Missing Soo Much Him Like Hell

Alec was crying like hell.just he can't accept Eve has in coma. Anna was sometimes looked Alec ,she seen Alec was crying like hell.she was stunned by seeing that.

Alec can't hold his cry he come out and yelling at himself. I am the one get him here from there,i don't have to ,if something happens to he have no life .he can't live here and there either. what will I do for him.? if something happens I can't get him his life .what will I do for him.

Alec hold his emotions and the fear that something will happen Eve. Anna was heard all she come front of Alec and asked him that ,

Anna : bro ,why are talking like this ?.Eve was just in coma he recovered from critical condition.

Alec : suddenly said you don't know anything.

if something happens to him i can't get that back to him .

Anna : what are talking about?bro tell me the truth who is Eve in real.?

Alec : you don't have know that.tye only thing I can't leave him alone.

Anna : why ,he was just an human .

Alec : he don't think that Anna was talking to him he says no and said that if he can't go back to water ,what will I do ?

Anna : what water ? tell me the truth who is he ? what's you relationship between him ?

Alec : with a false face he said I don't said water , he was an human .

Anna : then ok , what's your relationship between him ?

Alec : something special , that's all .

Anna : I imagine that ,the way you treat him .

Alec : what ?

Anna : you are very good to him ,than anyone else in world.

Alec : I don't want to talk about this .

Anna : then ok ,I can understand the meaning of all action that one person acting on another.

Alec looked away and goes to the room.

Anna smiled and goes back to her seat.

in the evening the doctor said them to change the closer of Eve and wipe his body Alec was feel better in his heart and mind . Alec suddenly called his manager and asked him to but and take the cloths from the apartment.

Anna said she will go buy them for him. Alec restricted to go buy things for Eve.

Alec asked Alec to eat something , Alec was in a better so he had some bite of food .and waiting for manager.

Anna said Alec that mom and dad will in night to see Eve and you. Alec didn't mind anything that Anna said to him. she was curious to see Eve again. after some Alec's manager called him asked him where is the room. Alec said him that he will come down and get stuff.

Alec said Anna to look after Eve and he goes down . Anna was talking to the unconscious Eve about Alec .

how did you changed my brother within a short period of time.? why he was so possessed about you ? we all have with him for a long time we don't even know that Alec will wear something like chain .how you know so much about him.what are you to him ?

who is he to you ?

I am kind of joelus of both of you .then Clair was the one have so possessive towards you ,then she just smiled at him. Alec was very to change your clothes. I don't understand why he was like this ?

Alec come to the room and said Anna to leave he was going to change him. Anna asked Alec that do you know how to do wiping.?

Alec : yes I know.

you don't even know back then .

Alec : it's all in the past ,I know everything now.

Anna didn't distracted she goes out .

Alec goes to bathroom and bring some hot water and towels.then he undressed Eve and he wiping him ,he was wiped like an wiping in feather. when the hot water towel pressed in his body ,he his body become red .

Alec slowly wiped off his body and dressed him ,he put the dress that Alec first given to him.and he massage Eve's shoulder,hands and legs .then he combed his hair backwards.then he spread out the sheet on Eve body and arrange all that in perfectly.

Alec's family was seeing all that Alec's was doing .they all was stunned by seeing that Alec was doing all that.they all speechless.

Alec was taking care Eve like an child or his wife.they all looked each other .

Alec come out and greet mom and dad they are like what Happened to him.?

Anna said them that it's because the doctor said him that Eve was recovered from the critical condition.he was from back then. sometime before he can't hold his happiness,he didn't even hear I said him you will come.

Alec said them.thay I am going to look after Eve .if you are going don't call me .

Alec's parents was like he was acting like he didn't even know them .he didn't mind them goes to Eve and sat beside him and massaging his hands .

Alec's mom said them that I can't stand here anymore I am going she was very anger that Alec was don't even minding them. they all go to home.

Alec was talking to Eve and saying about te first time they seeing and after that their happy movements .and he was saying a thousands of sorry to him and kissed his hands and he moved Eve's hair to aside from his forehead. Alec was holding Eve's hand with his two hands and saying him ,

"come back quickly , come back , come please ,from now on I will never leave you alone I promise " .

it's time Eve's internal system was reacting to it ,his all vital value become normal Alec suddenly looked at them called the nurse and doctor .they come to the room and checked him said that he was normal , it's enough to he wake up. Alec was very happy to hear that.he said them to thanks.

then they goes to there work ,Alec was continuously talking to Eve all the night along . Eve was improving his state. he wants his to come back as soon as possible.he wants to ask him for forgiveness.

he was missing him so much ,it was the first time he was missing someone.he just wants to talk to him.