Unexpected Smile

it's time, Clair goes out suddenly with anger.

Alec said all the that go to there work, then Alec and Eve goes to his office , Anna followed them to the hotel and Anna asked Alec ; why did you do that in front of all the worker? don't you see that she goes in out sadly?

Alec said that I don't have to act in front of them , in between both of us nothing going ,she just my girlfriend in front the outsiders . otherwise she is my friend. so I don't have to give the first cake to her .

then he said the he has so many work to do so you go to home. Anna goes to home with Clair.

in home Clair said the incident in the company to Alec's mom. Anna didn't say anything,she hearing that two of them talking.

when Alec's father come to home Alec's mom said that the incident in the company.then she asked Alec to come home and she wants to talk to him. Alec said that he will come after office.

evening Alec and Eve come to home together.

Alec take him to his family for indroduce them to him.when Anna seen Eve she was very happy to see him . Clair didn't like that Alec take Eve to his home .

then Alec's father come to Eve and he talk to him ,Eve give answers to some of the questions he don't talk over to others. then his mom talk to him Alec's family liked him .but Alec's mom asked Alec about the incident in the company ,Alec said that she is not my real girlfriend ,she is jus....just my fake girlfriend you all konw that .then why did you asking me to do that.

Alec's Mom : why don't you take her as your real girlfriend ?,you both of them know each other very well ?

Alec : I don't see her as my girlfriend, future I don't think I love her so please.

Alec's Mom didn't say anything , when Clair hear that she was standing like as if beaten.

Alec father didn't say anything ,he like Eve very much.he was happy with the decision that makes his son .

Then Alec said they are going he called Eve they goes to somewhere that can calm Alec's mind .Alec and Eve goes to the beach and they sat at the side of the sea.they together looked into the Sea.

Eve was looking at Alec's face and he holding Alec's hand .then Eve asked Alec , what happened between you and Clair?

Alec said that she Is just our family friend,to avoid gossips about me our family decided to expose that we are couples.but to me she is just my friend. I don't know why my mom is pushing me to marry her.

when it hear from Alec Eve's heart was very happy and he smiled .but he don't know why he was very happy and smiled.

Eve said Alec's that you can tell me anything when you sad or happy I am here for you to hear you Everytime.

Alec said Eve that it's late come we can go for dinner ,they goes to a hotel and he ordered the foods that are favorite to eve.then both of them goes to apartment.

Next morning, Alec was ready to go office Eve was sitting at the dinning room table. Alec asked Eve that are you coming with me to the office ,Eve didn't say anything he just sat silently. Alec said Eve to go and ready for office ,Eve go to room and come after some time .he. so ready to go office.

in the office Alec and Eve come together in all of them are looking at both of them Alec was holding Eve's hand.then they go to office.

in office he didn't enter his friends to the office they all come and waiting at the geust room.but it's first time Alec was entering his friend in the office and all the time with him in the office.

today unfortunately his friends all come to the office and all are waiting at the guest room, Alec manager come to Alec said they all waiting there.alec said that he is coming.

Clair who was the one asked his friends to go at the office, and she asked them to invite him to the party at evening.

Alec come the geust room,then they said that they come to invite him to the party .Alec said said that he don't going to the party.his friends said that you have to come they forced him to come.one of his friend asked him about Eve..

Alec said that he is with me,they said then call him to here we want to see him.

Alec goes to his office room and come out with Eve .when his friends seen Eve they all are amazed and surprised.they are seeing someone like it's first time .

some of them are feeling jeolus towards Eve. Alec's half of the friends are only keeping the friendship for money.

they invited Eve to come the party. Eve said to them .

At party , Alec said his friends that Eve don't talk too much so no Force him to talk. when Eve come to party he was like what Alec said to his friends it's opposite.

then some of his friends are forcing Eve to drink but he don't like to drink. Alec understand that Eve was feeling uncomfortable around them .Alec was very anger feel towards them .he goes to Eve and said that come and let's go home . Alec said his friends that I said to all of you don't Force him to do anything.then why are you forcing him to drink.

Alec's friends said why don't he drink at least one sip .they are all are laughing at him . Alec don't like that they are laughing at eve .

Alec raced towards his friends. his friends are very anger towards.

Alec said to Eve come let's go.

Eve said that no problem you have to enjoy the party.alec don't want to know anything,he wants to go .Alec said then ok.

they come out from the there ,it's time his friend come to hit Alec suddenly Eve knocked over his friend. hut his friend feel far away. Eve just knocked over but his strength was high that's why he fell away . Alec's friends are frightened by seeing that.alec was amazed by seeing Eve' s strength. he said Eve that come let's go both of them holding their hands and running to the parking .....