Spoiled Anniversary

Alec withdraw his arms. Anna asked them to eat the fruits . Alec asked don't you gone to home .

Anna : oh ,if gone to home you will kill me no matter. you were say I leave your Eve alone in here . then why are you asking me why don't I gone to home?

Alec and Eve laughed , Alec said oh you know me very well.

Eve : she afraid of you ,if she leaves me alone you will kill her .

Alec smiled

Anna said she was going to home I have no role in here anymore. Anna goes out .

Alec taken the fruits and give to Eve .Eve refuse to eat them ,but Alec eaten him by his hand. it's time he can't refuse to eat it .he eat all.

in the office manager Leonel was rashly finishing his work and he wants to go home .his wife was waiting for him . today was his and his wife's wedding anniversary.she was waiting at the home she prepared dinner for them.

yesterday he said that he will come early tomorrow.but suddenly the problem come .he can't refuse to do that .he was the most trusted person for Alec .

Leonel's wife rose calling him continuously but he can't attend it.he was thinking that when he reach home he doomed.she will kill him because it's their first anniversary.

then quickly he finished his work Head to home.

he reached home and when enter the inside but there was no light in there . it's full fill with darkness.he called his wife rose ,' rose ,rose '.

but there is no response.he walked forward in the dinning table was settled down with cake ,food ,wine and candles.

he put his bag in the table and goes to their room .he knocked the room there is no response.he opened the door and entered.in the rose was fully covered her with bed sheet.she was murmuring something inside the sheet.

he come closer to her and he called her ' rose'

she didn't say anything,she just laying like she fall asleep. Leonel removed the sheet from her face and asked her forgiveness,and asked her to come to dinning room.

she refused to go ,he carried her to the dinning room. he sat her on the chair ,he lights the candles . he bought an gift for her .he given that to her ,it's time her face was shining when she saw the box.she suddenly asked him what's this ?

Leonel : it's a gift for my love .

rose : oh so sweet .

Leonel : do you forgive me .?

rose : mhh yes (she come to him hugged )

rose opened the box it's an necklace of diamond.she was amazed by seeing that.

she can't say anything out ,he eye was shining like the diamond.

they both at on chair and they had one glass of wine and food . they danced together. she didn't expect anything like this from him she just expect spend some time together.but give more to her .

when they dancing rose suddenly kissed him.

then they kissed for a long time .

in Alec's home ,his mother and Clair was planning to talk to Eve ,when he discharge from the hospital.

Alec's Mom asked father to take them to the apartment when he discharge. father thought they are going talk about the business,Alec only hear what Eve say ,they were going to ask Eve to talk about Alec . about the company.

but exactly they are going to ask Eve to leave there.

in the hospital Eve was improved his status.the doctor said them to you can discharge in the tommorow morning.

Alec was very happy to hear that.he thank all who look after Eve very well.eve was happy either because he was very sick of the hospital atmosphere.

Anna known about they are going to talk to Eve to leave.

Clair call her and saying that . quickly Anna was trying to call Alec to inform this but his phone number can't reach.

next morning ,Alec arranged all stuff.and ready to go apartment.he wants to send Eve to the room and then he wants to go company for a matter.

so he rashing to home , they get out of the hospital and Eve was finally feeling better,he was happy to breathe the out air.

they goes to apartment ,

in there Alec arrange all things that for Eve .then he goes to work.its time in home they all konwing that Eve was discharged from the hospital.

Alec's Mom asked father to take her to the apartment and she called Clair asked her to come in Alec's apartment.

father taken her to apartment .in apartment Eve was alone it's time in Alec's home Anna was calling Alec to say this .Alec attend the phone Anna said they all gone to your apartment for talk to Eve about you.

Alec can't do anything he was going crazy about this . he can't even concentrate on his job because of his family.he suddenly pushes his work to a side he gone to apartment.

Alec's Mom and father reached the apartment, Clair was standing in the front if the apartment. Alec's Mom goes to clair they quickly go to the apartment.

Alec's father was didn't ask anything he just walked together with them.

they knocked the room ,it take some to Eve to come open the doors.he opened the door he was surprised by seeing them Alec's father smiled when he seen him.

Eve greeted all and asked them to come inside.they all come and sat on the sofa and chair .

Eve was going to take drink for them, Alec's mom said no thanks .

I have to talk about something to you .

Eve : yes , what's the matter ?

Alec's Mom : you are the reason why Alec is like this ?he is not even concentrating on his work every time he was thinking about you first ? yesterday the company was in edge to destruction. it's all because of you

Eve was looking like pathetic. Alec's father startled by hearing that he understood that why they come to see Eve ?

Alec's mom asked Eve to leave Alec alone and go to your place .he said you destroying Alec's career .he was not like this before he meet you . you changed his like a another person.

I don't have to know what's your relation with Alec .I have to say is you have to leave Alec .

Alec father suddenly raised his voice and said them to stop ,it's the extreme.i can't stand anymore.he said them that it's Alec's life he is the to chose what he wants .so you don't have to worry about all ok. he shout the door and goes out of the apartment.

Alec mom and Clair frightened when he shout at them .it's the first time he was shouting at them .Alec's mom followed him Clair goes out mom gone .

Eve can't stand anymore there was weak to stand there anymore.he can't see the failure of Alec .he making the plan to go back to Bali.

Alec drive to apartment and he reached there .