the system

Jay another day inside of a new world aren't I supposed to have a system or something system yes you do have a system it's just that you haven't called out for me if you were to say system or anyting towards me then you would know that you have a whole system now if you were to ask for my help I could have gotten you through that test because I know literally all the answers to this entire world but instead you got to be on the test and your parents expect you to be a very very very smart but since you are a very very very strong so since you are strong or expected to be smart now I will breathe you across everything that actually matters in this world there are no laws because nobody here kills but the people that are infected by the demon race they put Dark Energy inside of them and by doing that they end up making them corrupt and they end up killing everybody inside their family and everybody that they know now you can release your aura to people that are mean people unlike inside of your world they don't put everything that happens outside on the news only everything that actually matters so that means nobody's going to know how powerful you are so you're going to have to tell them how powerful you are now to release your Ki chakra or basically whatever you like to call it you were going to have to become one with yourself no I know what you are saying to yourself mostly because I can read your mind how do I do that but lucky for you you can cultivate cultivation is basically meditation but inside this world meditating once it's not like inside of your world people can unlock Powers what takes the most of their life because they slowly game Tapper and the day goes slower and slower and slower So eventually half then quit for a while and then go back at it which makes them ruin their cultivation base that's why I only few can survive devastating things and only do you have super strength for Speed and or balance time breezes by inside of this world looking meditating that's why you should probably stop at 2 minutes cuz 2 minutes is out of this world meditating it's actually 2 hours the gods inside of this one with generous they made time pass even faster for people that meditate with out of this world than people on earth essentially meaning dirt not to be anticlimactic but this planet is not called Earth actually something that can devastate Earth this plan is called plasma mostly because people of this planet half of the earth is made out of fire dirt and water but the fire on this planet is way more ferocious that means fire on this Earth can get so hot if it burns long enough that I can eventually turn into plasma eventually it would hit water it's not possible for it to melt through the Earth or something none of that none of the Gods know that that's way too dangerous for them to survive with people of this planet conserved plasma for so long that the Gods basically made it community service so basically from them doing extra community service they got to actually use magic but people on earth they don't like doing anything since they were giving free will they feel like they can do anything against the gods that they commit sins and go against the gods themselves now that's the reason in a couple of billion years this one's going to get so hot that's going to melt the Earth they gave them a chance to basically do right but they know that and they still do wrong that is why the sun is eventually is getting hotter in hotter and hotter until they learn how to not commit Sins not commit murders then they will be saved and the sun will eventually cool down stopping the sun getting hotter Jay so is there anything else that I can do except for just building up my aura system that's what I was getting too but instead you want to interrupt now the aura it makes you stronger faster more durable you can bend the elements like fire earth water air lightning and where lightning basically comes from plasma so plasma is a thing that only people with very very very strong auras can wield mostly because people with weak or is it trying to use plasma usually ends in them burning off their hand or whatever they're using to bend them that includes heat vision yes nobody else on this entire planet can do that but you do you know why since you are so durable your eyes contain the Heat basically the heat constantly builds up inside of your eyes and no it won't occur until you melt out your eyes that means you can store heat within your eyes so that means if somebody was to I don't know slash your eyes open it would become so hot that it would burn there weapon and burned them basically all of your blood is as hot as plasma but you can cool it down what's cultivation as long as you're calm your blood will stay normal now that doesn't mean when you use it your body's going to glow red or orange no that's not possible all that means is once it's opened as a wound it eventually become so hot from the stress that's going on to your body that it shoots out of your body so fast that hit the person and it won't even have the time to hit the post as a matter of fact cuz it would melt straight through them Jay so basically what you're saying is I'm a God to all of them system no you're not a God but you are one of the strongest humans two them they don't disrespect the Gods like that you're nowhere near the level of God no offense Jay non taking I guess so basically what you're saying is they don't disrespect the Gods in any type of way possible okay that seems a little bit crazy how they couldn't even upset the Gods anyway I have to go off to school (1 hours later) Demon King so once you walk into that building I expect you to make a club of devil worshippers Jay okay I guess so that sings a little bit demonic but I guess I'm a demon so I guess it's okay now Hall Monitor oh hey Jay Jay hey Kylie Kylie so I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me later maybe Jay um okay so where are you trying to meet Kylie maybe Lorenzo's Jay okay well looks like I got to go Kylie okay bye Jay well looks like I have no friends at school and looks like Kylie likes me so yeah looks like I'm going out to become a dad pretty soon if things go a little bit too well on this date do they have condoms on this planets system no they really expect if you guys have intercourse than you have to have a baby the gods are stricter on this planet than they were on Earth Jay so that basically means that to feel good on this planet I have to also become a dad system yes Jay okay (walks into classroom) hi my name is Kaylee do you want to have friends I don't have any Jay okay what are you into Kaylee well the things that I am into people's hair sins but you spoke out to the teacher the other day and said some pretty truthful things just because we made them out to be the bad guy because they are more powerful than us it's not right so I think that we should save the demons or at least make a truce with him Jay okay teacher okay okay everybody settle down today we are going to have a power assessment test to see how powerful you guys auras are the first one up J A I would like to see how you would do since you were talking a lot yesterday Jay yeah yeah yeah you don't have to be disrespectful to me just because you hate your life class gasp teacher okay then let's see how powerful you are teacher teacher what don't tell me you don't know how to use your power or to even activate your aura Jay well you were stupid enough to not tell us what to use so we don't know what power to use teacher use your most powerful power okay if you say so (screams) plasma ring (nothing left of the training area) well I think that's enough for my power just did not destroy their school building Kaylee smirks (in head) I know that you're a demon and somehow in some way I will get your power


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