
"Hey there, honey. You're doing really well I must say. Especially your bravery and determination to get through this. And damn... you got the jackpot with such a sweet and caring man by your side the whole time sweetheart." The nurse said with a glint in her eye.

"Wait... he stayed? The whole time?" I asked, worried for his being. My heart swelled withe caring attitude Tom showed me. She simply nods with the same smile plastered on her face. I looked out of the huge window to see Tom by the counter on his phone, swiping through something.

He looked up at me at the same time and smiled with a hint of pure love. I turned back to the nurse but noticed the police enter into the room. My eyes flashed towards Tom who looked worried to the reason why the police entered. Of corse - it must be to put the nasty dude in custody.

"Hello ma'am. We are here concerning your past and what happened the other day." The buff looking police said with his hat in hand. The nurse looked at me as if to tell me that she couldn't tell them to fuck off. I tried so hard to let go of the past but it keeps turning up on my doorstep. It's not fair.

"I.. I don't understand what you want..." I said whilst turning to look at Tom who ran into the room and stood at my bedside as if to guard me.

"He escaped. We need to tell you that you need to be careful from here onwards." He replied stating it bluntly. Tom looked at me in confusion.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't stay here in this room whilst we are discussing private matters" the police officer told Tom. Just as he was about to walk away in defeat, I tell the officers that he is important to me and that he can stay. Tom just gives me look with with pure concern and stood by my bedside.

"I'm sorry officer. I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure he won't harm me." I lied. I know that my life is in danger and I don't know what I could do to stop him. Telling the police certainly won't help. I know from experience they make it worse. Sometimes they don't understand.

"You are a young and clever lady. Don't lie to us. We know your life is in danger and we have hard evidence of the email he sent you yesterday. I don't think you understand the danger you are in. It's life or death."

There was a long silence where I simply didn't know what to say. Tom spoke up. Of course, he didn't know the deep shit I was in.

"Y/n, what is happening? What do they mean your life is in danger?"

"Well, the email I had received was when you walked into the trailer yesterday and almost caught me in a panic attack. But you managed to stop it by surprising me."

"So... spill? Who and why is/ are they emailing you?"

"It's my father. He's my biological father but never behaved like one. He used me as his own sex slave and sold me off when he couldn't pay up for his gambling. He's done everything to me."

The nurse stepped into the conversation. "According to your medical history, it seems that you have admitted to this hospital with bullets lodged very close to your heart. We managed to take it out just in time because it was moving a millimetre every minute to the heart. I remember you. I don't know if you remember me but we saved you from that painful slow death. You were so tiny and brave enough to crumble into my arms."

I recognised her.

"Of course I remember you. You took care of me like your own daughter. You were the one who managed to get the problems out of me and you went to the police for me because I was too scared to do anything about it. Thank you" I said deeply into her eyes.

I turned to Tom. "Even with the police taking me away and putting me with foster parents, I couldn't get away from him. He came back one day extremely drunk and told me he has changed and that he needed me. I was only 15 and at that point I believed him. I said goodbye to the foster family who I was with for a month and ran away with him. Apparently he escaped prison so he can dig hell into me. He continued selling me off and I couldn't bring myself to go to the police. I suspected that the police were in this too and they wanted to hurt me... and him. After all he is my father."

"No. He isn't a father if he did all of that to you. He certainly didn't sound like he cared for your wellbeing and only for his."

"Well I managed to run away till the foster mother caught me stealing some food. I was living on the street at 17. I still managed to work in school and all. It's a miracle I even got a job. My foster mum went back to the police and he got into jail and was serving out his sentence till he managed to get out to kill me."

"If I may," the police officer stepped in "the man who had attempted rape on you was apparently told to trap you by your father. Our detective just got him to confess. don't worry madam. We will get him back into jail and ensure your safety."

"Well... wow. I didn't know he would hire a rapist. I don't need security. I will be ok. Trust me"

"That makes my job easier I guess. It is your choice though. Just say the word and I'll get you a woman to be by your side"