored clothes too much?"

"I like black that's why…"

"Eonni can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead…"

"For the past weeks, I saw you staying at the observatory room of the operating room for hours and staring blankly and every time I passed by your office at dawn, your blinds were always open right? I saw you staring at your monitor and doing nothing, when everyone's sleeping you were so awake but your mind seems asleep, the last time I looked for you in your office you weren't there and I found you at the rooftop sleeping in the cold, you always looked so restless, and your weight loss is alarming, Eonni, tell me, what's exactly happening to you??"

"I'm fine Bona, maybe I'm just stressed with work…"

"I don't think so Eonni…"

"I'm real---"

"Let me cut this for you…" wait I hear a familiar voice somewhere…

"Eonni are you okay?"

"Wait I hear Brix's voice"

"Really??" She tried looking around while I absorb the things I heard.

"Eonni… He's 3 tables next from us… but---"

I didn't let her finish, I hurriedly went to his table, I admit I feel excited to meet him, it was a month already and this is how excited I am to see him again, never saw him come home… But wait…


They both looked at me… I was shocked and I feel so betrayed when I saw whom he was with looking so sweet…


"After she threw you out?!? You're dating again?!?!? You left me to be with her!!??!!"


"You!! After leaving him miserably how dare you come to him so shameless!?!?" I pointed out on Brix's Ex girlfirend

"B*tch how dare you take my boyfriend away!!!??" I couldn't control myself and slapped her…

"Xia!!! Let's talk…" he grabbed my wrist and he dragged me somewhere


We went inside a building and went to the rooftop.

"Let go!!!" I was about to leave

"Wait!!" he grabbed my wrist and I stared at him, my eyes, they're welling up with tears with just the sight and thought of him.

"You look unwell, you looked so thin, have you been eating well? Are you fine?"

"You're really asking me that now?!? Let go…"

"Listen Xia…"

"Wait... I think you should listen to me first!!!"

"Brix, I want to ask you this, the day when I had a flu and the day of my accident, are you with her?"

He was silent for a moment and spoke.


"You refused to fetch me YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! And let me ride a taxi at night, on a highway, in which only a few cars were passing and the taxi driver happens to be a drunkard, I called you for help but you didn't pick up the phone, If only you were able to fetch me… I actually wouldn't mind if that taxi flipped in the air and took my life but what I couldn't forget was that I lost a patient because I wasn't able to make it, what's the point of having too much skills as a surgeon when you couldn't save a patient thinking her operation was too easy for me to handle, I could have saved her life if I just came earlier, I lost a patient because you refused to help me because you were with that b*tch!!! I completely get it now… I was just a rebound, I shouldn't have trusted you when you said you'd date me and now that she's back you're just going to throw me away!?!?! Well anyway that makes a point, since I was once your fan and I was stupid and she was the one you really loved… That makes sense… I trusted you for nothing… it was all a lie…"

"Xia… I'm sorry…"

"Sorry? I don't want to hear that, let's end it now…"

I turned around but he grabbed my arm

"You've lost me both as a friend, a fan, and a lover… let me go…"

After saying those words, I left and went home…

"Snow…" he welcomed me home, with the site of him I cried…

"Snow… He's no longer coming back… we should stop waiting…"

Without rests I decided to work at the hospital more furiously, I took operations after operations, I don't feel like sleeping at all because when I close my eyes, I'll just see his face, so it's better to work…



"Sunbae… you should take a rest you've been working non-stop"

"I'm fine… don't worry"

"You're worrying us sunbae" Donghyun said out of nowhere…

"There's nothing to worry about me though… you know, you guys think so much… umm… let's go for a team dinner tomorrow my treat… Tell the others…"

After talking to them I went to the rooftop and looked at the night view of the city… it sounds peaceful up here… I lied down on the ground and looked at the skies without thinking of anything…

Sunbae Mrs. Rodriguez's results are out…>

I studied the results…

I went down to our office…

"Guys I'm sorry to tell you we won't have the team dinner tomorrow instead let's do Mrs. Rodriquez's operation tomorrow in the evening."

"Interns take shifts on monitoring her vitals until the operation…"

I discussed how the operation will work tomorrow and after that, I called Joshua on my office to let him know that the operation will happen tomorrow…

"Mr. Rodriguez your mom's operation will be tomorrow at exactly 4 pm I'm expecting it to end around 8 or 9 pm, before the operation you shouldn't give her anything but the hospital's ration…"


"Well, that's all I want to say… you can leave…"

"Xia, I'm really sorry about what happened last time… I really mean it… I shouldn't have done that…"

"Let's just forget about that…"

"Thank you…"


Finally, the operation has been prepared…

"Xia please take care of my mom…"

"Don't worry… you can watch the operation at the observatory… It's that way…" I pointed him the direction…

"Okay… Thank you"

I nodded in response…

I started the operation and for 4 hours it went smoothly, I removed all the cancer tissues and finished the operation.

I went out to the waiting area in the alley to look for Josh since he wasn't at the observatory anymore…

"Mr. Rodriguez…"


"The operation went well, we will move her to the ICU for close observation and fast recovery, if she does well, we can move her back to her room… You can see her after 2 hours… I'll get going…"

He pulled me back and hugged me…

"Thank you, Xia…"

"No problem"

"Ummm… can you let go of me now?"

"Oh! Sorry…"

"I'll go ahead…"


I went to our Department to tell them that I'll be going home tonight…

"Does anyone of you guys have an umbrella?" I asked because it's raining again outside.

"I'm sorry sunbae but we don't have…"


"I didn't bring mine today…"

"Well, it's fine… Goodnight guys!!" I waved at them

I avoided the rain by running and seeking protection from the store's canopy, but still I got wet…

"Awww!! It's too cold!!" I said as I was entering the password of my house…

"Xia!! Are you okay?!? You look so pale!! Why are you wet?!?" someone put a jacket on my shoulders…

I turned around to see who it was… Brix… I removed the jacket he put on my shoulders.

"I don't need that…"

I entered my unit and closed the door but he was able to stop me…

"Please I want to tell you something…"

"What kind of lies are you going to tell me now?! Brix I'm trying to live my life again so if you please… Can you let me be?! Don't be selfish you already had your Ex back!! What else would you want?!?"

Then I forcefully closed the door…

A tear rolled down my face…

I went to bed without realizing that I haven't change my wet clothes, every time I think of him, I get lost…

It's Saturday morning…

*cough *cough


I just noticed my clothes were the same, it's wet and I'm cold… my body stiffen because I was freezing to death, I can't move my body because it aches every time I try to move… I have a fever again…

I looked for my phone but it's nowhere to be found… I wanted to call anyone from my team to bring me to the hospital, but I think I left my phone at the office…

I tried to stand and walk out of my house, with my cold and wet clothes, with a spinning head. I waited for the elevator to come… But as soon as it opened…
