Ron Sachiko

"I'm glad that you're finally here" - Mrs. Cruz said,the principal of the school,when they' entered her office .

"We are also Mrs. Cruz" Verlene replied.

"Hahaha ... You're really jokier Verlene dear" -Verlene raised an eyebrow,

'Wait do I look like I'm joking?'

"Okay I won't mess around anymore, Ron Sachiko son of Alexander Lee" -she paused and looked at them one by one.Verlene's Skipped a beat when she hear Ron's name.

"What's wrong with him?"Verlene ask,she try to act normal.

"We have confirmed that he is here hiding and still occasionally making trouble" Mrs. Cruz said on serious tone.

"So? What do you want to do to him?" - Geo, Verlene stare at him badly.

"I said I would keep quiet hehehe" Geo said act like he zip his lips.

"We do not know where he is here at our school, You know how good Ron Sachiko in making disguise But we can only be sure he is one of the transferee students in senior high, so when we separate you into Three Groups" -They supported her and went to the rooms assigned to them.

Did you know that they're still in Senior high school? Yes they're. still young.

Raine is only 17

Owen is 19

Yushie is 21

Geo is 18

Brylle is 19

Isha is 16

And Verlene is 18

Geo and Verlene was in the STEM department Isha, Raine and Brylle are in the GAS department And Yushie and Owen are in the ABM department.

"Good morning Ma'am we are the new transferees" -Geo greeted to the teacher when he opened the door, they entered the room and stayed in the Front to introduce themselves ,They are in disguise so Ron will not recognize them immediately but Verlene know every inch of him And now Verlene looking at him strangely and his starring back as if he didn't. Know Verlene.

"Please introduce yourselves" The teacher ask.

Verlene removed her gaze from Ron and smile infront of everyone.

"Hi Im Zoe, Nice to meet you all" She could feel Ron staring at her.

' Did he recognize me? '

Verlene heard the whispers of the students inside the classroom, especially the thrilled women looking at Geo.

Verlene turned to Geo who was smiling proudly and loved the attention the women were giving him.

Verlene just shook her head and immediately touched him because he forgot to introduce himself.

"I'm Ge-Err Wynn" Verlene was just slapped in the face, does he want Ron to catch him?

'I should have just brought Owen with me and not my stupid cousin.'Verlene said to herself

She just rolled her eyes at the same time sighing.

"You may take you sit, The vacant is just behind, Why did the academy even receive student at like this?" The Teacher said angrily.

Sorry dear teacher just work, They just need to do their job.

They started walking towards the vacant seat. Verlene can still feel Ron staring at her.

'Is he really scanning me?'

Verlene have to act normal. Shw sat in the empty seat next to Ron and Geo was on the other side she try focused her attention infront, because Ron was really staring at her.

"Miss? You looks familiar to me?" She was surprised when Ron suddenly spoke to her. She turned to him, so we looked at each other, Same cold eyes.

"Really?" Verlene simply replied to him, she immediately stopped staring at him because her heart couldn't help to see him.

Ron just stared at Verlene all the time. she once heard him say that


'I think I really saw you'

'You really saw me because you were the person who hurt me before'. Verlene said in her mind. She feel so much pain now in her heart, especially when he is next to her.

Too long time...

Verlene want this Mission to end. She can no longer see Ron or she might die.

'Next time I will not accept a mission involving Ron'.

Verlene can't focus on what the teacher is saying because of Ron's indelible stare at her.

But She don't have to listen to him. Because they are only temporarily here at their Academy.

All she have to think about now is how they can catch Ron. That no innocent person will be affected.

In the middle of the class, Ron suddenly stood up and walked out the door without telling the teacher.

no Manners really.

Before he left the door, he turned to Verlene and smiled. She was surprised by what he did.

What does that mean?

Did he recognize her already? She thought all the time about what he did. It was as if his smiles meant something to she.

'You always make me crazy Ron .. *sigh*'

After class She just sighed and immediately went to the Canteen to buy a drink. It may be a perfect place too, For their meeting later.

*At Canteen*

"Yushie? Update"

"We're not sure but they look like so many" -Yushie "Knowing Ron Sachiko, he is not competing in a fight without a companions" -Raine

It's 12 am but they're still here at the School In the middle of our conversation,Verlene can feel a familiar Presence

"Ron is here" ,Verlene said and they were all alert, they were many around them, How? How did they know? As they looked around suddenly someone threw a smoke bomb at them.

"* Cough * Cough * don't inhale the smoke, or else its lead you to sleep" -Verlene found out that it has a sleeping smoke when she inhale it and suddenly her head hurts But it was too late ,all of them was collapse one by one, and they could see nothing because of the thickness of the smoke ,Gradually Verlene's vision darkened but she still manage to reach Isha.

Even before Verlene lost her Consciousness, she saw the eyes she had not seen for a long time, the eyes of the person she loved for more than 3 years For a moment it stared into the man's eyes then lost consciousness. When the smoke disappeared, the man approached Verlene, pulled out her purple hair, looked at it coldly.

"I'm sorry if I don't keep my promise" -Ron Sachiko said, then went down to kiss Verlene on the forehead "Boss what are we going to do with them?" - Ron stared at Verlene again before facing his Man

"Call your Boss Bryce and let him pick up his trash" "All right Boss Ron" - said the traitor The traitor smiled and shook his head and then called Boss Bryce.